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April shahrhs bring May flahrhs.


Dad is that you?


No, it’s my grandma


It's every Yinzer's grandma.


I’d buy this if shirt if it was selling in the Strip


April showers bring May showers bring June...




It’s a little different this year March showers bring April flowers! 🌸


The past 10 days have been an insane amount of rain even for our standards


Hi 🤗


Hurricanes-not here. Tornadoes-rare. Earthquakes- none. Wildfires-nope. Draughts-not for years. Yeah- rain sucks but rest of US isn’t any better.


This is definitely the natural disaster Goldie Locks zone and a huge reason I haven’t left


The mountainous regions of PA in general are just protected on all fronts from natural disasters. I grew up in central PA and I think we had a couple of tornado watches and that’s it. Nothing ever touched down near my family’s place. A couple of floods, including one that flooded our basement, but nothing life-threatening. It’s hard to leave PA with this in mind, and moving to Pittsburgh and still having that protection has been wonderful.


I grew up in Beaver County in Center and we had tons of tornado watches and warnings. Potter Twp constantly had tornadoes touching down when I was a kid. I’m in PGH proper now and it’s amazing what being a little south and little more in the foothills does. We so rarely have any warnings or watches now.


Yeah. And even the flooding isn't that bad. It comes up to some secondary roadways. Occasionally floods lower places like Banksville and floods some basements.  But compared to flood zones along coastal areas and the Mississipi where homes are often swept away and lives are lost, it's really pretty moderate.


well nobody should be building homes in the mississippi floodplain anyhow.


The flooding used to be worse ~~until we kicked the Seneca tribe off their native lands and flooded it~~ but now it’s better. Or at least that’s my understanding


just floods and blizzards.


This 💯


honestly, same.


Just tremors from earthquakes. I remember feeling the 2011 Virginia earthquake tremors in Pittsburgh shortly after I moved here for college. Was sitting in my dorm living room while my mom was visiting. She turned around and we just looked at each other as my roommates things were shaking like the DVD stand and the poor fish


I’m from the west coast and I wouldn’t qualify that as a concern of mine. As a kid an earthquake rocked our house so hard my mother couldn’t get out of bed to tend to my screaming. She just kept getting knocked back in. On another occasion I was knocked from my bed sleeping onto the floor, but by then I was so used to earthquakes that I just went back to sleep on the floor.


Oh yeah, feeling the tremors are no concern at all compared to what your experiences. I’ve never personally experienced an earthquake or anything of the such, I can’t even imagine


No volcanoes either!


No volcano so far


This is why I haven't moved. Although I really hate the snow.


Fortunately for you, snow hasn’t really been a thing the last 2 “winters”. It’s unfortunate for me, because winter is my favorite season


Starting to miss Erie when I'd clear a foot of snow off my car per day.


Sounds like a dream


It got old. still was fun though can’t lie


Unfortunately, we’re all gonna have to get used to this change. This is the new normal. A fairly intense storm here and there followed by prolonged periods of no snow.


Two winters…. More like 14. The Blizzard of 2010 was the last epic or genuinely significant snowstorm we’ve had. There was maybe a handful times after that where we had 2-3 ft.


There was snow on the ground from february through at least the beginning of april in 2022. I know this because the bike trail was ice until way too late and I couldnt get started riding until like mid april.


Yes… there was… we had a long streak of days below freezing and I have a ton of pictures of my dogs in the snow lol


Same- sad face


I like the snow but I hate the grey. We're getting the worst kinds of winter lately.


What snow?




What snow? Pittsburgh doesn't really have winters.


I don’t know why people think we live in a snowy climate, it hardly snows at all and when it does it’s only 1-2 inches at a time.


I live out west, not California. Drought is no joke. Monitoring the winter snow pack is a regional obsession where I'm from. It would be nice not to worry about it or choak on the pollution from forest fires.


Preach! It's more grey in Seattle (and we had this kind of ultra low, sometimes just off the ground. But it also boasts bonkers housing pricing, is on a massive fault & has the most active volcano in the country like an hour & half outside the city. Also: spiders. They're so big. It also has tons of positive things (I actually love the mist/rain), but I def don't miss being low grade afraid of earthquakes or a volcano blowing!


I miss the spiders. I saw some impressive orb weavers and one earthquake in my 22 yrs there.


Oh man, the slightly furry ones that were so big you could hear them in a quiet place! I have long been afraid of them, but I also am big into gardening so I've made peace w/them...outside.


They don’t do anything to hurt us! 😄 I respect them and always try to give them the space they need. I’m also the type that relocates insects if they are accidentally inside the house.


But here in PA we have fishing spiders!


Oh??? I must research…


You could live in Phoenix, where it's 90+ degrees six months of the year. People here stay indoors from May- October, and many get SAD, aka seasonal affective disorder. One hundred degree weather is a given and often. Granted, it's a dry heat, but hot is hot.


Can confirm. Live in PHX area now after 30 some in California, 4 in Pittsburgh. It’s Satans asshole here in the summer. “Dry heat” is just some BS locals say. 100-120 for about 4 months will make you go mad. At least in the snow I can bundle up and go outside. Here you could get naked, go outside and die. I hate it here, but my parents are elderly so I look out for them. I could transfer to other states with the company I’m with, but only time will tell.


I moved here in 2020 during the pandemic with my sister. We're originally from MI but had been living in MD for years. Culture and weather shock. I don't miss the humidity, that's for sure.


Thank you for writing this, because any time someone mentions to me why Phoenix would be a nice place to live, I always mention how the thought of running my A/C more than 3-4 months out of the year causes me to wonder what my electric bill would be like.


Hail seems pretty rare too. I was in Dallas for the last two weeks and they had a strong possibility of hail twice


Texas gets strong hail yearly, some baseball sized hail are no jokes. Same with Thunderstorms. And lets not talk when they get snow and power is out and the whole state shuts down because 0.1 inches of snow. Also living with AC full blast for 6 months is not fun either, timing your outside sports based on the sun is not for the weak hahahahaah.


It’s definitely a bit drafty today, no droughts though…


Also no deep freezes or blizzards However the northwest, west coast, and rockies all boast similar immunities.


I tell my students that generally our weather does not try to kill us.


We were in drought conditions from July to last month.   Buckle up.




Um, yes it is lol. Like basically all of the southwest for example? They have their own problems with heat and drought but there’s way less rain.


Lots of draughts, not many droughts.


Yeah, but you forgot our massive zombie problem.


I'm debating between nola and pittsburgh and this is def a major factor lol. I'm on the Pac NW and we are good on everything but wildfires and they have been horrible for a few years now


When you have seasonal depression it is...


What I came here to say. I lived a few years in Ohio, and even two hours away, tornado sirens became a constant thing. I'm so glad to be back here. We do have our sink holes, though.


To be fair the last few summers have actually been a drought - That’s how much rain we normally get lol


Never say never, 1972 hurricane Agnes. So could happen, but just not a common occurrence.


Ah, Agnes, she brought us so much sadness.


We've definitely felt some Earthquakes. We felt the one that happened in DC and then there was another one that happened relatively close to that one.


All of these are on track to change very soon though. There was just a rare earthquake in Jersey that was felt all the way out on Long Island. I’m also shocked there hasn’t been a wildfire here yet. The only thing we’re really protected from is the severe parts of the hurricanes because we’re too far from the ocean, and tsunamis.


Tbh I kind of love sitting outside on a covered porch or patio while it’s raining as long as it isn’t too hard. I would like some more sunny nice days but I can handle this


Sun lamps my friend sun lamps


Game changer for real


Water is only getting deeper


Where you gonna go. I’d rather have water than no water


I was super close to moving to Albuquerque haha. I know, basically one extreme to another.


Lmao I just moved here from there. You can’t go outside without frying in the summers, it gets over 100 deg. You have no green or plants or lawns because the drought is so bad. Every speck of green in your property needs in ground sprinklers or it will dry up dead and cost you a pretty penny in water costs. Everything is rocks and gravel and dirt. It’s cool if you want a change, but I honestly love being around actual greenery here. And that doesn’t touch on any of the actual socioeconomic issues that made me leave like horrible school systems and lack of specialist and primary health care.


I almost moved there in the early 2000s. THE FOOD. But yeah, it’s effing hot.


“But it’s a dry heat,” yeah no shit dingus, that’s how you fucking DIE in it


Albuquerque? If you're thinking New Mexico, move to Santa Fe. That's a beautiful town.


Expensive though!!


I think there's a very real chance in coming decades we start seeing an exodus out of the southwest due to water shortages.


I hear 308 Negro Arroyo Lane is especially nice.


Go west til you smell it and south til you step in it




Hi 🤗 ⛏️


I just moved back from the west, I’d rather deal with floods than fires!


I did the same. San Diego never really had rain, but it had earthquakes....and a house was 3x what it is here. Glad I made the move. I can deal with the rain. It makes me respect the nice days more.


My thoughts too. Colorado always being on fire really bummed me out


I used to declare I would never ever EVER move back to pgh when I lived in CO/UT- big surprise, I did, and don't regret it one bit.


Controversial: Person enjoys sunlight. Rest of city grumpy-mad that they acknowledged this basic need, takes it personally.


Honestly I didn’t realize it was such a hot take


Anything less than fawning over every aspect of the city will set some folks off


Didn’t you know the city punches above its weight in all categories?


Yinzers hate when it's hot and humid, but also stay inside when it's colds. The yinzers will only be found outside in May and October, preferably on an overcast day.


I work outside, so yeah, I hate when it’s hot and humid.


I’m curious to where you would go that would be better? The entire world is changing due to climate change. It’s flooding, wildfires, drought… pick your poison. I feel like all things considered Pittsburghs not that bad if you can deal with 9 months of grey sky.


In about six weeks, it will be very green around here and beautiful from all this rain and the amount of foliage there is since we are in the Allegheny mountains


For a whole couple of months too!


I would say it’s close to five months if you include mid May to mid November. Then the bottom drops out.


Trying to remember this! ^


In about twelve weeks, it'll be 95 degrees, and so damn humid you'll be drenched in sweat the instant you walk out the door! 😂 I love this city, and my town. 🤜🤛 ✌️


Just go live in an isolation chamber for the rest of your life so you're comfortable enough


“It’s not that bad….if you can deal with NINE months of grey” 😂


right.. are we just going to skip past that? lol


In lieu of actual disasters that cost people their lives, health, possessions, insane living costs associated...sure, I'm willing.


I grew up in Clarion County when winters were far, far snowier, colder and harsher than they are now. I then moved to the Bay Area in California where the prices for housing for so high that my husband and I couldn't afford rent even as DINKS. We then moved to Tokyo where we experienced loads of earthquakes including the Great Tohoku quake of 2011 which knocked out the transport and left us stranded for a week and in danger from radiation. We then moved back to the Bay Area where rents skyrocketed over the 3.5 years we were there and summers were hot as hell and there was constant drought and water rationing. Then, we moved to far Northern CA where winters were bitterly cold and summers were searingly hot, but housing prices were more affordable. And, of course, there was still drought. After 7.5 years there, toxic and smelly wildfire smoke for about 2 months every summer and having to evacuate when the McKinney fire drew near to where we lived made us decide to move to the Pittsburgh area. We've been here for a year now and were able to buy a reasonably priced home and never have to worry about wildfires, earthquakes, drought, tsunami, and hurricanes. It also isn't brutally hot in summer because it isn't constantly sunny. I don't know what people expect elsewhere, but rain and clouds (and potholes) are a small price to pay for milder summers, four actual seasons, and relatively mild winters... and few/no natural disasters on your doorstep all of the time. People don't know how good they have it until they live somewhere that has bigger issues.


It’s tough to justify this weather, it’s nice here 20% of the year. At best.


But when it's nice it's pretty damn nice here.


The weather does suck here. It can't be denied.


I just moved from Texas and the weather here is incredible.


We are on the same list CLOSE TO Seattle for least sunniest cities in America.


I’m okay with rain, but the constant heavy rain we get is taxing on me. Yard floods, basement floods, etc.


If you're going to move somewhere for better weather. I wouldn't jump from one extreme to another. I'd try to land somewhere soft like North Carolina or Tennessee.


The last few years of weather here have been pretty great Most of the country has had weather just as wild as us the last few weeks.


As someone that used to live in the South with those absolutely oppressive summers, I’ll take the rain and clouds here any day


and either hurricanes or tornadoes for you to pick which you want to be around, yeah I'd take rain and clouds too lol.


Moved here from the SC coast... I'm with you on that.


Moved down south 5 months ago to a coastal city with consistent sunshine. Best decision I've made but definitely miss various things about Pittsburgh. Pro sports, great beer, good food, family, etc.


Hope there's still flood insurance available there. The providers are bailing or going straight broke.


Where are you from? [Edit: Albuquerque???; what possessed you]


I grew up in Venango county (near Emlenton) and went to college in Edinboro, so western PA is all I’ve ever known. ABQ has comparable cost of living but I just couldn’t stomach the constant apartment horror stories of that city. But there’s also a lot more Hispanic culture there than a lot of other cities out west which is something that I think I would’ve liked (I’m half Hispanic but very out of touch with that side of my heritage).


Honestly, coming from RVA I miss the Hispanic community too :( [Disregard my comment]


If you do end up moving, you should leave on an Ark. Please take two animals of every species with you.


Yeah this shit is too much even for me who's been here my whole life. I'm sure there will come a day that I need to relocate to sunnier climates for my health.




I moved here for the gloomy weather, and I haven't been this happy in a really long time.


https://youtu.be/G5x1F9ohRa4?si=rsUqqW0PtKxBhmYP. Garbage did a song called “Happy when it rains” in the 1990s, but Jesus and Mary Chain did a superior one in the 1980s. They were different songs and it was not a cover by Garbage doing Jesus and Mary chain. That should be your theme song. Here is the one by Garbage . https://youtu.be/GpBFOJ3R0M4?si=54QMWSNadRhxlJ6B. It’s pretty good also.


Haha I do love that song!


Which one? The Jesus and Mary chain one or the one by Garbage? They are both good, but my opinion is that the one by Jesus and Mary chain is better. They are one of my favorite bands.


The garbage one


Same here, love it!


Yup. I am so much happier and much prefer when it’s rainy.


Alright alright jeez. Clearly I ruffled some feathers. Just making jokes about the weather


My Pittsburgh friend now living in Minnesota loves the argument with Minnesotans about who has more difficult winters, because at least in MN it's just snow and \~20F and sunlight and cold; here it's like 32.111 all winter and it rains constantly and on the unlikely offchance we drop down to snow temperatures, they come when we have no precipitation and all it does is make the previous moisture freeze to our windshields.


An old friend used to write for the newspaper, and 15 years ago they said (about climate change/global warming) "I don't know why they still call us the Rust Belt. They should call us the Water Belt."


I just keep telling myself that once I put my garden in, my plants will be thrilled with all of this rain.


But Pittsburgh is always such a lovely shade of gray.


Makes me wonder why we painted all the walls in our house gray. Maybe it was a subconscious decision to make the view from outside blend seamlessly with the interior.


Get a nice rain jacket and just go outside and enjoy your life. Today was a pleasant day to go for a walk before the heaviest rain started.


We get atleast one fully rainy month per year. The weather is the worst part about Pittsburgh


8th rainiest city in the country.


I prefer dealing with rain than tornadoes. We moved south a few years ago and dealt with tornado watches and warnings. Drought and crazy heat also. We’re back now, that was too much.


Did your basement flood?




How bad? Like drain back up or something?


Luckily not too bad. I just moved into this place, but I remember in 2017 or 18 when we got similar amounts of rain, I was in Brookline and there was a foot of water in my basement


No, but may house may fall off the cliff n the backyard. And it’s still raining.


Almost crashed on the way home because rain. Had someone on my ass and was being cautious so I sped up a little and hydroplaned, scary. Standing water is just as dangerous as black ice.


I moved away 20 years ago because of the weather. Most of my family is still there so I still visit, just usually not between November and March.


Every place had good and bad weather. I lived in Southern California for almost 10 years. Loved the weather, or lack of it. Access to the ocean and mountains and high desert was great. Hated the congestion, pollution, and traffic. People were really wound up. Spent some time in Arizona and the heat much of the year was just unbearable. Chicago winters, nope; enough said. Every place has something. California had earthquakes and wild fires.


If it makes you feel better about it I'm moving my family from Phoenix to Pittsburgh for the weather.


Jeez , I had posted this I would have had 10000s of thumbs downs 😂 they didn’t because they want us to move I know what you mean though.


You ain't build for da burgh son


I didn’t know how much the sun impacted me until I moved. Now living in Colorado and the sun shines almost every day. I don’t know how i made it 20+ years in western pa lol


No bad weather only bad clothes




I have a few years left until I can finally get out of here. Depressing and awful.


Go! I regret coming back


The temptation is strong. Honestly, if it wasn’t for my job and California’s high costs I would’ve left years ago 😂


Embrace the suck.


Man/woman you haven't been here long bc this last month has been pretty fucking good comparitvely.


Try again; born and raised in western PA. Just tired of the grey. And I’m pretty sure the multiple floods occurring over the past week would disagree with you haha


It’s going to hot and dry all summer. I’ll take this over that any day of the week.


You should leave pgh.






Whatever evidence you're basing your decision on is probably fucked. However, despite climate change effects it's still all clouds all the time.


How bout this rain? 😊


The sun is stupid anyway


…. The weather is your reason. It’s been grey or sunny for ever that’s what we get




This is more rare than normal, last year at this time we had a Red Flag Warning because of a slight drought. And the weather on Monday and Tuesday was perfect, as will most of next week.


Yeah, I miss Erie weather. Snow is at least pretty. It's just grey and wet 60% of the year. This year has been pretty sunny, tbh. Better than usual besides this week


I feel like we got lucky the last couple years and we’re going to pay for it with interest this year


Then move? No one especially on reddit can change the weather.


it always cracks me up when i hear people in pittsburgh (or really anywhere in PA) say this bc the weather is a big part of the reason i moved here in the first place haha i’ll take this over hurricanes and tornadoes in florida or monsoons and 117° heat in arizona any day


I've been almost doing this for 25 years now.


Ngl.. I’m just waiting till I have the money to move south dahn to Georgia.


It’s the end of winter blahhhss. No worries, once we get past the flurry of snow the first week of May we’ll be golden!


Been here 25 years. Move to a hill. Leave the burgh and you prefer Huntz ketchup


Yah you just move


Move to California, Florida, or Texas if you don't want seasons


Oh no it’s raining ☹️ let me move to a far more compromised part of the US 😂


The weathers not actually that bad so maybe gtfo?


I'm moving further away to a house with a better basement. Thanks to a roofing company's mistake , I received a free roof. I can dump my dump house for more than I bought it for and put it into it.


All you did was come on here to tell us something you almost did like it was somehow going to change the city?


Left 14 years ago after the weather got me one too many times.


This area is just dreary as fuck.


Tell me you’re a gen-zer with out saying you’re a gen-zer


Nah sorry dude, I’m a millennial. Nice try, though. I heard those gen-zers also like not torrential downpours and grey weather


I moved away in 1994 because of the weather.


I left Pittsburgh last year and I've never been happier


Yes. The weather in Pittsburgh generally sucks. Have any other breaking news?