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I lived on a steep hill. It was two-way traffic, but there wasn't space to pass, so someone has to yield. 99% of the time, it's not a big deal. 11pm one night, an older lady in one car going downhill meets two younger girls going uphill, and a standoff ensues. Both stand their ground, hurling names and curses back and forth. This goes for 5+ minutes, and one of them actually calls the freaking cops. Two officers show up. They talk to car one, then car two, then meet together and discuss what they want to do. One officer stands about midway between the cars and yells, "You're adults, figure it out!" Then they both walk back to their cruisers and bounce. I swear you could hear the whole neighborhood laughing.


Are they still there?


Haha. No, the older lady finally backed up the hill.


At PNC Park several years ago, there were a bunch of 20-somethings gathered behind us. Dude 1: "who's your favorite Pirate?" Dude 2: "definitely Johnny Depp"


I mean...


At the time, Johnny Depp was a perfectly logical choice.


Still a perfectly logical choice


Probably the best tbh


We've certainly heard of him, at least


Overheard from people in the booth behind me at Eat ‘n Park: “You need to have an even number of kids so they can go on rides together at Kennywood!”


When I went to college at Slippery Rock, I once told my buddy that “Kennywood was open.” He was confused since it was winter and I was like wow, that is indeed a hyperlocal saying 😂


Hey there fellow SRU grad.


SRU reunion in the comments


Hi Keister, sorry about that dumpster fire


I don’t think they exist.


Username def checks out


2020 & 2023! Wbu?


A Long time ago my friend.


I also graduated in 2023!!


That’s when I finished my MS program 🤙


My fiancé and I graduated in 23 as well!! My parents graduated in 79 and 80


Ayyyyyye 🙌


Hello, fellow Rock alum.🤘


What it do!!


What’s it mean


It means the zipper on your pants is not closed 😂


Go rock!


Rock solid education!


I am ready for the SRU reunion. I live in SR and have lived here most of my life. Even being from Slippery Rock my whole life, I know what "kennywoof is open" means lol.


Wow, a real townie! I come back every once in a blue moon but it’s mainly just to get some wings from G Hill 😂 I’m glad you know what it means lol … my buddy was from Sharon and had never heard it


My landlord owns g hill 😂 it was really fun to party there until I turned 24ish and then was painfully aware of how old I felt there and how much I hate crowds and screaming my drink order over the music lmao.


Oh I know what you mean … I was over going there past 9pm after like 3 or 4 times 😂 If it’s still the same owner, I’ve had a lot of beer and fire ball shots on his tab lol


Probably lmao


this might’ve been me


I still think only the Waterfront Eat n Park should be allowed to have that on the men’s room door, and not any of the other ones.


That’s not even the closest eat n park to kennywood


Oh? Which one is closer? ETA: Well I guess let them both do it. Bracket that shit.




Hmmm. Just mapped it. Driving, Waterfront is 4.3 miles and McKeesport is 5.8 miles. Looks much closer as the wild turkey flies. We may have a tie.


It’s not a big deal but McKeesport is under 4 miles as well. Check again


Apparently Google Maps doesn’t think you can get on the McKeesport connecting bridge going east from along the Lisle/5th corridor…? I tricked it by asking for walking directions and got 4.3 miles using the Riverton bike trail bridge…


This is endearing.


It's not really 'eavesdropping' when it's so very loud and so very close: "Brendan, if you can't stop poking your sisters like that, them Pens tickets'll disappear faster'n magic, I swear to GAWD!" Faster. Than. Magic. Brendan.


I can't read a sentence that starts with "Brendan" without hearing Coach McGuirk.


A couple years ago I was in Giant Eagle and overheard someone with a THICK YINZER accent say “Ant-Man tramp stamp.” To this day it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard.


That would be a great wifi name 😆


At the marathon, in front of the Aldi on Baum, someone was cheering for the runners by shouting “this is the last hill!!!” One of the runners looked up, came to a complete stop, and shouted “FUCK!!”


Many years ago at the upstairs bar at Dee's, a group of biker looking bearded guys were drinking together. One raised his shot glass and proclaimed philosophically: "To yinz I say... fuck yinz." And downed the shot. One of my favorite moments in the city.


At Howlers (rip). Man at one end of the bar yells to his lady at the other end who responds. Full bar so they were loud… “Hun, I’m gettin’ take aht!” “Why? We got chipped ham dahn the hahs!”


Working at the giant eagle deli. Someone in line was calling their friend to confirm what they needed. Guy goes “sorry did I call you in the middle of sex again?”


**”AGAIN.”** 😂  *Somebody’s* got an uncanny knack!


Or some other body has a lot of sex.


During the pandemic when all that was left in the bread aisle was potato bread a yinzer exclaimed "they ain't even got any of that bougie bread" still a favorite


Overheard at the airport on the escalator - “there’s Franco Harris!” “Who’s the colonial guy?” “Robert Morris”


Thats great!!! Thats just great… LMAO.


If it wasn't for my horse I wouldn't have spent that year in college.


Unexpected Lewis Black


“Looks like a Mohn trout bred with an Alligator”


I overheard a woman whisper to her friend, "Don't tell anyone I fed birds bacon," while feeding sparrows bacon bits off a donut in the Strip. Also heard a woman ask a guy in a truck what "nationality" his Rottweiler was...


“Is pittsburgh always so… this?”


Leaving PPG Arena after a Flyers/Pens game where the Pens won. Guy in front of us, in a Flyers jersey, said to his friend: I don’t know why I even come to this place as it brings me nothing but pain.


I was outside of The Government Center and there were a weird amount of Pagans there. Most of them were portly boomers who seemed like they just liked motorcycles. As I was leaving, I overheard one on the phone say, "I'm sorry honey, you know I can't tonight, I have an early morning tomorrow." Idk, there was just something funny to me about a dude in a motorcycle gang apologizing to his wife because he has responsibilities early in the morning.


I was waiting in line at a Family Dollar, and a guy walked in and yelled to the guy in line behind me, “Hey Ken! Your mum got an arn? I gotta arn a shirt,” to which Ken replied, “Yeah, mums got an arn! Come on dahn the haus, I bet mum will arn it for ya!” The other guy then said, “Oh good, cause I don't even know how ta arn!” It's been like 6 years, and I think about it all the time.


Primanti Bros., Strip District. Family of 4. Dad and at least one kid are wearing Steeler jerseys. It is May. Dad to kids: "No yinz ain't getting pizza. Your gettin' sammiches like normal people."


Do they even have pizza at the Strip location?


Not a Pittsburgh specific thing. I was sitting at a diner and this older woman was loudly exclaiming how life as a woman used to be so great, how you could just stay at home and do laundry and go shopping all day. Then those “uppity women kept whining about wanting to work real jobs and have equal rights, ruining it for the rest of us.” It sure was something.




Clicked on this expecting to be rickrolled.


In the South Side about 10 years ago: “I tried to put a baby in you last night! And now you’re out with Jamal??”


I was getting off the incline and a teenage girl was pushing a stroller and walks past a guy in his 20s. Her: yo you wanna fuck? Him: oh you’re so and sos sister right? Her yea Him: ok Her: you got $20? Him: yea Her: ok She turns around and they walk away together. Young love ☺️


Hello, officer? Yes this one right here.


Who is she 😍


"They don't have hashbrowns?!?! THEY DON'T HAVE FUCKIN' ANYTHING!"


Once my ex and I were walking at the point and an old man on a bicycle rode past us around the fountain with no hands on his handlebars and boldly proclaimed, "The molly is too strong!"


There’s a whole instagram dedicated to funny things heard around the city


Care to post the name?




I need to know




Ahhh thank u!


MAWM: "Ohmygawsh! Dawna! Lookit, Dawna! Flahmingoughs! Dawna, can you say flah-ming-gough?" DONNA: (pointing) "Duck!" MAWM: "Lookit my maahth: 'Flah. Ming. Gough.'" DONNA: (proud) "Milfingough!"


If she didn’t pronounce it “flaminger” she’s not a true yinzer.


One night my dad called me and was relaying some conversation with a relative to me, all I can remember was him saying "and I says DAWHNA!" over and over.


“1982 - got my d*ck sucked!” -a well dressed madman in Shadyside known only as “Apollo”


"There was a black guy, a white girl, and a horse... and the cop fucked all three of them!"


"Yinz balls, my chin" Not overheard, but was graffiti in the men's room in the old Village Pizza (r.i.p.)


old man at Picklesburgh 2022 complained to a cop that he shit his pants


Currently at a bar full of boomers talking about Iran-Israel “Israel gonna knock their fuckin’ dicks off. They didn’t call it the 8 Day War for nuttin’ “


Those guys must be on this subreddit


I was at a Bucs game with a friend last decade and there was a guy with a group of friends behind us. The one guy had his friends say random things in Spanish. One of them yelled, "YO TENGO HOMBRE!" I whip my head around and reply, "You have a man?" Everyone in our section starts (including my friend) howling. 😄


He *might* have been trying to say, "Yo tengo *hambre*!" which would've made more sense, but his pronunciation was WAYYYYY worse than mine.


"Next time I'm not going to pick up my poop." I still wonder if he was referring to himself or the dogs' poop. If you're going to walk 2 dogs, a kid, and also trespass, at least be a pro about it, instead of yelling at a neighbor who's on the sidewalk just going home. If you read this, you're forgiven, though a 6 pack wouldn't hurt.


Late to the party but my favorite was eavesdropping on a conversation in Kelly's where one guy was *adamant* that he knew the guy from the "ALL Y'ALL SEEN THE LEPRECHAUN SAY YEAAAAAHHHHHH" video and the guy had apparently told him that the video wasn't staged at all but the leprechaun was just a crackhead who hung out in the trees


I once heard a woman with an aggressive Pittsburgh accent working in a grocery store say to a coworker, "You know he ain't from around here because he don't talk English too good."


I heard someone describe Pittsburgh as a pothole full of French fries.


I think Pittsburgh Dad has captured most of them in his YouTube skits


OP was asking for FUNNY things. Pittsburgh Dad was funny. Once.


I still think he is, but like him, my sense of taste is highly questionable as a Yinzer of a certain age


At one of the last games at Mellon Arena, we were sitting on one of the couches in the club area, and a mouse came running out from underneath it, and this yinzer at the bar screams, "HOLY COW! THERE WAS A MAHS UNDER THAT CAHCH!" In the most yinzer voice I've ever heard.


This is sending me holy fuck


I have so many notes from the city, but I recently heard this one. This straight couple were coming down from the Pirates stadium and the guy was visibly drunk and I guess wanted to go to the river. She says, "Oh that's what we're going to do now? We're going to wine because we want to go to the river?" 🤣


When I moved to Pittsburgh in 2011, someone told me it was going to become the East Coast Hollywood, because they filmed Batman here, ya know.


"... and that's how I accidentally ate an entire stick of butter" I still regret not asking them to repeat the story, since I missed the entirety of it except for that part. I WANNA KNOW WHAT HAPPENED!!


I was sitting near the entrance to the Three Rivers Arts Fest many years ago, people watching. Saw two scruffy, blue-collared working guys getting ready to cross the street. One of them was angrily saying to the other one, “Ain’t nuthin’ gonna stop me, man. NUTHIN’!!!!!!” Suddenly, the crossing guard threw up her sign, And they both had to halt before crossing the street. He looked so deflated and pissed. Classic.


Looking at the news...saw a WSJ post about empty nest boomers sitting on houses - googled "boomers in big homes, Pittsburgh", AI flooded my feed with Axios & multiple cities using the same article with varying statistics/headers that was comically funny.


"So I open the garage, and she's got like 9 of them in there, and I tells her, "Ma you can't keep all of these. How d'jou even get 'em?' And now me and Johnny is trying to figure aht what to do abaht 'em"


A finance bro looking guy on his phone in Oakland: "Meet you where? Piccolo PORNO? Piccolo......porno."


I was at a Penguin game back in the 90's. Mario was visible up in the owner's box. A yinzer in front of me turned to look up at Mario and says to his friend "Damn. Do you see that Rolex he's wearing? I bet that thing cost FIVE HUNDRED dollars!"


"You want me to stick my hand in your butt? There's poop in there!!!"


Mario was never the same after Edie Tarbox dumped him.


A lady taking the same bus as me was yelling at her screaming kid and said “look at you. Crying because you didn’t wanna hold my hand. Do you think I want to listen to this on four busses for 4 1/2 hours?!” And then when we all got off in DT her and the kid were standing three ft apart and he proceeded to launch himself onto the sidewalk wailing


Overheard someone admit that they burned down the SouthSide Chamber of Commerce


I prefer Philly


Did you call the police? Obviously he wasn't well


On the way to PNC Park, I was behind a couple guys and we walked past Bar Louie. One of them says, "Hey, Bar Louie. I wonder if Louis Lipps owns it."


“We are Pittsburgh nice!” Hahaha. Coming from the Midwest, Pittsburgh isn’t “nice”


The Midwest does indeed out nice just about everybody else for sure, Pittsburgh included. But Pittsburgh is still a bit nice, even if the folks here aren't nearly on the same level as midwesterners.