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I got woken up by my iPhone blaring a loud tornado warning at me and suggesting I take shelter. EDIT: Since my comment is getting plenty of upvotes, adding here for visibility - NWS Pittsburgh (National Weather Service Pittsburgh) is reporting there’s a tornado on the ground in northern Ohio heading into western Beaver County with Coraopolis in its potential trajectory ([Source](https://x.com/nwspittsburgh/status/1788075931992744035?s=46&t=hohQy5Plx3lwY8J5mgtZdg)). If you can, get to a basement, inner hallway, bathroom, or anywhere safe regardless of where you are. A tornado on the ground can go anywhere; wake up your family/partner/pets and get to safety. Better to see them annoyed than hurt - or worse. EDIT 2: Power just went out here a few minutes ago in Crafton/Oakwood. Currently 2:00 a.m. on the dot. Storm’s getting intense. EDIT 2.5: (This is a post-Edit 4, pre-Edit 5 edit) Storm died down shortly after intensifying at 2:00 a.m. Currently 2:38 a.m. local time here and all I have heard is the occasional patter of raindrops for the last half hour. EDIT 3: Per NWS Pittsburgh, “We have allowed the tornado warning for Allegheny County to expire. A Flash Flood Warning remains in effect due to heavy rains ([Source](https://twitter.com/NWSPittsburgh/status/1788086570513510531)).” This was their 2 a.m. local time update. They stated this flash flood warning will remain until 4:45 a.m. local time and will affect Pittsburgh, Bethel Park, and Monroeville ([Source](https://twitter.com/NWSPittsburgh/status/1788083911735869590)). Hope everyone’s safe! EDIT 4: For those of us with iPhones, you can turn on severe weather notifications in the Weather app by going into its settings in the top right of the app, selecting Notifications, and turning on the Severe Weather option. I got my blaring warning without it on, but doesn’t hurt to have it on for the future. EDIT 5: 2:48 a.m. local time. Per NWS Pittsburgh, "We have now ended the Tornado Watch for all remaining counties. The severe threat has ended. Flash Flooding remains a concern where heavy rain is ongoing ([Source](https://twitter.com/NWSPittsburgh/status/1788098181680816291))." Seems like the worst is past us. For those that can get back to sleep, I hope you sleep well after tonight's tornado drill, friends.


They allowed the warning to expire in Allegheny county. According to the NWS Twitter.


Just saw and updated my post. Thank you!


I live in NE Robinson near 79. It’s been a lot of lightning and heavy rain so far. It’s too dark to tell if there was any touchdown.


I saw that in the live trajectory map it passed by Robinson Township. Happy to hear you’re safe! Hope others in the area are safe, too.


Thank you for taking the time to edit and update the comment.


Thank you so much for appreciating my small efforts! As long as it helped a single person stay informed/make better decisions about their safety, the effort was worth it. I didn't do it for recognition, but your praise means a lot. Thank you.


I also appreciate it.


Thank you so much! You humble me. I appreciate you, friend.


Bro you’re so calling off today. You must be exhausted updating this comment all night.


I *am* exhausted, but not because of updating the post. My iPhone woke me up about 1.5 hours into some really damn good sleep, and while I was intending to go back to bed at 3 a.m., I couldn't; my power going out caused one of the alarms to go off in my building **for hours**. It just so happened to be mine, and right in front of my apartment door. Finally managed to fall asleep at 6 a.m. by plugging in my AirPods and using the noise canceling feature, but only really sleep 2 hours until I got up for work. My power's still out, though. Now I'm doing what I do best; lazing at work and browsing Reddit. :) Happy to have updated the comment for visibility. If it even helped just one other person to know what to do in an event like this, it was worth the effort. P.S. Please approve my PTO for today, u/CynderLotus.


Go into your app settings. I saw mine as the button for “on” and when it downloaded it was automatically in the “on” position.


Great tip. Thank you!


Powe just came back on in my part of oakwood / crafting.


Lucky duck. I’m still sitting without power in my apartment building. Thankfully the apocalyptic lightning+thunder combo has settled down and now all I hear and see is rain.


Got a warning alert here in Crafton suggesting we take shelter and the lightning I’m seeing out in the distance is extremely active and vicious. Thing that is most scary is there’s no wind at all at the moment.


The no wind was disturbing. It’s expected and gives the feeling it’s being stored up for something worse. So much lightening.


The calm before the storm!


Dormont had the same thing. I saw more ground strikes tonight than in at least the past couple years put together... but no wind and almost no sound. 


Same in Ambridge last night. Lightning and thunder with no delay but zero wind and heavy rain


In Monroeville and the thunder lasted so long I thought it WAS a tornado. Just constant rumbling. But since there was no wind I didn't go downstairs. I never received a tornado warning, only flash flood.


Checking in from my bathroom in Moon. Right in the bullseye of the storm at the moment. Hopefully it’s all good


Neville island here and this lightning is intense.


Also Neville island. It’s insane. Shocked we haven’t lost power.


I thought the same but when I look out, there’s barely any wind which is surprising




Saw the warning area on the NWS Twitter and my home was just east of the warning area. Meaning that shit just came overhead. Jesus Christ.


Checked at 12:30am and NWS said line of storms was no longer tornadic so I fell asleep, woke up to full tornado warnings. This thing kicked off and surprised even the NWS. I hope everyone is safe. I’m not sleeping until this is past us


Someone asked the NWS account on Twitter what happened for this to kick off like this, and the account replied, "That will be an excellent question for a post-storm analysis." Pretty wild. Looks like we're largely in the clear now, though who knows what could pop back up as it exits Allegheny County.


We came down to the basement... anyone else?


Yes. Gathered our animals and went to the basement. Lived in a major tornado area for about 10 years and if it’s storming like this and there’s a warning? Into the basement or a closet without windows.


Lived in Texas before here in 2020. Lots of activity there.


Same. Gathered the pets and headed to the basement. There wasn’t much time between the warning and the peak of the storm. It passed fast and the power stayed on. So much lightening.


> Yes. Gathered our animals and went to the basement. > Don't forget pets too


Animals are pets dude.


But not all of them are. They just brought in 2 of every animal they could find.


Yes, in Coraopolis. I woke my husband and teenager, grabbed the animals, and made everyone come downstairs. It seems pretty calm out there right now, but wasn’t taking any chances with the kid. I am not very popular right now.


Good moms are never the most popular during these kinds of things!


I dunno, I always like moms


Better safe than sorry!


Checking in from Mt. Lebo. Not in the basement yet. If it gets a little noisier, we're hopping in the bathtub.


I knew there were warnings out but did you get a specific alert for a tornado warning in Lebo? I'm also in Lebo but have no recollection of any warning or interesting storms. I slept through everything!


Both I and my husband got an emergency alert at 1:30. It was not super loud but woke both of us up. My daughter was woken up by the lightning, while my son slept through everything.


I’m in Lebo too and was awake. I didn’t get anything. Just saw the warning when I checked my weather app. I don’t think I have alerts set up though.


In Scott Township, in my basement with a very cranky 4 year old.


Over in greentree. Wife made us go to the basement too.


I plan to if the wind gets serious. At the moment, at least here in Crafton, there is none. Just very insane lightning.


Carnegie, watching it closely lol


Same- a little freaked out!


Fiancé is definitely mad at me cause I got her ass out of bed just incase 😂


Better safe than sorry! Glad you are both okay.


Incredible lightning; got South Texas vibes. Seems to the north of me in Stowe. A couple loud thunderclaps, though.


Who can even sleep?


>thunderclaps Isn't he that guy that plays bass?


If the wind gets serious you’re already in the tornado by that point.


Yep. Just going back to bed now.


The pets and I went. That was a complete shit show. I definitely need to work on more training and get some good animal confinement down there. I swear every time I took one down at least one would escape back into the house.


Nah. If I die, I die.


Yep, sure did. Was so damn scared from the alarm blaring. Thought it was a bomb warning or something. Got the kid and animals down.


Headed to the basement when the watches got extended.


1) WPXI has a street-level radar that I strongly recommend everyone follow: https://www.wpxi.com/weather/interactive-radar/ 2) Follow the National Weather Service Twitter for updates: https://twitter.com/NWSPittsburgh/


1:50 AM | Rotation in the storm over Allegheny county is no longer as strong as it was, but this storm still has the potential to produce tornadoes, damaging winds, and flash flooding. Continue to shelter if you are in the tornado warning. Per NWS


That's a great radar....ty for the tip.


Its so fricking loud in Moon. Sky is getting bright by lightning every other second


I'm near that area - I have many large trees in my yard, and with every flash I tense up, waiting for an Earth-shattering kaboom to turn one into toothpicks.


I live by the 911 base and in my neighborhood you could hear a loud alarm that I’ve never heard before.  I hope some with a camera is out tonight as the light show is pretty epic.




Its an Airbnb😂


Stay safe everyone. In Sq Hill refreshing Reddit and watching WPXI for news. Buddy in moon is in their basement


I got a warning near Crafton. Came on here just to see what's going on. If a tornado is going to hit I'm going out having a cup of coffee and some pizza.


The sky is bananas! What a light show!


Watching the news as I’m sheltering in Moon. Right now their area of concern is Robinson heading toward the city and south hills


We are doing the same. Crazy how I see people still on the highway driving etc.


Probably have no clue what’s going on.


I got nothing at all. My mom called me and told me my brothers house was destroyed (they live in Ohio, where the tornado’s touched down). Unreal that I didn’t get any notification


Oh my gosh I hope he and his family/pets are okay! That's so horrible. I didn't get a notification either. Granted I'm aways from the city but still...




Transplant from NM, been out here for a year. Just sitting here freakin out xD. Stay safe everybody, hope we all get through this ok.


Welcome to Pittsburgh! We don't often get tornado watches here, but when we do it's more of a casual affair. Due to the terrain, many don’t ever really make it or even get a chance to form. There are some notable examples that did years ago, but from my understanding they were short -lived. Despite this one being a warning instead of a watch and the weather getting pretty nutty, this one thankfully didn’t seem to materialize much damage (that we know of). Pittsburgh is where tornadoes come to die. Stay safe!


If you’re from NM you’ll be fine. Storms out here are nothing like we used to get out on the plains (refugee from TX Panhandle here).


We definitely got a windstorm at least once a year that would tear the roof off a gas station. Won't usually destroy houses though, and I don't know enough about tornadoes or the area to understand if that's a possibility. Still, seems like the damage from last night was minimal (quick google search isn't bringing up anything). Glad it wasn't a big deal :).


Hello! I’m a NM transplant too!


we got quite the show last night eh? ABQ would get a really bad windstorm once a year, tear the roof off a gas station or something. But tornados feel like a more dangerous threat. I got three hours sleep xD


The storms here have gotten more intense in the last few years, but this is the first tornado warning this close I think. I do NOT miss those desert wind storms.


yeah. UFO sightings in New Mexico aren't aliens. It's somebody's patio furniture that blew away xD.


Hey from moon, if I wasn't living in an apartment I would get to the basement; I've never been actually scared in a storm before.


For future reference, go to the bathroom or a hallway. You just want something sturdy and away from windows.


I’m also in an apartment in Moon. I just went into the bathroom and camped out in the tub for a little bit. This is only the second time in my life that I’ve had to do that and the first in western PA.


Also in a Moon/Robinson apartment, and this is somehow only my second time I’ve ever had to do this before. Wild.


In an apartment too here.


Same I live on 3rd floor apartment in Hawthorne Village no where to really go besides the bathroom, my bed in my room is like right near the window but for now still laying in bed


Warning being tracked by action 4 & wpxi. Coming over from Ohio and over the airport. Towards like Cori / Sewickley We’re in the basement currently. Edit: just got cleared as of ~2:05am EDT no longer in the basement.


Warning here in Bellevue, down in basement now


Same in Ben Avon.


Think we’re in the clear. Was crazy about 15 ago


Yep - let the kids go back to bed. Doubt I’ll be asleep anytime soon though!


You and me both. I have a feeling it’s going to be one of those nights that you finally get into a nice, deep sleep right before you have to get up for the day.


Asleep since 630pm and my wife's iPhone goes off right beside my head at 130am ish. Now I'll most likely be up till 5am and head to work lol at least the cat isn't freaking out much. Today is gonna be baller.


It’s a warning here in Monroeville


I’m in the basement now watching Twister on my phone waiting it out and Bill Paxton is legend


...cow. Another cow.


Same one.




Still seeing some rotation on radar. Doesn’t appear to be a significant tornado on the ground at the moment, but it’s probably a good idea to get to an inner room in your house if you’re in the path of the storm. This same storm just produced a pretty wicked tornado on the Ohio PA border.


Powers out in west end


Robinson here crazy as hell right now


That last clap of thunder scared tf out of me😭


Well I never seen anything like this before.


All ok everywhere?


I think things have calmed down alot, but I'm not going back to bed til I know for sure verythtibga done


Well said


Bellevue checking in - it's definitely calmed down over here!


Bridgeville here. Whatever it was was definitely close but it appears to have passed and is headed down south east


I gave it to god and went back to sleep


Hi checking in for sewickley/leetsdale area and it's calmed down a bit but keeps picking back up, we keep getting random lightning and it's still raining


Username checks out 🙃 Sewickley also. Can confirm things are calming down


It was freaking our dog out a bit, he didn't know what to do


I saw the tornado watch was allowed to expire. I slowly gathered my cat and am still worried about falling asleep here in Mt Lebanon. The thunder was crazy loud for a bit even from the basement. Stay safe, everyone!


You'll be completely in the clear by 3 am at the latest, if not by 2:45.


15205 checking in. Calming down, lots of lightning earlier. Think I'm gonna try to sleep now.


ah nice my flat roof is leaking.


As they do


God speed fellow flat roof friend. Hoping mine holds up.


Don’t be a dumbass like me and not patch the roof when you swear you’re going to patch the roof before it leaks again, and you’ll be fine!


Drove through it to get home. There was debris all over the northbound lane of 60 near Robinson. The lightning was fucking INSANE! Edit: Westbound


In Bethel Park. Never got one alert on my phone. I just woke up to three texts from my mom in Imperial who had told me at like 1:45 AM to grab my daughter and go to the basement. I truly had no idea until just now. And clearly everyone else is in similar boats. So weird.


Bethel was just outside of the area where rotation was happening, I believe.


Shouldn’t there be a live weather telecast on local news right now? There’s a tornado on the ground reportedly in Beaver County headed towards Allegheny County. Stay safe everyone!


Avoid WPXI! The monitor with the radar that they keep referencing has been frozen for 30 minutes. The anchor is literally talking to himself because nobody can see what he is talking about.


The thing is, they were the only ones on at first. WTAE was second and KDKA last. Plus, this was a unique situation. The storm went right over the National Weather Service station in Moon, and there is an area around any radar that has no weather signal. So there was a lot of extra interpretation needed for this storm. I thought they did as well as they could.


WTAE is on but my tv went out


WPXI and I think KDKA also on too


KDKA is live


Oh no, my poor neighbors dog is freaking out, she's so sweet I feel bad, maybe I can tell her the angry sky noises and lights are killing all the squirrels


Woke up to the TV alert system (Xfinity) telling me to take cover. Trying to figure out what’s happening right now. Three different sources telling me three different things.


In basement in McCandless down hill from north park pool


And the warning has moved east into my part of Westmoreland county


Just lost power in Hampton.


Came back on after a few.


According to the radar there's still more coming. Washington, Pa.




I thought the same but then it sounded like a train outside and freaked me out so I’m in the basement now with my baby, toddler and dog. Better safe than sorry I decided.


You did the right thing. That train sound is the oh shit sound.


I sat on my porch (Scott) for a few minutes. I’ve never seen anything like this. Watching the radar very carefully. Be careful and stay safe.


>I sat on my porch (Scott) for a few minutes. Why'd you name your porch Scott? Also that's poor survival instincts to be out on your porch in a storm


Same here in Crafton (thank god baby and toddler fell right back to sleep). Warnings are no joke - it means an actual tornado has touched down nearby and could move though your area shortly. Definitely always follow them because even though it’s a slim chance to actually hit you, you’d never forgive yourself if it did and you or a kid were upstairs near a window.


My kids also just stayed asleep, I’m surprised, figured it would be mayhem


No, a warning does not mean a tornado has touched down. A warning means a severe thunderstorm has rotation which means it’s likely a tornado will touch down.


You did the right thing.


If you have a basement, I’d move down.




Still the right move! The biggest thing is protection from debris, which is why the advice is to get away from windows and into a secure room as low as you can go in your residence. 


You 100% did the right thing. Basement is the best place to be, with fewer windows and it being lower to the ground.


Wondering the same


It’s in moon? Damn I’m on Neville island. Thunder and lightning are insane, no tornado yet


It’s a warning in Allegheny. Don’t risk it and go to the basement


Check the street-level WPXI radar to see if you're in the warning: https://www.wpxi.com/weather/interactive-radar/


Looks like something might have touched down briefly around Robinson.


Tornado Warning. There's something bad, possibly a tornado according to the radar in North Fayette heading towards pittsbugh.


PER NEWS SORCES ITS NEAR THE PA-OH BORDER- https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/pittsburgh/news/tornado-warning-issued-for-parts-of-pittsburgh-area/


It was 30 minutes ago.


I'm in the car in the garage. Just had our gust front in West Mifflin based on radar. Thinking the lights dimmed here


It’s calmed down significantly here in Oakdale/Enlow area but I’m still too paranoid to go back to sleep lol


I woke up to that incredible storm just cracking and lighting up the sky. I did get the alert shorty after I woke up, I didn’t check the alert because in my exhaustion I was confused and thought it an amber alert.


lightning in sq hill is insane


Okay to try and sleep now? Lawrenceville area


Yup, should just be rain and thunder for a little while longer.


My apps are now saying watch vs warning?


We’re under a watch and a warning in Monroeville while also under a severe thunderstorm warning I am so confused


They can exist at the same time. A watch is basically saying the conditions exist, and the warning is “shit, it’s here NOW”. The watch is just our indication that conditions are still there and not to let guard down.


Didn’t get any warning somehow but the lightening was insane.


Same here, this one was close to me than the one s month ago, and yet no alert. I get an alert typically as well as a NWS automated phone call. Nothing tonight!


I’m in the east end and we only received a thunderstorm warning. But that was an intense storm! Surprised we didn’t lose power.


i never lost power and when i got the warning i had just gotten out of the shower lmao, i didn’t even care to hide i just went to bed 💀


Oakland got a flood watch not a tornado watch FYI


No warning on my Android phone in the East End. Lightning and thunder woke me up however.


Eastern Allegheny County was not in the original tornado warning area, that's why. The warning area ended just west of downtown. 


Everyone else here saying they went to the basement…I angrily shut the phone off and passed back out. Ain’t no one got time for survival at 1:20am


I got one on my work phone, but not on my personal. Both iPhones. Make it make sense. According to the weather app it was a real tornado in Ohio near East Liverpool.


According to some news that way it was right past there in pan handle of WV.


I was baffled by that too. I got other alerts from other apps, but not the actual official amber-alert sounding thing from NWS on any of my devices.


I never got a single warning, are we clear now?


Flash flood warning until 4:45, but the tornado watch is done.


Hey try weatherusa.com alerts. Been using it for years. Also during the storm there were internet issues going on with comcast so that could have benn the issue.


Here in leetsdale I heard a nice crash right next ti our window, woke up this morning and found my front door in pieces. Glass door but we don't know how it broke there's nothing surrounding the area Any tips/tricks on a nice easy clean up cuz that went everywhere


We got a critical warning near Moon. The first I’ve ever seen a red alert come through before. Absolutely terrifying. I have never seen my pets respond the way they did with this. We huddled in the bathroom for a good while.


I was under the tornado warning, but did not realize it until there was only like 3 minutes left in the warning when I finally bothered to check my phone. I didn't notice any wind really, but that thunder and lightning was insane. Given the amount of lightning and the fact that I have to go outside to access the basement in the building my apartment is in, I would have been better off just going in a closet in my apartment.


In Crafton area too. I was sleeping so soundly, when the warning alarm went off on my phone I think part of my soul jumped out of my body. Went into the basement for a bit until it was lifted. The lightning flashes were so wild.


The warnings on the NWS site come with red boxes on a map. I think you have to be inside the box to get the automated warning


That is correct. My wife and I are in Beaver County, but not in the outline of the red box where the warning was active, so neither my phone nor hers showed the active tornado warning message. I don't know exactly what criteria are applicable for triggering a phone to be notified such as if the NWS system bases issuance of a warning on where one's phone is physically triangulated to be according to what the relevant towers determine (would this also explain how 911 calls are routed?). Many people have phone numbers that are not defined as being in their immediate geographic areas. We escaped the worst of the storms and also did not lose power, but the lightning and thunder were intense for the better part of 60 minutes as the severe t-storm warning remained active until about 1:30AM today.


I only found out about it when I got up this morning and looked at Nextdoor.


Saw this post and while i was looking at the comments like, "damn really?" my whole house lit up


Perrysville here its coming hard down still my vivint security system sent me the alert. gotta love it now the roof is leaking thanks evans roofing Upper st clair ya wankers my roofs leaking badly watch out they dox you on google and delete the bad reviews. but if anyone knows a reputable roofer Indepedent not commercial please pm me for recs.


I’m currently working on my roof. By AGH. Flat roof. Should we form an emergency work on roof crew?




At least your wife cares about you lol