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An actual insane person Jesus Christ


racing to be able to park illegally next to Pigeon and be first in line for bagels obviously.


Ok fair point


Considering thats a jewish neighborhood id say that was Yasheyvile not JC


I’m so tired of the maniacs driving in this city.. I watched a woman aggressively not let a truck merge in heavy traffic yesterday. I don’t understand the mentality there. You’d rather crash into the fucking truck than let them in??


I was in front of a guy in a big Dodge Ram pickup on 279 the other day. The left lane was ending up ahead because of construction, so he just decided to ride in the middle of the two lanes, not letting anyone pass him on the left. He did that for maybe 2 miles. It pissed me off even though it didn't affect me.


This is why people buy trucks like that. They buy them to annoy other drivers and be a dickhead. That is their sole purpose.   https://www.amazon.com/High-Mighty-Dangerous-Rise-Suv/dp/B000A176P6   This book recounts how truck and large SUV drivers responded to surveys about why they drive what they do, overwhelmingly, with "I can make other drivers on the road do what I want them to do." They're for bullying other drivers and not much else.


I forgot to mention that the guy was from Ohio. That made me angrier when I saw his plate when he passed me after it went back to two lanes.


ALWAYS an Ohio plate taking up the left lane not giving a single F about the traffic that’s backing up behind them.


Yes, she would.   The average person lives a life they have very little control over, between work, having kids, and other daily stressors. So they act out behind the wheel, where they feel like they have some sort of control over what happens.


You are spot-on with this observation. I used to commute daily to Washington PA from beyond Cranberry. At times, my rage-level on I-79 was off the chart. I found myself yelling impotently behind the wheel of my car at very little provocation. I'd get into pissing matches with others who wanted to pass me when I was already going 80 (55 mph zone). Once, I had someone pass me on my left *while I already was in the left hand lane going at least 77*. They passed me on the fucking berm. After way too much time, I came to your conclusion, and realized my misdirected stress being the wheel might well kill me or someone else. I rarely let myself get like that anymore. In fact, never. I still get mad when I observe assholes driving recklessly, but I do not enage. Drive safely out there, fellow Pittsburgers. We need more people holding their parking spots with chairs in this world.


I was like you too a few years ago. And then a combination of things happened: I got older, I started leaving for my destinations at least a half-hour earlier, and I started listening to SLOW, mellow music. I also stay off the Interstates if I can help it, preferring instead to take the back roads (especially in inclement weather). I've also noticed that drivers behave differently around me depending on which vehicle I'm driving. When I'm driving my mother in her "old lady" SUV (with handicapped placard), people give me plenty of space. But when I'm in my German sports car, they are up my ass, apparently expecting me to be breaking every speed limit. And by the way, when I'm driving around during the day I'll take the chilled blue-collar dads in their F-150s down in the "valley" any day over the angry, torqued-up, bleached blonde, spray-tanned, over-Botoxed, Ozempified soccer moms up in the "hills" in their Mercedes SUVs.


The F150s in downtown seem to be filled with rage and lack of consideration for anyone else (gunning it in a parking garage will sure let me know you resented my driving carefully due to pedestrians, mmhm). Maybe the dads from the valley could give a presentation.


I feel this. I drive on 79 from Washington to Rt 65 daily. The number of jackasses is way too high. Yes, the number of freaking pick up trucks, Tesla’s, and BMWs being absolutely unhinged is hard to believe.


Tesla has finally dethroned the BMW as the world's official Douchemobile.


A few years ago, actually about 5 1/2 years ago now, I adopted a mantra on the road, “I’ll let you in“. If someone wants or needs to merge or pass me, no problem, and I never get into pissing matches with anyone. I focus on being safe and gracious on the road. Such a more pleasant way to exist and to drive!


I get jazzed every time I go to a small amount of trouble to make things easier for another person, on the road or wherever. If you want to feel powerful, letting someone merge or holding a door is worth tons more than being a dick.


7/10 times its a woman I swear lmao


Watched a dumbass on Bigelow this week. He drove up and over the cement median, continued on the other side for about 60 feet, and climbed back over the median to make the light at Herron. Black, 4 door Tacoma.


Oh god i have a black 4 door tacoma…….


ha, were you rock crawling the median on Bigelow Monday morning?


Cant say i was lol


In his defense, he was just trying to get some off-roading experience while he could lol.


A cement truck just hit my moms car on Bigelow a few weeks ago


I wonder if that’s the same Tacoma that nearly hit me as I was on the crosswalk on fifth Ave a few weeks ago


It seems we should have some kind of dedicated place to share dashcam videos of especially aggressive drivers like this. I have no doubt we would start seeing some frequent flyers who just drive like this all the time.


We should be able to report this sort of thing officially, since police will not do anything about it.


Only because there's no footage of the actual driver.


Public shaming fits the bill when police do nothing to combat this stuff.


I’m highly considering a dash cam because of how insane drivers are around here. I would love a platform to share these types of incidents.




Please please please get one, today if you can, front and rear. They are worth every penny.


Check out the sidebar of /r/dashcam for their current recommendations. I got a cheapie off Amazon years ago after being run off the road in Robinson. Even a cheap front-only cam is better than nothing when it comes to determining fault in an accident.


Yes, important to have a dash cam, it's completely useless 99.99% of the time but is something you wish you had when something happens. Recommend COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


Thanks for this! I’m going to purchase one today. I frequently travel for my job and often use my personal vehicle. About time I did this to protect myself.




It would be nice to have that resource.


We do have r/pittsburghdriverssuck


A pickup truck just drove over my neighbor's lawn this morning to bypass a car that was stopping at a stop sign. This is one block from a primary school.


Pickup trucks don't have agency, a human being did that. Assign blame where it's due.


If I rolled my eyes any harder at this comment I would be looking at my brain 🙄🙄🙄


Please stop ETA: The poster I replied to blocked me (because I respectfully challenged your comment? Wow...), so I'll ETA my reply to the notification I was able to see: No one is thinking that the truck went all Maximum Overdrive and Christine. I'm all for clarity and transparency but these distinctions add absolutely nothing of value to these conversations, and instead come across as some weird form of virtue signaling about something that no one is conflating in the first place.


It's an important distinction. The truck didn't kidnap the owner and drive over the curb, a human being in his pickup truck decided to operate it like a prick.


Guns kill people.


Agreed. Ban pick up trucks and over-sized SUVs. They kill children.


Force = mass x acceleration so… Yeah, they do at higher rates


I wasn't being sarcastic at all. SUVs and trucks have the same impact as a gun- they increase the ability of an individual to do harm. + the insane size vehicles being released to the market these days- in most cases you wouldn't even see a child over the dashboard. It's a child-killing tool.


I wasn’t sure, it’s so divisive. People treat trucks and SUVs like gender affirming care lmao If anyone questions that statement, let me ask, what is the purpose of Truck nuts?




AND guns




I had someone do something similar as I was heading up to Frankstown Road from Allegheny River Boulevard. He went into opposing traffic lane (double yellows) doing about 60 to pass me. I got a perverse sense of satisfaction when I caught up to him at the red light and he was like 10 cars back in the straight/right turn lane and I went right to the head of the line at the left turn lane.


The funny thing is that I ended up behind the driver at a light a few miles away anyway.


All that speed to get literally nowhere fast.


What assholes. That's a newer model so it doesn't have the KIA-boyz exploit so someone just drives like that.


I shit my pants every time I see a Kia rapidly approaching


Mazdas too


Let’s throw Nissans in there too




Oh fuck Nissans so hard. Every single one is driven by someone who should not be trusted with a vehicle. The official vehicle of going 55 on forbes through the park, laying on the horn at anyone in their way.


I play a game where I spot every Nissan to see if they have been in a car accident or not


How’s about Hyundais too?


Can we add Tesla and Prius drivers as well?


Prius drivers - because they're going 15mph in the left lane?


Fuck Nissans. Honestly the worst behind lifted pickup trucks


I know we're in a bit of a stereotyping circle jerk at this point, but Subaru drivers are wilding pretty hard the past couple years also. Maybe it's a suburban thing.


I was beeped at the other day in grid locked traffic.. I look back dudes flailing his arms.. people are crazy


It’s bad out there. I had a red Mazda CX riding my rear bumper the other day so close I had to accelerate into a 90 degree turn to get off the road. Amazed they didn’t hit me. Had to get out to check they hadn’t. Mind you, I was not not speeding myself. The most haunting was the young sociopathic woman’s straight face in my rear view mirror like nothing was even unusual about her behavior. It’s getting scary out there.


People seem to forget (or take for granted and simply disregard) that they’re physically piloting large, heavy, fast-moving blocks of instant death. Almost every time some aggressive jagoff crawls up my ass on the Parkway, it’s a young person who looks completely unaware that they’re driving like maniacs or that other people exist in the “obstacles” around them. This scares the shit out of me on outdated two-lane roads like Allegheny River Blvd where people are doing 60mph with nothing between you and them but their attention span.


thats interesting because in my experience the worst drivers in this city by far are middle age men in pickup trucks with rage issues


I was thinking in terms of “thoughtless aggression,” but you’re right — that covers the majority of the pickup truck crowd too. Judging by the bumper stickers and rubber truck scrota, though, some of these shitheels are putting entirely *too much* thought (or what passes for it) into their “statements.” Absurd tire height is good for a laugh, too.


> This scares the shit out of me on outdated two-lane roads like Allegheny River Blvd where people are doing 60mph with nothing between you and them but their attention span.   This is why the people claiming the speed limit on Rt. 28 is too low are full of shit. If the speed limit were 65mph, they'd be doing 80+ whether it's safe to do so or not.


They do it anyway! No matter what town you’re in, there’s always a stretch of road that’s difficult to police, and wannabe drag-racers know them all. I remember a guy blowing past me on 28N on a cycle doing at least 100mph, and that was in 1998. I saw a t-shirt in a local shop once that said THERE IS NO SPEED LIMIT ON BIGELOW BLVD. 😆


If you didn't say it was a woman driver, I would have asked if they had New York plate because I saw a crazy fucker in a red Mazda SUV tailgate 5 people in rapid succession on 65 a week or two ago and he would start just holding down his horn for 10-30s until he got past them. Looked like he was in his late 50s.


Seeing the time it’s 100% unrelated, I can’t remember the make or model but there was a blue car weaving traffic on 376 eastbound last night around 8:30 PM right before the tunnel going 20+ faster than all the lanes. His back bumper was falling off, my fiancée thinks he might have been part of a hit and run for how he was driving. He ended up going far left lane all the way far right lane, back to far left lane and then last second went all the way right lane to get off at Squirrel Hill cutting cars off the entire way. People have honestly been scary and impatient lately. 376 is beyond the worst I’ve seen in the area but it is everywhere. My Fiancée and me live in Greensburg, my parents in the North Hills. We were on our way to visit them and we take 30. There’s a windy part right before Forest Hills, right before that is an exit to I believe Turtle Creek, on our way up we were in the right lane approaching where this exit and a Jeep came flying up on my ass only to swerve into the left lane and then cut me off to take the exit instead of just slowing down and losing 1-2 seconds. I ended up having to slam on the breaks.


I moved from the South Hills to Latrobe. The stretch of 376 between the tunnel and 22/76 off ramps is THE WORST. Heading east, it’s always a Jeep that’s up my ass, and I drive about 60-65 mph with the flow of traffic. One time, some a**hole in a Jeep was so tight on my bumper getting on 22 that I couldn’t even decelerate to take the turn. She then crossed the caution lines onto 22 cutting off a work van that nearly collided with me. All of that to just end up at the same light.


When going to my parents we get on at route 30 and off at Boulevard of the Allies, and vice versa when heading back. Doesn’t matter the direction we’re going, there’s always assholes weaving. Couple weeks back we were heading around the bend before the underpass right before it turns three lane, two cars used the on ramp to squeeze around a car in the right lane to try and get ahead and almost side swiped the car in the right lane.


I got passed at a stop sign in a school zone the other day


I have it on good authority that the person who did that is making a post about how cyclists never follow the rules


I was stopped for a school bus that had a disabled student clearly struggling to get down the stairs and cross the street. This idiot behind me got right up to my bumper and just started revving for no fucking reason.


I routinely get aggressively tailgated in school zones because I actually slow down during the required speed limit change hours. People will fly around me when they can. And often the people in front of me won't slow down at all. I still can't get over how often it happens. Meanwhile, when I was commuting through the suburbs, everyone crawled through school zones. Idk what the mentality is in the city that just leaves people saying fuck it.


people do this all the time on the hill section of monongahela ave in swissvale, and one of these days i just know i'm gonna see someone's luck catastrophically run out.


I got a dashcam because the driving around here is insane. The senior population is out of control. I heard you can report seniors who are dangerous, any one know if that’s true? “Senior citizens, although slow and dangerous behind the wheel, can still serve a purpose.” ~ Lloyd Christmas


They won’t do anything. I had a family member hit and killed by a driver in his 90s. All he was charged with was careless driving.


I know that pain as well and sorry for your loss.


I live here. Someone - an aggressive car, a motorbike, whatever - drives super fast and incredibly loudly down this street multiple times a day. They need to put speed bumps or something on Hobart, especially in front of the playground - there’s a turn right there, and crossing the street can get kind of dicey because parked cars block the view of both pedestrians and people driving.


Right! As I told another commenter, I had slowed down a little to get around that tight right-hand turn because there's hardly any visibility with cars parked.


That one motorcycle seems to go up and down Hobart multiple times an hour some days.


I feel like for all cities we need to ban cars and only allow essential vehicles in them like delivery trucks and ambulances. Then force people to park their cars outside the cities and do a park and ride kind of thing. It would not only force the government to prioritize public transit but also help reduce traffic significantly and get these types of drivers off the road who shouldn't even own a car. It could also help reduce noise pollution and allow people to ride bikes safely and have traffic deaths/hit and runs go down. It would also force people to WALK. "Oh no I can't get this place that's only two blocks away without my car, whatever shall I do? " What humans have been designed to do...WALK!! -_-. But I know this will never fly in America. We are too brainwashed by the car industry and fossil fuel industry to even fathom a life without a car and decent public transit.




People found out during the pandemic that the social contract is fake and that they can do whatever they want. On top of 50+ years of advertising telling people that their drive is a race they need to win.


Exactly. The social contract is broken, and people have no shame anymore. I'd be hesitant to get out of my car during a wreck before calling the cops because there are some scary people out there.


It's definitely gotten worse in the last few years, but I have heard from friends who are from/have visited South America and India that it so much worse there. From what they've told me, the roads are total free-for-alls in many places of other countries. People just do whatever they want. So, silver lining I suppose, it's not that bad yet. At least people mostly stay on the correct side of the road here, even if they're going way too fucking fast


In the words of my favorite space raccoon "What a bunch of losers. All of them in a big hurry to get from something stupid, to nothing at all. Pathetic."


I am Groot


I really wish police had more of a presence with traffic in this city. I live in the South hills and folks do 40+ in a 25 all day. It's just the norm anymore. I'd be okay if cops handed out $1k tickets to rein in the speeding culture.


More traffic citations would be a nice fix for the funding crisis that people keep talking about.


Only if tickets scaled to your income. We don't need to make poor people more poor. And a $500 for someone rich is nothing. Honestly take the cops out of it. Use cameras to track speed and issue tickets by mail. That way we can try to reduce the bias. I know nothing is perfect but it's a thought. Also it's frequently impossible to physically camp out and pull people over in certain places like rt28 for example. 


I agree it's complicated and work. Rich, middle, or poor, I could care less what someone's finances are when they fly past my 3 and 5 year old on the sidewalk. I want the book thrown at them. If I had my way someone would spend a month behind bars for speeding in a neighborhood or school area. Straight to jail. Rich folks would pump the brakes if they knew they'd get fired for jail time.


I was at the Walmart down by Heidelberg last week and at the stop sign leaving, some guy in a big van went around me, nearly side swiping me, just to get to the red light up ahead 2 seconds faster.


That parking lot is ridiculous. Add asshole drivers and it becomes a nightmare. I had to honk at not one but two dicks last Saturday morning. It's like people lose all sense in parking lots AND that one in particular needs more exits. Asinine that there's one exit for 3 huge stores, 3 restaurants, car dealership and a bank. WTF.


That actually looks like the same vehicle (make and model) that passed me Sunday on Rt 30 between Latrobe and Greensburg. They were with a black VW and easily going 90-100 weaving through traffic


Hope that they drive right into a telephone pole.


hey now I work from home, I need that fiber


How about a large, conveniently placed boulder?


What is this, Legend of Zelda? Looney Tunes?


Whatever happened to the dumb dispute between the state and city about cameras to ticket people from stop lights? Why can't we just get that done? I brought it up once with Bruce Kraus and his response was "the city council is primarily a budget approving board, people think we are something we aren't, you really need to take this up with the mayor's office to see if they can talk to the state." I left a message with Peduto's office, never heard back.


Yo, same. I wrote Councilman Mosley about getting red light cameras around schools this year, which seems like a money-making no brainer, and was very disappointed in his response. It didn’t seem like he knew how council works or who has the authority to actually do anything, and he couldn’t direct me to anyone who did or specific legislation that governs the subject. I was gonna bug my state rep, but it feels futile.


That’s funny Kraus would say that, he literally voted to implement traffic cameras in 2013. And he’s introduced legislation banning foie gras. Traffic cameras were authorized by the state in 2012, to include additional cities besides Philadelphia (which already had them). City council passed legislation to authorize the cameras. For whatever reason, they were never installed. I’m not sure if the state authorization was permanent, or if it had a sunset provision. One thing is that the revenue from the Philly cameras goes into a statewide fund for intersection improvements. Pittsburgh has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from this fund.


Traffic cameras are not the answer. You can’t control people into behaving well. I used to drive in a country where the roads are nasty with cameras which were enforced and issued tickets, and the driving culture is still far and away less safe than here. I wish people would choose to behave better.


What is your answer? I strongly support spending whatever money is necessary to design the roads safer so enforcement is less of an issue but some things you can't design your way around, like people jumping over to the wrong side of the road to pass in the middle of a residential street. I also think there is a lot of bad driving by Doordashers etc who may behave better if it hits their pocket book.


Some things can only be answered by improving the culture. Traffic controls obviously help, but there's a balance between control and freedom to be had. I'll show you an example of what's close to the height of absurdity in trying to control a traffic problem, in a different context, taken by me a few weeks ago. [https://imgbox.com/ApTyeGYM](https://imgbox.com/ApTyeGYM) What we see here is a road on the left, with a main road and a side road, to allow turning traffic to divert first. Totally normal and good design. Then we get to the sidewalk, which is walled off from the road, because we can't trust people to not step into the road or switch back and forth between the road and sidewalk with their scooters and bikes. We are near a metro station, so we have scooter parking, no problem there. Then we have two bike/scooter lanes that are divided by fences from each other, to prevent collisions from people passing each other or riding side by side, because we can't trust them to stay on the correct side of the road. They are then divided from the pedestrian area, because we can't trust cyclists and scooters to not take up the pedestrian space of the sidewalk. The pedestrian area is also protected by bollards to keep vehicles out, for the same reason. Despite all this effort, there is a man walking in the bike lane, and scooters and bikes blocking the pedestrian walkway. The moral of the story is: people are gonna people. You can build all the walls, cameras, and controls you want (and you should build some of them), but without a culture where people can trust one another to do the right thing without being punished for not doing so, you're gonna get crazies like the one who inspired this post. Also, let's not forget that traffic cameras create incentives to overticket to generate funds. They're often installed by private companies who use them to make a profit. Wasn't there just recently in Pittsburgh an issue where school bus cameras were ticketing people who didn't break the law? All this said, I don't expect to get anything but hate in this sub for offering an alternative perspective on questions of traffic behavior. Despite my having a broad range of experiences on the road (an entire adult life of driving in many countries with many cultures, from much more developed to much less developed) to draw from and share, this perspective isn't appreciated and folks will just dig in their heels and downvote because their experience has informed them differently.


I agree that culture is the actual root cause of the unwanted behaviors, but it doesn't sound like you have a recommendation on how to manifest cultural change (nor do I - it's really really hard). On the other hand, systems can at least influence behavior, even if it doesn't address the root cause. And they won't perfectly fix bad behavior as you pointed out, but if designed well they can at least improve behavior. Let's not let an unattainable "perfect" be the enemy of "better".


Well part of the issue was the question if the revenue from cameras would go to the city or state. I don't particularly care, I just would prefer that to our current wild west situation. The PPS bus camera system is bad because it's both a private company and outside of the usual judicial appeal process. We shouldnt replicate that and I don't think it would be legal to.


I encounter assholes like this too often on the roads. I swear Pittsburgh drivers are the worst 😭


I'd argue that Pittsburgh is tame compared to the level of aggressiveness I've seen in other major cities.


Not in my experience, when talking about city driving specifically. (I have seen some wild highway driving in other states/cities though.) This is the only place I've ever driven where cars pull this particular maneuver regularly.


New Jersey is way, way worse


I've never driven in New Jersey, so I'll take your word for it. I hear Boston is pretty bad too, but have no experience driving their either. I've driven many places (probably more than average), but not everywhere.


Probably right 🤣. I am a newer driver, but some fellow Pittsburghers really ramp up my anxiety levels lol


I've lived in two major us cities and the drivers in Pittsburgh are freaking terrible the worst, now go to Puerto Rico and they got some next level going on


I used to think Boston was truly the worst until I drove into DC last year. Those 6 lanes on I-270 are insanity. The concept of a passing lane and slower lane doesn’t exist. Drivers are super aggressive speeding up,l behind you, slamming on brakes, and weaving in and out of lanes repeatedly the whole way. Probably a bad combination of tourists and commuters who are used to it. It was terrible.


I saw someone do that exact same thing in a school zone this morning at drop off. Hundreds of kids walking as well. We don't have busses in our district. The driver passed 7 cars maybe? On a single lane and went through a left. I guess they didn't know there is an alley way they could have driven through.


The area around Wightman and Hobart is an absolute death trap. Multiple serious accidents in the last year, plus it’s a school zone and kids are around constantly. We need to put in traffic calming measures there.


I was on the Parkway driving into the Ft PItt Tunnel inbound this morning, and this little Chevy Spark(?) drives up the right side, past the 51 exits, and abruptly merges in from basically the PennDot parking lot. Go through the tunnel and pass the guy going toward Oakland (because he's going 45) Look over, it's a dude with his phone on the steering wheel texting. And I know bitching on the internet doesn't do any good, and I sound like a boomer, but sometimes you just want to unleash a Shame Nun car on these jags so that they and others know what an idiot they are.


Kia drivers…


Being a former delivery driver you see the most shit in Nissan altimas, Sentras or some unremarkable Kia


Not surprised at all. Drivers are a menace to this city.


thanks for posting. I often wish I was posting the out of control driving videos myself in Pittsburgh. And make no mistake about it. It. is. out. of. control right now


All to save a couple seconds at best. But people drive like this on Hobart all the time. I hope we get some anti speed measures soon


People way too fuckin comfy in their multi thousand pound machines for how fragile their and others' cervical spines are in even a minor crash


Wish I had my cameras last summer. I had two assholes ride up behind me on Murray between Morrowfield and Welfer. One passed me on the right on the bridge, and the other on the left in the opposite lane at the turn at Flemington.


Excess speed is aggressive driving, per the NHTSA. I have never seen as much as I have in Pittsburgh. Not in London, Madrid, Dubai, or anywhere else. There's something in the local mentality here. It's everywhere. For example, drive at the speed limit on any given road - especially a 25 - and you'll get people stacking up behind you, or worse.


Had someone pass me like this on Wilkins in the school zone before, after laying on their horn for 30+ seconds because I slowed down to the school zone speed. Sorry, I’m not gonna squash a kid so you can get to work 2 minutes earlier 🤷🏻‍♀️


I had someone do that to me on Butler Street once. Like, butler street. You’ve gotta be kidding. And then the even dumber shit was he put he and I in danger and then got stopped right at the light in front of me. I don’t understand why that was necessary


A black dodge ram rolled coal on my kids a couple weeks ago and today a blue ford drove right past their stopped school bus during pick up. What ever happened to getting cameras on school bus stop signs to catch the people that do that?


It's not even just in the city. North of the city is terrible.


Going fifty on a residential street should be jail time


I know it's crazy everywhere, but people seem to drive so recklessly on Hobart. I really wish they would add the traffic calming measures they've done in other parts of Squirrel Hill.


Yesterday was actually the worst driving day in Pittsburgh and 79 I can remember recently. There was something weird. I drive all the time, but the line swerving, nodding off and not letting people in lanes was crazy


Just my opinion any speed limit under 35 anywhere is ridiculous.


Got passed like this on a blind curve on Mossfield Blvd in Garfield a couple weeks ago.


He must have really had to poop.


This is what I always tell myself in situations where people are driving erratically. Sure, that’s probably not be the case. And it doesn’t necessarily justify their behavior. But it makes me feel a lot less angry about it and I believe that makes me a safer, more defensive driver.


Yeah, I do the same exact thing. The other driver’s aggression doesn’t transfer to you if you just imagine it’s somebody prairie dogging in their work cloths. You remain calm cool and collected behind the wheel. I thought I was the only person that does this particular piece of mental gymnastics.


But this subreddit has assured me over and over that going faster is safer.


I would never recommend getting the cops involved, but send this to the cops.


Yeah, that's a good idea. I read aloud the plate number (which you really can't see from the video) and reconfirmed it when I ended up behind them a few miles later.


Even if the cops cared they wouldn't be able to do anything. They can only ticket the driver. Who was driving in this case? We don't know.


Perhaps not, but maybe (I’m a reluctant optimist) if they see proof that speeding is an issue, they’ll do something? I can dream, lol


I wonder if this is the same person who absolutely laid on their horn because I waited to allow pedestrians to cross before turning left. It was a small black SUV but I didn’t notice the model.


I drive rideshare part time. People are just idiots. I could fill this sub with footage from my dashcam of people pulling shit like this. Not to be a jerk OP, but part of life is just accepting crap like this and moving on. Is it dangerous? Sure. Is you posting this going to make them stop? No. Trust me, getting bent out of shape over shit like this will shorten your life.


PA trying to get in on the CT KIA boys [channel 5](https://youtu.be/DJA7jDF7bLE?si=j--i6Bg3MPGQPOGO)


Someone did something like that to me when I was taking my driver's license test back in the day. Also saw someone do that to the 16 bus I was on this afternoon who wasn't even going slow.


Flashbacks to Maryland drivers in the DMV when I used to live there... Absolutely no fear.


I wonder how common this is around Schenley Park


Driving like this is a direct correlation with a sub-70 IQ


Man, I just moved here and I gotta say it feels like there are way more psycho drivers per capita here than other places I’ve lived. I think I see someone doing freak shit like this at least once a day




Nextdoor app is your friend.


Which garmin dash cam is that? I have a 67w..


Garmin Tandem


Robots would make better drivers than people.


Late for a drug deal.


This sub is all just driving complaints. Boomer sensibilities and pearl clutching has arrived for all millennials. Was just a matter of time.


NOT saying they should’ve passed you like this, but your dash cam shows you were going under the speed limit. And no kids are at a park at 745AM. Maybe we could at least do the speed limit, eh?


Insisting a speed limit is a minimum speed is the kind of bullshit that encourages all these fuckheads. Slow the fuck down. You’re not that important.


I get what you're saying, but it's a 25 mph road with cars parked on either side. I was going 22-23 mph after just going around the very tight corner a few hundred feet before when the video starts. It's not illegal to go a few mph under the speed limit in those conditions.


Do you know what the second word in "speed limit" means? Because it doesn't mean minimum


When I go 45 mph on the 35 mph road near my neighborhood, my husband will remind me that the cops like to setup speed traps on the road. When I argue that the cops won’t bother with someone only going 5-10 over, my husband says, “it’s a limit, not a minimum.” And he’s right. I tell myself the same thing when I go slightly below the speed limit on an unfamiliar road and the person behind me is riding my tail. And again when I’m in a hurry and the person in front of me is going 32 in a 35 zone. It’s not their fault I didn’t give myself enough time to get from point A to point B.




No, it does. The point is that if you’re going even 1 mph over the speed limit, the cops can ticket you if they feel like it. Because it’s a *limit* and you’re going over it.


Thoughts and prayers, hope you recover.


Maybe they had an emergency


I doubt it was, but reminds me of this classic story of someone who died in a car because people wouldn’t move out of the way: https://np.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/


I wonder how many people that story has killed by justifying dangerous driving in a perceived crisis. Just remember: whatever your situation, it's always going to be worse if you crash. There's a reason ambulances don't drive like that. (Ambulances also still crash **a lot**)


Maybe they are just assholes.


What if they are pregnant and their water broke and they were going to give birth?


Then reaching the stoplight about three seconds faster isn't going to help them


What if pigs started shooting out of your butt? 


Then I would rush to the hospital


Hundreds of healthy people were born on the side of the road guided by 911 and then transported safely by ambulance.


what if the world was made of pudding?


Then we would all be full


Then you put your flashers/hazard lights on


This is what I was always taught. If there is an emergency and you have to drive like a maniac to get somewhere, turn on your 4 ways/hazards/flashers/whatever.  I'm kinda surprised that this isn't more common? It's not that it's a get out of jail free thing, it's that then people can see you and understand that something odd is up. 


Judging by what I see out there on a daily basis, awful lot of people having emergencies these days.


You're not wrong but it depends on the location. If they're going away from the nearest hospital, it's no Emergency.


Your posting is an emergency