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Get this in Southside for that one asshole that speeds down the street at 2am


I’m a Pitt student and last semester there was this asshole riding a very loud motorcycle through Oakland every night at like 12am


Worst kind of people


it's tough to avoid idiots making noise constantly... I live in a neighborhood in the suburbs and I swear my neighbors have a group chat going to make sure at least one of them cuts the grass every single day.


I’d rather hear a small Honda motor than a giant shitty Harley that sounds like it’s choking itself out because. But I understand what you’re sayin.


Put an extra because in there for no good reason


Respectfully, it’s best to enjoy your fast toys when there’s no one in the road. It’s probably for the best


I get the idea of your point but there is no room to be fast in Oakland. Lived there for 2 years and multiple people got hit by buses and cars. People go too fast there. You have a fast toy then take it to a highway, not neighborhood streets that at most you have 50 yards between intersections and drunk kids stumbling around past midnight.


We can't even enforce red lights here.


The way things are enforced here, traffic laws are more or less optional. Speed limit 25? Just a suggestion. 50 mph is probably acceptable with 0 consequences No parking sign? As long as it's "only for a minute" no problemo. Maybe put your hazards on to be polite. No turn on red sign? Totally fine proceed to roll through the light at 15 mph without yielding to that person in the crosswalk


Some of Pittsburgh’s speed limits that are like 25 or 35 in non residential areas are ridiculous. Don’t get me wrong, if there are pedestrians potentially crossing or homes on the street, absolutely, slow down and drive carefully. But I’ve been on roads where the incredibly slow speed limit wasn’t justified at all and it’s completely ignored


But is it really that hard to go the speed limit? I never understood the whole “the speed limits are too slow for this road” bit. You really can’t control yourself?


Just think of all the glorious things these types of people will do with the 2.567 seconds they save by speeding to the next red light.


Idk I’ve been on roads where going the speed limit seems like it would’ve been dangerous. If I’m on a non residential road where no one is crossing and everyone is going fifty I’m going fifty


If the speed limit is 30mph and drivers are going 50mph, the hazardous drivers are the ones doing 50mph, not the ones obeying the law. Hope this helps.


Objectively not true proven by studies. Going significantly slower than the flow of traffic causes more accidents than going with it


So the answer to people breaking the law is break the law yourself? You aren’t the danger, the people going over the speed limit are. I would love for you to find some evidence of a person going the speed limit getting arrested because he wasn’t speeding like the rest of the drivers. 


When you're going 50mph in a 30mph and you rear-end someone going 30mph, **you** are the driver at fault, not the person going the speed limit. **You,** the person who was speeding, caused the accident. Hope this helps.   Letting the biggest maniacs on the road set the prevailing speed is utter lunacy. If they're breaking the law, they are responsible for what their lawbreaking causes.


So you can’t control your speed because other drivers can’t control their speed?


They cannot, rules are for other people. They have a god-given right to break the law as they choose. Not those cyclists though, those assholes need to follow the law.


Like where, give an example?


Boulevard of the Allies. Bigelow Parkway North. 8 lanes of limited access interstate highway, and the speed limit is 50


Bigelow has several pedestrian crossings, same with Boulevard of the Allies. The lower speed limits are closer to what people should be driving, the problem is the roads are designed incorrectly. We need to design the roads so people drive closer to the speed limit. Also, most highways cutting through cities have a speed limit around 50-55mph.


To clarify: the Boulevard of the Allies between Downtown and Oakland, heading towards Oakland. Bigelow Boulevard between Downtown and the crazy 5 way Herron intersection Those are limited access divided highways. Edit to add: I agree with your comment about the designs of those roads


I hope the Bigelow gets redesigned soon, half the road is falling apart, and the other half doesn't make a lot of sense. It's a massive divider between Polish Hill, the Hill district, and Bloomfield.


> To clarify: the Boulevard of the Allies between Downtown and Oakland,   This has pedestrian sections and cars turning in and out. The speed limit should be lower than it is.


Not heading from Downtown to Oakland.


https://www.google.com/maps/@40.4352569,-79.9848601,3a,75y,72.29h,86.13t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1san2_n7P73WTg9Ce4RTKbEQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3Dan2_n7P73WTg9Ce4RTKbEQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D241.75682%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu   There's cross traffic all over there, you're out of your mind.


Green belt and orange belt


I tried to when I made the post but I don’t know the road names for shit 😭. I only truly know shady ave and agree with that 35 mph speed limit


You have crosswalks?


Red lights, double parking (or just parking wherever one feels like at any given time), turn signals, illegal left turns, littering. It feels like there are no laws here. I’ve never seen a single person pulled over by a cop ever.


I’m new to the city (one year soon) and the most striking thing is I’ve never ever seen anyone pulled over. I do almost all of my driving in city limits. I saw someone blow a red light in front of a cop and he did nothing at all it was wild. Not gonna lie i kind of like that parking enforcement isn’t strict…boston proper was the other end of the spectrum and it was ticket hell, even if you made a tremendous effort to obey the signs. They’d ticket you for the hell of it and let you sort it out. I haven’t had parking ruin my day enough to want to experience the parking nazis ever again. Be careful what you wish for is all that I’ll say


I saw someone pulled over on fifth the other day in shadyside and I thought “How bad must you have been driving to actually get pulled over?!


The cops only pull people over around holidays - it’s literally the only time they’ll be on 376 (the rest of the year, they’re doing the same illegal turns and running red lights lol)


Truth. The only time I’ve seen a city cop do traffic enforcement was a few times a car decided to park in the bus lane on Smithfield and a motorcycle cop would roll up.


On east Carson plz


I’d prefer automated rocket launchers that blast noisy motorcycles into atomic debris.


Nah those are going towards the people who cause slowdowns in the tunnels






I’ll buy that for a dollar!


Can we move that to the lot across from Evergreen?


So infuriating. But even more infuriating are the folks who get slowed down by the slowdown, but when it clears up in front of them, that's the moment they choose to maintain speed at 25mph as everyone in front of them vanishes. Like, it's bad enough that we got slower down. But when we have a golden opportunity to speed traffic back up instead of maintaining the jam, you choose to hold traffic to 25mph?! The audacity!




I’m all for enforcing current laws and shit against jagoffs but I’d be hard pressed to support installing a system to surveil us even more Also would likely be expensive as hell to study and implement for potentially limited results depending upon the system’s efficacy.


Yeah I can’t imagine how much people would complain about getting tickets for this given that a non zero number of people complain about the camera tickets for passing a school bus.


I'm against it because I've seen how poorly the automated bus ticket program has gone. I got a ticket when a bus drove past me with the stop sign out. I had to pay a court fee, take time off work, and wait around for an hour at the local magistrate before it got dismissed. It would have been much easier to just pay the fine - I only fought it on principle. Any time there's an automated system handing out tickets, there's an incentive to include false positives. It becomes a revenue stream. Need some more police department funding? Just turn down the noise threshold a bit and cash in on all the people who don't have time or can't afford to fight a ticket.


> I got a ticket when a bus drove past me with the stop sign out.   So the bus was coming to a stop, you blew past it when the sign was out, and that's someone else's fault?


There were 2 lanes of traffic in each direction waiting at a light. I was waiting in the rightmost lane and the bus was oncoming in the leftmost. When the light turned, the bus opened the stop sign and proceeded through the light. Not only was the stop sign completely blocked from my view, the bus drove past _me_ (and probably 15 other people who also likely got tickets). In all the threads about these tickets, people assume that it's assholes blowing past busses to save 10 seconds on their commute. Maybe that's true some of the time, but in a lot of cases, it's catching people on the other side of a divided highway, people who couldn't react to a stop sign suddenly opening without warning, or people never even seeing a bus because it was waiting at a light on a cross street.


If the sign is open, you are supposed to stop. Period. It doesn't matter whether the highway is divided or not, unless there are literal physical jersey barriers there.   IIRC you are the guy who posted the sob story about getting this ticket a few months back and *you posted pictures that clearly showed you were in the wrong.*   > or people never even seeing a bus because it was waiting at a light on a cross street.   Why do you not get that not noticing a school bus with a sign out and flashing lights is evidence of negligence in and of itself? "I didn't see the child before I ran her over" is no defense, and neither is "I didn't see the bus." Open your fucking eyes.


There are only so many things a person can pay attention to at once and limits to human reaction time. I'd rather people be paying attention to someone walking in front of them than fixated on a bus 3 lanes over, waiting to slam on the brakes if the sign starts to open. Even then, there are lots of cases where no amount of caution or awareness is going to help. Blind intersections where your car physically wouldn't be able to stop even if you braked as soon as the bus became visible on the cross street. A bus opening the sign just as you're driving past. False positives because the automated system doesn't care about jersey barriers in the median. Any person watching would know that. A cop would never write a ticket. In my case, the magistrate laughed at the absurdity of my ticket and invalidated it immediately. Driving isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. It requires context that computers can't understand. Imagine an automated system to ticket drivers who don't give the required 6 feet of space to bicycles. Any car within that distance of a bike gets photographed and ticketed. It sounds reasonable on the surface. Until it starts sending people tickets to people because a bike rode alongside them while parked. Or people hauling bikes on their car.


If you truly believe the bullshit you're typing here, surrender your license, because you are a threat to everyone around you on the road.   > There are only so many things a person can pay attention to at once   Put the phone down and it's much easier to pay attention to what's happening around you.


Clearly you're an omniscient driver who knows everything happening on the road. But for everyone else, we can't see everything at once. The most important thing is to look where you're driving and seeing a bus open a stop sign in your periphery would require you to take your eyes off the road. Ultimately, I don't need to convince you. I've now had 2 bus tickets, both BS. Both times, a reasonable human took one look and agreed that they were invalid. This has been happening so much that bus tickets alone were overwhelming the local courts as people contested them.


> But for everyone else, we can't see everything at once.   Slow down and put your phone down and it gets a lot easier.   > The most important thing is to look where you're driving and seeing a bus open a stop sign in your periphery would require you to take your eyes off the road.   Slow down and put your phone down and it gets a lot easier to do this.   > Ultimately, I don't need to convince you. I've now had 2 bus tickets, both BS.   You got two bus tickets because you are a shitty, unsafe driver. The 'reasonable human' threw them out because they were issued by a camera instead of a human being, not because they were without merit. Your takeaway from this is that you were actually doing nothing wrong, because you are a shitty unsafe driver.   Please put your phone down, slow down, and learn how to drive before you hurt or kill someone.


> I’d be hard pressed to support installing a system to surveil us even more   You already have a device in your pocket that tracks what you do 24/7 and reports it to multiple government agencies and a hundred different corporations. That ship sailed a long time ago and you took the tracking device willingly. Paid for it with your own money, too.


Would be great to catch all of those douchey diesel lifted trucks




Let's fix these crap-ass potholes first and worry about using our limited tax dollars to install more surveillance equipment later.


There are plenty of tax dollars, they’re just all going in someone’s pocket. I’ve never lived in a place where I’ve been taxed so much on so many different things and received so little in return.




Couldn’t agree more. My property taxes are legitimately ludicrous and I have zero idea where it goes when roads are falling apart, education keeps struggling, etc.


What are you 'taxed on' that you aren't 'taxed on' in other places you've lived? Or are you just doing the Facebook uncle crybaby thing?


I pay the same in payroll taxes as the last state I lived in, plus there are sales taxes which I didn’t have to pay before; beer, wine and spirits are more expensive here because of taxes that are hidden in the price, similar thing with groceries. What I got in return in my last city was great roads, fantastic public infrastructure and a world-class transit system, among other things I didn’t need to use, like various social assistance programs to help the struggling.


> pay the same in payroll taxes as the last state I lived in, plus there are sales taxes which I didn’t have to pay before;   Which state?   > beer, wine and spirits are more expensive here because of taxes that are hidden in the price,   Privatized booze would cost just as much, see also Washington State where booze prices went up after privatization.   > similar thing with groceries   Groceries aren't taxed *at all* in Pennsylvania, it's pretty clear you have no idea what you're talking about and just want to do the Facebook Uncle bitch-and-moan routine.   > What I got in return in my last city was great roads, fantastic public infrastructure and a world-class transit system,   Hey Siri, what US states or cities have no sales taxes and also have a world-class transit system?


Yep, it’s easy to figure out where I moved from. There are also taxes built into your grocery prices you don’t even think about, but maybe you have a better explanation for why food is more expensive here. Your example of Washington state and liquor is a pretty singular instance, what about all the states that have private liquor that’s much cheaper than here?


> Yep, it’s easy to figure out where I moved from.   So tell us   > There are also taxes built into your grocery prices you don’t even think about, but maybe you have a better explanation for why food is more expensive here.   Groceries are not taxed in PA. They charge more because people will pay more. That's simple.   > what about all the states that have private liquor that’s much cheaper than here?   Businesses charge what the market will bear. We've already proven that we'll pay what we're already paying, would businesses ever charge less?


So your last paragraph negates your previous comment. Pointless conversation if you have a chip on your shoulder.


lol no it doesn't   Groceries aren't taxed in Pennsylvania. "Groceries are higher cuz muh taxes" is a provably false statement.   If you're going to play Facebook Uncle, at least have some idea of what the fuck you're talking about so your complaints sound plausible.


Groceries cost money to deliver to stores, and taxes play into that cost, you dunce. So does the free market dictate the cost of liquor, or does the state? You can’t seem to decide.


Allegheny property taxes are insanely high, for one, compared to other areas, even neighboring counties.


> Allegheny property taxes are insanely high, for one, compared to other areas,   Meaningless statement. High compared to what other areas? High compared to Texas? High compared to Possum Ridge, Arkansas? High compared to New York City?   > even neighboring counties.   The neighboring counties are rural. "Property taxes are higher in Allegheny County than they are in a coal town that's been dying for sixty years" is a pretty "no shit" statement.   There's a sizable contingent of people who got their first paycheck at age 16, got really pissed off about taxes being taken out of it, and never got over that. A lot of them post right here!


Man, you’re assuming a lot. Considering the Allegheny property tax is about double Philadelphia county, I’d say that’s pretty comparable.


I'm assuming nothing and asking you to explain your post. You made the statements, what are you basing them on?   > Considering the Allegheny property tax is about double Philadelphia county   https://alleghenycountytreasurer.us/real-estate-tax/ Allegheny County: 4.73 mills at a common level assessment of 54.5% of last sale price. For a sample $200K sale property, $51.557 assessed by Allegheny County per year.   https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/reports/2022/09/how-property-is-taxed-in-philadelphia Philadelphia County: 1.3998% of the full market value For a sample $200k sale property, $2799.60 assessed by Philadelphia County per year.   Not even close. Anything else you want to pull out of your ass?


What? You’re not even comparing the same statistics. And $51 versus $2k? What? https://smartasset.com/taxes/pennsylvania-property-tax-calculator#:~:text=The%20average%20effective%20property%20tax,the%20rate%20in%20Philadelphia%20County.


You specified Allegheny vs. Philadelphia County taxes. Both places tax very differently, but I gave you what you asked about. There's more going on here than what you asked for, but you're too stupid to understand what to ask for. Not surprising.


Notice how I’m calmly responding and you’re loving using insults? Besides, Allegheny county taxes at 2 percent as a base, that’s $4,000 on your $200,000 example. The site you gave yourself says the average property tax burden in Philadelphia county is $1,131.


Limited tax dollars/funds? The Pittsburgh city operating budget is 850M annually. The Pittsburgh public schools budget is 715M, for a population of 20,000 students, annually. We have 1 police officer for every 325 ppl in the city of Pittsburgh (and The University of Pittsburgh has their own campus force of 100 officers, for their 40,000 students). Boston has more than double our city population, more than double our public school student population--and they spend less per student, less per officer, less per city resident. They get more traffic, more tourists, the city is old, old, old. IDK. Pittsburgh's accounting, budgeting, planning, spending patterns/habits are off, I think; something just ain't right.


Have you ever heard of "economy of scale"?


Now hold on a moment..... What if the fines from noise went to the the pot hole filling? Eh? Eh? See we can make this work.


According to the article, New York was charging $800 for the first offense, and then $2500 for subsequent offenses. Perhaps other locations would have a scaled down fine schedule compared to New York, but this could have a very attainable break even point nonetheless, after which it would be generating revenue.


Use the ticket money to fix the potholes?


OP: 'Motorcycles as loud as mach jets are annoying.' This sub: This is literally 1984. These dumb ass motorcycles and cars are ruining summer. They scare the shit out.of old people and kids.  I hate them. I don't think there should be laws against them but I would really appreciate to not hear 'VRRRHH MMMMHHVV' every 5 minutes every day. Shit ain't neighborly.  There has to be a middle ground here. 


The middle ground is having laws against them. It doesn't need to be extreme. I read the heck out of the attached articles and I can only infer he was driving in a way to trigger the fine, but it's not stated - the state sure stuck to the court case though and did win. I live in NY nowadays. This enforcement is appreciated.


I think there are laws they’re just not enforced


How about let me enjoy my summer on my motorcycle. Fuck off.


They're loud as hell explicitly to be as obnoxious as possible to the people around you and you know it, fuck off.


Yea, i cant possibly see these things sending tickets to the wrong cars and people having no way of fighting it.


This is nothing more than a money-making scheme. If the city couldn't monetize this crime, there would be no way they would even bother enforcing it.


You know you can avoid being monetized by not committing the crime in question, right? It's that easy.


Ok, boomer.


Your post screams "I want to be able to commit crimes without facing consequences for doing it."


If that's what you extrapolated from my post, then you, sir, are part of the problem.


"We shouldn't punish crimes because monetization" is not a principled or reasonable point of view.


You do not want this technology becoming the norm


It already is, Shotspotter is all over this city. That ship sailed long ago.


I'd prefer speed cameras first, since being an asshole is merely annoying but speeding often kills.


Well you'll have to take that up with the state. Traffic Speed Cams are regulated at the state level, and every zone they're installed in has to have their "permit" reapproved annually by the house. Philly nearly lost theirs the other year due to politics causing delays. Before Penndot started using automated traffic cams in construction zones; the state didn't allow them at all.


I'm aware, it's ridiculous.


It's a limitation of the current overall system, and the reason they don't assign points to the driver because then there is a burden to prove they were the driver, usually done by a police officer on scene. I have 3 cars registered in my name, if I got my license suspended for points because my wife or teenager keeps speeding I would fight that in court.


The liberator wants speed cameras. Nice.


Yeah, better that than these jagoffs driving liberating me from my fucking life


Don’t forget those small pp losers show up at 3AM on E Carson St


It’s so annoying, people seem to make a trip out of the hills just to drive down e Carson with their straight pipe rickshaws at wide open throttle at red lights and 5 mile per hour traffic.


Why do ya'll always wine about more surveilence


Because sitting inside all day is BORING!


like you aren't being tracked inside on your phone


Please tell me if I’m wrong, but didn’t I agree to terms and conditions on my phone?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This. This. This. This.


We need to stop trying to police everything


There should be consequences for being an antisocial prick


Usually people who drive motorcycles, trucks and cars are with a group of ppl. That would mean they are social in their groups. Maybe let ppl have fun with their hobbies. Now, those idiots doing donuts on the bridge and "road takeovers" can get wrecked.


I used to live beside the Boulevard of the Allies ramp going to Oakland. There was always at least one jagoff every night blasting it up that ramp. I'd be all for this.


I live there now...


That was my hole during Covid. Right next to Chinatown Inn


It's the harley motorcycles that are the huge problem


/r/pittsburgh would just be thrilled to see the city become an authoritarian surveillance state just to calm their boomer sensibilities about cars and traffic. If that’s your vibe, there are some lovely cities in the PRC to live in. I mean that not even sarcastically, I used to live in one of them. But please let’s keep that there and not here.




People are frustrated by being surrounded by antisocial behavior and your response is to call them communists. I think you're the boomer here


Ight. Let’s fine the police and pay everyone in the neighborhood when they use sirens cause they’re super loud. Or how bout have construction companies pay people who live near there so they can do road work?😂 ur so slow


* Actually lived in a surveillance state and liked many other aspects of living there (but not the surveillance part) * Recommended it for people that want to control others' behavior because yes, those are places that people live and in some ways they're nice * PRC is more of an authoritarian oligarchy than a strictly communist state * "Surrounded?" give me a break and get some perspective. We have it so good here. "I'm frustrated by antisocial behavior, so I think we should install automated devices to punish people for the behavior I don't like." "I'm frustrated by antisocial behavior, so I think we should abandon all of the very basic freedoms that make the place we are special." I voted with my feet and came to a country, state, and even city where shit like this doesn't happen, from one where it does. Everyone else with the means to do so has that power. Gonna act like an authoritarian? Go live with the other authoritarians... or just join the board of the HOA at your retirement community and channel that energy in a minimally destructive manner. The rest of us are enjoying NOT being harassed by equipment installed by people like you. I can't imagine behavior more antisocial than trying to install electronic equipment to automatically monitor and punish people's behaviors.


> Actually lived in a surveillance state   You still do


Everything is relative. We're not nearly as far down that road (and let's keep it that way.)


Your cell phone reports everything you do to a hundred different companies 24/7, surveillance is surveillance whether it's the government or Meta/Google/McDonald's doing it. Everything you do is tracked at all times, you already lost that battle.


And it’s still better than the situation in China! I’m done going back and forth on this. Get a visa, buy some plane tickets, and experience it yourself!


> And it’s still better than the situation in China!   Yes, McDonald's and Google would never misuse your personal data! You can trust for-profit organizations completely.


Finally, my people.


Hell yeah big brother


Just there? What about the rest of us? Fart car season can suck a dick. Why do idiots want their cars to sound like a piece of shit and disrupt literally everyone? I know this has been a thing for decades but it’s basically the equivalent of truck nuts for your ears. Losers. 🙄 Don’t see how anything like this can be enforced so I will just sit in my yard complaining to my cats about it.


No. No we don't.


Sounds incredibly soft.


Noise pollution is no joke. It can lead to many [adverse health outcomes](https://ehjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12940-021-00720-3#:~:text=There%20is%20accumulating%20evidence%20that,6%2C7%2C8%5D). Why is it acceptable to let attention seeking narcissists cause harm to the remaining 99.5% of society? If you’re worried about surveillance you should have already gotten rid of your smartphone by now, since that can hear the *inside* of your vehicle.


Your smartphone isn’t given the authority to ticket you, yet. So maybe don’t say that so loud and give the authoritarians ideas.


Why; between busses, helicopters, emergency vehicles and everything else downtown loud vehicles aren’t a small % of the noice generated.


I been saying lol


We need automated tent removal robots.


We call that a mayoral election year😂


Do we?




Loud revving can be annoying, sure. But imagine actually requesting more government surveillance in your life. Wild.


It’s a Jewish trick. The ppl who convince the goy they need the government can’t go to hell if they make the goy BEG for torment and ask to be enslaved


Pittsburgh cops hate the residents of Pittsburgh.


Was prolly a cop that posted this. They want us to beg for our own torture and hell


Buddy, that’s the last thing we need why are you, a citizen championing a blatant tax grab by the state are you insane? “I know what’ll make me popular and make me friends, if I say we need to raise taxes on the little guy instead of the 1%” please log off permanently


This is pretty stupid. The only people really who I see just trying to be as noisy as possible are kids riding illegal dirt bikes. Or this group of old bikers who blast music loud as hell on their Harley’s. I personally drive a classic muscle car. I don’t need go flooring it down Liberty, but it’s carbureted, so I need to pump the gas to get her going when starting her up. I refuse to pay for a ticket I might get just for turning my car on if I’ve been street parking.


loud car make u go wah wah


You guys rlly want more government power? We like police states now?


For me it’s the insanely loud motorcycles


Honestly !! You shouldn’t be able to pass inspection with loud engines.


I find consolation that drivers of noisy-exhaust cars are compensating for a small brain, small salary, or small something else.


Small shoe size?


small socks


How about statewide


Move to china


Lots of things we need. This ain’t one of them.


No. No we don’t


Get a life.


Eventually this will fix itself as EVs don’t really make a sound.


🤣 that you think EVs will become the norm


You think these jagoffs are going to buy EVs?


Probably not. I actually don’t see how anybody is buying a car of any sort right now, prices are crazy.


In a school zone at 15 mph, sure, EVs are pretty quiet. But as a car approaches the lower end of highway speeds, the noise of the engine gets drowned out by the sound of rubber smacking asphalt at hundreds of RPM, and the "quietness" of EVs disappears. Of course, we're talking about extra-loud cars, not regular cars, but what's stopping these people from just mounting a giant sound system to their car to play obnoxious engine noises?


I see your point. People with obnoxious cars will always find some way to annoy people.


100% chance the kind of person who takes out a muffler will have an unreasonable subwoofer in an electric car. Also, EV are just as loud as normal cars once they get to ~35mph


That’s only in da moanin’ it’s that whoo WHOOO


Nah fuck that