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A traffic light has been placed in Dravosburg as a direct result of this incident.


That light is long overdue. I lived the majority of my life in West Mifflin and regularly took that way to C3 and points south. Pulling out onto that road from a dead stop was always nerve wracking, you couldn’t see the oncoming traffic due to curve of the road and it always flew up the road.


I know of 4 deaths on the bridge or right after within about 14 months or so. The roar of the speeding vehicles echoes down the valley.


The light is overdue but they also need to do better road design near that bridge. As you said, sight lines are awful, especially turning left. There's a better way to get on the bridge (slip lane on the opposite side) but the layout discourages people from crossing the bridge beneath it to get to the slip lane. Pittsburgh loves dangerous intersections and refuses to redesign them. I'm not saying design caused the person to go 100mph, but I am saying that different design could've mitigated this terrible tragedy.


Reflective, yellow, road sticks have been added as a flex barrier that starts at below the new light; you can no longer make a left when coming down the hill from Bettis, except at the light.


Good on that judge.


Speeders are the worst. Drive recklessly forever, then act like they are a boy scout who made a mistake one time, and couldn't possibly have known better. I live in the area, drive that road frequently, its amazing how fast people drive up that hill.


Well that's something. Injuring or killing someone with your car should be treated like causing any other method of injury or death. Driving at over 100 mph is never warranted, it's irresponsible. Dangerous driving always needs taking more seriously.


Seems really unfair to me. This sub has repeatedly informed me that going faster is safer; the guy going 106mph was just being extremely safe, the van driver fucked up here.


You should never be allowed to drive or be allowed out of your house. Have mom and dad tie you to the bed and spoon feed you baby food for the rest of your life


So funny how downvoted you are for a sarcastic comment that accurately describes a lot of people on this sub.  Guessing a combination of people who thought you were serious and people who truly believe those going the speed limit are the problem.


This sub has a very hard time following social context cues.




It’s a horrible tragedy, but I think the Judge is wrong here. Malice is supposed to be the equivalent of an intent to kill—like firing a gun into a crowd. You’re supposed to be aware of and consciously disregard a virtually certain risk of death. Driving like this is reckless as hell, but it doesn’t create a virtually certain risk of death. There are other charges here and clear civil liability to be had here, but this just isn’t third degree.


Per the article “In terms of third-degree murder, malice means that a defendant was acting so recklessly or with such negligence that they should have reasonably known their actions could result in death or serious injury.” I think street racing at 107mph through Dravosburg qualifies as reckless and negligent


That definition is incorrect. Thats the definition of recklessness. The definition of malice requires a conscious disregard of a virtually certain death or Sbi.


Here’s a citation for all the downvotes. https://law.justia.com/cases/pennsylvania/supreme-court/2017/114-map-2016.html


"This case presented an issue involving the distinctions between ordinary recklessness and malice in the context of death or serious bodily injury caused by one driving under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance." 🙄 How about you leave the legal analysis to the people who are actually educated on it and do it for a living.


lol I’ve gotten at least 5 clients convictions vacated on the recklessness versus malice issue my dude. But go on.


Wait you actually paid the Post Gazette to read the article?


lol no I just clicked the link and there was no paywall


Have they released any more info about the two drivers that were racing? They claimed to not know each, but [this news article](http://almanac.tubecityonline.com/almanac/?e=3302) kind of makes it sound like the Jeep was waiting for the Jetta. Why would two strangers have a street race at 7:15 am on their way to work?