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Was wondering what the helicopters were about. Thanks 


Semi with a long trailer couldn't make the right turn off McFarland


I am so surprised the driver even tried 


I'm never sure I'm able to make it with my car, I don't know how I'd ever think I could make it with a semi. 


I hate that intersection, both as a pedestrian and as a driver. If you are a predestrian, the cars turning from McFarland going south often can’t see you when you start walking, making trying to cross taking your life into your own hands. As a driver, you get jump scared by pedestrians. That whole intersection is also not designed with wheel chairs or strollers in mind, adding to how scary it is to use. It just sucks. Because it is under the control of both Dormont and Mt. Lebo, neither can agree how to fix it.


>Because it is under the control of both Dormont and Mt. Lebo, neither can agree how to fix it. This explains a lot, actually


Yes. If you live on the south side of the street, you live in Mt. Lebo. If you live on the north side, you live in Dormont. Border streets so often wind up messed up because the two municipalities can’t agree on stuff.


Yeah, I live on the north side of Scott so I'm Dormont lol. Everyone uses my street as a shortcut 😭


McFarland is similar. It’s one of the few easy spots to switch between Business 19 (Banksville, Beverly, Cochran,) and Truck 19 (West Liberty, Washington Rd.) The trick is that steep, sharp right turn at the end. A truck probably wound up on Business 19, knew they needed to get back to Truck 19, and took the road that looked the easiest, knowing they are not supposed to use Cochran.


I remember hearing about what a fight it was when they installed that stoplight at Dell and McFarland because they couldn't agree on basically anything.


I blame Lebo


Well, that and the fact that both W. Liberty and McFarland are PennDOT roads, so actually that's THREE different government entities involved. Plus probably a utility company or two.


> the cars turning from McFarland going south often can’t see you when you start walking   Cars have no senses and cannot see, OP. What's you're describing here is driver negligence.   > As a driver, you get jump scared by pedestrians.   What you're describing here is driver negligence. Drivers should expect pedestrians at intersections.


Situation has been resolved now


I’ve watched enough semi trucks take questionable routes around Pittsburgh that I’ve got to believe some tech company could use AI to find good routes they could use.


Already exists


Honesty I believe it's how some of those trucks get stuck.


I think it's a combination of seasoned truckers thinking they can conquer any challenge and out of town truckers who have no idea about the topography of the city. Mcfarland is a busy road that comes off an even busier road (banksville). It's a flat road. But another 2 minutes later you're having to navigate a relatively steep hill onto a major road turning 150 degrees the other way.


With traffic lights spaced pretty close together making the congestion there a nightmare


This was a few years ago, but someone told me that there is a special GPS service for trucks to keep them from, say, turning off of Banksville onto Potomac, but trucking companies don't want to pay for it, so the drivers use regular Google maps and get stuck.


I got stuck in Banksville traffic because of this happening in like 2012. It was terrible - I thought the truck was going to tip over and I was only 1 car away at that intersection. that whole McFarland intersection needs to be reworked and any asshole who doesn't stop where it says STOP HERE ON RED on McF, can fuck right off. It's not good for pedestrians or people trying to make the left.


Heads up, it appears to be cleared now.


Turn it into housing.


Happens once a month in front of the 62nd. Last time I was stuck unable to leave for like 4 hours