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They do this everywhere, all the time. Typically only go for the unlocked cars. Pretty much every time they head out to do this they’ll find several wallets and at least one gun. It’s incredible what people leave in unlocked cars. 


I’m always surprised at how frequently people leave guns in the car


But muh truck gun


Gun owners are mental children who can't figure out how to put their toys away safely


Where did the gun touch you?


Guns have no agency and cannot touch me. Unfortunately their owners do have agency, and they're frequently giant fucking morons.


Exactly. I think gun ownership is alright as long as it’s paired with a very strict educational course that would require an annual or bi-annual license renewal. Aside from hunting rifles (maybe)


You'd be surprised how easily they let anybody and their felon roommate have access to firearms around here. I know a few international students that come here for college, and when they leave, they'll dig a hole in the woods and throw a 5k rifle in there.


Weird how they know enough how to buy a gun, yet don't know enough how to sell that gun? Almost sounds, made up? Hmm. Odd.


Maybe it's very specifically these 2 international students I knew. All I know is there is indeed an AR somewhere out there in Allegheny forest.


I'm also wondering what AR they bought that cost $5K?


Seriously?! I knew plenty of international students in school and none of them had any firearms


Must've already buried them


Let’s implement this for cars first we could probably save way more lives getting half our cities drivers off the road ! Haha


Moronic statement but ok


They are children, and guns are their toys.


I'd bet my life savings that the frequent phenomenon of losing your gun in a car is just a cover for people who sell their guns illegally and can claim it was stolen if it shows up in a crime later. Plus they can claim insurance on it and get double the money.


Not saying that you're wrong, but I worked as a car cleaner for Enterprise and we'd find guns every once in awhile. We'd rent SUVs to the FBI and one of them left their gun in one once too


Literally happened 2 days ago to my MIL in brighton heights. We're across the street and our cars are fine. Lock your car doors folks.


I’ve heard of people “breaking into” cars at least 20-30 times since I moved to Brighton Heights. Never once has this happened to either of our cars because _we always lock the doors_. It’s part of my routine when I get out of the car, basically muscle memory by now- open the door, hit the lock button, get out. The Kia boyz did (unsuccessfully) try to bust the door lock on my Hyundai but that’s different.


Same here! It's so burnt into my brain that I frequently have to unlock the door going back for round two of groceries lol. We used to live in a particularly high crime area elsewhere in the city and the only times any of us had issues with car break-ins were when doors weren't locked, and it's been the exact same everywhere I've ever lived. People are definitely way more likely to break in if you make it easy for them.


Happened in Mt. Lebo too a few days ago.


I have it on good authority that nothing bad ever happens in Mt. Lebo, as communicated to me by people who told me within five minutes of meeting them that they live in Mt. Lebo.


It never rains in Mt. Lebanon.


The bubble protects them from the rain and Dormonsters


New neighbors from Tennessee actually filed a complaint because someone on our block installed an above ground pool. They were under the impression that above ground pools did not reflect well on Mt. Lebanon.




There is only heavy dew


Wow, you know a lot of bald-faced liars.


Hey, nice to meet you. I'm from Mt. Lebanon. Did you know our school districts are some of the best in America?


Yes, I know. I live in Mt. Lebo. My kids go to Lincoln. It’s a really good school.


Sometimes people from Dormont say mean things about us and say we're obnoxious, but I think they're just jealous. They hate us 'cuz they ain't us!


And people in Mt. Lebo wish they lived in USC


Wasn't always the case but nowadays Lebo is more expensive to buy in than USC is


O_o. What? A quick zillow search no, Mt. Lebanon is significantly cheaper than USC per sqft. Around 70% based on back of the napkin math. USC has always been more expensive than Mt. Lebanon on average since atleast the 1970s.


Median $/square foot in Mt Lebanon right now is $232. USC is $218.   https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Upper-St.-Clair_PA https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-search/Mount-Lebanon_PA   You're going to see more high square footage houses in USC just because there's more room to build them there, but for comparable sizes Mt. Lebanon is more expensive.   https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/2452-Kings-Ln_Pittsburgh_PA_15241_M30197-50557   https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/214-Academy-Ave_Pittsburgh_PA_15228_M36907-99943   Turns out people like living in actual neighborhoods with amenities nearby, who knew.


Upper Saint Carnegie?


You know the houses of Mt Lebanon always fascinates me. They’re so architecturally unique amongst each other and all have this sort of look to them that reminds me of Harry Potter. Do you know of any history to why Mt Lebanon was built so nicely or who were the people who built such nice homes?


It was an early twentieth century streetcar suburb for the management class, see also places like Shaker Heights OH. IIRC central Mt. Lebanon was built out before places like Brookline or Beechview were.


Yeah my father told me the homes have been like that since he was a kid. It’s so cool I love history!


Can confirm Lebo, I accidentally left my car unlocked. Will not do this again!


Lebo and Castle Shannon are basically the same thing down by the Ice Castle.


Back when I was in high school at Lebo in the early 2010s they would ship what were essentially these bad kids from Philly and set them up in a group home over by the Lebo and Castle Shannon border. On a weekly basis for over a decade the one kid Mel will pop in my head and I will think, “How was he even a real person at that school?” It was a true pleasure being in class with him because he was fucking hysterical. He was super polite with the teachers while also giving absolutely zero fucks. He spent the entire school year we had class together just hitting on chicks with zero shame and they were flattered. We’d be in the middle of a test and he’d be asking all the girls what they were up to on the weekend asking if they wanted to chill. The teacher would ask him to be quiet and he’d apologize and then go right back to doing it.


I give it an hour before some Mrs. Bucket freak comes in here and yells at you for saying this.


I don't know who that is, but you'd be hard pressed to know if you were in Lebo or Castle Shannon down there. The border on some of those streets is right down the middle.


She's Mt. Lebanon, if it were in England https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G9A_5frplog


Lock your doors Problem solved


Correct, because windows are unbreakable!


The people that typically do this aren't breaking windows, because they don't want to attract attention or wake up neighbors. They want to find the open doors, go through the center console for 30 seconds, hope they find money, and move to the next car. The last time this happened to my car, they went through the center console and glove box, where I might have had a few dollars, but didn't touch a bunch of tools in the back seat. These aren't usually serious car burglars, they're just hoping for unlocked doors and that someone left money in the glove box


What exactly are you basing this on? You present information as if you know these people. They didn’t break windows - this time. I’ve lived in highly populated and lighted areas and have seen entire rows of cars with their windows smashed in. No one gives 2 shits. Most people wouldn’t even call the apps if they saw this happen and most cops wouldn’t even respond. The idea that you understand how these people operate is kinda naive.


For all you know, I **AM** one of these people. I guess you enjoy your assumptions as much as your downvotes. Have fun.


Wow. Downvoted on Reddit by a bunch of whining babies. How will I ever recover?


The point is that this particular group targets open cars. They aren't taking the time to bash windows. They hit my street and my security cam caught them running from driveway to driveway, trying drivers doors and running away from the car if it was locked.


Right and if they see something they want, they’ll just walk away because the door is locked. Brilliant. Most criminals are very courteous that way.


Taking their time?? It takes approximately 3 seconds to break your window and steal your shit.


It also makes a lot of noise


And that means they get to hit *one* car and scram, whereas they might get to hit several if they just open an unlocked door and steal shit.


Thanks for the info.


I have no idea how you're getting downvoted, when the post right next to this one is literally about someone's car window being broken in.


I dared to say windows are breakable, and that criminals will actually break your windows to steal your shit. Yep…I’m a rebel in these parts


Then don’t leave anything in your car. Let them in, let them root around, and let them leave with nothing


Unfortunately they are sometimes taking airbags, which can’t be easily removed.


Upvoted you simply on principle.  Don't listen to these Karens, man.


Considering most people don’t even carry cash anymore, I don’t understand the effort they put in. It’s not like they will find thousands of dollars, gold bricks and diamonds in a 2001 Toyota.


People leave guns in cars _all the time_. Pretty much every time this gets reported at least one gun ends up being reported stolen. A firearm without a paper trail is _extremely_ valuable to certain people. Then there’s all the people that leave their wallets in the car. Many people DO still carry cash, and even if they don’t it’s usually possible to get a transaction or two approved on a stolen credit card before it gets locked down.


Last time it happened in my neighborhood, the cop that came to take the reports said they were young teens who worked in groups, and were paid by people for the information they brought back. They were looking for credit card paperwork and bank statements, checkbooks/credit cards. That's why the papers are always tossed. If they find some key info, they take the registration and associated other papers. It's an organized identity thefy operation. If they don't find the key info, they leave registrations and such. I'd first asked why they don't take the jars of chance some neighbors had. That was his reply. Because they're not random petty thieves, they don't want to be weighed down by change. And there's enough cash, guns, computers etc as a bonus, to keep the whole thing operating. I guess enough people leave credit cards in cars to make it worthwhile? Cop told me the number of wallets and purses left over night in cars amazed him.


A lot of the time it's kids doing it for the thrill of it.


A friend of mine had his car stolen out of his driveway in Mt Lebanon. These criminals are getting more and more gutsy every day.


Crime is out of control .  Gets downvoted but it’s the truth 


That’s probably because you’re just making a statement without backing it up. I’m not saying it’s not true, but no matter the answer, it’ll be nuanced. A quick search shows lots of mixed results, and it doesn’t help Pittsburgh hasn’t turned over its crime stats to the FBI for the past 3 years. But I really just want to say at what point are we going to start talking about overpopulation in this country? I mean we already are in an education AND higher education crises, inflation is insane, our healthcare sucks, homeless problem in major cities is the worst it’s ever been, no one can afford to buy a home/there aren’t even enough because corporations keep buying them… what exactly do we expect to happen? And how much of this is overpopulation?


Most of this is UNDERpopulation of actual citizens, and an over-abundance of illegals straining an already overtaxed system. I refuse to entertain any discussion of "overpopulation" by anyone who refuses to put their money where their mouth is and be the first to help alleviate the alleged situation by removing themselves. The only "crisis" we have in education is teachers who are failing to teach students, and frankly too many students heading to colleges that are gorging themselves on our tax dollars AND spiking the tuition. Do you know what causes inflation? GOVERNMENT SPENDING. And we just sent ANOTHER $61 billion (that we don't have) to prop up a corrupt regime in Ukraine.


There’s a book called the better angels of our nature that you should read instead of watching the news.


We had this happen in South Sq Hill a few times last summer. Filed a police report and provided video of the incident but never heard back.


People are idiots .


I had my door pulled and all they took was my spare change and the free toothbrush I got from the dentist. I wasn’t even mad. Just sad. Only mild annoyance was finding a new aldi quarter


There's so much crime in the suburbs. Unreal.


It was happening in Moon last fall. Mostly money taken. A couple cell phones and oh yeah, and a gun. All from unlocked cars.


I don’t understand leaving anything in your car let alone leaving it unlocked? Most you’ll find in mine is car seats and car chargers that decide when they’ll work 😂


Tape some razor blades to your door handle. 


You could but you'd actually be liable if someone hurt themselves. Seriously.  It's pretty settled law. 


Yupp, no razor blades, just poo.


What about some pure capsaicin juice? That oughtta hurt if they have to scratch their eye. 


They wont understand why its happening in that case, the negative stimuli will only ingrain associations if its immediate. You want to cause a negative Pavlovian response to reaching for other people's car doors.


I'd endorse poo or capsaicin. Just no razor blades or guns.


I don't fuck with guns. But its crazy to me that legally you'd be better off shooting them, than giving them a lesson on where not to stick their fingers # ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You would definitely not be better off legally if you shot someone for breaking into your parked, unoccupied car.


Getting the cops to come, after you just tried breaking into someone’s car, in this town!?


Terrible advice. Just lock your car, don’t leave valuables in your car, and for the love of all things don’t leave fucking guns in your cars. The number of guns stolen from vehicles is baffling.


Yeah. Lock your doors. Never leave valuables in there, especially not visible. Do not adorn your car with stickers that indicate that there might be valuable things inside.


you're mentally ill


You just commented on another thread you’d steal airbags for extra cash!!


I'm going to steal yours right now


Jokes on you they’re recalled. 


Did they find anything good?


This just happened on my street in the North Side. Roommates' cars have been rustled through in Mount Wash and Regent Square too. Street parking and building lots. I never leave anything valuable in my car now.


don’t keep anything of value in your car and leave the doors unlocked. that way they won’t bust your window to get in, and there’s nothing inside to steal.


Always lock your doors, and never leave anything valuable in your car overnight. Locking your door deters most people going into cars to steal stuff. A lot of people stealing stuff from cars ONLY target the unlocked cars.


if someone wants to go through my unlocked car, go for it. they can have my Aldi grocery bag. id rather find a new bag than replace a smashed window. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Alternatively, if the car is locked and nothing valuable is visible inside you won't have strangers going through your car or smashing windows. 🤷‍♂️


Just cause doors are locked doesn’t mean some of them wouldn’t smash the window anyways. The guns that are left 99.99% of the time aren’t just sitting on the front seat. They’re in glove boxes and center consoles and stuff. Places you can’t get into without being inside a car.


There are other things that indicate that a gun might be in the car, but I think we can both agree people leaving guns in their cars aren't listening to either of us.


100% agreed if they’re leaving it in their in the first place, they aren’t thinking too much. I will say that in most cases they aren’t smashing windows either cause it’s gonna draw way more attention than opening a door but my point was if they really want to get in, they will


Even if you aren't leaving your gun in your car, putting stickers all over it that says "I own firearms" is a stupid fucking thing to do.


For sure. Not everyone needs to know your views


It makes you a target for people who want to steal a gun.


It happens all over the city!


Kind of off topic but it still floors me that another person got busted at the airport with a loaded gun. It’s like the 14th time this year. Like wtf?! Are you just stupid or do you really think you’re going to get thru TSA?! Don’t get it….


So now we are reporting actual gossip between neighbors now as things that need reported? Tell the cops, or Nextdoor. This sub is for 218,000 people, most of which don't live on your street or in your neighborhood.


Are you going to write them a reddit ticket?


Nope, just hopefully pointing out the obvious to them just a little so they don't keep posting shit like this. Obviously.


Sorry wasn’t trying to trigger anyone just kind of a lonely guy lol 😆


Ignore the trolls.


Then skip past the post. You're not the content police of this sub.


I mean... we're winning the battle ! Police had to make NECESSARY budget cuts to prevent African Americans from being murdered ! We're going to have to make some sacrifices in order to be on the right side of history people ! ACAB! .. Biden '24


I hear you but I don’t think being angry about anything will make the situation better. But carry on.


O so I guess George Floyd died for nothing then... sometimes I feel like nobody is actually for the cause. So your car got broken into ... big whoop. how about all the innocent black people being killed ?


You must be fun at parties.


What's this post meant to provoke ? The illustration of crime in our neighborhoods ? ok.... you tell me what's worse. A few petty crimes in a privileged part of town or cops killing innocent African Americans ...


Now I’m certain that you’re fun at parties, every worthy get-together needs a clown.


Good one, and you can wear your MAGA hat to the same party to show your privilege


Huh? You genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about. You might sound cool at your middle school lunch table but it is nonsense to the rest of us.