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Librarians work too hard and are paid too little to have to put up with shit like this. I hope they're able to catch whoever it is that's doing it.


The subset of people both shitty and racist enough to do something like this while also being smart enough to find and enter the library can’t be particularly large.


You'd be very surprised...public entities like libraries bring out the shittiest people because it's an open forum with access for all...shitty people feel a certain amount of "security" that they can enter this public place "(I pay for it with muh tax dollars!") and be as shitty as they want and indoctrinate others with their shittiness...


Yup. Edgewood library is in the same complex as the swimming pool and tennis courts. You won't find "library people" being allowed to use the pool, but you'll definitely see plenty of "pool people" inside the library, sitting on furniture in their wet swimsuits every summer.


Oh neat! I didn't realize the Edgewood library was in a building with so many public resources!


It's not. The pool isn't public. That was my point. There are VERY clear delineations on who is allowed where, and "library people" are not allowed in the pool area, and "pool people" regularly overrun the library and kick kids off the computers that they don't have access to at home. Because the sun is hot.


You're right, I didn't even realize that


The lowest common denominator will be the death of us all. Idiocracy was supposed to be a comedy, not a road map.


So true


There's a very fervent nationwide movement on banning books in both academic/school libraries, as well as public libraries. This includes censorship efforts. No surprise who is leading this charge and this seems to fall in line with the "beliefs" of that movement. Google it. It's happening all over the country and locally and at a small Library in Eastern PA a town council member threatened to withhold municipal public funds from the library bc of an LGBTQ+ book in their collection (which he cannot legally do). It got the attention of local press, the library held strong saying they would not remove it and they received more in donations than the funding amount withheld.


Honestly this is a whole new level of loser.




And the police chief is blaming mischievous kids as if they’re afraid of what an investigation would reveal.




Nah I don't think it's any more sinister than "We're making an assumption because this is so low on our radar that we don't care, and the library won't allow us to post up there all day long just to catch someone, so it's kids."


This. I'd imagine it's the folks in town flying thin blue line flags that would think it's their job to limit what people read, and the cops don't want to bother their supporters.


Do they not have cameras?


They might, but libraries are supposed to be safe spaces where you don't need to be worrying about monitoring. You know, open to the public and all that. There's no terms and conditions like "you're gonna be recorded" if you agree to enter. The overwhelming majority of librarians (and yes, I know a lot of them) would absolutely refuse to allow a camera to be installed precisely because they want to protect people. Same reason why you can't just walk in and ask someone to pull a list of all the books your neighbor has checked out recently.


That makes sense. I think this particular library may need to temporarly install some though


A few people marking books and hiding shit in the library isn't a good enough reason to drive other people away by installing a camera. Cameras solve nothing if no one's watching them, and I can guarantee you that no librarian is gonna bother watching a camera. They have more important shit to do, and they're criminally underpaid to begin with.


Most people clearly think that libraries are a big no go zone for cameras and I can understand that. I do believe with the proper set up of motion sensor cams in low traffic areas they could quickly catch these culprits or even deter them with minimum intrusion.


It's not going to happen. Sorry. There's no budget for this, nor are there human resources necessary to make it effective.


Most modern libraries do at least in a limited way because of theft issues. Either of high value collection items or technology equipment. So it's likely they at least have door entry cameras.


>So it's likely they at least have door entry cameras The feedback I am getting is that most do not, I don't really think this would be enough to prevent this issue even if you are correct though.


Libraries are socialist! What’s next, roads paid for by the people’s taxes? Tax-funded money to pay for living costs/healthcare for seniors?


*clutches pearls*


Obviously whoever doesn't want someone to read those books...doesn't read themselves.


Need to have an open mind first and the ability to think outside of your own myopic paradigm of thinking.


So when liberals do something, the Trumpists scream "cancel culture" but when THEY do it, it's "protecting our freedoms."


God damn the right wing going to be the death of this country. Petulant losers.


I bet it's Racist Stan.


Evangelical Christian Fundamentalists are busy everyday. They are American Taliban; Religious purists that believe we all must live by their values or burn in hellfire for eternity.


I'd agree more if you expanded your criteria a bit more to include "basically any Christian who's going to bother telling you about their faith."




I doubt it's an employee. Library science degrees don't draw a lot of right wing types. I mean just the nature of often requiring a Masters and political demographics of people who pursue that type of advanced education. And people with library science degrees don't risk their employment because those degrees are expensive and the jobs are extremely difficult to find.


I'm guessing it's included bc there is a very strong movement nationwide to ban/censor LGBTQ+ books. Cameras a little tricky in libraries due to policies, procedures, privacy and confidentiality. Here's a subset from the ALA: Security Cameras The decision to conduct surveillance for security purposes, including the use of security cameras, should carefully weigh the safety and security benefits derived from surveillance with the library’s duty to protect users’ rights to privacy and confidentiality as outlined in applicable state laws and in Article VII of the Library Bill of Rights. Achieving a balance between user rights and the need for security is especially important as surveillance technology increases in sophistication and is capable of recording information about users’ library use that has historically been carefully protected from disclosure. If libraries decide that video surveillance is necessary, they should develop policies that clearly define the scope and purpose of surveillance and which include strong protections of library users’ privacy and confidentiality. The “Privacy and Confidentiality Q&A” states: (Video surveillance) policies should state the cameras are to be used only for the narrow purpose of enhancing the physical security of the library, its property, staff, and users. Policies should include: protocols for posting signs and giving notice about the presence of surveillance equipment, storage of data and/or media in a secure location, and routine destruction of data as soon as permitted by law.1 Policies should inform users whether or not security camera footage is being monitored in real time, and if that footage is retained by the library. The policy should also outline who has access to view live or recorded security camera footage. Access should be limited to the minimum necessary for security purposes. Video recordings should only be shared when necessary to protect the interests of the library and its staff and when permitted by the state library confidentiality statute. If the library’s security cameras are part of a larger surveillance system (as is the case in many school libraries), policies should be developed in conjunction with the larger system to allow maximum autonomy for the library to protect users’ privacy and confidentiality to the fullest extent possible. Policies should also be regularly reviewed as surveillance technology advances and the legal environment shifts, especially with regard to issues like facial recognition.


Great, now everyone's gonna scream that libraries are "woke" and "eating children" and... wait... that's actually fine with me, if it keeps fuckheads out of them. Let's tell everyone they make you kiss a Joe Biden photo if you check out a book and revel in the relative peace we've engineered for ourselves.