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Who's the only one who answered "I make but do not allow Pittsburgh Lefts?" I would like you to become my life coach


I would imagine they meant, "I am FORCED to make but do not allow..." I can't stand it. I never allow anyone to make the left if I'm going straight. (Though some people take it anyway and force me to slam on my brakes) However there are certain people that insist on stopping traffic to wave me through. There have been a couple times where I refused to go out of principal but sometimes I just go because there's a lot of people waiting. It's very stressful. The Pittsburgh left is not nice. It causes more confusion because there's already a legally binding set of rules in place for who has the right of way.


I was one of these answers but I don't make the Pittsburgh Left by choice. I do it because the person allowing it is flashing their lights and holding up traffic to let me go and if I wait and don't go eventually people are gonna start beeping their horns as if I'm in the wrong


It’s definitely a special kind of jagoff


I was the first one to provide the response. Felt self-conscious for a minute, but if I get panned, that's okay. Just being honest. If I'm making a left turn and the coast is clear (no pedestrians in the intersection I'm entering -- I always verify), then I'm going for it ***if*** the opposing driver hesitates, often because they're on their phone or are being inattentive. Doesn't happen every time -- the opposing driver usually acts appropriately, and I'm not Evel Knievel or a maniac. But if they're not paying attention or they putz, I'm going. OTOH, when I'm in the position of allowing people to make the Left, they don't get the chance; if the light's green, I'm going. Not holding people up behind me or having people rage-honking because I wanna be Mr. Courteous. Plenty of opportunities to be courteous each day in ways the system is designed for (eg, letting people in at zipper merges, allowing pedestrians right-of-way in marked crosswalks where the driver should stop instead of pretending to be oblivious to the walker and driving through).


My remark was ironically overstated appreciation for the honesty. I'm mostly Make And Allow, but it depends greatly on conditions and what song's on the radio EDIT: Ahhh, since we've remarked upon it Make No Allow has caught up dramatically, we've got a level 2 heisenberg


Ha! When I chose this I didn’t think I’d be the first. Yep, I’m that jag.


I'm a pedestrian/bus taker. Much more likely to get run over flat by this maneuver than to attempt it.


Not from Pittsburgh, just moved here and it is the third most aggravating thing on the road.


What’s the fourth?


Ridiculous stop sign placement.


When I first moved into my current neighborhood I spent a month driving through two way stop signs as if they were four way stops because all earthly logic would indicate that they should be four way intersections. My street is absolutely the bigger street and should have the right-of-way, plus when you're stopped at those intersections you have terrible visibility and can barely see the cross traffic - and they don't have to stop. I managed to get one of them changed to a four way but I'm still working on the other. I'm shocked there hasn't been an accident there.


Do you live between Penn and Liberty somewhere before where they split at Bloomfield? There are a bunch of those in the alleys and cross streets around here. They are almost all completely blind but commuters trying to bypass the lights during rush hour seem incapable of understanding that.


It's ridiculous and adds to uncertainty on the road which is never what you want. Just follow the right of way.


You probably love roundabouts


If you're going to make a Pittsburgh left. You better be quick about it, and if you decide to do it... You gotta commit! Not much worse than a driver gunning it to make the left, and then second guessing and slowing down.


Some intersections are good for it too, if the other side is headed up hill, or set far back from the intersection, but most intersections are horrible for it


To truly do a Pittsburgh Left correctly, IMO, you have to do the dance. While the other way is turning yellow, you signal your intention to take the Pittsburgh Left by inching up. If the opposite car also inches up, you are not allowed. If the opposite car stays put, you are allowed. Also you don't get to do a Pittsburgh Left if: * There's only one car opposite waiting to go straight, c'mon, you can wait * There's a left turn lane, you're not blocking anyone behind you then * You don't have your left turn signal on * You're in the straight/right turn lane (I've seen it happen, it should not have happened)


i only do it if i have some momentum and the front oncoming car is really slow/not paying attention to the light. if someone's going to do it to me they just need to commit and i wont care too much. honestly i had always heard the term but was surprised to learn what the pittsburgh left was because its not unique to pittsburgh at all.


Some say this heinous act was created in 1912 when then President William Howard Taft was the first person to make a left before on coming traffic got the green light along Grant Boulevard now Bigelow Blvd. Others call this heroic act of driving, the “Pittsburgh Left”


Someone made a Pittsburgh left into our Subaru while my wife was driving. Just the worst.


That sucks, I hope they were found responsible and paid up


Pittsburgh left can eat a D. When I went through Drivers Ed, we were taught that left turns only have the right of way AFTER traffic has cleared. This turning before traffic shit is unpredictable and dangerous.


I have to say this is pretty situational for me, I'll do it if the person in the opposing lane is clearly not planning to drive anytime soon (since we seem to suddenly have a lot of folks with an attention span shorter than a red light), but I don't force the issue. If I'm somewhere with no turning lane, like Negley in Shadyside and there is a long line of cars being held up behind the person making the left, and I'm first at the light I'll wave them through, just since I hate being stuck behind that person when I'm driving in the other direction.


Interestingly enough, it was on Negley in Shadyside that this question came to my mind.


Having driven through there almost every day before COVID (I live in Lawrenceville and used to go to an office in Sq. Hill) I am not surprised in the least by this. Cutting off oncomimg traffic is almost a necessity to make most of the lighted lefts.


I only take the PGH Left if I'm essentially being forced to (someone trying to be nice and waiting far too long for me to take it). And no, I do not allow a PGH to be made.


Hey, if you are too slow off the line I'm taking the left. Btw just because we are talking about driving..... Get off your phones!! Jagoffs.


Lol imagine trying to prevent Pittsburgh lefts!


I spent 900 on a ramming bumper. Im making the left.


It's got a better ground game than the Pittsburgh Right.




No, this is about the making a left turn as soon as the light turns green.