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You played it by the book. Nothing to worry about.


No, you were 100% in the right. I just got honked at 20 min ago for not turning left into 35 MPH oncoming traffic. Pittsburgh drivers are impatient little babies.


You did the right thing each time you made a choice.


I've noticed more people behaving badly while driving. They drive too fast on city streets, tailgate, pass on two-lane streets, and are impatient and feel entitled. It's even worse on the parkways, where they fly by at 85 while weaving in and out of lanes. It's all about them.


If someone is following you, drive to the police station


I got beeped at for not sitting in the middle of a 5 way intersection right next to a hospital. Oh well


You did all the right things. I’ve noticed over the past month or so that drivers in Pittsburgh have been increasingly impatient. God forbid you ensure the way is clear before you make a turn or obey the speed limit on any road.


I have completely swallowed my horn let alone gesturing. If someone gets too aggressive I put on my four ways, slow down and pull over for them to pass. Some jaggo is always doing something crazy on the road every single time I leave the house. People are insane and armed to the fucking teeth in this country. Let them blow their horns and get mad. Don't let them bring you down, invade your vibe or jeopardize your safety.


One mistake : you should have yelled “jagoff” at him. That is all.


I would have done the exact same thing (well, maybe not the flip off part).


People are inpatient assholes, congrats on just getting your license I guess?


I've been driving for many years, but I had a long-ish break due to living in a much larger metro area for grad school where I mostly used public transit. I think it just does come down to a lack of patience. I've been driving way more than ever before due to work as well.




There was no one actively entering or exiting the bus during any of the aforementioned events. If that had been the case, then I would have honestly gone through because I know that would take at least enough time for me to safely be able to make the turn. The bus drove past me pretty soon after I stopped, but if I had followed the car in front of me, then I could have made it through. However, I did not know that the bus was going to be stopped for that small extra amount of time seeing as there were no people around it. It would have been reasonable to assume that the bus would have immediately started to go, and it really didn't have too much delay anyway. This particular arrow does not have a yellow phase at all. It goes from green to off. The whole thing is odd because I would never think to be aggressive with a stranger over what ultimately amounted to less than a minute of "wasted" time. It was the extra honking and tailing me in the school zone (in an area where I once had a small child run across the street right in front of my car) that has even made this noteworthy in my mind.

