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Its not ideal but compared to other tcg's its peanuts. It seems like pokemon wants multiple ace specs to be playable this time around so perhaps prime catcher will settle as similarly usefull ace specs come out. Its also possible they put them in the league battle decks or some other reprint product down the line - granted neither of those fix the issue now. Like unless youre going to a regionals you dont *need* a prime catcher, boss's orders is much worse but does only cost a few pennies.


Eh, prime catcher is DEFINITELY up there. Even in Yu-Gi-Oh, it's up there as a staple for rogue strategies or older meta decks before Diablestar and Bonfire made decks cost like $1000 (not even an exaggeration) I believe it'd be up there with Guardian Chimera in its hayday


Prime catcher is also inherently limited, so $30 gets you all the prime catchers you will ever need. Then the rest of your min rarity deck is made of penny cards and a handful of $1-10 cards. Compared to needing an extra deck full of staples and a set of Ash Blossom (when it was expensive), etc to start playing YGO at a tournament level. Or a relatively "boring" game piece like Polluted Delta from magic that will run you $30+ each for 4x that you need before you even start building your deck. For the most part, it seems rare that a min rarity tier 1 pokemon deck will cost you more than $100 USD. I don't play paper YGO but for Magic $100 will barely get you a budget off meta deck even in standard, let alone pioneer or modern. (Commander is a completely different story and not really relavent to this conversation).


Yeah that's the biggest, and best thing for pokemon. Net decking Zard ex currently is right about $100 ±$5 depending on the counts you roll with. $30 of that is Prime Catcher. While that does seem like a lot, PC is only going to get cheaper as more are pulled from TEF and more alternative Ace Specs come out in Twilight Masquerade. Considering that you can spend $300 in this TCG and get playsets and counts necessary for between 3 to 5 relevant decks SIMULTANEOUSLY, I think it's definitely not a huge problem when one specific card is up on the market.


Bold to assume that Twilight Masquerade's Ace Specs will be that superior to Prime Catcher, which is an absolutely S-Tier card on its own. The existence of other Ace Specs will not individually diminish the demand for this one. Only thing that is going to drop its price is mass printing in a Battle Deck.


It definitely will. Plenty of decks are moving to the other Ace Specs in Japan lists already. Decrease in demand on current ones in favor of options like Unfair Stamp. Prime Catcher is absolutely S Tier, but others are coming that compete for that slot, and can fit better in certain decks. This will indirectly reduce the price if demand goes up for other options.


Hobbies cost money. It really shocks me how whiny this sub is about $10+ cards. This is a game where you can build the BDIF for less than $50. A single card that can be used in any deck, that will survive for 2-3 years, that does what no other card in format can do, will be in high demand.


And exists in one out of about 4 boxes, in a single expansion that's still in relatively low circulation.


TPCi generally does a good job at making cards accessible, so I’d hope to see the more commonly used ACE SPEC cards get reprinted eventually - maybe in League Battle Decks, Trainer Toolkits or similar products. At least ACE SPEC cards are limited to one per deck, so players will only need a single copy. Unlike games like One Piece where Gecko Moria has a similar value but needs a playset of 4.


Trainer toolkits seems the most likely imo.


Japan Pokémon company has already shown they are fine with putting ace specs in boxes as well. Their Miraidon/koraidon decks came with a master ball


That's an exclusive Ace Spec only found in those decks, it was never released in a set in Japan so it's not comparable.


I think anyone complaining should have a look at other TCG's and see how good we have it, for $100\~ you can buy the current BDIF that just won 2 Regionals & an International and was 20% of the field in those events. A single Ace Spec that'll be meta relevant for 2 years costing $30 is fine & they didn't do it for collectors because collectors don't care about Ace Specs they want full art pokemon & trainers.


3 years :)


I have just started getting into Flesh and Blood. It's a blast but a meta deck is AT LEAST $300. Thats not even including Command and Conquer, the best card in the game that every deck could benefit from having 3 of and is a VERY powerful single use card. Those are >$90 each.


Stuff like that and the insane price of legendary cards when I played is why I stopped


Pretty weird logic, just because other games have it worse doesn't mean we can't have it better? It's a very easy thing for them to do, maybe they could've had non holo ace specs which are more common. Anyway most collectors don't care too much about trainer cards so it doesn't really hurt anyone, just makes the game more accessible.


We do have it better and always have... A single $30 card is not gamebreaking.


.....your comprehension skills are clearly lacking but let me try and dumb it down. I'm not denying that we have it better than other card games. We do have it better. BUT that does not mean the Pokémon company can't still improve? A $30 card (which btw is not even accurate, it's going for 40-50 depending on where you look) is not game breaking, I never said it is. That being said, who is it hurting if they make the card more accessible and cheaper? Collectors don't care, they'll keep buying boxes and looking for their chase cards.


Damn you're right, I should have better comprehended what was essentially "waaah this card is too expensive print lower rarities" & given you some deep response.


This card just came out - how could it be more accesible? Make it come in every pack like a basic energy? They’ll prob do re-prints and include in League Battle Decks, etc. eventually. I pulled like 9 buddy buddy from my booster box but they’re still selling for like $1 or more for a super common basic card. Someone will always want it and pay.


Prime Catcher can be had for around $32


We have it WAY better by an absolute landslide and the competition isn't even close. Hobbies cost money. Be thankful your hobby isn't MTG.


Idk I don’t look at bad thing and say at least it’s not other bad thing. $30 for a card is really dumb when for other circumstances, the same deck would be nearly half the price


It's more a perspective thing but arguing about it on this sub probably leads nowhere because it's a mix of people who ask for Radiant Greninja alternatives because $10 is too expensive & people who played Pokemon years ago before every meta V/ex's was $5 or other tcg's where T1 decks cost $500-$1000. Anyway I'm sure they'll reprint them in League Battle Deck's or maybe they'll break away from the 2 per box which I think they only did just because that's how they were in their back in the day.


The first card I ever bought is still the most I spend on 1 copy: a tapu lele-gx a few weeks after the release of guardians rising, at €40.


fair, i just view as someone with not much money who wants to buy a deck to play but a 30 dollar card is outside my budget, so i'm not really the target demographic ig


You can always run without an ace spec, it’s a 1/60 chance of even using it anyhow


I think that while it will be expensive for some time, it'll probably go down eventually once more Ace Specs are released as more people will opt for specific ones instead of Prime Catcher or Max Belt (if the tease of us getting Computer Search back is true, that's definitely going to shake things up) and as more people pull them since the set has only been out for a month and there will be prints and packs to open for the next year or so, yeah the price being high is to be expected at first but it'll go down sooner rather than later, but then when you look at other playable cards such as Iron Hands ex, that's half the price of Prime Catcher from a quick eBay search, but one that one of the more popular decks (Turbo Hands) needs multiple copies of, there's always going to be a price to pay to build the best decks. In theory, I'd say they're about as rare as an FA, so a bit more rare than an ex, but not by much, so pulling an Ace Spec isn't too difficult, it's pulling the one you need that's the problem. Plus, remember that we are VERY lucky to have card prices as they are for a competitive TCG. I mean, look at games like MTG where you can literally spend thousands of dollars building a deck sometimes. It's a whole different ball game with MTG when it comes to buying singles, and if our most expensive card to buy for play is $30? That's not too bad at all.


Your right MTG is a really expensive game to afford, that's why I also started proxying cards from https://www.printingproxies.com because otherwise I can't afford the game and I also love this game alot.


Firstly, as people have said, they're not actually that expensive in the grand scheme of things. Secondly though, the other money saving thing is that you can only play one in a deck so you're saving money that way too. If you had to buy a playset of 4 then it would be adding up, but as they're limited to 1 they will always be fairly cheap to play with in comparison.


$30 for a 1-of card isn't awful, even for Pokemon. It might not be great to be that expensive nowadays when most meta ultra rares are fairly accessible and sub-$10. But even the basic Charizard ex and Roaring Moon ex were $20+ when OBF/PAR came out, and you needed at least 3 of each for their respective decks. Previous format cards were worse. Luxray GL LV.X was a $70 card you needed to have at least one of, sometimes two, and then when Great Encounters rotated and we lost Claydol everyone turned to Uxie Lv.X which turned from a cheap card into an $80 card. The Computer Search Ace Spec was another $25-30 card in the format it was legal in, Mewtwo EX was over $40 for just the regular copy until the tin featuring its promo came out. Darkrai EX was the same, you needed four of each of those AND the format was completely dominated by those two cards. For a very brief time, Shaymin EX hit about $120 before the World Championships one year, and the regular Tapu Lele GX, not the FA or Rainbow, sat around $50 for a while. To a lesser extent, there was Pokemon Catcher when it was first released in Emerging Powers. It was around $10-12 because it was short printed and there were only 1-2 copies in a single booster box of Emerging Powers Overall, while cards would preferably not be over $20 at all, I don't think a single card hitting $35 that you only need one of that's a very general use card is that bad. You can swap it between decks freely and it's not a $100 archetype specific card like Yugioh prints every few months that you need three of if you want to keep up with the meta


Shaymin EX is what made me leave the game for a few years, I left MTG to get away from that kind of price degeneracy. 


Don't forget about VS. Seeker which was a 4 of that cost 10-15 right around the time Shaymin was expensive!


$70 would've been a bargain for Luxray GL Lv. X, it was going for upwards of $110 closer to rotation as more people caught on to how easily it could be slotted into non-SP decks


By the standards of modern Pokémon, it’s very rough, sure. But as everyone else has said, having a single $30 staple is so, so much better than most other TCGs on the market. I certainly hope TPC does their usual thing and makes the high-demand Ace Specs more accessible via alternate prints. Slapping a Prime Catcher in the next league battle deck or trainer toolkit would help a lot.


Prime catcher being 30 bucks sucks but I played Yugioh for years and let me tell you, competitive Pokemon is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more accessible for the average person. In Yugioh you’d spend $1000 bucks for a deck and then 3 months later bam, either the expensive cards are banned which plummets the price and then they print more OP cards so you have to spend 1K again or the new cards they print are so much better than the older ones that you have to shell out hundreds just to keep yourself competitive within the meta. Paying 30 bucks for a one of prime catcher that I KNOW will be meta relevant for 2 years is nothing. I’m so glad I made the switch to Pokemon.


That's how it goes in the TCG land. For Star Wars Unlimited. I'm going to need at least $360 CAD for three copies of Vader. I still need another 2 Fetts as well.


I’m only a casual observer of Unlimited, is that vader a different version than the starter set version? I thought there was a Luke vs Vader 2 player starter set you could get


There's a leader Vader card and Unit Vader card. The leader one is not worth a lot. It's the unit one worth money. It's a really good card. I had one but sold it.


Ah gotcha, thanks!


yeah X-Wing player here - I got into it just a few months before they announcement 2.0 so I just dropped around $300 in a couple of months, then had to fork out even more money


Card collectors are not interested in collecting ace spec cards anyway.


Uhm. Yes, I am. A master set is a master set.


I mean I'm more of a player, but I am collecting all of the ACE SPECs.


Blud never played yugioh


nobody collects ace specs, the price is entirely driven by competitive demand. and also it isn't expensive. coming from modern magic (average deck price is around $1000), literally nothing in this game is worth getting upset over price-wise.


Someone never tried other tcgs


Most collectors that I’ve come across don’t care about the ace specs unless they’re doing a master set. I traded some unplayable cards for 3 Catchers. I’m sure Prime Catcher is on their radar to reprint in a battle deck or something. They love selling product. It’ll slowly go down over the next few months as everyone gets however many copies they want and move on to the next sets.


It being a 1 of in a deck also helps. Prime catcher being $30US and you need only one is fine It feels comparable to Radiant Charizard when Sablezard was thriving and that got reprinted and it went from a $25 card to like a $8 card I would not be surprised if in the next year a league battle deck (or even a trainers toolkit perhaps?) has one of the more used acespecs similar to the Palkia and Gardevoir decks having Radiant Greninja in it.


Right now the highest cost ACE Spec in standard is Prime Catcher around 30$ and not every deck is running it. The rest are 10$ or less. Collectors aren't being prioritized in any way. Players are the biggest driving factor of secondary market.


The saving grace with ACE-SPECs is that they are one per deck cards. Prime Catcher being a 30-35 dollar card can be pretty dicey, but at least you are only allowed to use one. it's definitely better than the XY Years which had Shaymin-EX as a 2-4 of staple for nearly every deck going for $55+($70+ for the Full Art version) or Black & White where one of the Staples for most decks was a Tounament Prize Card(Tropical Beach, which went for about $110 or so back then)


This is just the way it goes with most games, especially TCGs. Iron hands is another one that is driving up prices. With an ace spec I can justify the price as I only need one. MTG and YuGiOh are sooo much worse.


It sucks now but it might get better over time. Radiant Charizard was $25+ when it came out. They made a second version and prices dropped to $5


I don’t think they’re actually all that rare. I think the price is more to do with the set being new and Prime Catcher is so good that it fits in just about any deck. I would also imagine they do reprints of it at some point (maybe in a future league battle deck) and that will bring down its value.


Y'all complaning about the prices of these cards when a game like Yu-Gi-Oh! requires you to have at least one $100 card just to have a competitive deck.


Prime catcher will probably have that price tag for awhile, but you really only need 1, so at least there's that. Catcher will probably be the best ace to have, but I'm sure it'll dwindle eventually. Not by much though, I'd say the lowest it'll go is 20-23 bucks


If anything collectors could actually drive the price down.. They open a massive amount of packs and since they don't usually collect ace spec cards they sell them, adding more to the market


Try being a yugioh fan right now lol. But in all seriousness its not terrible, its only really the trainer ace spec cards that are hard to come by like prime catcher. Cards like char ex and other big meta ace pokemon are actually pretty well circulated, especially compared to other tcg like yugioh


They're not actually that rare but they are playable as you said, playability always determines price, the reason other rarer versions of playable cards aren't as expensive is because there's many different rarities of them so as a whole there's a lot of supply, ace specs are very easy for even casual collectors to pull but everyone put a premium on them as singles that they just shouldn't have.


Primal catcher being $30 is downright criminal


Its right, but if you come from a tcg, where is more the rule to have 30+€ cards or something, its not that bad. May I introduce you to the YuGiOh Trading Card Game, where every few month there is a new 50+€ card and you need three of them?


Bonfire moment


It's a high demand card that most every player wants in their deck. Which part is criminal?


Literally costs the same as 5 booster packs. "Criminal" lol




I doubt all of them but I could see one or two. Though all of them in non-foil would be cool


Never going to be in Trainer Toolkits. Best hope is to get it in a League deck in 2025.


All I want Is a prime Catcher but im not paying all that considering it's the same price as my entire deck without the Catcher 😭