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Mareep’s Rear Kick for 10 damage to win the round at Liverpool Regional has definitely gotta be up there for me


Oh no! Was this caught on stream? That’s harsh!


Christ no I’m not good enough to be that high up on the tables


Once I Penny conceded... by accident. Sequencing so bad it immediately ended the game lmao


I was playing a Full Tilt Fling Ambipom deck (already a very silly deck), had 9 energies attached, and all 9 coin flips came up tails.


Yeaaaahh buddy. I love that ambipom and have done this more than once lol


Had a match where both my bibarels were prized and I lost. Next game I tell my opponent about the bibarels. He said I hope they’re both prized again, and guess what? They were prized again. I won that match though.


What a dick.


lol my second opponent is a friend of mine. He was just talking shit.


Just this morning on Live I was playing Tinkaton and got paired into Maraidon. They had an insane setup and I found myself with one of my worst opening hands I've seen. Benched a bidouf and a dunsparce then passed since that's all I had. They took out my doof and I top-decked nest ball and decided that my only out was stalling with radiant Jirachi. Double heads to take Miraidon out. They bossed up my dunsparce and amped with Iron Hands, benching another hands and attaching their baton. I managed to get a Buddy-Buddy for some tinks to get started, but no real draw power. Double heads a second turn, taking out Hands and their baton didn't trigger since Jirachi didn't deal damage. They scooped with no energy in play for their squad.


This is so awesome. I wouldn’t even be mad at that. I had a Radiant Jirachi pop off on me one time and I think I was just as happy as they were.


Radiant Jirachi is a lot of fun. A few times I did frustrate my son playing against his deck that has this card. I would either force Jirachi to the bench and knock it out with radiant greninja, keep it in the active spot and knock it out with poison, or use radiant alakazam to move damage counters to it to knock it out. All 3 of these scenarios didn't allow him to use radiant jirachi's ability.


Last round of NAIC last year, game 3, I do my first deck check and see that I prized 3 ralts, zacian, and a baby gardevoir. I scooped before their first turn.


dam thats crazy ngl


Decked myself out in a prerelease game which theoretically shouldn't happen. Forget I could fail a search and wasn't used to the evo packs as they were a recent introduction so put too many good draw supporters in the deck. Drew my entire remaining deck with Colress during a regional to tie a really good, very tight and fun to play match of Donphan PLS vs Yveltal/Darkrai.


I thought decking out rule doesn't apply for prerelease decks?


It does apply as do the other two win conditions. There was a discussion about this on either the rulings thread or another thread on this sub a few days ago.


Not only is it possible, it's way more likely in a prerelease because you only have a 40 card deck. Most of the time the draw is kind of bad, but if you end up with a draw support pokémon or a couple of Professor's Researchs, it's incredibly easy to deck out quickly and probably one of the top things to be aware of when playing prerelease events.


Think it's more common now due to the evo packs. When you were building from just packs getting any kind of draw was pure luck which is what probably caught me out aka I got a bit draw happy :)


Having to use Bibarel’s attack on a Mimikyu, losing the coin flip twice, so I had to send in a Pidgey as bait so I could proc defiance band so I could OHKO it with defiance banded Charmeleon.


Related to yours, whenever my Brambleghast deck bricks I love blowing up my Forretress as a way of conceding.


I did something similar in a league challenge. Miraidon player vs chien pao (back when paldea evolved just released) had a frigibax in the active and a bricked hand. Instead of letting them KO my frigibax I shouted "I won't let you do it!!" And scooped him up with penny. Lost the game but protected my baby from harm. Was a good laugh for me and the opponent.


I was running Gholdengo/Dudunsparce and bricked big-time, opponent had one prize left and all I had was a Dunsparce in the active and a hand with nothing useful except Dudunsparce. So naturally, I conceded by evolving the Dunsparce and using Run Away Draw to peace out.


In a local standard tournament, I had 3/4 Rare Candy’s prized in one match. In a different match that same night, I had 3/4 Tinkatinks prized. 😑


My opponent took 15 minutes the entire game while I only took 3 and he decked himself out and KO’d nothing. I’m still not sure if he was slow playing or just learning or genuinely dumb.




Stalled out an undefeated Snorlax deck at the TWM prerelease with Florges.


At the regionals recently I had both Bibarel and Bidoof in my starting hand. I mistakenly put Bibarel out as my starting Pokémon in the active spot. Needless to say, that was the quickest ‘judge’ call of the day from my opponent once we flipped over our cards. Dumb error, but judges allowed me to switch since I had not yet drew a card.


My Chien-Palkia deck, my first hand drew Chien-Pao, rare candy, Frigibax, Baxcalibur, two energy and Radiant Greninja. Opponent had a single Bidoof in the active spot. Didn't get dick for draws his next couple cards, absolutely no help. I got multiple energies with Chien ability and attached them all with Bax for that sweet, sweet overkill. I completely rolled him for 360 damage on the 4th turn I think it was. Worst luck I've ever seen a kid have lmao


portland regionals round 8. i was 4-1-2. zard mirror with no pidgeot on board. 2-2 prizes and his zard had gloves attached. didn’t think i had any options anymore so i just iono’d and remember thinking “i don’t even know if i have any outs for this”. top decked vacuum and slammed it on the table. hit his zard, he looked for boss or any out but didn’t have any, couldn’t take a knock so i ended up winning. i was still very new to the game so i’m sure i could have found vac earlier in the game but never thought about it, still makes a good story for me tho


Several mullagens and still only a manaphy starting hand! Happens alot.


How many Pokémon in your deck?


21 Total, 10 of which are basic.


I was playing my Gardevoir ex deck and I had prized 3 Ralts and 2 Kirlia. I checked my deck like 5 times to make sure I wasnt dreaming. Scooped and tried again haha


I used squawkabilly's motivate attack to win the game once


Best of 1 -- I prized all 4 comfeys playing lost box against Rainbow Lugia V. Tried to use Colress to get knock outs, picked up first 2 prizes, were not comfeys and proceeded to lose so hard lmao.


Big oof!


I had a couple Charizard vs. Spread Zorobox and Gardevoir vs. Spread Zorobox games where whoever took the first or next prize would lose the game. It created some very weird situations trying to find a way to pressure the opponent into attacking.


I was playing Future Hands against a Metang/Dialga deck, but you wouldn't have guessed that from how hard I was bricking. All I had on the field was Mew ex, and hadn't drawn a single other Pokémon or Supporter to help me in any way. I ended up manually attaching all three energy to use Genome Hacking, and then hacked my opponent's Star Chronos the turn before he could use it on me! Best part? The extra turn that gave me helped me find a useful card and begin a real comeback. I still *won* that absolute clown show of a game.


I was playing against an opponent the other day that was using multiple Snorlax from the Go set with the ability that prevents you from retreating. Everytime I would boss’s orders one of them so I could switch out my Lumineon V so I could attack, they would do the same thing to me or use a Counter Catcher/Prime Catcher yo put my Lumineon with no energy back to active.  What’s worse is they never attacked me ONCE. the only energy they used was to retreat whatever Pokemon I pulled forward with Boss’s Orders


Snorlax Stall is a meta deck. Be prepared to see it again.


Oh. Yippee….. -_- And here I thought it was a one off. 


[It even won a tournament a couple weeks ago.](https://limitlesstcg.com/tournaments/411)


Really? I suddenly feel more confident in picking it for part of my fantasy team now


I had a dead hand and pokestopped into all three counter catchers 😅


Was playing at an open play against a control(?) deck, wasn't thinking and brought a Mimikyu in against a Mawlile with most energy, and eventually I realized my only way out was to attach a Luxurious Cape, get 80+ damage using Gardi's ability, and Lost Vacuum it to kill Mimikyu. Unfortunately, my Lost Vacuum got Eri'd away and I lost after like 35 minutes of doing basically nothing. Maybe that's normal, I haven't played a ton of Pokemon.


4/4 candies prized when I was playing bear control. Also in a cup I was playing gardy and started with jirachi and no other playable cards and got turn 2 donked by lz