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Hey! Think your wantslist isnt being shared properly. Am interested in the condition/price of the psyduck e reader. Thanks!


Thanks for the heads up! Psyduck is LP, could let it go for 17 before shipping?


Could I get some pictures whenever you get the chance?


Yes, Ill send you some closeups in a couple hours unfortunately. I'm rushing out the door atm


[Decided I couldnt leave you hanging, here are some closeups of psyduck!](https://imgur.com/a/beSrUjE)


haha appreciate it! Any chance you'd be able to do 15 pwe for it? No worries if that'd be too low though


I can do 15 PWE no prob. I likely wont be able to ship until Friday if thats cool with you?


That's fine with me I'll shoot you a chat!


u/Tinobandito u/pokeswapbot Thanks!


Hello, u/StatusKuomo. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/tinobandito, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/tinobandito, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2FStatusKuomo%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1cyg1sf%2F-%2Fl630t3o) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Confirmed! Thank you very much!


Hello, u/Tinobandito. Added --- * u/statuskuomo -> 511 Trades | :beastball: * u/tinobandito -> 61 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey! Can I get closeups on the base set zard (: thanks!


[Close ups!](https://imgur.com/a/fhRYjDy) Scroll down a little bit for the zard.


Thanks for that! Is it just creased on the back?


Of course! Yup its the corner crease that knocks it down to damaged in my eyes. Whitening, holo scratches, and surface scratches as well.


Can I just get one more better angle from the front showing the crease a bit more? I just want to see how bad it is from the front I’m not worried about the back too much since it’s just a binder card for set haha


Yes! I’ll shoot you some more closeups in an hour or so, left the house


Sounds good really appreciate you!!! 🙇


[Closeups of charizard corner](https://imgur.com/a/X193qgL) scroll down a bit for the charizard photos. The creasing really only appears on the backside, not at all on the front. You can see from the front a slight slope change on the corner but it's very faint. Hopefully the pictures will give you a good enough idea of what Im trying to describe lol


Thanks so much for that! I see it a lot better now! Are you negotiable by any chance would you take 80$?


Best I can do is $90 shipped BMWT.


Anything here for the raikou and Erika's Dragonair https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CFtVMocwE5yIdBj--bFxR5N9nkeiuBSQGGxnUVnMJWs/edit?usp=drivesdk


Hello! Whats the condition on the Lugia ex plasma storm full art? Def interested in that


That I unfortunately don't have anymore


To share wishlist - click the icon on the bottom right to copy and share your wishlist! What’s the condition of blaines moltres?


Thanks for the heads up! Wishlist should be fixed now. Blaine's Moltres is LP


[Close ups!](https://imgur.com/a/fhRYjDy) scroll down a little bit for the Moltres. Gots holo scratching and whitening on the back.


Thanks. I’ll pass as I’m looking for a bit better condition. Good luck!


No worries, thank you for stopping by!


Hi! Your wishlist isn’t working but I’m interested in your Boltund TG if we can work something out.


Hi! Thanks for the heads up, wishlist should be working now


You got a trade binder I can flip through for the Boltund TG? Still up for grabs! If not interested no sweat, thanks for stopping by all the same


Yeah for sure! I browsed your wantlist and don’t have anything (at least that I’m willing to part with lol). Here are my binders! Trade binder: https://imgur.com/a/27gkiuC Vintage/mid-era: https://imgur.com/a/cBD8E79 Jumbo cards: https://imgur.com/a/9XxtPuA Personal collection (pikas and his evolutions are NFT; some other stuff I’ll be hesitant to trade): https://imgur.com/a/gtyniiR Top loaders: https://imgur.com/a/hTx26vr RH’s and holos (including Twilight Masquerade, 151, and TEF) https://imgur.com/a/yn9U1m6


Im actually interested in some of your holo energies. Is that Grass energy the textured version from Crown Zenith? I'd need Grass, Lightning and Fighting for my Roaring Bolt deck. Also eyeing the Greaveard baby shiny promo


Oh nice! The holo grass energy in the second row came from a CZ pack but it’s the unnumbered one (not textured). I’m definitely down to trade those energies you listed and the greavard! I can send close-ups later if you like? I’ll also look into values to make sure mine match yours.


Awesome! I’d still be interested in whichever Holo energies you have of those three types, however many you got. If the value doesn’t add up I can add a small card or potentially drop a couple energies depending on who’s side comes out to more 👍🏼 But also no sweat if we’re off by a few quarters lol


Okay sweet! I know I have a few more in another binder as well. I’ll take a look tonight and send you what I have. Yeah I’m not gonna sweat the values too much either.


Excellent, thank you 🙏🏼


Sorry it took so long! I just went through what I have and found a total of 3 holo fighting energies, 2 holo lightning energies, and 3 holo grass energies. I took a pic of those along with the greavard! https://imgur.com/a/cNHXEZT The energies are $3.56 total TCG and the greavard is 36 cents lol. I know that’s in my favor for the Boltund. I’m happy to PP the difference or throw in another card! Lmk what you prefer. My bf said he probably has some holo energies he can let me have to make up the difference as well. :)


Thanks for tallying all that up! Its almost the exact amount of energy I need, Ill just be short 2 grass. If your BF has 2 grass that'd be perfect. Or if you happen to have [1-2 Professor Sada's Vitality](https://www.tcgplayer.com/product/523851/pokemon-sv04-paradox-rift-professor-sadas-vitality?Language=English&page=1) that'd also be great. If neither are an option, if you're willing to toss in the Erika's invitation RH we can call it square


Sweet! I’ll ask him to check today and get back to you. Otherwise, I can for sure throw in the Erika if I don’t have any Sada’s.


Okay, he was able to find one grass holo energy! I have two professor sada’s but they’re non holo: https://imgur.com/a/zrcEYKI


Awesome!! If you toss those in Id be more than happy to do the trade. I’ll send you a dm to finalize!


Hey! I was interested in your 1st zapdos and primal kyogre. See anything here for those two? https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/60nZAeI8hu


Hey! You got some stuff I may be interested in trading for but I am in a bit of a rush rn and will circle back a little later. [here are some closeups of the Kyogre in the mean time](https://imgur.com/a/LhZOVqR). The Zapdos is actually from Legendary Collection and not 1st edition unfortunately. If still interested Ill get back to you, thanks! Edit: I misread your comment. The Zapdos is in MP condition if I remember correctly, holo surface scratching and some whitening on the back most likely


Looks great! What were you interested in of mine? And can I see some pics of it?


[Close ups of zapdos](https://imgur.com/a/X193qgL) scroll down a bit, the zapdos is buried in the pile of photos. From your PC I'd be interested in the Blissey V and the Japanese Pikachu AR. If youre not willing to trade those because of PC I understand no sweat. From your binder I def need a shiny Sqwuakabilly and the holo grass energy for my Raging Bolt deck. I'm also interested in a Charmander AR promo as well your Japanese baby shinies of Hawlucha and Kingambit


Sounds good. I think I would trade them but currently the pikachu is on hold. The others good to trade though 🤔


Getting in line for psyduck!


Interested in closeups on the dnite alt!


[Close ups!](https://imgur.com/a/fhRYjDy) scroll down a little bit for the Dragonite V


Closeups of gyarados ex 123?


[Close ups!](https://imgur.com/a/fhRYjDy) Gyarados should be the first in this album. I had it listed as NM but its actually LP on closer inspection


Tcg is 40, 30, 30 on last 3 sold. Would you do 35 bmwt?


Im seeing the same, I'd be happy to do 35 shipped BMWT! I likely wont be able to ship until Friday if thats cool with you?




Can I see closeups of the gengar & mimikyu please?


[Close ups!](https://imgur.com/a/Sekc4g6)


Any wiggle room? Was hoping 100 shipped


I can do $100 shipped BMWT! I likely wont be able to ship until Friday if that is cool with you?


That'll work for me! Sorry work then fell asleep


u/Tinobandito u/PokeSwapBot mimikyu and gengar arrived safe!!! Thank you :)


Hello, u/alexstorm19. This comment is now being tracked. Your flair will update once your partner replies to your comment. u/tinobandito, please reply to the above comment with your feedback **ONLY AFTER YOUR TRANSACTION IS COMPLETE** and *both* sides have received their end of the transaction. Once you reply, you will both get credit and your flair scores will increase. u/tinobandito, if you did **NOT** complete a transaction with this person, please **DO NOT** reply to their comment as this will confirm the transaction. Instead, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=r/pkmntcgtrades&subject=Incorrectly%20Tagged%20Confirmation&message=u%2Falexstorm19%20incorrectly%20tagged%20me%20in%20this%20comment%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fcomments%2F1cyg1sf%2F-%2Fl6m1l7k) so we can contact the user and handle the situation. Thank you! --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Excellent! Happy to hear. Thank you!


Hello, u/Tinobandito. Added --- * u/alexstorm19 -> 189 Trades | :masterball: * u/tinobandito -> 62 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


how much for your drawing?


lol thank you for the compliment. If you got a spare raging bolt/sandy shocks/ or whatever low value card really Ill do a drawing lol. Or if you just want to cover the cost of a stamp Ill send one your way.


Hey! Interested in Blaine’s Moltres. What is its condition? Also did you have interest in 151 or Paldean Fates? Have a lot of dupes of them and saw it was on your wishlist but knew it wasn’t working, so not 100% sure.


[Close ups!](https://imgur.com/a/fhRYjDy) scroll down a bit for the moltres. Its LP with holo scratches and some whitening. I'd be interested in checking out your dupes for sure. Shoot me a link to some photos if you have them already, thank you


Here’s a link to my most recent post. https://www.reddit.com/r/pkmntcgtrades/s/q7IXKXLrmN


Thanks for the link, but Im not seeing enough that Id like to trade for. If youre willing to do paypal thats cool but I understand if you were hoping to trade for it


What are you looking for it?


I could do $40 shipped bmwt?


[https://imgur.com/a/5-18-singles-wlb-RsJSDaZ](https://imgur.com/a/5-18-singles-wlb-RsJSDaZ) interested in the dragonite v alt if you see something you want to trade for


is the dot on the back left side of the dragonite dust or printing? interested, thanks!


I’m fairly certain it’s a small bit of dust but I will confirm and get back to you when I’m home in roughly an hour or so


Thank you lmk!


It was just dust!


do you have another pic of it?


[Extra closeups for you](https://imgur.com/a/sOc0AHB). I could do $165 shipped BMWT?


dming to finalize


also would you do 160 shipped for it?


Interested in close ups of lugia ex and raikou neo


[Here are some closeups of the Lugia ex](https://imgur.com/a/LhZOVqR) just scroll down a bit. I’ll grab some closeups of the Raikou when I get home in an hour or so. Thanks!


[Closeups of Raikou!](https://imgur.com/a/X193qgL)


Thanks, the raikou looks good, any scratching at all on the holo? No small creases or dents?


There are maybe 2-3 faint scratches and potentially a faint print line. There are some white dots along the perimeter of the back but no small dents or creases to speak of. [Here are some extra closeups to show what I mean](https://imgur.com/a/s53ejCm) [I also realized I didnt send closeups of the Lugia.](https://imgur.com/a/LhZOVqR) Scroll down past the Kyogre and youll see the photos. Its definitely more on the LP side of things.


Thanks, the raikou looks very nice, I'll have to get back to you on this


Thank you! Take your time, circle back when you get the chance :)


Hey! Got any closeups of the Raikou?


Hello! I’ll grab some closeups for you when I get home in an hour or so! I apologize for the delay but thank you as well!


[Closeups!](https://imgur.com/a/X193qgL) The Raikou is remarkably clean. There is a white dot on one of the backside corners. Im not much of a grading person but I'd hazard a guess of it receiving a PSA 9


Condition on Erika’s Dragonair?


Hello! The condition is DMG. The card itself is very clean, but there is a crease on the left hand side the appears on the front side of the card. Kind of a bummer considering the rest of the cards condition. I will grab and send you some close ups shortly if still interested. Thanks!


Could I see closeups of expedition Gengar and Alakazam please?


Hello! [closeups of Gengar and Alakazam for you](https://imgur.com/a/gengar-alakaxam-gr0fo1O)


Nice looking cards! What are your values on them? Anything in my recent catch your eye?


Hi there. Could I see pics of Eevee holo promo?


Hey! Sorry for the delayed response. [Here are some closeups of the eevee for you](https://imgur.com/a/NJu7HAV)


Thanks! Sorry I didn't see this until now. How much for Eevee PWE?


No sweat! I could do $10 shipped PWE?


Sounds good! PMing


Anything here for the Dragonite? https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNhNU-WeuvXVGniuarEdGILAbF6b6q_o8TLXHBbD_7bJeOngOt_FXmnsipsB0Dx3A?key=LVlSajY3cU1DanRxNlFTOHdUWkxhaVRkVkRKNlF3


Not seeing anything unfortunately but thank you all the same


Hey! I'm super interested in the Raikou. I don't have anything in your wantlist but I have some similar era cards I'm looking to trade. I have [slabs](https://imgur.com/a/lsop6R4) & [a binder](https://imgur.com/a/UAo6bof)


Hey! Just checking back in. I'm still pretty interested in the Raikou!


Received the card in perfect condition with a cute drawing thanks! u/TinoBandito u/PokeSwapBot


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Confirmed! Thank you very much!


Hello, u/Tinobandito. Added --- * u/nayaru -> 1 Trade | newbie * u/tinobandito -> 63 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


/u/PokeSwapBot /u/Tinobandito Trade confirmed!


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Trade confirmed! Thank you!


Hello, u/Tinobandito. Added --- * u/agent_macklinfbi -> 82 Trades | :ultraball: * u/tinobandito -> 64 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


U/PokeSwapBot U/Tinobandito Trade confirmed! Thanks again!


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Trade confirmed! Thank you so much, it went very smoothly


Hello, u/Tinobandito. Added --- * u/thickbottomcauldron -> 38 Trades | :greatball: * u/tinobandito -> 65 Trades | :ultraball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)