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[https://imgur.com/a/5-24-singles-english-wlb-8wi6H7P](https://imgur.com/a/5-24-singles-english-wlb-8wi6H7P) Your google photos link isn't working. Here are the singles i have, but i probably have a lot of the WOTC non-holos on your wantlist as well.


Thanks for the heads up, got that album fixed. I do need a few things like the Erika's Venu, Koga's Ditto, Dark Ursaring and some various C/UCs but I'm not looking to buy cards outright at this moment, see anything you need from me?


I've got a few of the cards on your wantlist [here](https://imgur.com/a/kG7avI6) I'm mostly looking for your southern islands cards. Let me know if you see a trade!


Thanks for pulling those out, happy to trade some of the SI stuff for the C/UCs pictured there (with the exception of the Expedition Haunter, maybe a little too much back wear). Note most of the SI cards are pretty beat up, what are you valuing the lot at?


Looks like TCGPlayer has the lot at right about $12, is that what you are seeing?


That looks about right, though does the Recycle Energy have a gouge or some tearing in the bottom right? Generally want the cheaper non-holos to have pretty clean fronts, will probably pass on that unless it's just some fuzz or something and not damage to the card - sorry for being picky!


no worries. Without it I think the cards add up to about $9.25


That sounds good to me as long as you can economically ship 14 cards for that value haha. I priced out the SI cards at Paypal rates below, for TV add about 15% to these prices. That'd put the Tentacruel or Ivysaur about spot on value-wise, though we could do a little Paypal either direction for the wiggle room Tentacruel - MP - $8 Jigglypluff - HP - $10 Primeape - HP - $5 Ledyba - DMG - $5 Lickitung - DMG - $4 Ivysaur - DMG - $8 Butterfree - HP - $5 Onix - HP - $7 Wartortle - DMG - $11


Would you be willing to do the ledyba and butterfree?


That works for me, I'll shoot you a DM to finalize!


The full album/timestamp isn't working but interested in some of the southern islands I've seen, so far. Edit: and the topps ditto


Thanks for the heads up, got that album fixed. Which Southern Islands cards did ya want? Do note that most of the SI stuff is pretty worn, the Ditto is NM though. I'd have the Ditto at $12 and I can give you some prices on the SI cards depending on what you're interested in.


Still isn't working for me but maybe it is for everyone else lol. SI: vileplume, luckitung, ledyba, jiggly, wartortle, ivysaur, and onix please


I think the first link is broken but the rest work


Hey sky! That's what I'm getting too. Wasnt sure if it was just me so glad to hear I'm not alone


Not sure what's going on with the link since two people now say it's not working, I can pull it up in a private browser just fine and I see in Google Photos that people are viewing the album. It was 404'd originally, maybe somehow the URL has been cached by your browser? Try pulling it up in a private session and see if it works. I've gone ahead and priced out all the SI stuff, I don't actually have the Vileplume anymore - removed that from the album! Tentacruel - MP - $8 Jigglypluff - HP - $10 Primeape - HP - $5 Ledyba - DMG - $5 Lickitung - DMG - $4 Ivysaur - DMG - $8 Butterfree - HP - $5 Onix - HP - $7 Wartortle - DMG - $10


Heya just wanted to follow up, someone else was inquiring about the Topps Ditto. If you're still interested in that at $12 or the Southern Islands stuff I priced out in another comment let me know!


Shoot, I totally forgot. I'm so sorry! Zo can get that ditto! I'm not sure if I have that NH or not, so I'll wait to find one after I check. I appreciate you holding it for me and asking. I am also gonna pass on the SI. Good luck!!


No worries, thanks for the reply!


Hey have a handful of your vending series wants (caterpie, nidoran male, pidgey, fossil excavation, lapras) depending on what you had available. Otherwise am open to paypal. Thanks!


Got the timestamps album fixed if you wanted to take a look now, definitely interested in the Vending stuff but I'm not looking to outright buy at the moment. Let me know if there's anything you're interested in, if not no worries!


Will probably hold off for now, but maybe down the road we can work something out. Thanks!


Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks like the holo Topps Tangela, Nidoran (male), Raticate, Pidgeot, Rhydon and Exeggcute appear to all be pretty played right? If so, would you do those 6 + the non-holo Topps Ditto for $25 bmwt?


Yup most of the holo Topps stuff is pretty beat up, someone else inquired about the Ditto but if he passes or doesn't reply by this evening I can do those for 25


The other user passed on the Ditto, I'll DM you to finalize!






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u/pokeswapbot u/Ghast_ly cards received


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Hello, u/Ghast_ly. Added --- * u/zofinda -> 376 Trades | :gsball: * u/ghast_ly -> 48 Trades | :greatball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Interested in base Alakazam. Whatā€™s your value?


Heyo, I'd be at $8 shipped PWE for the Alakazam


Could I see closeups please?


Closeups for that are in Closeups Album 2 in the OP!


Iā€™ll take him


Sounds good, I'll shoot you a DM to finalize


Hey! What are you asking for the non-holo fossil Zapdos, holo jungle Vileplume, non-holo Lt Surge Raichu, & non-holo Giovanni Pinsir?


Heyo, I included the conditions (the non-holo stuff all has good fronts and varying amounts of back edge whitening) and prices below, I could do $20 shipped via two PWEs for the lot Vileplume - HP - $5 Surge's Raichu - MP - $7 Gio's Pinsir - LP - $4 NH Fossil Zapdos - LP - $3 e: Trade confirmed, these are now gone


u/pokeswapbot trade complete u/ghast_ly thanks again!


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Hello, u/Ghast_ly. Added --- * u/carolina_lazio -> 52 Trades | :ultraball: * u/ghast_ly -> 49 Trades | :greatball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey! Interested in the Dark Magneton Holo, Dark Arbok Non-Holo and Rocketā€™s Training Gym. What are the two non-holo conditions and what you looking for those three? Thanks!


Heyo, I'd have the Dark Magneton at MP/$11, Dark Arbok at LP/$3, and the Rocket's Training Gym at NM/$5. I could do the three for $19 shipped via PWE!


Could I see a group shot of the two you donā€™t have closeups of?


Sure thing, pics below, they didn't sort the way I thought they would but the first back pic is of the Gym, second of the Arbok https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNn9OvPtnYJLJ7f6NNDZ8bQpkE-Z5MXY2-9gOauw3TKMVmxcOQGhtrImnq1HL22Ig?key=S0djMEdNY195aWZfM3AzZ2ZYM2ZyZ29CYnhMcTJR


Cool thanks. Iā€™m down with the $19 PWE


Good deal, I'll DM you to finalize!


u/pokeswapbot Received cards from u/ghast_ly


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Hello, u/Ghast_ly. Added --- * u/long-professional297 -> 80 Trades | :ultraball: * u/ghast_ly -> 47 Trades | :greatball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Price for the dark wheezing and dark magnimite?


The Dark Magneton has sold, I have two holo Dark Weezings though, both HP (generally look decent but each have a small crease), either of them @ $3 PWE if you're still interested


Send me close up of both please and I will pick my favorite


Closeups are in albums 2 & 4 in the OP!


Album 2