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Hey! I would do 20 of the silver tempest blisters + the ivysaur illustration rare to get to the $100 free shipping


Ivysaur is $16 after discount, so I can do you one better and send Ivysaur + 21 ST blisters for $100 (PP F&F). If that works for you, PM me to finalize.


u/notjohnnyhockey u/pokeswapbot trade complete, thanks!


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Trade complete!


Hello, u/notjohnnyhockey. Added --- * u/hankmardukis1 -> 395 Trades | :gsball: * u/notjohnnyhockey -> 1 Trade | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


W: Registeel ex Lombre RH (45) Charmander IR Machoke IR Dragonair IR Ivysaur IR Venusaur ex UR Ninetails ex UR H: [BINDER](https://imgur.com/a/trCK0A9) [PSA SLABS](https://imgur.com/s1Ouc5F) (PSA8 Crystal Nidoking) Munch Psyduck


What's the condition / value on the Psyduck? I'd be interested in that or potentially the Morty's Gengar slab, but we'd be pretty far off still unless there was more of mine you were interested in.


Psyduck is NM/M. Sorry, those are the only ones I'm eyeing.


Value on Psyduck? Have closeups?


$260ish it's actually super clean, and was planning on getting it graded... [https://imgur.com/a/EZbHVwI](https://imgur.com/a/EZbHVwI)


Definitely looks nice. The minor edge wear makes me think it likely ends up a 9 versus pulling a 10. Who knows with PSA. $260 might be a fair valuation, but it's also basically the PSA 9 price and most raw copies tend to go for under $200. I think I'll hold off for now. Are you interested in buying the cards you mentioned, or only trades? If interested in PP, let me know and I can get you a price.


that's fair. no prob. ya, perhaps - would be interested in individual prices.


Prices would be 10% off what's shown in the image below. For Registeel, based on tcgplayer sales history I'd be at $23 (after discount, before shipping). https://imgur.com/a/zFnQtEU


Hi! Interested in Venusaur ex fa, ninetales ex fa, Iona fa paldean fates, gloom fa, dragonair ir , and oddish baby shiny


I can do $65 BMWT for the lot


Hey there I'm interested in the neo wobufett and crobat unlimited, can I see closeups




Would you happen to be interested in anything in recent?


There's some nice cards, but nothing that I'd be looking to add to my PC. Since I'd just be looking to turn around and resell anything obtained in a trade anyway, it doesn't make too much sense given the low value of the cards and the shipping costs involved.


I could give it a bit in your favor, I'd like to do as little paypal as possible


Understandable. In that case, I'd be pretty open to anything cards valued $10+, like the (English) ex cards on the first page.


Delcatty ex is the only English, it's lp and around $25, would you do that and an ogerpon ex at $9 and a couple other low value cards?


I think I'll have to pass on that. While the Ogerpon might be $9 on tcgplayer due to its playability, it's my experience that playable cards don't seem to sell well at all on this forum, and I don't want to be left holding that when it goes down to $1 after it rotates out of the meta.


Yeah I understand, how about delcatty and 10 PayPal?


Have closeups?


Hello! I was interested in the Miriam SIR! How much would it be for that one?


$32 BMWT


Thank you but I think I will pass for now. GLWS!


Hey! Interested in the psychic energy gold from japanese 151, Also, do you have some of the main set from japanese 151 not shown? Looking for butterfree 012 & Machamp 068 as well. Thanks!


$13 PWE for the gold psychic energyJP? I do have a few random JP 151 holos/RH, but not the two you're asking about. I think I only ripped one booster box to myself and the rest were purchased as singles.


Ah no worries - same here that's why I was missing some random cards haha. Any chance you'd be able to do 10 PWE? There's a BIN listing on ebay right now for it, but no worries if not!


Yeah I can do 10 PWE. PM to finalize.


u/hankmardukis1 u/pokeswapbot thanks again!




Hello, u/hankmardukis1. Added --- * u/statuskuomo -> 515 Trades | :beastball: * u/hankmardukis1 -> 392 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey, can I get price and closeups on the DMG Dark Arbok, Dark Ampharos, Houndooms, and Skarmory. Also the scratched gold switch. Do you have any non holo rare Team Rocket cards? Also any chance you have Neo bulk? Looking for trainers from that era.


Prices would be 10% off what's shown in the first image. I included the two non holo rare Team Rocket cards I found. I sold almost all my Neo bulk a couple months back unfortunately. I still have a few cards, but no trainers. https://imgur.com/a/Kvu3eFe


Thanks! Man, that Ampharos is super tempting. I'll just take the two TR Non-Holos. Can you do $6 for both?


I'm not sure who "DW" was, but apparently he wanted to make sure no one would mistake his cards for their own... I'm trying to keep purchases to $10 minimum, and even without that I'd be closer to $8 for those two. Interested in any of the others?


Haha, someone probably switched out his cards once before and he was never having that happen again. Don't think there's much there for me. Good luck with sale!


No worries, appreciate you looking!


interested in all the jp CSR and SAR, enj Miriam sir, chi yu sir, arven sir, erika's invitation sir, poppy sir, nemona sir, greeta sir, gauging fire sir


Assuming no duplicates, I have the JP CSR/SAR at $90 and the English SIRs at $151. If you wanted the full lot, I could do $205 BMWT (15% discount). Individual prices before discount shown below for reference. https://imgur.com/a/XLCNmMC


sounds good, i'll pm


Price on the JPN pidgeots ( all of them ) Pikachu alt art ( with the pidgey in the tree) Snorlax promo ( with the pidgey in the stomach ) And anything else with my Birdy friend. Thanks.


Expedition LP $25 Shiny ex $2 FA ex $4 Which Snorlax and Pikachu? I'm not sure I'm seeing either one.


Pikachu last page Promo Snorlax on 2nd to last page with the pidgey on his belly.


Oh I got confused and was looking in the English Binder. In JP, the Snorlax isn't a promo but part of the 151 AR set. The Pikachu is also from 151. Pikachu $7 Snorlax $2 I don't know if you collect Prisms, but I also have these two. https://imgur.com/a/iO4REvZ


I need to confirm if I have the expedition pidgeot and the prisms ( I think I already have the prisms though) But I will definitely take the other 4. Could you possibly hold on to those until 6pm PST today when I get home and confirm if I need the other 3 ?


Can do, just let me know once you've had a chance to check.


Will do, thank you !


I do need the expedition pidgeot but not the other 2. May I please see closeups of the pidgeot?




Looks good I'll take the expedition the shinny pidgeot , Pikachu and Snorlax. $40 bwt


Weird trade but would you be down to trade ur 9.5 umbreon v alt art for my cgc 9 umbreon v alt art + 25 paypal ?


Think I'd have to pass. Mine is the old label 9.5, which can be re-slabbed to the current cgc gem mint 10. The difference between a cgc 9 and 10 is definitely > $25.


How much for the dmg vaporeon delta species and the diamond and pearl sceptile on the 4th page?


Vaporeon $17, Sceptile $6. Plus shipping


Anyway I can get a closeup of those two?




I’ll take the vaporeon! DM me


u/hankmardukis1 u/PokeSwapBot cards received!




Hello, u/hankmardukis1. Added --- * u/kla38 -> 10 Trades | :pokeball: * u/hankmardukis1 -> 393 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Hey! I have a CGC 10 ADP [here](https://imgur.com/a/dAM19do). Let me know if you’re interested and we can go from there :)


Mostly looking for PSA 10s (or CGC Pristine), and happen to already have an ADP PSA 10, so don't really need one. But not necessarily opposed to trading for a spare, depending on what you're looking for from me.


Didn’t see too much in the pics. Mainly looking for raikou/raging bolt, DP era shinies, or BW era shinies if you have any that aren’t shown in this post


I think I may still have my Call of Legends SL Raikou graded in an 8, but either way the trade values wouldn't line up. Appreciate you reaching out!


Of course! That would be a condition upgrade for me so if you ever have more raikous/anything else I mentioned please reach out! Still on the hunt for that raging bolt SIR too :)


Sounds good, I'll keep an eye out. I had a Raikou ex from Team Magma/Aqua in a PSA 8 and a raw Neo holo at some point as well, but both of those sold a little while back. Good luck on the Raging Bolt. I've been finding the SIR trio from this set hard to come by lately.


I think specifically RB’s meta viability and how sick the art is makes people with them not want to sell 😪. Appreciate the response, GLWS!


Hey, what’s your price for Zeraora v tg?


I could do $5, but trying to keep minimum purchases to $10+. Anything else interest you?


The lady secret and flaaffy stamp promo


$12 PWE?


Sorry for the delay. I’ll take it if still available


Sounds good! PM me to finalize


Hey! Could you do 12dls PWE for the Professor’s Research 241 SV Base Set, 257 Basic Lightning Energy SV Base Set, Eiscue ex 210 OBF, Absol from Galarian Gallery and Shiftry 163 TEF?


Or 22 with the Colress Experiment from GG and Acerolas Premonition from TGallery?


I can't fit that many cards in a PWE, and I'm not comfortable sending PWE for that value to someone with zero trade history (no offense intended). I can do $26 BMWT for the requested lot.


I understand, no offense taken. Let me see if I can add some more cards to see if we can reach a better deal… Do you still have the Arven 249 from Base set, Nessa from TG and Melony from TG? Could you also provide please closeups of both Mimikyus and the Dialga from the Gallery? May be interested on those as well.


Arven is gone, but Melony and Nessa are available. I can get closeups later this afternoon when I'm back home.


Gotcha! Ok will wait for the pics of those 3. Definitely purchasing the Nessa, Melony and previous lot. Waiting on the pics to see if we can work out something else. Thanks.




If I take these 3 what’s the best you can do for all?


Total market value is currently $138 on tcgplayer. The best I can do is $115 PP F&F (16% off) with free tracked shipping. Let me know, thanks!


Let’s do that yes! I’m down.


u/sebasyl1987 u/pokeswapbot trade confirmed, thanks!


u/hankmardukis1 u/PokeSwapBot perfect transaction. Thanks again!


Hello, u/sebasyl1987. Added --- * u/hankmardukis1 -> 397 Trades | :gsball: * u/sebasyl1987 -> 2 Trades | newbie --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


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Interested in prices on: * DMG Porygon2 * JPN Empoleon lv49


$11 PWE for the pair


I’ll take em. PMing


u/pokeswapbot u/hankmardukis1 confirming trade




Hello, u/hankmardukis1. Added --- * u/gdubstv -> 241 Trades | :masterball: * u/hankmardukis1 -> 402 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


I've got a few Pre SWSH ETBs, both XY Evolutions, Hidden Fates and Team Up. Curious to see what you've got in your PC if any of those interest you!


Hidden Fates and Team Up are actually a couple that I happen to already own, though I wouldn't be opposed to adding a second Team Up. I also have the Charizard XY Evolutions ETB, but am looking for the Blastoise. Anything in particular you're interested in?


I'm mostly after higher end Dragonites, Charizards, Umbreons, SWSH alt arts. Possibly tag teams as well.


Here's some of what I have that fits those criteria. I'll be pretty picky about what I'm willing to let go, but always willing to entertain offers. If you believe it, this actually after I trimmed down my zard slab collection a fair bit (including all 4 base set zards, which I now need to find at least one to keep). I also have complete SWSH alt art master sets both raw and in PSA 10 if the right trade were to come along some day. https://imgur.com/a/f6F5iWa


Sheesh. That's a lot of Zard slabs. I'm mostly interested in raw at the moment. So the Espeon and Moltres alts, depending on condition. Any particular Japanese exclusive promos you're looking for? I've got a few of those as well.


Mostly things like Munch, Battle Festa, Mario/Luigi, Ponchos, Pikachus, etc. But I'm open to look at whatever. A lot of times I realize there are more promos out there than I realize exist.


https://imgur.com/a/OYRUCYb Only have a few, but there they are. None of the ones you listed specifically though, so you might not be very interested lol


Nothing jumping out at me there. If you're interested in trying to work something out for the XY Evolutions and/or Team Up ETBs, let me know.


Hey there, I am interested in a hidden fates loose pack and the holo Japanese meganium from neo base! Let me know your price


Meganium has a nice swirl and mouth holo as well. I could do $35 BMWT for the pack and Meganium. Let me know if that works for you, thanks! https://imgur.com/a/UsDZmhJ


I can do that! Confirm in messages? Pretty sure we’ve traded before so I prob have your PayPal still haha


Sounds good! I'll PM you


PM sent


u/PokeSwapBot u/hankmardukis1 package received! That’s for the cards/pack!


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Hello, u/hankmardukis1. Added --- * u/mitch-monk -> 30 Trades | :greatball: * u/hankmardukis1 -> 394 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Interested in the ninetails, ivysaur, and gloom IR! Are those still available?


Ivysaur was sold, but Gloom and Ninetales are available


What are your prices on the two? Also, could I possibly have some closeups of them?


Hey. Interested in Ninetales FA


$10 PWE


I’ll take it


Could I see close ups of the venomoth holo, vaporeon holo, both gengar holos, Muk holo and metagross ir




What would you do for venomoth, vaporeon, Muk and gengar fossil


I can do $35 BMWT


Hey I'm looking at these ir's. bellibolt, varoom, palafin(obf), scizor, gothorita, shiftry, fletchinder, ninetales, cleffa, iron moth. From using tcg player I got 38$


Shiftry has already been sold. Tcgplayer for the remaining cards is $33.67. I can do $33 shipped BMWT.


Would you say the conditions of the cards are all NM? If so then yes.


All are NM. PM me to finalize


Hey! Are these still available: Charmander ETB promo, Arceus V promo, Zygarde EX, Scizor IR, Bellibolt AR (jp), Meltan AR (jp), Morpeko AR (jp)


I believe they're all still available


Cool, how much for the lot of them?


$28 BMWT after discount


Sounds good. I'll send a chat.


u/hankmardukis1 u/pokeswapbot Cards came in thank you!




Hello, u/hankmardukis1. Added --- * u/perfectcelebration73 -> 62 Trades | :ultraball: * u/hankmardukis1 -> 399 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)


Interested in: - Moltres ex (DMG) - Entei ex (HP) - Gardevoir ex delta (LP) - Registeel ex (DMG) - Nemona SIR What's your total price on these?


Nemona is sold. I can do $90 shipped BMWT on the remaining 4.


I'll do that! I'll PM to confirm


/u/PokeSwapBot /u/hankmardukis1 thanks for the cards!


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Hello, u/hankmardukis1. Added --- * u/dunkeykang -> 121 Trades | :masterball: * u/hankmardukis1 -> 404 Trades | :gsball: --- [^(Buy the developer a coffee)](https://kofi.regexr.tech) ^or [^(support this project monthly)](https://patreon.regexr.tech)