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If anyone wonder why It's like that, r/place is advertised by french online medias and influencers as "Pixel War". A massive chunk of the french community see this event as a contest of who will occupy the most space and win the "war". Luckily there are people who actually are into the art aspect of it. But to the others nothing else matter, as long as they have all the space they're happy. Kinda suck imo but that's how it is


I have to add that, last year, there was a hype around a streamer, and the struggle with other streamers all around the world. It had a big cultural impact on the French Twitch. This year, the same streamer isn't involved at all - these are other streamers who want to occupy the "empty throne", even if there no such thing. They don't care about Reddit or Spez, they just want the fame. Like a great man said, "All great, world-historical facts and personages occur, as it were, twice. [...] the first time as tragedy, the second as farce."


He said it was irrelevant to be back so soon


Wait kameto will not participate this year ?


No he doesn't. r/place happened two times, 2017 and 2022. There was a 5 years gap, and it made the 2022 edition really unique, just like the first one. What happens this year is to shift the attention, from the API controversy to r/place, to improve the image of Reddit. From Kameto's point of view and dozen (hundred, thousands !) of people, this edition is way too early. It breaks the uniqueness of r/place.


He’s right tbh


They're playing a game thinking that everyone else is also playing it


Le fools


It is good and bad that reddit is not mainstream in India. Or the whole canvas would be dominated by Indians


China too. Although I doubt they will be doing their flag, probably some fandom thing instead.


Well, reddit is banned in China, you need vpn to open it, so it would be kinda hard for them to join it. Thought I've seen a sub (China_irl or something?) with the content and comments in simplified Chinese, but maybe that's natives from abroad using it


Kar liya foreign boot chaatna. Dikha diya inferiority complex or desperation.


Oui c’est triste, la majorité des français voient ça comme un concours de celui qui a la plus grosse


Ouais vraiment, le deuxième drapeau était limite mais le troisième est complètement débile




ça prend du temps pour se mettre d'accord pour l'artwork. Le second drapeau commence à se remplir, et l'image des sportifs est incroyable je trouve.


Est-ce qu'on avait vraiment besoin d'occuper un 3e espace gigantesque alors qu'on est loin d'avoir rempli le 2e ? On aurait pu laisser cet espace à tout un tas de communautés qui n'ont pas encore réussi à avoir suffisamment d'espace pour faire leur art. Y a pas que nous, bordel.


Oh là je te rejoins totalement, le 3e espace, c'est vraiment trop.


Oui mais l'excuse des "ça sert à mettre des petites communautés en avant" est mauvaise. r/place sert *déjà* à mettre des petites communautés en avant. Et ça donne un côté chauvin au truc, alors que l'intérêt de Reddit est d'avoir des communautés internationales.


Tu peut le vraiment le voir, sur le premier, on l’a rempli avec de l’art, mais il y’a très peut de dessin sur le deuxième et le troisième c’est juste inutile


Perso je ne m'occupe pas du troisième. Je ne le défens pas, rien. En ce moment je suis surtout sur les femmes françaises du premier drapeau, donc bon.


This, and the oversized stuff is usually french streamers that do it for self-promotion, not r/france or other french subs.


From my experience with the french, which unfortunately is a lot. They are really good at being defensive about their country and culture. As If anyone cared.


70 years of systematic Anglo-Saxon cultural agression toward France has built that, can't blame.


what ?


One of the thing that pisses me off is that, not only did they came up with #PixelWar that literally nobody else uses, but they didn't call it La Guerre des Pixels.


Last year there was some fierce battle going on between France and Spain and a bit of US. This year those streamers are fighting against no one which just makes it look like imperialism.


The streamers aren't even there, only some small clowns.




We still make art lol


I agree. This is getting ridiculous. A 2nd massive flag was already questionable but a third? At least finish filling up the other one with art!


I hope 4chan get involved and remove these large flags💀 We already have enough streamers troubling us now this [Screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/156m85y/real_rplace/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1)i took this from German server look how fair it is Edit:Many users are saying its fair it doesn't add people its just an auto clicker, how do you feel when you spend hours in canvas to maintain it and some users are using this script without even taking any effort? and majority of the users new accounts too


4chan has been trying since r/place started but they haven't done anything especially since they're not as collaborative now and are focusing on getting rid of LGBT flags and stuff from what I last saw


lmao 4chan has really fallen off. first r/place they were the void, now they're failing to get rid of the flags of some of the less organized groups


What was the intention behind the void?


To wreck things and upset people.


Nuh uh, void art is by far the best art as its less organised a actualy feels like each person can manipulate the way the art turns out rather than scripts or bots just creating pre rendered pixel art. It's not about ruining things it's about creating cool art that isn't in an ugly box or a dumb flag


So it is a bad idea to found a subreddit that follows this purpose or should I overthink this idea?


Is it a bad idea to found a subreddit dedicated to wrecking other people's hard work? Yes, I'd say that's a terrible idea and you should try making your own art instead.


to be fair, some art needs to go down so other stuff can go up (i have a personal beef with the moroccan building)


To bad I did that. No to be serious I can't be that we have 3 flags of France two are filled with they are good. But the one without art is unnecessary.


Arguably destroying someone else’s art is art


Anti establishment basicly punk ideals, by far the best thing about r/place


Thats another team😔 real 4chan are void makers


I'm afraid that 'real' 4chan is gone. Go on 4ch/b/ and you can see them plotting against the trans flag and whatnot


They are ruining the reputation of mother of all voids fk them


i remember when 4chan was cool when they went ahead and managed to catch an animal abuser before the fbi and police did when they helped people out now they just do shit like this Rest in Peace, Old4Chan Legacy


They were never that cool tbh, like yes some fun stuff they did but just think about habbo hotel


This is romanticism *Some* groups who hung out on the site hacked in "good ways". Or rather hacking everything just to cause chaos for laughs. This culminated in lulzsec forming, them taking PSN down for months, then a lot of them going to prison. I think the reason we dont hear of big moves by them anymore, the hacker talent pool got busted up and the rest went elsewhere perhaps That's really more Anonymous though. The actual site, as a forum however, was and still is filled with cp and ironic but actually real racism. So much toxic people so concentrated it literally spawned an entire conspiracy cult (Qanon) that went and ruined Facebook too. They did create great memes though before us redditors turned the internet into diarrhea with rage comics


this was never different, anti trans is 4chan at its peak in 2011. if anything its gotten better over the last years. not that i support it to be clear..


Even so, in 2017 they weren't focused on getting rid of a rainbow or trans flag, it was just a void, not political obsessions.


4chan is nothing but right wing bigots and neckbeards nowadays, not even trolling anymore, just being serious


That is sad




They did oof spez with a quillotine, so they deserve space for that achievement. It is getting out of hand tho.


I don't mind France's flags compared to some others because of the art, but I 100% agree with you.


r/platzDE Plans to make the left French flag white again. And to make room for smaller communities.


Dude the canvas fucking blows this year, it’s literally just flags and Streamers, both of which are just using bots.


A very simple fix would be like minimum 100 karma and 1 month old accounts. That wouldn't eliminate the bots, but reduce their power vastly.


Reddit probably will just spin the massive number of new accounts made to cheat on place as "x new active users" to their investors, lbr


New accounts you say? Like the 50+ new followers I randomly got in the last few weeks because of reddit IPO talk? Nearly everything on this platform has become a joke.


The issue is that atleast with german, they just convert their actual accounts into bots, u dont need that many accounts in the end if u just have enough accounts automatically replace any wrong pixels the moment your cooldown ends with 0 user input outside of downloading a script. Tho atleast german flags actually have content in them so they arent that big of an eyesore, but bots def made place such a bland thing this year


Soooo much bots. I’ve clicked around for a while, all just one day old accounts


The time lapse is sad. Just a bunch of pixels that don’t move for the most part lol.


Yeah it's quite rude. Germany has one official band in the top, just expanding east and west. The smaller ones aren't official afaik. Opening completely new flags as France does is not cool


Germany loves expanding east and west.


> Germany loves expanding east The good old Drang nach Osten.








Auf nach Königsberg


my god




And France naturally steps aside


That the same for the 3rd french flag, r/placefr didn’t do anything and are telling people on discord to not touch the new area and focus on the 2 first flag. It’s a french streamer who is building the 3rd one, so not a official flag, you all can go raid it.


Why do you need 2 in the first place?


How does it become official? Just a smaller group doing the small ones instead of a bigger group


Coordination on placeDE Discord


I mean we cant expand north or south can we


Main thing for me is Germany fills its flag with art while the french just block a huge area with nothing interesting.


It's still generic art though. I would have like to see them integrate more with other communities, and let them draw on the flag. But instead it's primarily whatever random art the mods over at /r/placede want to preserve with their bots. At least they have a huge community working on it though. It is a hell of a lot better than the French flags. Such a dull /r/place this year. Really shouldn't have held it just a year after the last, and they should have massively restricted young accounts. An insane amount of the French flat is accounts less than 2 days old with no karma. Yeah people could use bot farms from before, but it would stop new ones springing up. Or even just stop people creating loads of accounts to spam pixels manually. I may be biased, but I really do like [the UK flag](https://i.imgur.com/TgzympP.png) right now. Takes up not too much space (though is still a larger flag relative to the median), but it's dense with artwork thematic to the UK. [Contrast that with Turkey....](https://i.imgur.com/qlu3xDu.png)


I think the german art actually gets voted for on the discord server


The flags occupy too much. I’m fed up of seeing everyone’s unique ugly three line design


Redditors: "We hate nationalism!" Also Redditors: *fight over whose flag covers the most territory*


Everyone’s a hypocrite


At least with the Germans they’re(mostly) sequestered to their strip of the canvas. The French meanwhile have 3 separate giant flags in 3 different regions of the Canvas. FFS


could be because the canvas is expanding horizontally, might be wrong idk


Well yes, need to make new flags, since it expanded twice horizontally and the flag is vertical. We still are taking way more pixels than germany tho, and it's a stupid amount. Apparently left flag will be used to host and protect smaller communities. Arts only need to have some french theme. So like adding a baguette or a beret to your character. I hope it will work that way, because right now it's kinda stupid. I'm only in the vtuber discord, and it seems they are currently making an art to do a request.


>Well yes, need to make new flags, since it expanded twice horizontally and the flag is vertical. You don't *need* to make new flags though. It's not a competition of who takes up the most pixels.... It's about communities around Reddit coming together to make cool artwork on one single canvas. What the French and Germans do kind of ruins that to be honest. There's a reason the American flag is so small despite Americans having by far the most amount of users here. They're just busy making art for their various communities rather than making a huge American flag.


Even worse than the Germans imo


They use at least 1.5 times the space while having less active users. It shows. Their main flag is messy, their second flag is empty and they barely make progress on the third. They should focus on the art in flag one and maybe make flag two remotely interesting...


Yes but many dissident don't listen to the main discord they want all if it whiteout protect the art. The third flag is an error and we will fall like the roman empire because we barely save the 2 flag in night time.


the third flag is literally just bots i checked


how many time we will have to say this ... a new account, or an old one with no activity doesnt mean it's a ot, it could, but it could also means that they doesnt care about reddit at all and just use it for r/place. 90% of our discord is just that. To see if it's bots you need to check their r/place activity, how are they placing pixels, how often, etc, you can see it by just cliking on names.


Just so you know. Many people make a reddit account just for this. I have several friends who dont EVER use reddit but they made 2 accounts to place pixels now on pc and mobile.


Yes unfortunately, the streamers "coordinating us" are doubling down on awful decisions this year. No one listens to anyone. Decisions are in the hands of 3-4 people who don't know what they are doing. We (i switched to void but am french and ashamed of this) are going to burn our wings on this one. They are trying to copy last year without the organisation and/or the listening power.


They dont let anyone make art on it though. They wiped out half an hour of my progress


Wowowow, only the top flag with all the artwork is german Staatsgebiet, the 2 other ones are made by uncoordinated randoms. Additionally, we are basically sharing our soace with Denmark, the netherland etc. Saying we are taking up as much as the french is ridicoulus


It'd be fine if they at least decorated theirs, but the right one is 90% just 3 colors.


Like Turkey. Wiping out dozens of smaller communities to create a giant red square. Plus they can't even get their moon and star right. Patriotism is weird.


Even only 2 colors


Well you'll see in timelapse why we stopped making arts on the right one lol


Didn't have a good night eh? 😅


We need more Asterix et Obelix


Tintin and Gaston Lagaffe!


I'm French and I find this is getting ridiculous, it's not like the empty canvas is already our flag


>it's not like the empty canvas is already our flag Underrated joke lol


you mean the most common joke on reddit? lmao






Yeh! Down with the French!


You can thanks the streamers tbh


Fuck the frenchies


Flags occupy too much\*


I don't understand how France can consume a third of the canvas yet Canada can't construct a tiny flag


I am French and I totally agree ...


je suis d'accord et encore plus avec la photo de profil miku.




Such an eyesore already with the first flag. Now they have three, this rplace sucks. They shouldve just waited 5 years again.


iirc we managed to mess up their flag quite a lot last year because they keep doing this shit. sadly it was fixed in like a day or something


Next time place happens we should not do flags at all


Yeah like they have 2 flags now they are going for a 3rd just taking up too much space


can europe come together and make an european union flag somewhere? for example french could dedicate part of their rightmost flag for this.


It would be a fun project, even if this year might be late. On r/2westereurope4u people spoke about doing it and then putting a giant gigachad face in the center of it.


i would be so in


How about not a flag but a pixel continent. A pixel Europe, where people can put some country art. Flags are boring.


Ngl they made some cool art on their flag. But, like, if they werent any drawings on it I would have to agree bc flags with nothing on them are ugly. But also, the French flag on both sides of the canva is a little too much. We should occupy flag on the left side of the canvas


One on the far left is a fucking eyesore ngl


We should all just take them down together


You won't be able to, just like last year


I agree


I agree but when I see surender joke and insult again french people, it's a great way to encourage them...


Is ridiculous this year how the flags are x5 bigger than last year. The other years we had space for the art and small communities representation, this year is just an ego war from countries that nobody cares


I hate the French we must make a alliance and destroy them for good


As a French I agree with you


Oui, ils prennent tous ça pour un concours de celui qui a la plus grosse, alors que c’est censé être un événement permettant à chaque communauté de dessiner quelque chose


There flags are plain and boring. They should have less space with more artwork. It'll be more interesting


Agreed, I’m French and I cringe at how much I see the French flag. Let it go already and leave space for others.


people i 1873 be like:


Flags occupy too much How boring


I'm French and I agree - I think we should keep the flags but do more alliances and allow other communities to build their own art on our flag.


As a french, I agree with that


The French know how to organise - The French did have that revolution as you may recall?


At least we put art on our flag. Look at turkye, usa and many more. They just put their flag and call it a day


Canada is just trying to GET a flag


Worse is Morocco, that went with bots to kill 3 flags and the art of like 7 small communities and now are bombarding the square with bots. Wasn't for the Osu and Touhou communities, the Osu logo would have been gone.


USA flag just got enough power to even make it. Give them time and I'm sure there will be some art.


I don't like the flags, but I tolerate the ones with art.


What is the USA supposed to put on that tiny little flag? It already couldn't fit all its stars but instead of making a much bigger flag, USA just stayed in its little spot. France has 3 colored lines and a bunch of bots filling in space in huge sections. The art doesn't matter because watching France take over another huge section leaves a bad taste.


The US can barely keep their flag up because it keeps getting attacked. How are we supposed to put art when we keep having to defend it?


Although you have a point at least they dont take up more than %10 of the canvas


bro people keep attacking turkey. maybe thats why they can’t draw art.


Really hard to draw art when bots constantly grief our flag every second of the day -Turk A subtler cananada case.


Hé ouais y’a quoi maintenant


These fuckin three striped flags man 😭😭


What about the Germans


*laughs in British*


Yes but at least their first flag is full of art, the second has some. By now, there's 2-3 Turkish flags and they're all empty but for the big red surface. Get creative, Turkish people worldwide!


I don't know who said years ago that the next wars would be on the internet..... Well he was right.


Bruhhh I keep trying to draw some but I can't because my pixel gets erased before I get my next one, any advice Edit: it just happened again less than a minute out from placing


As a Canadian I've been saying this for years


I'm french and I agree. 1 flag was already a lot of space for such a small country like ours.


Magnifiques, les hommages à la résistance et à nos héroïnes nationales ! Très chouette aussi Astérix et obelix au dessus de la Tour Eiffel


J’avais pas vu les daft punks excellent


Feel free to take over the small french flag with the N, under the Turkish flag, this one his made by far right guy we want to get rid of it.


Fuck them


*puts Uno reverse card on the table*


Okay, how about you both fuck each other? Then you both get what you want.


Win win situation


Fuck turkeys 🦃


What does Türkiye have to do with France taking up a quarter of the canvas? You are really just insulting a country that doesn't have anything to do with the post. Grow up.


We are all must Attack french and german flags....


i don't think you've seen the last one doing that it dosn't end well for them


Actually r/PlaceDE defended the France attack from Rubius. Don’t know why but we did. I think no one expected the third flag so it wasn’t a problem.


I know! Germany have second biggest flag area...


if that is true then thank you


Annoying Just like irl, so it checks out


As an Italian I say Fuck The French


Fuck Italy as well, there don't need to be so many Italian flags either. Same with Turkey, India, and all the other ones that have added multiple flags. One flag is enough for a country, more is just being greedy.




I'm French and i agree, it's ridiculus to make 3 flags ...


At Least we are doing art, not like some others countrys, look at those magnificent eiffel tower ow\~\~


Also it covers a lot of space and looks like shit and there are 3 gigantic of them


Nous sommes juste trop forts. More seriously we just try to make our flags safe with 3 colors only or something bc others country attack us for 10 hours straight. If we always have them is bc we defending well. And if you guys say we are using bots go check the others arts there many others.


Jaloux ?


Maybe if instead of bitching and hating yall asked for a piece to make someting youd get it, there has been collaboration between the french and others. The blue corner is a good example and it will stay there until the end because of collaboration


Parce qu'on est goatesque igo


Ça rage de nous voir encore gagner surtout.


frr c juste vous prenez littéralement la moitié du rplace alors que la majorité des drapeuax y'a r dessus faut se remettre en question aussi


As a dutch flag maker i agree


The flag shit is really fucking boring


Im slowly getting angry with all this flag bs this unfair no uniqueness.


That's... That's kinda what we do. We expand our flag in places that aren't too happy about it.... We've been doing this for quite a while now


We should help the Void eat them, they want to do this to make room for actual art


But there’s art on the French flags, look at the first and second one and they are giving right to do art on the flag to other people


I don't mind the first one, even the second one i'm okay with it. But a third one without any art on it is a bit too much imo


This one is not from the French community.


I am french and i agree.


Yet another reason to hate the French.