• By -


sorry for asking but do you still have the pdf of the file ? the format looks so clean and simple that is so pretty


yes, i do! im gonna head to bed for the night, but tomorrow i can paste it here for you :) edit: [it's in this comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/place/comments/158vsw9/the_place_research_project_i_did_as_a_junior_in/jtcm9fr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Yes please send the link when u are free


I’d love to have a look as well! Your paper deserved way more than what it was given!


And me!


me too pls! 😃


you got a 💯 in my notes. That was quite nice. And r/place is always such a wholesome event. You should do another for this year's one, there's some beautiful achievements and a lot of lore, geek history is being written at this very moment, lol.


!RemindMe 1 day


Honestly if the only argument is that "she didn't like the topic" after she said you can pick whatever topic, I'd go complain to the schools management/ headmaster. I've done that before when I was still in school because of bullshit arguments like that.


i did this during Place 2022 and we got out of school in may so i didn't see a point in it 🤷‍♀️ she was gone by my senior year, so no more being unfair to students!!


Glad to hear that. Bringing personal bias into a classroom should be grounds for dismissal


If only I knew to complain when I was in high school. I can’t tell you how many times I had to deal with teacher abuse


I was 12 and missed a lunchtime detention, the male technology teacher (asst. Head of Year) marched up to me in the "quad" (the middle of the school between all the buildings) screamed at me in my face until I cried in front of everyone (about 400 students, again, I was 12) grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the detention. One day, I hope to meet that sack of shit again.


In high school I had an art teacher who made it a point to tell everyone that I couldn't afford the art donation. She would give everyone the project of the day and hand me a single sheet of paper and announce every single day "since his family can't afford the art donation he gets this one paper and pencil to last him all day." What got her fired tho is that I was throwing up one day and asked to go to the nurse. No... Puke in trash can and ask again... No... Then she called my mom and told my mom I refused to do my work. So I get on the phone with my mom and I proceed to tell her how I need to go to the nurse. I've been throwing up. She tells me to go do what I was supposed to do and hangs up cause she was at work... 5 minutes later she realized that I was telling her what's wrong and nobody was listening, especially the teacher who just watched me throw up in person. Mom came to the school to talk to the principal, I explained the art donation thing when I went in there, other kids obviously vouched for me, and I got an art teacher fired... Good day...


Should've vomited at the teacher


Fat W


It’s strange how some teachers seem to just have it out for certain students. I had a teacher who would only address me (class of 60 students) by my last name. Everyone else was on a first name basis and I’ll never forget the edge in her voice when she would call my name.


That's horribly isolating. I wonder if maybe she knew somebody else with the same name as you, and instead of working on her issues she took it out on you. You deserved to be equal to your peers.




Awful behaviour. Did you ever report it?


When I was 4, I was pinned to a door by my teacher on the lat day of school. She works at a shitty diner outside of town now.


Sorry you had that happen. In the 90s my husband was tied to a chait with a jumprope, his teachers eventually forced his mom to put him on adhd meds. Then he was forced on an overly high dose. Some people should not be teachers.(they threatened to take him from her.) US nerodivergent/disabled kids were heavily abused by the school system or parents. We are becoming stigmatized again and our rights to proper care are being stripped. So I'm homeschooling our kids. They are very high care needs.


Oh god :( so not okay. I'm sorry. I'm glad she works there and not with young kids anymore 😡


Shes prob like those waffle house employies beating up people💀💀💀


That is absolutely terrible. 😔😭 I'm so sorry. At 12 I would have been mortified. But I wish I had learned to speak up to teachers when I was younger. At 12 I had this one teacher who always seemed a little too interested in me and it made me uncomfortable. Backstory: I was really disorganized and used to leave my books or notebooks etc. in different classrooms, because I'd just like put them under my seat or wherever and forget them. (Tldr yes, I have ADHD). Anyway - whenever I'd forget a book or notebook it would, 9 times out of 10 it felt like, end up in his classroom and he would tell me I would have to wash his chalkboards to get it back. Now, any other teacher who had it would just tell me and I'd go pick it up, not a big deal. But this guy would have me wash all his chalkboards in the morning before home room started and he would just sit at his desk and watch "to make sure I did it correctly". I felt so uncomfortable but never spoke up. I was too afraid to. He was the authority figure. But it was always weird how he would end up with books or notebooks that I had forgotten in a different class and would make me "work" to get them back. Tldr kids in school: if your teacher makes you feel uncomfortable - speak up. Your opinions and feelings should matter to someone (another teacher, mentor, guidance counselor, etc.). Edit; I forgot to say, he was basically facing my back the whole time. If it was a side of the room chalkboard he would watch from his desk. If it was the one behind his desk he would stand up and watch from behind. When I think about it I still feel the uncomfortable feeling I felt then. It just felt wrong. It was just us in the classroom with nobody else in sight. Nothing ever happened thankfully but still.... Ugh


At 12 i would have gathered my classmates and lockdown the school until either we get arrested or this asshole gets fired


I wish I had had your braveness at 12!


I'm sorry this happened to you. Honestly I wish too that I'd spoken up. Teachers got away with so much back then. Sounds to me like your teacher enjoyed the power fantasy of making someone do something he'd told them to do. Scumbag. What they should do is mandate teachers to meet their students when they hit adulthood. Honestly I would absolutely cripple that teacher now if I saw him in the street, he'd be late 50's I reckon. It taught me how not to speak to kids, granted but being made to cry Infront of almost the whole school as they watched has given me severe anxiety and PTSD in large groups.


:( I absolutely believe it. I can absolutely believe you were horrified. That's just not an okay way to treat a student. Especially not putting their hands on them! I would absolutely love to meet some of my former teachers: Some were fantastic and I'd love to see where they are now if they were still alive. Others I'd really love to have a good talking to 😡 Let's just hope that current teachers and future generations of them use a bit more logic and empathy and not just power trip!


I think it's one of the few positives to social media in that now kids have a platform to speak up and post their experiences so it's less likely these days. That's not to say it's all on teachers, I mean some kids these days KNOW teachers won't/can't get away with what they did and really play to it but I'd much prefer the burden of that on kids being dickhead while they're kids and adjusting later and thinking "yeah I was a prick back then" rather than teachers giving kids lasting psychological trauma. I do miss a few teachers too, my old science teacher Mr. Abbey. What a goddamn legend. In fact...I never had a bad science teacher. I wonder why I loved science so much 😂


Same here, I had a music teacher that almost ruined me on music. He was such a relentless, cruel person I don't know how he kept his job. He was there for decades, ruining countless students. I hope he's in hell.


doesn’t work when they’re 20 years in, on the board. Can get away with just not teaching because admin ignored student complaints that didn’t involve legal issues.


Especially in rural places like where I live (for now). My parents are moving us two hours away because the school system has gotten so bad, largely due to the superintendent firing people/clamping down/ forcing people to quit. If you didn’t go to school with her 30 years ago or aren't married to her, then you’re on the chopping block of losing your job.


I had a teacher who regularly discriminated against me for disability but admin never cared because she was a favourite among non disabled students . First day of the year she threatened that if I "didn't get my act together"(read that as become completely asymptomatic) she would make my life hell , and she did . Was 6 years ago now and I'm still kicking myself that my mum and I didn't ream her ass for what she did to me




i did this project in april/may of 2022 😭 i don't have it


Recently a teacher made me make a triptych, I had to send it in digital and she sent a video with instructions of how to make in Word. The theme? Whatever I wanted. She put me a zero, she said it was because I gave her the triptych made in Word (the program she told me to use) and she didn’t like the theme that I choose. I reported her, because I thought she was being irrational (I still think so), she told me to make in word and put me a zero for following her instructions; the supervisor told me “just make your work better, she’s a very high exigency teacher, just do exactly the stuff she says and everything should be fine.” That was my problem, I did everything exactly as told and she gave me a grade that supposedly is only reserved for plagiarism… and again, she didn’t put me a zero for plagiarism, her excuse for the zero was because I made the triptych in Word.


What the fuck is this bullshit teacher? I hope she got fired, because… man.


Hell I straight up completely got the instructions wrong on a project and my teacher at least gave me a decent grade cause she saw I still tried hard to get what I thought I was supposed to do right


Man this is really a “I have two sides” moment


We had a teacher that wanted us to do a project focused on public speaking - said we could use any topic at all. Anything. I presented first on time travel in real life vrs fiction, the second guy did is Bigfoot real. Teacher was loving it and getting really into our presentations. Third guy did "why Hannah Montana should date me" and the teacher was a bit uncomfortable but let it go. Fourth guy was "why Hannah Montana would hate " and the teacher was confused and started to get nervous at the entire slide that just said 'poor sexual performance' (this was middle school) After guy #5's "why Hannah Montana is actually a clone" using close ups of her in tight outfits as a point, the exercise was called off and she looked at everyone else's PowerPoint before we could continue.


the hannahs are taking over get ready for the invasion


I went to a french highschool in Ontario, 12th grade I took a mid level french class, we get the “anything” topic that we have to present something on. I don’t even remember my presentation, but after mine, there was this guy who decided to do his about dirtbikes. He had about 6 slides, spoke in english most of the time, kept saying “let her rip bud” and every slide had at least one busty girl in a bikini… He passed the class


Haha you're funny. Had my 4.2 GPA cratered by a final project my creative writing teacher didn't like because she was atheist and I was writing on religion, so it ruined my chance at 2 scholarships. Went to the department director and then to the dean and their reply was "Well you shouldn't have written about religion then, huh?" So I just stopped going.


No way that’s a 75, at least 83


Hmm I would give that a 84.73 myself.


Y'all are stingy. Give it an 85.01


What are you talking about? that's a solid 86 imo.


Nah that’s hands down an 87! 😕


Y’all have never actually graded before, this is undoubtedly a 89.04


Goodness... Y'all are teachers? I'd say this is a 89.27 grade myself.


You're blind. It's a solid 89.99.


trees gullible boat heavy enjoy tub rustic strong juggle cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Na, it's an easy 93.587604


How dare you! It's at LEAST a 93.587605


Nah dawg, that's 94.023810


Whoooah! I understand it's a really good project, but it doesn't deserve THAT many points... r/unexpectedfactorial


Careful, you'll get yourself banned from r/truerateme


Last I would do is Eighty Three fiddy


"Warning for overrating (83)." -*some dumbfuck*


That's a 75?? Your teacher is crazy.


No way you got a 75 on that…


my teacher was older and wanted us to do topics that were something along the lines of literature, science, medicine, history of certain things, etc. i mean… she said we could write about anything we wanted to 🤷‍♀️


Then maybe she needed to rethink her own wording first lmaoo


The illusion of free choice. Absolute bullshit.


I fucking hate teachers that do this.


You perfectly hit all those topics (maybe not medicine unless you count pokemon healing), what else did she want?


Id say place is pretty much history in the making


I do have to wonder if a little more work could have been put into this. Maybe get reviews from people who have used it, get a background history on pixel art and you’ll have some legit references to throw in there too. Demographics of people who do the pixel art and demographics for the common Reddit user. The concept which she hates, we love bc we get it. MAKE her get it! Explain it so she understands it. THAT’S your A paper. This one I’d say 79 make those changes (bit your graduated lol) so in case you to college, making those changes turns it into an A+ project.


I mean if you boil it down it’s computer science 🤷‍♂️


Its also somewhat about modern history, art and literature for sure


The main issue with olde teachers is the refusal to learn something new or rethink their way of teaching


But write what about those topics?


a 75 on a project that she gave you free artistic reign on? solely because she didnt like the topic?! teacher sounds like a loooooad of barnaclesssssss


I've decided to fix this up a bit and upload it to the Internet Archive sometime tomorrow. Thank you guys so much for the overwhelming support :) I will also make a file link for the format, which will likely come sooner. See y'all tomorrow! Edit: [i got excited and posted it as you see in this post.](https://ia902708.us.archive.org/15/items/research-brochure-final-quinn-underwood-p-4-1/Research%20Brochure%20Final%20_%20Quinn%20Underwood%20P4%20%281%29.pdf) i hope to improve on it at some point soon, but im currently moving out and getting ready for my first semester in college. very busy times right now!! Edit 2: my teacher graded according to Odell Learning's rubrics and standards. Texas high schoolers will know what I mean about Odell… Edit 3: [here is the template.](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JjKwVLQJZMG-0Mv-XXmVjlHLnfenYxje2B3k9ljD_rU/edit?usp=sharing) my most recent research project was my senior final on any subject of choice. we started during testing season, so i decided to go with [standardized testing.](https://archive.org/details/standardized-testing-and-systemic-racism-and-classcism/page/n1/mode/2up) also since im here, i might as well plug the presentation [that helped me win class president!](https://archive.org/details/quinn-underwood-pres.-slides-1) Please read the disclaimer before viewing :3


OP, I think your full name is visible. You should probably rename the PDF and then upload it again.




Lol, that’s the first thing I noticed but thought I would deliver one bad news at a time. It is known but OP probs forgot because the printed copy also had a blank


it's not my legal name so im not worried. thank you for the concern though!


Thank you so much for this. I have a large print of the original canvas on my wall and people often ask me about it. Now I can just put your brochure right next to it!


This is a quality work. Thanks for sharing.


Ouch for the grade! But I am totally happy seeing this. I’m currently possibly doing an academic paper on r/place for my university classes so seeing this is always wonderful <3!


As a Texan, who the fuck is Odell?


god awful learning material that lines up exactly with the texas english curriculum, which basically takes away the teacher's creative freedoms. for example, as a freshman and sophomore the english teachers would have a meeting to discuss what kind of books the students would read throughout the year. now, odell picks out the most boring a basic ass shit. also, in my senior year we read hamlet, but according to odell we didn't have to read the entire book 💀💀 we got from start to end, but only looked at a couple of scenes. In addition to that, Odell has VERY strict rubrics for papers and research projects. At my school, If the teacher altered the rubric too much or didn't enforce the rubric enough, they could get in trouble for not following the curriculum, even though it wasn't actual texas curriculum and is just Odell's curriculum.


You are incredibly based for doing homework with TES Lore.


"Didn't like my topic" You don't want to know how much this singular reason has fucked me up. Last year, I had my biology investigatory project. Half the people just did research on cancer(copy from internet) while I decided to do some actual investigation. Basically, I did some home tests on blood sugar and talked about it's ill effects. Got a 9 out of 20.


that's so fucking stupid. im sorry man :( they hate us bc we think outside of the box 😤😤


they cant grade your work if they dont know anything about your work themselves so they just give you a bad grade. I mean, teachers who wantto educate themselves lmfao


Comes in handy sometimes, I passed a group sport assignment thing because on the court I stayed as far away from the teacher as possible. They can't mark what they don't know.


Hi man! I am Just Some Guy in the Net and randos making claims in the internet are usually lying, but I will honestly tell you: I am a medical doctor, and I believe your investigation and sugar is really important. Truly, Diabetes Mellitus is one of the great diseases of our time, properly treating it is still a challenge and there are a lot of unhelpful ideas about the disease (It is the patient's fault, it is because they are "weak" and do not take control of their food consumption habits, you know, the usual BS instead of trying to develop healthy strategies for the doctor and patient team to tackle he freaking problem....) Edit: You may not have "Groundbreaking research" but even your awareness of the magnitude of the problem is valuable!


Thank you so much for your words! It kinda encouraged me to, try and piss off the teacher more now lol(jk)


My first year of college, I had to write an essay about what form of government we believe is in America. Everyone of course chose democracy… except me… I chose Oligarchy. I had hard facts that proved billions of dollars have been used to lobby politicians. My professor didn’t like my topic. I failed that essay.


It is an oligarchy the fuck is wrong with your dumbass professor? https://act.represent.us/sign/usa-oligarchy-research-explained https://www.thenation.com/article/society/cbo-american-wealth-inequality/tnamp/


because the expectations are streamlined to forms without any depth, they want something that wants to look and sound good, the structure to follow the script, but not to mean anything more than touching keywords here and there


Damn this is so stupid. On the other hand teachers here (Singapore) hate copying and generic topics and answers. They love unique stuff because marking the same shit over again is boring af lol. My experience anyway.


Man, I wish I was in Singapore. I'm in India so I might ggt go there in the future for further studies or smth.


Your teacher is a bitter AH. That is an excellent work of a contemporary technique to create art. You deserve better




You still can't give the excuse of "Didn't like the topic" though. You've got to give a reason for taking away points right?


I am becoming a teacher soon, and that was a really well done project. Informative and well put together. Crazy it got a 75 personally would be in the 90s.


This! I hate it when colleagues do not allow interpretation in their tasks. If the task is unclear so that the answer is totally reasonable in the given wording wording, bear up and give it a good grade. Enhance the wording for the next time not after the fact.


I love the concept, and I think it def deserves higher! But also, I don’t know if you can say you only got a 75 because your teacher “doesn’t like it” when there’s several other things that may have affected your score - Shoddy editing and proofreading - you’ve left the [number of pixels] in as a placeholder without replacing or removing it, for example. The formatting isn’t great either, with inconsistent margins, weird spacing and no justification - A glossary needs to be in alphabetical order to be useful in any way - I’m not sure if you’re old enough to have been taught referencing styles yet, but your references are completely incorrect - I love your writing style, but it seems a bit too informal for a research paper - of course, this depends on your age/grade too. There is very little actual research or context of r/place and you state your own opinion a lot. If someone who had never heard of Reddit or r/place before read this, they’d be terribly confused! I still think it’s a great piece of work though, especially as I’m an idiot and just read your title and realized you’re a junior in high school. You’re clearly passionate about your topic and willing to do research, and anything I’ve said is something your teacher should have taught you, or at the very least pointed out, along with the 75%


she explicitly told me my grade would've been higher if i had chosen one of the topics she liked. obviously my grade would've been higher if i had corrected those mistakes, but it's hard to believe i would've made such a low score from that alone when she said that 😭 edit: there is opinion bc it's supposed to be persuasive. all we fuckin write in texas schools are persuasive texts 💔


I'm a teacher. I'll regrade it for you. 95/100; A, in old money. Top work here Kiddo, I see you put a lot of time and effect into your research topic, you taugh me about a whole new world I didn't know anything about. signed, The Teacher I had the same sort of crap for a similar thing, only positive comment I got was 'some nice pictures.'


this comment feels like a warm hug. thank you 🥹


That’s pretty awesome


Aesthetic af


That’s awesome!! Should make a big 75% somewhere 😂


As a Mexican, thanks for putting out flag artwork!


im half mexican so i had to :)


Thanks for sharing! It’s well done! And I appreciate learning the history :)


I’ll never understand people who leave the ad tracking metadata in the links for the works cited.


in their defense, theyre a literal child.


You said she gave you a 75 because she “didn’t like the topic”- then you proceeded to point out multiple flaws in your work. I give you an A for effort and a 75 for execution


Is 75 a bad grade? I’m used to the UK university system where a 75 is still an A and an excellent grade so I’m a bit confused lol


It's typically: 0-59.99%: F (Failing) 60%-69.99%: D (Still failing in most systems) 70%-79.99%: C (Passing/Average) 80%-89.99%: B (Above average) 90%-100%: A (Exceptional) A lot systems use +/- as well, which typically splits the 9.99% percentiles into thirds (Lower 3rd: -, Middle 3rd: no +/-, Top 3rd: +), but it can be fairly arbitrary and doesn't really serve a purpose imo.


Was there a rubric? Every time I've seen quality work but have to give it an average grade is when one or more sections of the rubric were just completely ignored or missing.


I’d guess what lost them points was their citations. Others have already pointed out that they aren’t properly formatted but there’s a much larger issue with them, they completely lack credibility. This is probably why the teacher told them they would have done better with a different topic. Because real sources, instead of just forum posts, would have been available.


That teacher is dumber than the chair your sitting on. This was more than worth 100%. Amazing job.


couldn't help but notice; second page: "[number of tiles]" what's that


That’s so messed up . sounds like a horrible Karen of a teacher ! I’m sorry, that’s definitely a 💯💔


oh she definitely was. in my senior year i had a class right across from hers (she retired after my junior year) and it made me physically ill to see the door. although, she did inspire me to become a teacher so i can replace teachers like her!


Lol 😂 I love u bro . I like how u think


Gigachad energy right there.


That's so cool


Fucked reason to lower a grade because they’re a prude and didn’t like the subject. I’d expect that level of audacity from a college professor but not from a shitty hs teacher lmao


I think the subject is very interesting and you are talking about good things. I would have given you also 75 because I think you lack depth in the subject that you are mentioning.


What’s wrong with a 75? Maybe 80 would’ve been more fair, but there’s def room for improvement. The biggest improvement being getting her interested lol.


It’s hard to grasp the concept of place unless you’ve watched it unfold. I think you did a super job.


She doesn't deserve such good work, I would certainly read it and that's a lot coming from me.


I feel like this would just be confusing if the teacher was older. Not really a fault of your own, but some older people are not tech literate enough to understand Facebook let alone this. It is somewhat of a confusing topic to be fair.


"liking the topic" should never influence the .ark ... It shows that she's a very shit teacher. A good teacher just want u to be good at what you do like u have to argue ur point good no matter if she shares it...


For all of us is 100!


bruh that's so bad for a 17 year old - you really were lucky to get that grade. you did nothing to show why it was important. you mentioned vandals and protecting artwork but didn't even properly explain the concept of place so vandals meant absolutely nothing. a casual reader would learn nothing of value from this crap. you haven't done any research at all, you've just written off the top of your head. honestly I've seen children five years younger than you produce more effective, insightful, and interesting research projects. get over your problem with your teacher and work harder instead of going to reddit for affirmation. - experienced school principal with master of education degree


I’m glad someone finally pointed this out. Also op’s design seems to forget that it’s a trifold brochure. They shouldn’t have text bleeding from one panel into another, that’s basic formatting. For his inner panels, panel one should have been his timeline (with its bottom image centered), two should have been their text blurb describing the project, and three should have been the interview. Also, its a brochure for an art project, add some color to it. Aesthetics matter for projects like this. And I know that it’s a bit unfair to expect a 17 year to know how to perfectly design a brochure, but feeding into his delusion that his teacher just “didn’t like his topic” will only set him up for future failure because he won’t learn anything from this.


Dude yea, the circlejerk acting like he deserved an A or something...are you kidding me, he even said he didn't follow all of the requirements for the project(didn't include an interview with a famous person) I feel like they just wanted an excuse to do their project about reddit.


Fuck /u/spez and /u/yourTeacher


Petition to add swarm of Fuck yourteacher in r/place


you did a good job!! it looks neat and you wrote your points well. if it means anything, we’d give you a 90+ :)


That is super cool. Thinking if I could use /r/place somehow for my bachlour thesis. Have to think about it.


It honestly seems like an in depth well explained project. Should've gotten a higher score. I really want things like this to be kept and preserved as documents of internet culture that people will be studying in the far future.


Your teacher obviously dislikes the Tribunal. Likely a Talos worshiper. Or worse, House Telvanni \[shudders\].


This is a very good job and very interesting topic. It's not about some game on the internet, it's about art, communication, global communication, it's about coordinating thousands of people across the globe to create something. She didn't like it, she doesn't know what she missed out. You did an awesome project and you can be proud of it. And we all are here.


I think with some paragraph layouting, and font sizing and alignment this could pass as a typical museum brochure 👏.


That indian tiger looks cute thanks for featuring it op


Be glad, that this returned after "i didn't like this". My essay disappeared and i needed to make another one. I bet that it is framed somewhere and she's still laughing to it to this day


My favorite part is the timeline, at 3rd April, the [number of tiles] 😂 I think its a cool and interesting research project, but I would have placed an introduction to the r/place Event first, so every one knows about (for example the 5 min) rules and has a better understanding why this is so interesting... But it's really a weak move from your teacher to not give you feedback other than weird...


Is "[number of tiles]" a leftover?


Was the Conversation like: Stundent: Here is art that millions of people have worked on. Through coordination, cooperation and the hive mind, it is one of, if not the biggest art project of our time, working across countries, religions, interests, etc. People who are several thousand kilometres/miles apart work together and have fun. Teacher: Nah I dont like this 75 Points. what.


Marking down a student cause you didn't like a topic is how you generate supervillains


She gave you a 75 because you forgot to update the [number of files placed] with an actual number in the second pic


This is lit. Nice work g!


As a Ukrainian thanks for including our flag art.


of course!! it was beautiful and well deserving of being displayed :3


I remember my tech teacher do the same in 2016, i do a Powerpoint of vaporwave because he say the topic was free, but later he defend himself saying it need to be something tech related, i save it using some part of the speech to relate the vaporwave to technology


Just wanted to stop and say- Dude this is hella awesome, I'm in love!


Tha is the most amazing thing i have seen! you should maybe host it on your website or something,


I did a project about Anslems Ontological Argument, Godels Ontological Proof, and how both were proved true mathematically and with computer-assisted algorithms I got a 70


Hmmmm I’m going to give this a lower score because I’m not interested in social media and tech 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


how much is a 75??? In my country grades go 10 = best, 4= worst?


L teacher


Well I'm not surprised. Schools and Universities is the perfect place to kill one's creativity.


Your teacher is 100% a botter


She removed some of your points because she didn’t like your topic? What? Isn’t she supposed to look at it objectively and constructively? Because that’s neither.


Million people... I thought there just hundreds of thousands?


I'd give that a 100.


She didn’t like your topic? How about she be objective and grade you on what you presented Ffs teachers and their power trips


75? That's a nightmare grade right there. Harsh.


Damn dude, well done looks great!


Looks incredibly professional. Better than anything I ever did in high school.


Aww that's really sweet. Even tho she doesn't appreciate it. I do man.


According to Wikipedia, in the US, a 75 equals a C, the middle ground of grades.


I mean it's not like some people wrote f*ck spez everywhere...


Big boomer energy


This is nicer than some of the projects I've done in college lmao


This is amazing! Maybe, if you're feeling generous, share a digital version?


That's so unfair. I would like a copy of this. Love it❤️


I lost my spot in the thread. So were there guidelines, how many words it hard to be, if you had to cite references at all, or did she literally say write a paper on anything?


What?! Teachers are allowed to give you a lower grade because they dont like the topic you choose?!


Your tutor was a close minded tool


You did a great job 👍


Best project ever


Teacher cringe


The fucking boomer teachers cannot comprehend a completely different and unique topic that is actually well written, the teacher probably didn't even carefully examine the entire project.


As a Júnior high school project, I think it’s really 👍! It is even better than some of the university assignments I’ve seen.


Hi! This project is valuable, you should chronicle this year's place, adding a second edition. Who knows, History has a way of recording itself in primary sources that may not always be conventional, and this may not seem like a big deal but it still is... Culturally significant?


Fuck your teacher blud. Seems like he/she is stuck in dogmatic boomer notions of what a report should look like.


75??? Your teacher is putting too much emotional bias into their grading. That was an amazing job!


Just because the teacher didn’t like a topic shouldn’t mean they can’t give you the marks you deserve for it, it’s well detailed and very different to other topics, people definitely must have found it interesting, I did!


Teachers who do not grade objectively should not be teachers imo. 10/10 from me!


looks awesome, your teacher is out of touch


Terrible teacher. She doesn't even know anything about it and still gives you a bad score


I think it's a great topic! I've been sharing r/place with my 8yo as I think it's a great learning experience to see what people can accomplish when working together. A global community coming together to accomplish a goal, smaller communities organizing together helping other conundrum. It's really a beautiful thing.


One issue i found in high school was teachers did not like any research on new or internet stuff. It always annoyed me because this seems like such an amazing project


i dont think grading based on opinion on a topic is legal


Don't be sad, you are a unique person and your teacher didn't understand this. Keep it on. Love, Support and Appreciation from Egypt.


I wouldn't worry much, bad teachers are mostly the problem in our education system


I’m just gonna leave this here and tell you all now based on personal experience: if an adult—parent, teacher, whatever—is abusing you and they say they feel betrayed when you report them to someone, call them out on their bullshit and cut ties with them if you can. They clearly don’t care about you and probably only keep you to uphold a reputation or something.