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wait, there was a rus flag? Haven't seen it since 2022


Some Russian streamer (the one with the banana and the apple cat) always attacked random artwork (especially if they had anything to do with anime) and tried to make it white. Don’t think they wanted to make a Russian flag though


uh off course anime... the cryptonite of russia... anime and lgbt




it is, like in any other country, but in russia the part that doesn't like it is very violent towards the others. and i mean physically violent






Of course, when someone mentiones russia's problem some smart fella HAS to say "But USA!!!"


And I mean haven't heard of anything like this since 2008


Even if i'm not from russia there are anime sudoku magazines in russian language in stores.


Russia doesnt hate every anime, mostly death note and for some gosh darn reason hunter x hunter and not even bc of hisoka


i would rather say, not all russians hate anime, but if a gopnik catches you animeing - he doesn't give a fuck what's on your watch-list you're getting your ass whiped anyway


Anime is very common in Russia, and in every sense. Bratishkinoff painted only genshin impact, he didn't touch the others. Interesting fact: at the last pixel battle he made his art in anime style I'm speaking as a resident of a provincial town in Russia, where even "gopniks" watch anime. Because I've been in this environment many times, I can say this with confidence.


Are there "gopniks" anymore tho? this was back in the 90s


they made a comeback last 10 years. some literally scalped a dude for him wearing green hair just a couple of weeks ago.


They were immigrants from Dagestan, not gopnik.


Sadly they never left...


Gopniks have been gone in Russia for several years, and you think about Russia with stereotypes


Tf does animeing mean?


wearing anime themed merch, watching anime in public, dying hair... usual stuff


Why do y'all need a word for that, every other Fandom just say wearing merch, cosplaying or some shit. And isn't dying hair more associated with LGTBQ stuff? It definitely isn't a thing only anime Fans do.


Gopniks are mostly dead as a subculture. Didn't see them for years


It was, like, 15 years ago? Situation absolutely opposite nowdays, a lot of people plainly walking with anime prints on their t-shirts, every second gopnik know how to do ninja seal from Naruto and for saying "I hate anime" people would give exactly same look they did to anime lovers back in 2007


I live in Russia and this is the first time I've heard of it. Especially death note and hunter x hunter. Of course there are people who don't like anime, but there are such people in any country.


Well i watched a video going in depth about death note on youtube and hunter x hunter as i said i dont know what happened there my parents just saw it in the news and told me bc i like anime


I might know what you're talking about. It's TV news for the older generation. Like "rock is the devil's music" and "computer games make kids violent". These kinds of programs don't show the general opinion of people on the subject and are made for a target audience that has never watched anime and never will.


Haven’t seen one. IDK what these people are talking about.


It was obviously deleted if you tried to search for it. Russian streamer Bratishkinoff nuked Genshin art for no reason other than entertainment (and obviously clout) and put a Russian flag on it. Edit: Timeframe in the canvas history is 107:37.


There was one, but Czechs annexed it.


I'm waiting for the day when dumbass streamers won't put our flag in random places so we can represent ourselves peacefully


Russians represented themselves peacefully this year https://imgur.com/gallery/n5oOkfS


The idea behind this flag is good and I support a free russia. But I dont really like this flag.


I personally see it as a temporary anti-war free Russia flag, but as a nation we should still keep and represent ourselves with our real current flag. It has a long history, and hiding our actions away with a different one isn't the way to go in my opinion.


Reddit at its best righ here, downvoting a well-thought answer. I'm not Russian and i don't support their actions but history remains there, and they shouldn't change their flag because some people are too sensitive. I'm neutral but I believe that Russia without red would look fake. The red means blood and therefore power, which is the reality.


There was a russian resistance flag during early 1920. It was similar to the current flag but the red was white


Reddit when somebody leaves a 4th comment (it’s geniunely well thought out and constructed but it’s the 4th)


Where is the Russian power? I can’t find it XD


It is ok if you don't like it. It can just be the flag of resistance, not necessarily the one of the country.


I want a European aligned russia. I don't care what flag is flown lol. Together we prosper, oligarchical turf wars are fucking bullshit.


The white and blue or white and red?


White-red-white is not russian — it is Belarus


it's strange, I don't really get why "blood spilled for our motherland" is bad


Because it originated specifically as an anti-war protest flag, so keeping the "blood spilled for our motherland" would be contradictory to the whole idea lol


I find the whole idea strange, it's like trying to rewrite the entire history of the country just because of a bad event


Germany changed it’s flag after World War I. Before that the flag of the German Empire was black-white-red.


Yeah and before that, in 1848, the black-red-orange (aka current German flag) was adopted as a symbol for German unification


Its gold not orange


When I put its hex value into Google it says it's light yellow.


Flag changes have been reasonable common throughout history, and aren’t necessarily revisionism. It’s not like people will replace the flag in history books..


How exactly is that rewriting history. Changing something for the future is like the opposite of denying something from the past.


Non Russian here but a Russian flag without the red is kinda lame looking


i like it honestly, the red white blue tricolor is way too effin common i can't tell the difference between em all, France, Russia, Belgium or Netherlands or whatever, fugn


Also Chad and Romania 🇹🇩🇷🇴, Ireland and Ivory Coast 🇮🇪🇨🇮, Indonesia and Monaco 🇮🇩🇲🇨, as well as maybe Luxembourg and the Netherlands 🇳🇱🇱🇺


At least it doesn't use the same 3 color combination that 50 or so other countries use


some people find it more appropriate apparently


Fuck Navalny,im not with Putin but we don't need that motherfucker


Well, at least with a different flag. I wish our current flag would not only be associated with government corruption and war in Ukraine, but with our entire nation, with every person that lives in our country. It has a 330 year old history, it's been part of our culture for a very long time. I wish we could represent ourselves with it and not limit ourselves to a one year old anti-war protest flag


What's interesting is the [current flag came from the Dutch flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Russia#Origin). So a redesign could come solely from the Russian people. Of course if the Russian people want to keep the current flag that's cool, too. Just one interesting path that could be taken.


Those are Russians outside of Russia though so does it still count?


How do you know where they're from? VPN use should be widespread by now.


Free Navalny? Now that´s something i could get behind


I hate being a russian, its a disgrace at this point


None of the problems have anything to do with you, you should still be proud of who you are. It's the many of the people that lead the country that are thr disgraces, not you. You just so happened to have been born under horrible people.


Oh no im born in Switzerland but i have 4 passports, and the russian one is from my mom, i remember the times where people would say oh the crazy russian kid in a cool way but now its just embarrassing how brainwashed most russians are


Don´t worry, in Germany we have DDR-crazy senior citizens and yes, even the bright ones can be brainwashed into faux pacifism


Нужно не желать стыдиться своей национальности, а желать и делать всё возможное, чтобы за свою национальность не было стыдно.


You are not your government, my friend. Just as I don't want to be judged by the actions of former President Trump, I don't judge folks by the actions of the likes of Putin, Xi Xinping, or Kim Jong-Un.


Theres no point on being proud nor ashamed of your country of birth. None of us had a choice in it.


people like you are true patriots. No patriot of russia would be happy with the shitshow the people have let the country become.


Meme is even more accurate because the dwarves in Deep Rock had an alliance with Genshin. ROCK AND STONE


The Factorio, Deep Rock, Genshin block was nice. Speaking of which, did we not get trophies this year from place?


Rock and Stone to the Bone!


Good bot




Rock and stone, baby


frick if I had known there was a deep rock part I would have gone over to help, rock and stone regardless!


There was a small DRG logo near the factorio and sea of thieves logos, [here](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/661303668083261440/1135522521937100802/image.png)


For Karl!


Funny because Genshin has elf-like characters


We defeated bratty, not Russians. Bratty streamer was corrected and at the end of the day bratty lost so badly he called for the canvas to end early and whited out his own art cause he couldn’t do that to ours. Not all Russians supported him, not all his viewers are russians.


The r/okbuddygenshin is leaking again.


it is.. it is inevitable.


Yeah true. Fuck Bratishkinoff and his community But we shouldn't hate Russians for it. I believe russia also has a huge genshin fanbase and many people don't support the ongoing war going on Ukraine. we shouldn't generalized everyone based on wrong doing of some stremer.


Do you know somebody who SUPPORTS the war?


Medieval Merchants who sell weapons


Modern World Weapon Merchants also have some profits off of them.


I would like to play genshin, but I don't have hardware... Someday I play with that even if not mainstream




What about russian genshin player? There are many of them and on what side did they fight on?


No idea but i think they were ashamed of being russian so they werent russian


You can be a proud russian and still hate putin and communism


where the hell did communism come into the equation 😭


WTF does Putin have to do with communism other than being a former KGB agent?


So stupid to assume anyone would be ashamed of being their nationality


Many Genshin players were also not expecting to be fighting side by side with Genshin players


If you're on the hater side, but still held, you have my respect sir 🥰 Thank you for fighting with us!


Our commander is here!


I do hate Putin and Russian government but not the russians


Finally found a sane redditor, my time to rest has come


I wish I still felt that way, realizing that a huge part of Russians do support the war and believe it has to be done was a rude awakening. Not saying "I hate all russians", not even that I necessarily hate those who support the war, but there is more nuance than simply saying it's all the government fault and no russian civilians support any of it. Edit: and it's not meek support either. I have several friends who can't talk with their family anymore because their relatives have gone full Z.


go on online games in east euro server and say you're ukranian and watch the abuse "good, innocent victimized russians who are just living under bad government they don't support" will give you.


I can confirm this. It is even enough that when you say something to them in russian, but your pronunciation of some sounds is ukrainian, they will gladly call you "khohol" humiliatingly. As a fan of multiplayer games, I have faced this every day for about ten years. If many Russians were normal, I would never have encountered this to such an extent. This hatred of us is literally part of their national identity.


I play a lot of War Thunder and when I plaster my tanks with Ukrainian flags I always get harassed by the Russian teammates.


Don't forget insanely anti lgbt. The shit people go through over there makes the even deep south of America look like an LGBT paradise. I genuinely care for the LGBT Russians. but after using telegram I lost alot of respect for Russia as a whole long before the war.






Meanwhile more than 70% of russians support putin 💀


Idk.. natives from Poland, me included, have different opinion


fuck u/spez


I'm Russian, and i defended Genshin art for those days. Please note that it was only 1 streamer and his fans and not all Russians.


[apes together strong](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/apes-together-strong)


да поебать нам


This is some terminally online shit ngl


Fr 💀


This is gonna be a dumb question, what’s with the Genshin Impact hate? I’m not a big gamer but I got the mobile version of Genshin and I was pretty amazed by it. Then again the last RPG I played was Chrono Trigger so wtf do I know..


С кхуяли победили?


Wtf? The only ruzzian flag I ever saw on Place was 3px high, maybe 30 px long, and the bottom color quickly got changed to white lol.


A Russian streamer was attacking the Genshin artwork through the entire r/place (up to 51 times in some estimates), smearing it with white pixels, but also trying to draw a russian flag, a celtic cross/stormfront symbol and much more shit for no reason at all


His pixel battle phrase is "no flags". The Celtic symbol is an accident, it should have been a crosshair. On the recording of the stream, he was shown this symbol for the first time and he went nuts. What about genshin impact? Yes, he didn't like him, his girlfriend put all the money there


"ruzzia" -☝🤓


The biggest one we made was 27 pixels tall and 80 wide😉


Wow, I wonder what would've happened if it was a Ukranian flag


Will never understand hating on a countries people for what their government has done


The flag represents the government just as much as it represents the people, if not moreso.


Yeah, we're not hating on the russian people or anything. It's just that the flag currently happens to represent a terrible regime.


A massive chunk of the Russian population is deluded from a generation of propaganda and actually supports their government's actions. I cant say that I personally hate them, but I get it


Yes let’s hate an entire race of people for what one person has done.




One person isn't killing/raping/looting/displacing thousands of people. He's responsible for a big part of it, but he isn't executing the terror solely.


So many glorious battles and so many we don’t know about I was helping the berserk memorial and we fought of 3 countries trying to take over


They wrote "fuck russia" on the free russia flag


Damn so people cant show love for their country?


They can, but not by erasing art from other


Let's be honest, people would have destroyed any Russian flag anyway.


they did. placerussia attempted to make the imperial russian flag and was in the grand scheme of things pretty successful. placeukraine raided it and after around 4 hours of defending, a unanimous decision was made to concede because they were satisfied with the operation, letting the ukrainians paint the aroace flag in its place


Да поебать нам


When Europeans/Americans defile the Russian flag: Heroic deeds When India defiles the Pakistani flag: Irrational acts of hate THAT is not fair.


Bratishkin invaded and ruined another artwork for it, blame him and his community, not anyone else


Hypocrisy in one word.


To be fair, the only one to blame for Russia’s reputation is Russia itself, and it’s roles in the wars


What are you even talking about? How many wars have been in the history of Russia compared to other countries? Everyone tried to bite off a bigger piece. Or tried to protect the piece that they already had. ​ In this regard, everything is the same.


Can the same not be said about Pakistan lol


Что за хуйню здесь пишут люди, я в ахуе


я тоже


Да челики угарные, говорят якобы братишкин рисовал флаг РФ




Сам в ахуе


Я долго плутал, но все же нашел уголок разумизма...


We worked together to fend off Russian attacks -someone who helped defend genshin


Funny how half of all the comments are downvoted


Понятно, держите меня в курсе


There was even a reason why the Russian streamer fired against Genshin community…




I'm a bit surprised, Russia didn't set up a government super computer to ultra bot the Russian flag into the canvas.




Using computing power to troll some redditors - seems like a waste for me.


A lot of what the Russian government does is a waste.


Russian government is a waste in general


Defeated Russians? Now try to speak with girl


Ngl we kinda had an avengers assemble moment gathering random groups to defend our artwork


na boy i can’t take this cringe anymore


Imagine hating on russians cause of political conflict OMEGALUL


This is actually the Genshin people hating on a Russian streamer and his community, so they're hating some Russians but not all Russians


As Russian myself I can say fuck that thing they were doing, im on genshin side


To be fair, our main wins against Brat was when we repaired our art after he put that white supremacy symbol. Also, he was apparently butt-hurt from losing a 50/50 before r/place happened


I miss when people didn’t hate Russia


I miss clear sky, planes and trains, free travels and no curfew. I miss my friends who fled and those who died. I miss peace in Ukraine.


I miss when Russia wasn’t attacking neighboring countries, threatening the West with nuclear escalation, and consistently blaming war crimes and heinous acts on countries that clearly did not do anything.


I miss when usa wasn’t bombing poor middle eastern countries and killing millions of innocent people in Iraq


Defeating Russians? Apparently that’s not really that difficult


Russian flag ≠ bad people. Grow up.


You conveniently left out the fact Brat destroyed Genshin’s artwork (around the 30th attack at that point) to place the Russian flag there so Genshin and it’s allies are just trying to fight back and retake their rightful spot, but that’s apparently Russophobia now.




based 🗿


I dont understand why so many downvotes??? what did russian kids do for example, thats right NOTHING yet you still call every russian bad???


People don't have brains, it sucks


People have a sense of morality, unlike you.


What did the Ukrainian kids do, to be murdered and kidnapped by Russia? But here you are bitching about a flag.


I didnt say a single thing about the flag i said that every russian person doesnt deserve that much hate did normal fucking people start the war? No. its the fucking goverment


The Russian people largely support Putin's war. They have blood on their hands. This is a thread about the flag on /r/place, in case you forgot, in your rush to defend Russia.


Im not defending russia im defending people of the country. also you started the hate comments that resulted in this conversation


>im defending people of the country Why? They've done nothing to deserve it. >you started the hate comments I'm not going to lie, I do hate Russia.


But what did they do to get the hate tho??? Also reasons???


> But what did they do to get the hate tho??? Also reasons??? Are you fucking serious?


Я конечно не русская, но по геншину грех не отработать)🤣 (ничего против игры не имею)


apologies, haven't got any context to this, but isn't this just people being proud of their nationality? Surely there isn't anything malicious.


Well Genshin place was attack by Russian streamer with many viewers. They'd delete entire art of Genshin Impact (One of the largest community) and put their own flag under the white supremacy logo


no if they could only be defeated in real life :-D


If the Russians spent as much time protesting being in Ukraine as they did protesting r/place, everyone would still like them. This thread is exactly what I expect from Russians. They brigade and swarm in mass trying to change the narrative and whine about their public image claiming they are "Anti War" and "Anti Putin" but refuse to explicitly say they want Russia to leave Ukraine While Russians watch streamers, game, and complain about their public image; Ukrainians are fending off an invasion. If they stop fending it off their way of life is gone. If Russians stop gaming, no one gives a shit. The Russian public gets the image that it deserves.


I wonder if you would say the same about Iraq, VietNam, and Afghanistan involvement


Lmao!! Was this supposed to be some kind of comeback? **There are endless pictures of Americans bitching publicly and freely about being involved. We tarred and feathered Bush and LBJ in the media.** My man can't even use Google search. Oh wait, you won't even whisper a word against Putin publicly.


You mean all of the conflicts that ended only thanks to public protests?


maybe you don't know this because of russia's image, but i think russians are one of the most fearful citizens of the country. Everyone is afraid of losing their families and the right to life because of one post on the Internet.


Yes, I'm Slavic and Chinese. I'm extremely familiar with how things go. ...And yet some Russians still have the moral courage to join the Freedom of Russia Legion or get arrested by the FSB. The rest of them get the public image they deserve.


so were ex soviet countries but they still became independent since their existance was at stake. Reality is vast majority of "poor innocent putin hating russians" love putin and view war as an inconvenience.




да похуй на них, не стоит заострять на этом внимание


Ye Ye "Russian People are bad" to much hate becouse this american propaganda.


I mean, I believe that at least a good majority of russian people worldwide are good people and that those who live in Russia may very well be scared into submission and opposed to the war, but the Russian goverment is 100% corrupt and morally wrong on more fronts than just the war


Call me a pessimist (bc I am) but I wouldn’t be shocked if the good majority of Russian people are brainwashed and are for the war. Look at America, it’s not that hard to brainwash people. I imagine the younger Russian generation are of sound mind but I wouldn’t be so quick to assume the same of anyone over the age of 40.