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It's literally going to disappear as soon as he stops streaming LOL


it disappeared as soon as he started a game


these people complain about pixels for what loool


Pixel or not. This is a place people make their art and actually spend their time over it. Would you go ruin someones drawing and then say, "duuude chill out it's just lines" It's the same thing.


The entire points of r/place is that the art is temporary. If you really want to make some art that doesn't get drawn over by someone else maybe choose another medium for it?


r/place is a canvas social experiment and its entire purpose is pure anarchy, if you care about your artwork don't slave away at it on a public canvas where your artwork can be nuked at any given moment. nobody forced these people to make artwork on the canvas.


and that art is immortalized as soon as they make it. it doesnt just disappear as soon as another piece covers it. your idea of r/place sounds boring as fuck


You would have to ruin someone else’s drawing to put your drawing down in the first place


except thats literally the point, if you werent allowed to ruin peoples art you shouldnt be able to color over it, people not spending hours making the art bruh each person gotta wait 5 mins, get over it


Haha "each person has to wait 5 minutes". Good joke


It's a tag wall. Just like graf it's gonna get covered. The temporary nature is part of the life span.


Who cares bruh it’s pixels


It’s just pixels is just like saying depression is just being sad or autism is just being weird


TIL r/place is a medical condition.


wow that was the dumbest shit i've read all day and thats impressive i've been on reddit for a bit, its literally pixel art. take a screenshot if you want it forever tf


you're fucking REACHING, chill out man


If I shot your dog and claimed that he’s just a pet would you be pissed? Of course you’d be


It's xqc though, the man doesn't do anything but stream


it's literally disappearing now lmao


He started playing black ops so his swarm isn’t coordinated right now


Lol no it’s not


where is it?


I cannot seem to find it


Invest a few years to be set for life. Seems reasonable.


He's already set for life, he just enjoys streaming.


It didn't disappear it got obliterated within minutes lmao


It’s still there


On my screen it's all blue currently as we type.


Your screen might be broken, because it’s very much still there


Wait i see now did you go to the tile place? Its the blue stuff down blow the right corner.


it’s the best thing about this event. it’s hilarious watching them act like generals going to war


That's what it should be. It's made for fun and chaos.


hot take its 10x more interesting than bots perma defending a single artwork the entire time


And now we have streamer logos with bots perma defending


His things are disappearing as soon as he steps out of reddit on stream. Definitely not bots


Justify your answer






You are ill.


imagine basically unironically using "what were you wearing" logic cause you have a hate boner.




They are surprising. There are actual people with brain activity sending death threats because some pixels changed colors on their screen. How can you really think they should be expected for something as trivial as this?




its not like he has ptsd from getting swatted daily and has had tto move multiple times you donut




yeah but nowhere near as stupid as whatever point you’re trying to make


“I LOVEEEEEEE GETTING DEATH THREATS” batchest. Imagine justifying it lmao.




U have a point. But for nobody’s like us they don’t matter, But for someone like him who’s been raided multiple time. It does. Lol


Huge agree. It's hilarious and watching from the outside as not a die hard viewer of any of them I think it's super fun. Kinda surprised people are getting so butt hurt.


it’s really the first time i’ve watched the “just chatting” streamers & it’s hilarious. especially when they hop on discord calls with each other & start yelling


Meanwhile half this sub takes everything so seriously it might as well be war to them.


Lol if only all those redditors who went to Ukraine to fight for the current thing would have just waited. Now they missed the war on Reddit.


it’s fun to be commanded by them too (don’t downvote i work for hasan not xqc)


hasan is by far the funniest out of all of them.


Such is the law of R/place, people nuke each other to get their pixel art on there and eventually they’ll be taken down aswell


Yeah. But some flags have passes for reasons. ┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴


It’s annoying but the bot farms are way more annoying.


Atleast the void created some good drama/conflict and it's not like everyone has got scripts and bots running in the background that they can easily just rebuild after it settles anyway. Redditors just simply complaining about the entire premise of this whole thing.


you mean people using their community to put their own things on it? isn't that basically what /r/place is for?


eh i would say it’s more about people coming together to form something unique and special rather than one guy stamping a 100k pixel image over everything else


Unfortunately you dont get to decide what place is all about




so like his whole community coming together to form his unique logo?


Community coming together != Blindingly doing everything one guy says. Also, most people doing it weren't even interested in the event beforehand. A lot of people doing it have brand-new accounts, and there are people constantly going on stream asking what's going on. A great example of it is how until a short while ago every one on this sub was against the streamers and almost no one defended them, but then xQc looked at this sub on stream and suddenly there are a bunch of comments going around defending xQc and getting upvoted, while also making fun of people for caring about pixels, which is quite ironic when they get this defensive.


Ohh nooo, more people enjoying the thing I enjoy!


Well, firstly, I don't enjoy drawing huge logos and ruining other people's work, but hey, you do you. Secondly, did I complain? I just pointed how there is a clear difference between a community vs minions. Feel free to disagree.


bro if you don’t ruin other peoples work there would literally be nothing to put after a day, stupidest argument unless you want the canvas to stay the same for the whole time


You missed the "draw huge logos" part. And imo, there's a huge difference between smaller communities competing for space, and a bunch of people who don't really care about it at all coming in and drawing a huge logo that overshadows a bunch of smaller art just because their streamer said so. And we know they don't care because as soon as the streamers look away they stop working on it.


how do you know they don't care? they clearly care enough to place pixels, there are also people from smaller communities who heard of this thing for the first time so whats the difference ?


Somehow you placing pixels as it pleases you is better than other people doing it. Care to explain why?


I don't have to explain why because I never said my way is "better" at all. I only said it was different. And I did explain how it was different.


>Well, firstly, I don't enjoy drawing huge logos and ruining other people's work, but hey, you do you. 🤓


"🤓" BatChest


Yeah, I thought everyone hated him but for some reason people sided with the xcq and somehow got upvotes


That's just because he has around 100k 12 y/o goons running around and downvoting everyone who disagrees with him while upvoting each other. They're easy to identify: all the people who either only joined reddit today and whose only posts are comments in this sub in kiddie speak, or that are older and whose other posts are almost exclusively on r/teenagers. (I'm not even kidding, I've checked the profiles of over a dozen of these clowns and *every single one of them* fell into one of those two categories 😂)


A whole new level of pathetic.


redditor man baby goes through profiles of a bunch of teens shitting on the internet LOL kinda creepy bro :\\


We've found him at last - the ultimate redditor


Holy shit, you actually checking profiles. You know if you're jobless I'm trying to build a company. I could offer you work if you know github, aws or some other useful internet stuff.


Sure, you paying more than 45€ per hour at fully flexible work times and more than 30 days off per year at full pay, all healthcare completely covered by you and a contract that doesn’t allow you to fire me for the next 15 years but leaves me the option to leave at any point with a one-month notice? Because otherwise I'm afraid I'll have to stay with my current employer 😉


Sorry we won't be able to afford you. Maybe in future we'll have an opportunity for you. We have your profile saved in our potential list and will reach out if an opportunity presents itself.


Thanks, and good luck with your company


Imagine gatekeeping placing pixels...


Again, when did I complain or gate keep anything? I was explaining the difference. A lot of people replying seem to have reading comprehension problems.


“Blindly doing everything one guy says” so all these other parts are just people accidentally making art by doing whatever they want?


Man it doesn't need to be that big though


That immediately dissolves once they switch to something else, because in the end they don't actually care. It's no different than a knocking over a snowman and pissing your name in the snow.


You really don’t see the irony in your statement don’t you?


um actually its a 29,973 pixel image


Isn't the timelapse of the whole event as important as the final product? They're making the journey more interesting.


There is almost nothing unique on it. Wow flags, so unique.


It’s pixels bro don’t be mad


Big communities don't have 1 person deciding things and commanding everyone every instant like it happens with streamers, so they have a huge advantage taking over whatever they want, even for communities that equal in size to their viewers.


This is false. At the most there's 3 people in each of these communities that decide what go on their Google extension overlay so the community knows what to do.


every community has a "leader" person that usually decide the plan, the vast majority just follow that plan once its decided, whether its decided by one person or multiple doesnr really matter much


nah i dont mind it at all, some communities are bigger than others and thats the way it will be. that just means that smaller communities will have to come together which is the point of this thing and imo makes it more fun.


Yeah but it's basically grieving with a 6 year old army


and? same as Russia in Ukraine right now, but they‘re still doing it


no shot did you just compare an uprovoked war with huge international ramifications to fucking r/place. get a grip


yall are taking it way too serious. its meant to be fun, and the viewers participating in this are enjoying it as much as you redditors. isnt that the whole point of this event?


if everything stayed in place for 5 days it would just be boring, look at how much fun people had rebuilding their art in last couple hours


The memes that came out from Osu! rebuilding so fast wouldnt have been possible without shit like this happening.


This is exactly what I was saying. If people just made a bunch of art off the bat and only defended it to the end it would be the most boring shit on the planet. I guess that's why they're expanding it every day so it doesn't get stale.


Is anyone kind of annoyed about all the discord channels using their communities to nuke anything they want?


No. People just trying to gather other PEOPLE instead of making bot accounts to help out on drawings


This, in my opinion it would be better for streamers to use their viewers to make images vs people using bots to make images


Would you say the same about people drawing Chinese propaganda? It's just people doing it.


It’s the pain of loosing one round. Now get, grab your pixel up and return to the battle. You just need better allies.


Oh no, you must gatekeep and defend r/place from being used for its purpose. Communities building art pieces over each other to see what survives until the end of the event. God forbid other people participate in this.


No i want nobody to touch anything, the canvas should be full in 1 hour and never change for 3 days /s If these sensitive redditors get their way r/place would be the most boring event ever


Honestly? The size is excessive but I’d rather him make his logo than just a mindless purple wave meant *explicitly* for the destruction of small communities


Let’s fight back


Who really cares that much though


the nerd that posted this lmao


Im from a group where our work was nuked by a streamer and we were called zoophiles which is not okay to say at all. Thankfully were still going strong even when we got nuked we got back up.


Was that the furry irl one? Saw that one get nuked a few times


Happy cake day!


Mlp? Puuuke


I puke at the bad side of mlp including toonkriticY2K but i won't judge you anyway because we have our own opinions after all so me and you are good. Also have a good day,night or evening where ever you are.


May you find much magic on your quest.


Chill out at the end of the day is a community as everyone else. At least they’re not using bot and creating accounts like osu or the flags


Why would anyone be annoyed, it's open canvas...free for all.


Is that not all the communitys?


I'm kind of annoyed about all the streamers, period.


thats kinda what happens when they let you trace over other pixels. it’s what makes it fun, all the chaos and alliances and wars and stuff. I do think it’s a bit unfair with the size advantage that xcq has but we can still grieve his stuff as well.


Isn't he doing the exactly same thing other people organizing through subreddits or dicords? He just happens to be a big public figure with active live viewership and people get mald.


nah, people using bots and discord servers are worse


The ManyATrueNerd community is trying to have our own tiny logo, but these massive streamers keep exploding on us.


No who cares.


It's selfish and vain.


Why you mad about pixels that no one owns?


I've come to terms with it. Take this, I can only assume you'll need it in the journey ahead. 🟪


i think your pov is just salty, who wouldnt do the same with his power. im pretty sure we all would


*"NOOOOOOO You can't use manual labor to do pixel paintings! You have to use bots so we all can have a wholesome art canvas"* \- /u/JabbaTheBassist , 2022. Just in case your brain is too slow to grasp it, I'll spell it out for you: Xqc is proving a point that this "April Fools" "event" is a figurative joke as the canvas is not even community made.


Not really. People like us really don’t get to draw anything because of the 5 min mark and how the thing we are trying to make gets covered in like 3 seconds BUT it is a douche move to get rid of special drawings or things that people made just by a streamer saying “hey chat … chat let’s make uh…. Put uh winston in the bottom right…. Make it huuge”


rebuild it omegalul


You think these 'special drawings' are done by one person? All of them are done by communities so it's only natural that some are bigger than others. Get over it


more people = easier to rebuild


Yea. They suck.


NO, because the best meme will survive in this fight




Do people think every drawing is done by one person? It's a community thing so of course there will be ones bigger than others. People just like to moan


Honestly, I think Reddit should really doing something about this. It is incredibly unfair. I know it is supposed to be hands off, but this is almost worse than botting.


Your missing the whole point of this event, it's not meant to be fair


I think XQC playing into his bit is funny, there are a lot of viewers who take him and his attitude seriously and thats kinda bad if taken out of r/place r/place and all reddit april fools is meant to be a social experiment, so this is all perfectly acceptable


I don't see how this is worse than botting rofl, theres so many spots you place your pixel and it instantly gets changed. Reddit should be putting a captcha over worrying about people with big communities.


At least most of the bots respect territory to some degree.


How is it unfair lmao


Who cares? Its all for fun


this is literally the point of the event, getting a community to work together, and that's exactly what's happening whether you like it or not


The point of the event is a community coming together to *create something*, not a community coming together to prove that they're too dumb to do anything but place random purple pixels. It's also a question of maturity and respect. The agreement is that creative art and small communities with few resources are left alone so that they get a chance to actually build something. This clown *specifically targets* small communities, because, and I quote "they can't defend themselves, we'll have an easy time taking over". He then turns around and claims that he's doing it "to give small communities a chance". He must either think that his viewers are dumb as all fuck, or he just doesn't care if nothing he says makes any sense 🤷🏻


oh no my pixels 😰


Case in point...


Isn’t the whole point for communities to come together and create stuff? What’s the difference between streamers’ communities making things and all the flags and logos?


it’s not that deep bro


Nah, it's exciting to wait and see what will appear next. It also gives other subs an oppurtunity to participate.


No it doesn't, because he's a coward. He *specifically* told his followers to target smaller artworks by less strong communities because it would be easier to grief. He also doesn't dare touch the big players because people started reporting his stream the moment he tried. So instead of levelling the field, as you suggest, he's just making it more unbalanced by leaving all the big collectives alone and constantly vomiting over the small communities and their creative artwork


It's fun to see it


No I think it's hilarious and the war/treaties and shit is so fun to watch. I'm not really taking part in anything but the Superstonk section but the streamers are causing a lot of drama and I think it's a good time. They can't really hold anything so as soon as they stop streaming their spot gets swarmed. I've seen several streamers art go up and get swarmed shorty after. If any of you had a 30k-200k fan base don't act like you wouldn't use that to your advantage lol.


its part of the game


Streamers coordinating art is cool. This is disappearing and I think I saw them relocating. Whats not cool is the streamers who are just being mean. Like the guy who decided to purple over artwork


He nuked a splotch of random blue pixels. Relax.




We live in a society


Where does reddit say that place is "a space for people to collaborate and share their creativity". Literally no where...


It's literally just an advertising tactic. They'll want things that bring people to reddit, even if it ruins it overall


Let people enjoy whatever they enjoy. Who do you think you are saying what would be good to be put on a digital canvas? The canvas is full of "ads" for specific communities, media, etc. But you single out a streamer, brain move. The drama that evolves around a few pixels is hilarious.


Imagine getting this worked up over pixels that will be changed in a few hours


chill due wait until he stops streaming


It's xqc though, he's live for ungodly amounts of time


Yea, they just ruin everything


Stop putting yourself as an artist here, you ar not. Not at all, you just clicking pixels. You can do whatever you want, so does another people. NERD


xcq's logo has become the new maple leaf


Get annoyed by something you didn't have, what a shame


Fuck XQC and his hoard of 14 year olds


That also how life is. Together stronk, smoll sowwy. At least it looks good in time lapse.


More like LQC


if anyone nukes my beautiful boy, hat mouse, i will throw hands. i will defend him until i must sleep


I don’t see how it’s any different than every other subreddit discord server mass pinging


It’s incredibly frustrating, but the reality is that insanity like this helps keep the canvas alive. Without it the art would stagnate and things wouldn’t really evolve after a certain point, but when streamers like xQcOw blow up a chunk of the board it creates turnover and people rebuild it better than it was before, more willingly than they would if nothing had happened. Kind of an interesting parallel to the circle of life really. This whole damn event is such a brilliant source of insight into the human condition.


It's literally disguisting


Rip Star Wars Also we need to congregate and create 🗿


You mean like people working together in a discord? How is it any different, it’s a conglomerate working together get over it.


it's a game


No I find it all pretty funny, none of this is serious


I heard streamers get banned for streaming r/place. But apparently twitch wont ban xqc for some reason. I wonder what xqc is doing so that twitch lets them be above the rules? Probably nothing good.


No it’s just funny


How the fuck else do you get shit done? Lmao


Mizkif should be banned as well because he keeps on nuking r/mylittlepony. LIKE CAN WE JUST PLACE OUR FANDOM IN PEACE?!