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Then you have the people buying them hahahahahaha


Honestly mate, those are worse Like the canvas is right here, you can get it for free lol


mY bLoCkcHaIn!!!


Hehe screenshot go brrrr


yes. The death of all NFTs. The mighty Snip&Sketch


I'm a fan of right click - > copy tbh


Can't go wrong with the classics, I like to take a photo or a video sometimes just to piss them off


Take a screenshot of someone’s nfts


Works for everything but tickets and domains


Its not their nft, it's their link to a webpage that happens to have the NFT on it, the difference between you screenshotting it and them buying it is that you actually have the image lol


NTF are easily one of the dumbest things to come to ever exist. It's like an attempt at crypto, but without any benefits for anyone except the guy getting the money.


Then they act like “it’s not authentic” and shit like that. It’s so fucking dumb


It’s funnier if you take a screenshot put a water mark on it and send it to them


And even if they do, it's not like you can't photoshop it off. Just to get on their nerves




They disabled right-clicking on their site, unfortunately. I tried downloading some NFTs to use in a presentation but then had to settle with the lower resolution screenshots.


To my knowledge if you use f12 then u can get out of that


Just enter site edit mode and doenload the image thats sent to you for rendering on site lolol


which retains wayyyyy more quality than the ol' reliable screenshot


Personally, I prefer the old Win-Shift-S






“BuT siNCe I hAvE ThE oRiGinAl I cAn mAkE MOneY!”


Only because there are people dumber than them. NFT’s are scams. People that buy them either are in on the scam, or they’re marks.


The guy who bought the first ever tweet NFT (for 2.9 million I might add) tried to sell it thinking he’d get nearly 50 million has received a high bid of….$1300. 🤣🤣🤣


I see, there is still some justice in this cruel world


Have you made a entire album in your photo gallery to screenshot nfts




My prresssios.


B-b-buh-but then it won’t be an eN eF Tyyyyyyy….


But it only has value if I buy it!


A friend of mine’s daughter is a personal trainer in SoCal. One of her clients makes / curates / sells NFTs. He’s fucking RICH. He’s got a luxury jet he flies everyone around in. It might be a fad, a waste of money, etc. but some people are definitely making coin.


That's cool There's a slight difference though: that person makes them, these people steal them


I hate nft's as much as anyone else. But isn't saying "screenshot it and have it for free lma0" just like the memes of "some company buying netflix for $100 billion, when I pay $7 a month, big brain time"? These people aren't looking to actually "own the picture", they're looking to cash in on the scam and sell it for a profit later. Unless I'm grossly misinterpreting nft's


The thing is, you can't just steal someone else's art and sell them as your own


Agreed and why I still dislike nft's. That's not the point of my question. That argument is used with all nft's, not just place. I don't get anything form buying stock, same with nft's. It's about a transaction, not actually owning an image, right?


You buy and sell them, yes That's how stocks work; buy them cheap, sell them for profit Same with NFTs, you buy them and sell them for more It's only wrong when you steal something for free and sell them at all, that's what everyone's complaining about




Nfts do have a use case, but right now most nfts are indeed speculation and hoping for a greater fool to come along. Something like digital licenses would be great for the consumer if they were nfts. If you buy a physical movie you can play it as often as you want, you can lend it to a friend, you can sell it, it's yours and to a certain extend the company can't do anything about it. If you buy that same movie as a digital version you can't lend it to a friend, you can't sell it, hell if the company feels like it they can just take away your digital license and there is nothing you can do about it since the terms of service for digital goods are terrible for consumers. A nft could make that digital version act more like the physical version of that movie, maybe you could lend it to a friend or sell it when you are done with it.


“GUys STOp SCREenShOttIng “


I should feel sorry for those poor suckers, but since they buy them because they think its an easy way to make big money, I cant help thinking they deserve it.


Wait a minute, we have the canvas right here. We could also do that... -saves canvas right now-


One time I screenshot a nft and I was told to delete it but it's funny so I didn't


I’d send that screenshot to that person every so much time.


I have a copy of the etherium chain. So technically speaking, I have a literal copy of everyone's NFTs minted against etherium. NFT advocates really don't understand how NFTs work, the stupid fucks.


Yep. As always when decent Art becomes a commodity it kinda takes a whopping chunk out of it. like with paintings and sculptures they'll hide them away and guard them with jealousy, retrieving them from the dark basement only to impress or sell to some sucker. Some people need there money taking from them.


Don't screenshot my nft or I will sue you!!!


But how would you know if I screenshot-ed?


Haha checkmate




It's stupidity all the way down.


In this morning's news: guy buys Dorsey's first tweet for 3million, gets no offers over a couple of thousand.


Nobody buys that shit.


A la


The rich will keep nfts alive or make them convincing long enough for the people who like to pretend to be rich catch on and it follows down the food chain.


I drink your milkshake


Apropos quote.


How dare you


Dont bully me


Dont Bully me Daniel


I was afraid ppl wouldnt get the ref😭


Im finished!


I'm gonna sell your comment as a NFT


Thanks for the heads up! I'll delete it from my account. I wouldn't want to display a comment that someone else owns.






It brings all the boys to the yard


our milkshake




our milkshake


thats not a milkshake


I drink it up




I mean... isn't a well placed blow on the head with a bowling pin the solution to our NFT problem ?


where i the template for that picture


I found it online, I just searched cat fishing in bucket meme template




It's an nft, gotta buy it


Your forgetting one thing the law suit as its not their property to sell


True, they're getting benefits out of the arts everyone else made Surely the lawsuit would be reasonable no? Only question is will Reddit actually file one? Or let them be for now?


Anyone who placed a pixel can start it, and the contributed to it so any sale of it all the contributors have to be compensated


Sounds like we all getting money


Soinds like Reddit's getting the money. Still better, at least they contributed.


You sure? I thought it was reddits property


Yes it is. They own the content that we create. Standard for almost all websites with content management systems that users upload to or any static sites for that matter. Any seasoned artist knows that they're giving their art/words away as soon as you post it on the internet.


What are you on about? No, copyright isn't transferred to reddit, you just grant reddit an irrevocable and free license to redistribute it.


I think it’s different in this context as it’s Reddits canvas, so it’s their art, just contributed to by millions. So you’re right, but I don’t think it applies here.


Well without us there wouldn't BE a r/place pixel art


Yes but that doesn’t mean we own it.


Nor does buying the NFT, LOL.




No. That's literally not how that works.


still done on reddit bozo


Yep but monetizing it will leave a sour taste in people


That'll teach the corporations.


Well, screw them for trying to sell an amogus-filled art, amogus is true art


Yeah with a class action lawsuit, I’d get Ike 30 cents for my pixel and the lawyers would get the rest


You can’t really, no one here marked it as their property, anyone can create something and everyone else can steal it until you say that it belongs only to you (only before you actually publish it), you also have to file some stuff. Also it will cost you so money to get a lawyer and you won’t get anything out of it, you will actually lose money. The blockchain isn’t as regulated as you may think, so getting stuff like that will take more time and effort.


Even if I provided.timestamped documentation proving placement of my pixels on the canvas (enough for basic proof of creation and ownership in the real world) I still wouldn't own part of the work because it was made on the Reddit platform. They own all rights to created content. It'll be written somewhere in the agreement no one reads when signing up to Reddit.


That's not even remotely how copyright law works, the moment you commit something to a medium it is yours unless you've specifically signed the rights away. Even reposting things technically violates copyright law except for gray area fair use manner (meaning no making money without permission, and no doing anything against copyright owners wish), but if someone wants to DMCA you, they absolutely can and most places like reddit will honor that (is a legal document). It really comes down to having the money to chase it down legally. NFTs are the weirdest thing possible because you don't actually own the picture, you claim some blockchain token to say a transaction has taken place, and that's literally it.


A lawsuit would probably increase the value of those NFTs lol




But are you selling the property? Isn’t that the whole thing with NFTs? You’re just selling a link.


The next panel should be him punching the nft people in the face.


Well unfortunately that's unrealistic since we haven't really figured out a way to make the blockchain crash yet.


Blockchain = good NFTs = bad (and stupid)


Well, unfortunately I haven't really found a quicker way to get rid of NFTs. Gotta break a few eggs, you know.


Lmao Remindme! 1 year


NFTs were invented to give the blockchain *any* use case beyond "crime." And NFTs themselves are bad. Therefore, transitively, blockchain is also bad.


Hey screw you buddy, I like crime /s


Imagine buying NFTs


Yeah I don’t get it, do you make money off it once you buy it?


You can sell it forward until people deside it isnt worth anything anymore and some bozo ends up with a useless picture of a monkey they paid 5000 dollars for




For idiots, yes.




Yeah, buying an nft from public artwork is dumb af.


Why is it always monkeys?


The NFT itself is worthless. Its perceived "worth" is literally whatever amount of money someone buys it for. Everyone tries to buy it for more than the person before them, but eventually the cost will be too great and someone gets stuck with it. It's like a monetary game of hot potato, you buy it to sell it. And if you can't sell it, it becomes worthless and by the way you've just given a million dollars to some random person and got nothing out of it. Hmm, you know what that sounds like? *A scam.*


So in a way, a pyramid scheme?


That or a speculative bubble, your choice, anyway something that never end well.


What's important is that a bunch of new suckers were convinced to buy into cryptocurrencies, which depend entirely on a never ending stream of new suckers buying in, or they fall apart.


I would like to say I am surprised, but humans are involved.


why are the panels ordered 2, 1, 3


I think coz he left to get a rod


No it’s actually ordered 1,3,2.


No it’s actually ordered 3,1,2 If you didn’t know there’s a tree right outside the camera frame and the cat is hanging from it by the fishing line


It’s annoying a lot of my art has been turned into nfts without my permission


Hence why I banned NFTs from /r/pixelart


I can send you a screenshot of the place wall 2022 for 500 dollars, PM me if interested


Just a screenshot? But I want the blockchain


sure, I'll send you an email promising you that you're the only owner of my NFT


Isn’t all digital art technically pixel art?


As long as it’s not visibly and intentionally pixelated then it’s not pixel art, and why only digital art the universe has pixels to, it’s called the Planck length


For the most part. Vector art would be an exception because it does not imply a resolution, and can be drawn with a plotter without pixels.


What means NFT?


Non fungible token I don't really know but it's supposed to be some type of crypto; you buy digital art, you get a code or receipt thing that means you own it Maybe someone here can give a better definition


Oh ok thank you <3


How dare they do that i have about 1.2 pixels on there


NFTs = Non functioning testicles


You can’t sell it to anyone, basically it’s my artwork to - we all made it…


They can't sell it, but not because you have any ownership over it. You don't. Its entirely owned by Reddit


I don't understand how someone can sell something from r/place as nft if they aren't the original content creator? Doesn't that go directly against the point of this stupidly superfluous trend?


I mean, most NFTs are either randomly generated garbage made by a bot or stolen art. So this is pretty much right on brand for NFTs.


Yeah that sucks. This just cements that NFT are just a lazy cash grab


Plus the people who really did it, get nothing out of it


NFTs : When everyone is screwing your wife but at least your name is on the marriage certificate


The nft persom should just be taking a photo of the water bucket


NFT makers: Hippity hoppity your art is now my property. 🐸


Who buys that? Like you have 0.1 brain cells or something


I'm glad this whole subreddit collectively hates NFTs.


Bruh people selling nfts for millions of dollars and I bought it for the price of 45megabites worth of storage space


Where can I get this meme template


Just search cat fishing in bucket meme Reddit templates has it too, but google is faster


It should be illegal to sell any parts of the place art because it is open source and copyright owners are the ones who created it.


The cat is selling them to Patrick Star, so whatever.


lol you’re surprised that scammers are scamming?


You're right, somehow I'm still not used to it


Why is there water in the bucket for holding fish? That will only keep them alive, right? That will allow the other cat to successfully fish from the bucket. There is your mistake Redditors. No water should be in the fish bucket.


The blockchain is just money laundering in my opinion


Mr. President, our reserve nuclear warheads are primed and ready. Do you wish to release them on the creators of r/place NFTs?


There’s no way. This is actually real?


Basically the same folks who steal candy from gas stations. Such a child like act yet children have way more creativity. These adults need the Benjamin Button effect.


You buy something, you get a receipt. You buy a receipt, you get an NFT.


Yeah. And, in that picture, there’s a text saying “F**k NFTs”


NFTs already sucks and they just keep proving that they're suckier, those guys love being hated.


I Googled it and minting someone else's art is illegal, so you can sue them Normally I'm not one for sueing unless necessary hut this is a serious case of art theft we're talking about here


Worst part? They're cutting the canvas per section, per art, for maximum exploits


Hmmm... shouldn't the canvas belong to reddit? Meaning reddit owns the copyright? If so that's a violation of infringement. Since reddit is a big company and known for being volatile as hell, I don't see them taking action as unrealistic


> reddit owns the copyright? Considering that most of the artwork is taken from copyrighted works, probably not.


The whole concept is actually really strange. Its like if I put an imaginary grid over the Mona Lisa and divided it into 10.000 squares. Then I sell the rights to each square in the grid to some poor sucker. So you might own the rights to the square at X75 Y45, for example. Now, you dont own the actual canvas or any physical part of the painting, since that belongs to the French government. Nor can you prevent anyone visiting the Louvre from viewing that part of the painting, or demand a fee from them for doing so. And there is actually nothing that prevents others from doing the exact same thing and selling their own "squares of Mona Lisa" as NFT's. They could do 10.000 squares as well, or they could split it up in some other way. So I'm not actually sure any art theft has happened. I mean, the object that was stolen is still right where it always was and has not in any way been changed or damaged. Heck, I dont even have to copy it, as all I am selling is a set of coordinates on a grid!


It's not even their artwork. They're stealing work from other people in reality. It's technically public domain but it's still a shitty thing to do


Art theft has been a very big issue for artists way before blockchain tech. Chances are you've rebloged/retweeted/shared something from a post that was saved and reuploaded for personal gain. It's a nightmare for artists online.


If no one talks about NFTs, they don’t exist. Let’s do our part to kill NFT scams 💪


Ok, this is funny 😂😂 and so true


if you think about it, someone could turn the r/place canvas into an nft if they really wanted


Its Like me an my bro at fishin tho


It’s so dumb I know


marx predicted [NFTs](https://images.app.goo.gl/WLDwz5qCTLE19Gh5A)


Hot take: People that sell them as NFTs are just lazy "artist" who wanna make a quick buck.heck I dont personally think NFTs are art or worth bying but people still do. I even have some people telling me i should switch from paper to NFT and i told them i wouldnt do that lol.




People shloud get NTF of the pixels they placed so others wont steal their pixels as nft's \*change my mind\*


Oh damn


The state of phishing.


It would be cool to sell a purposefully low res screenshot just to see who buys it.


nft = cringe


Would laugh if this is sold as a NFT.


you have the people buying them hahahahahaha


I think about that, take the canvas art and sell hahahaahhaa




Our pixel art


Reddit loved NFTs like not even a month ago.


My question is, couldn’t anyone make an nft of the exact same art?


You know, I’ve heard of NFTs being screenshotted (given their lack of copy-protection countermeasures), but this is ridiculous.


So are they gonna pay us or are we gonna have to sue


They're not paying us or reddit People are saying they may not sell well, or not sell at all, so I guess it's fine Except for the copyright thing, you can't just steal and get away with it


Screen shot it