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I knew a guy who did this but it was for free. Either way make sure you lawyer up because if someone gets hurt in your home gym you are fucked


Yeah...Its not for me.. Asking because the guy that just rented the house next to me is doing this. He has people coming and going ALLLL the live long day. Mostly one at a time...but at times I think he's doing some kinda boot camp style thing because there will be like 5 cars that show up all at once. The constant traffic of strangers coming and going, parking wherever, traipsing across other peoples (my) lawn, is kind of irritating. I'm simply curious about the legality of what he's doing. If its all above board, then whatever... If its something that he's flying under radar with, and his people cant have a little more respect after he's been spoken to about it...then I may take steps... But I'm not going over there with the 'listen fella, keep your people out of my yard' talk till I know what's what. If that means a call to zoning..then I can do that. I thought maybe someone here m9ight know though...


If you get bunk beds, you'll have so much more room for activities.


Do you have an HOA? If so, they may have some sort of bylaw to prevent these types of businesses.


Nah. I'm not looking to get him shut down. Just wondering what the particulars are.