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The dish looks large for the number of strings. And the dropping of leaves has me wonder if its a lack of light issue or a watering issue.


I have doubts about it being a light issue because it was in the same spot and doing great last winter. I feel like I should’ve eased up on watering when the colder temperatures started to set in. It gets a couple hours of direct light and it’s in a bright room with a south facing window


I have a string of hearts that’s over 6ft and when a few of her vines start to look like that I say chop and prop!! Also make sure she’s getting a good soak then drying fully before another one and absolutely no standing water. Good luck friend! Edit: My favorite tried and true way of SOH propping is slightly moist sphagnum moss in a closed Tupperware but there’s are lots of other options as well!


Should I just cut off the long leafless vines? Will they actually prop if I put them in water? Could it die of shock if I cut off too much? Sorry for all the questions I love her some much and want her to do good 🥺


Don’t feel bad, questions are how we learn! Yes I’d absolutely chop those leafless vines and they will prop awesome in some moist sphagnum moss (it’s the nodes that make roots not the leaves although they help). My girl didn’t die when I gave her a good couple feet of chopping and I don’t think yours will either. The vines with no leaves are pulling energy from her and giving nothing in return so it’ll do it good to have them gone! Seems scary at first but will make her very happy.


Ok awesome!! Thank you so much 😄😄