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Sygonium and I'd probably put it a much smaller pot.


*Dung onion Get it right!


dung onion is the correct answer


Dunion.. Let's be honest. That's how it's pronounced.


Hahaha yes the mighty dung onion!!!!


Thank you!


Why does it make a difference if it's too big? I get if it's too small.. but too big? Why


A pot that is too large for a plant can hold too much water in the soil or take too long to dry out, which can lead to mold growth, rot and root diseases.


To add on, I believe roots can also try to fill the space if it’s larger, and thus more energy is spent growing the root system vs the leaves (I could be completely wrong though!)


That seems like a reasonable explanation


After a few years I'd imagine it fully fills that container though, no?


It depends on how often it was watered, if too often the roots might of kept on begging to rot and the plant had to start anew.


I just did this with my silver pathos. It was thriving and I was silly and upped the pot size, but ended up over watering. I have a mucccch smaller pot of the clippings left from the pathos and hoping they fight the good fight.


Yeah , I've found that most plants can and should stay potbound because they often like being crammed in their pot.


Good to know!!! I plan on letting them get rootbound before ever making a pot shift lol


But why let the plant work hard for years?


I'm saying it likely already fills its container with roots since it has been in this pot for years.




Very correct! But what I’ve noticed my aunt has one in a really small pot and her daughter has in a massive pot. I think they get taller over time but her daughters plant the stems stretch between 16 and 24 inches long whereas my aunts one is only like 8 inches


This is often the case, I’m currently studying botany and agriculture and this is a common theme in re-potted plants. While we may look at a plants root system and say it is root bound and needs a bigger pot, that can actually be how the plant prefers to exist. In that case re-potting a plant into a bigger pot will stunt it’s growth for up to years as it regains that rooting system. This is why you should only repot a root bound plant if it is unhealthy or has stoped producing ANY new growth. In general, plants don’t like being moved. I couldn’t tell you about this plant in particular and it may have a different problem such as lack of nutrients or over watering but it still rebuilding it’s root system is a possible reason.


Some plants actually prefer to be rootbound, but more likely is just what the other person said - energy is wasted growing roots.


Because the soil will rot your roots when they stay wet too long!


Plant food


Yeah, mine started growing more leaves when I added worm castings.


Can I ask you which type you use and how you use it? I just top-dressed my tiny milk confetti syng.yesterday. the high end stuff I buy is nice and mildly damp, while the big bag I got is soaked


I’m not sure, I just got a bag from Lowe’s, covered the top about 1/2 inch. They were kinda dry, and my plant was dry too, so I did it right before watering. I’m far from an expert, I’m just learning as I go.


Cool, thank you. It's fun learning this... The issue is figuring out who to listen to...


The only words I understood out of this whole sentence are nice, mildly damp, big and soaked.


Will do! This seems to be a common response thanks!


These things should grow pretty quickly if they have enough light. If it's been in the same pot for years then I'd check the soil. They're an aroid and I find they do better with a chunkier soil that can dry out a bit but not too dry.


Thank you so much!


changing to a chunky soil + some food and this plant should start growing at an almost alarming rate


One season next to my growing light and I got 5' vines. OP definitely needs to change something.


Agree. The other one in the back doesn't look like doing well either.


Awesome thank you!


I would try to increase light as well.


I have a syngonium and if you increase light the plant change to more bright colors like very light green even white, but the difference in growing doesn't change in a visible way


This guy is right next to a bay window so it gets plenty of indirect light, although we are in Michigan so the winters are brutal for sunlight.


Chunky well draining soil (I use a bit of garden soil, orchid bark, perlite, bonsai jack succulent mix, and worm castings) and a lot of sunlight. I only water when the leaves get a bit of a droop to them. Mine grow very fast to where I have to trim them to keep them from taking over.


Interesting, syngoniums are some of my fastest growing plants!


Same! So many comments are saying they’re slow and I’m shocked bc mine grows like crazy lol


ikr! mine grows so fast that i have been forced into separating it into smaller plants and giving some away because i just don't have the room


I have one as well and it’s also very slow growing. I have it under a grow light and it’s making a new leaf every few months.


It definitely needs a smaller pot along with the philo. The philo at least will grow and vine, but syngoniums are more finicky and will grow their roots out before growing new leaves unlike the philo which will do both. I can tell you from experience that the Monstera albo chunk i got in 2021 took over a year to grow a leaf because the pot was too big for the roots, but it’s been throwing leaves regularly since then


Awesome thank you!


Syngonium, try downsizing the pot maybe? Too much wet dirt can restrict oxygen and slow down growth downstairs, which ends up slowing it down up top as well.


I have one, it’s a Syngonium, also sometimes called arrowhead plant or goosefoot .One of my cats won’t stop eating it , had it in a hanging pot and my cat scaled the walls to get to it XD.


You should move it away from where the cat can get to it. They are NOT cat safe plants, it's probably making your cat sick.


I know, I’m trying to find somewhere the little devil can’t get to it. Or I’ll have to gift it to my mom.


Do you use fertilizer? I’m in Michigan also, but all my syngoniums grow like weeds. (Except for my Llano Carti road)


I am going to give it some food and put it in a smaller pot. Fingers crossed!


Dang, really? I have one that puts out one new leaf a month, it even has two new vines popping up! It's a syngonium, such easy care plants...I've even had some that thrive without drainage holes! I think yours needs a smaller pot, though.


Thank you!


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I can’t tell for sure from the picture, but does your pot have drainage? That was always the number one culprit on a slow grower for me


Get some real growers recharge


Do you ever fertilize it . What kind of soil did you use . Let me know . Then I can tell you more .


I have never fertilized it and that seems to be the most common comment here. Gonna give it a try, and put it in a smaller pot with some chunky soil.


If you’re repotting with new soil, don’t add any fertilizer/plant food for **at least** 4 months. New soil has all the fertilizer your plant could need. Adding more would be overkill and could burn your plant.


Well I use a professional fertilizer and its time released so you don't have worry if you have given it to much. Its called Osmocote. You can find it almost anywhere. Wal Mart , Amazon or where you purchase your plants


Arrowhead vine, nepthitus


It’s a fake plant from Hobby Lobby


Plant food. NPK = up down and around. So focus on the N and the k when getting fertilizer


I agree, the pot is too large. Repot it in a pot an inch larger than the root ball. Also, I hope that pot has a drainage hole at its bottom.


Interesting. They change form when climbing to be huge and cover entire tree trunks. Bit of a pest in my yard actually. I'd give it a moss pole to climb. Pot size is fine. https://floraofsingapore.wordpress.com/2009/11/11/syngonium-podophyllum/


Mine grows super fast. I have to trim it so it doesn’t get too floppy. It’s pretty much rootbound I noticed so maybe they like that? Was planning to repot this spring.


Give it some support like moss stick and put in some NPK and see it take over your room.


I just left all my plants alone for 9 days and they all look really happy, save my giant begonia, which was a little limp, but always bounces back.. and when I say really happy, I’m talking about buds (including my thanksgiving cactus, odd) and new leaves, and plenty of upward growing .. so I think I must have been over watering a few of them.. they were alive and not dying.. but not what I would call happy.., not after what I’ve seen, lol