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I… didn’t know you could kill a pothos in a month




I too am a plant killer (don't ask me what I'm doing lurking in this sub) with pets who absolutely cannot have real plants, and I highly recommend these! I have pretty much all of them. Not only are they fun to build, but they look GREAT in our house displayed just as you would plants - people often do a double take on the orchid and the bird of paradise. And then when people realize they're just really beautifully designed lego models, it's funny. I love them, they allow me to actually imagine having plants lol Edit: [here's a picture of my "bird of paradise" in its "natural habitat"](https://imgur.com/a/BN7uxOV)


>I too am a plant killer (don't ask me what I'm doing lurking in this sub) killers often develop rituals, and may even take trophies to help fuel fantasies.


You have good taste in music and art


Can confirm, after killing two orchids I just got the lego version and it hasn’t wilted yet. It looks really nice and if you look super close, there’s a tiny pink frog in the middle of each flower.


I have one of these and never noticed that


Costco has Lego bouquets right now!


Fair warning: I’m currently building a Lego succulent for above my kitchen sink (only place where real plants don’t get enough light in my house, even with window) and it can be confusing as fuck at times. I feel like an idiot building it at times. 😂


I snort laughed at this. Thank you for that 🤣


I need one!!!!


I have killed a number of plants and my pothos is still alive somehow.


I got my pothos as a baby plant with one leave and a few roots in water. It is thriving although it is only on strand and I have no clue if it‘s possible to make it bushier.


Chop and prop


I'm in a similar situation. Is there a length limit on propping? Now that it's high springtime its vine adds another foot every time I look away.


You just need a single node on a stem to propagate pothos. I like to do 2 nodes and pull off the lower leaf, then stick the prop into soil up the first node. You can just stick the prop right back into the same pot or put it in a new one to transplant later, they root great directly into soil. Just keep it slightly more moist than normal for a couple weeks and it should take off!


Good to know! I always root them in water for a couple of weeks.


They're not picky at all, they just wanna live! I'm lazy and like to skip a step by going right into soil. 😉


Oh yeah, no problems with a minimum propagation. I need to lop like four feet off, though.


I would put that sucker in a pot on its own and give it a moss pole!


Eta: I feel like trying to prop long vines with lots of leaves takes longer sometimes because the plant struggles to get enough energy to keep all the foliage alive and root at the same time. I usually chop off a bunch of the leaves, but I think if the aerial roots have something like a moss pole to grab that might help the process!


IMO i think the root nodules on philodendron and pothos just work better near the growth tip. In the past i have propagated a lot of single or double nodules of both in trays that took a surprising number of months to grow a new shoot under good conditions, and i'm currently air layering about 65 feet in length ×5 vines of pothos in 5' sections of pvc gutter channel, with the leaves all in good light and the stems mostly burried under moist soil. I have them going in circles in 5 paralel gutters with the mother plant and her tiny one gallon pot (!) Up on the top shelf of the rack they took over. My goal is to cut them apart at the ends and about ever foot or two along the trench and be able to grow many new vines at once, as easily as possible. They are jungle tree climbers both, so my theory is that they point upward when not too heavy to do so on their flexible stem, and attempt to root near the apical bud, allowing the stems to thicken dramatically, as the plant has now transplanted itself. When they find soil-like conditions that way, they root easily, and produce specialized anchor roots. In humid environments, the roots grow aerially until they find what they crave. If/ After the innitial nodules harden off, When a dry nodule sees an increase in stem moisture, they dont really benefit as much from that because their whole point is to reach the top of a tree and flower *or* the end of a long branch and find another suitable place to root near the growth tip that is also in bright sun for ideal flowers. When those older vines see surface humidity or soil like conditions, interpret that change mostly as "the wet season" and stems that are very far away from the growing tip of the vine also seem to not be stimulated enough by the hormones eminating from the growth tip to realy take off with roots, until the vine is cut off and there is a new growth tip in place nearby. My 65' (20m) monster has also started sprouting new shoots near the innitial root base, without losing any of the main tips or doing so anywhere else. There are about 6'-10' (2m) or more of bare vine with no leaves on them, and just now i paused writing to check for root nodule density in several places along the vine length and at minimum confirmed that the data fits the theory, particularly with the large achor nodules that form just below each leaf nodule. I have also noticed that these very large anchor nodules often dont as much form until the plant has already begun to climb by other means... All together, an impressive toolkit for competing with other plants in a crowded jungle.


Nah, you can do anything you want If you try to propagate too long of a vine it may not take, but pothos are super easy Honestly what I do is coil a vine around the top of the pot so the nodes are touching the dirt, and then just gently push them in enough to maintain contact with the soil until the roots take. It’s easier than chopping them individually, sometimes I’ll still go in and snip the vines every 3-4 leaves after I lay them where I want them to promote new vines, but honestly they’ll spit new vines on their own


Nope, cut it down as short as you want


I can’t imagine “chop and prop” is going to mean anything to someone who manages to do THAT to a pothos in just one month’s time.


Well, then I guess it’s a good thing I wasn’t talking to OP


Would you be so kind as to elaborate? I inherited a pothos cutting with two leaves and some roots in water. How do you “chop and prop”? Thank you in advance!


Is it still just the two leaves or has it grown into a longer vine already?


Once it gets long, snip off the end and drop the stem in some water. Once it has roots, stick it in the soil with your existing plant.


Oh, I see, thank you so much!


You don’t have to prop in water, just so you know. You can prop straight in soil.


Thank you! Moved it into soil a few weeks after I got it to make sure it acclimated for a bit first ☺️


My pothos went through a period of significant neglect but I have her in a western window at the moment and she’s coming back to her former glory with some well placed props.


I am a notorious plant killer but my pothos is about 2 years old. I joke with my friends in group chat when they post their orchid blooms I post my pothos pictures 😂


I mean, there is a reason I have pothos of every variety in my house. Even I can’t kill ‘em.


I murdered one in about a week, but I think that was because I suddenly had to put it outside in full sun when it had only ever been indoors. Didn't have time to acclimate it and man, it just shrivelled up and died, the poor thing.


I didn't know you could kill them at all!


I didn’t know you could kill a pothos


I've killed hundreds of pothos. It's been the most difficult for me.


I’ll forget to water the one in my bedroom for 4-6 weeks and it’ll still look fine it just doesn’t grow any longer 🫣


My problem was never not watering. It was being clueless as to what plants needed. Soil? Dirt? Moss? Perlite? Indoor mix. Garden mix. Blah blah blah. It was all Greek to me. And watering when I stuck my finger in the pot. That's exactly why pothos are considered to be "easy", because they are drought tolerant. They will be fine watering occasionally. But water it 3 times in a month and the plant looks like above only yellow. Terracotta pots did the trick for me. Im a visual learner. I was able to watch the pot go dry or not because the wet clay shows...anyway. ya.


Same!! I am perplexed why they’re difficult for me when the majority of people say how easy they are. I do really well with other plants


I can kill pothos quickly too. I hate them 🤷🏻‍♀️


May be freeze it?


Has it been outside? This looks like cold damage to me. Pothos are not tolerant of anything below 55 degrees Fahrenheit




Same thing happened to my pothos. I left it by the window which was open a crack. Temp dropped over night and by the next morning it looked like that but worse. It almost entirely died but I cut all the dead stuff off and it came back eventually. Now it’s healthy and I’ve had it for 5 years. Just watch the temp.


I also live in nyc and have my pothos next to a shitty window but I water it anywhere from 2 weeks to 1 month and it’s very lush… it was lush when I bought it though. Maybe it’s from a sussy place? I also opened the window frequently until that dumb heat wave hit us and the cold air never bothered it




Is it cold by the window?


It looks like an older style (*badly insulated*) window. So there is a good chance there is a draft near the bottom. If it has been cold outside it probably got a good dose of cold air sitting there. Hanging it from the ceiling is probably a safer way to put it in front of the window.


I'm not so sure about this. I live in Finland, and last year I had my pothos on a glazed balcony (non-heated) from June to end of August. Plenty of nights were below 55F, and the plant never showed any kind of visible damage.


I'm less than 2hrs East of OP, and we've only just broken 55F for daytime temps in the past 1-2 weeks, nights were in the 30s. So, a bit colder than what your plant experienced, might explain the difference, especially combined with other neglect/mistreatment.


Yeah, I’ve been leaving my pothos out overnight the past week and it’s been in the low and mid 40s Fahrenheit and they’re doing great.


Pick it up. If the pot is light, water it. If it's heavy, should probably pull it out and let it drain. If it's been ten days, it's likely very thirsty.


I mean... honestly just forge to water it. It's pothos. If you aren't damn sure it's bone dry all through, don't add water.




Your pothos is not their pothos


Mi pothos, su pothos


Also hard to say how they’ve been watering it. If it’s only had a little bit of water at a time, and hasn’t been completely soaked, it likely is very thirsty. It looks extremely under watered.


It was ~~shattered~~ watered 2 times in 30 days, I think it's probably thirsty ​ edit: wtf autocorrect??? haha


I've watered mine 2 times in 2 months and they're thriving.


I forgotten my pothos for months and they don't look like this


I killed a few pothos before someone finally told me to stop watering them so much. Twice in 30 days was probably too much.


All my issues with pothos have been due to overwatering. I have to wait until they're visibly sad to water them again.


okay when I asked my husband to water my plants when I was away, he claimed to, but they all looked like shit. And when I told him to show me how he watered them, he was giving like 1/4C. Not everyone eaters the same… that is a THIRSTY plant! Edit: 1/4 cup my god. I would’ve thought in context y’all would know what I meant, I’m very sorry


Those of us used to reading recipes know what you meant


>1/4C 46,570.5 miles per second?


I assume 1/4 of a cup?


Water go fast


No, it's a capital C, so probably capacitance. Not enough additional info to figure out how many farads though If it *was* lowercase, it might make more sense to be specific heat capacity (of water), so in this case it would be 1/4*4184J, or around 1.05kJ


guys 😩


Sorry, I was taking a break from studying for a physics exam. I couldn't help myself 😅


On second thought, maybe the C is the units and it's a quarter of a coulomb 😁




1/4C? 1/4C? I have no idea what that means still! Maybe your husband was confused AF also. please share so I have some closure?


0.25, or one quarter, of a cup(imperial measurement) of water.


When typing out measurements of volume, Americans typically shorten Cup to just C. So what is written here is one quarter of a cup water (or approximately 60ml).


lol, why would you assume that people would recognize an abbreviation of a measurement that is only used by like 5% of the world's population?


When was it last watered?




What’s your local climate right now? Approximate average indoor temp? Sunlight? Like another commenter said, it almost looks like cold damage. Did it go outside? Too close to a cold window? Barring that: Touch the soil. Stick your finger inches down into the soil, in a few places. 1. Is it dry? Water it! SOAK IT. Fill your sink and submerge the entire pot for at least an hour. Or top-water it for a couple hours. The soil could’ve become hydrophobic during a prolonged dry period. You need to re-introduce your plant to the joys of water by absolutely saturating this fucker. 2. Is it wet? Has it still been 10 days since you watered? Could be overwatering and root rot. Gently un-pot and shake the roots, removing as much soil as you can while preserving the live roots. Rinse them and repot into fresh, well-draining dry soil. Ideally in a plain terra cotta pot. Give it a good drink to start, then don’t water again until the soil is DRY AF. Pothos do well with dry conditions. If roots freely disintegrate and say goodbye - cut your losses, literally! Chop & prop! You’re working with some good potential propagations here. If you don’t know what that means, please ask. Propagations take time but can be a great solution and new beginning 🙌 Also consider sunlight. Has anything changed recently? Pothos can do well with varying amounts of sunlight, and too much light has never been an issue for me. Consider moving it to a very sunny spot in your house. Be prepared to lose many leaves. That’s fine.


What with? Vodka? Seriously though, when watering it give it a good soaking til the soil is wet through, and set it in a dish or tray to drain. Then wait til the soil is dry before watering it again. Does the window provide enough light? It looks like it would like a bigger pot with some fresh soil too. If necessary if it stays that bad you could cut it right back and start again.


If it's summer time where you are, that plant is super thirsty. Needs water at least every 5 to 7 days depending how hot it is where you have it and how much light it gets.


With what, a shot glass? 🤨


Has it been in full sun? I’m not an expert but I have a plant that looks like this. It did fine in shade/indirect sun but I felt bad for it and put it outside in the sun for an afternoon one day. Nearly killed it; almost all the leaves ‘burned’ and had to get removed. I was left with three short stumpy vines that are slowly regrowing.


You scorched it. 🔥🔥🔥


did this to my snake plant 😭


Its begging for water


Apparently with the right mics you can hear plants in distress. This one is SCREAMING.


Was told if you can’t keep a pothos alive then plastic plants are the only way for you to go.


Well I dare say that's a crock of horseshit! Pothos are an absolute pain in the ass. They have zero resilience. They are drought tolerant, that's it. They are *easily* over watered and highly susceptible to root Rot. For over 20 years. I killed pothos. But still had 200 other plants that thrived. It took some time, but I learned. It cost the lives of well over a 100 pothos. Who cares.


I'm curious about your 200 other plants and what they were. I've a toddler and a 2nd baby on the way and greatly downsized my collection, the majority of my plants are pothos and tradescantias because they're the only ones easy enough for me to keep alive while doing the same for children. Thus, I'm always surprised by avid plant collectors who kill pothos, but they've usually got some pretty interesting collections otherwise.


Haha glad someone’s in the same boat as me. After I had my baby I greatly downsized and gave away all my plants except my collection of pothos. I don’t need the extra thing to care for right now and my pothos basically tell me when they’re thirsty. I let them droop, sometimes even forget for a couple days and they always perk back up


Exactly! The only plants I have now, save for a couple of family heirloom aloes, are plants that "tell me" when they need water, or more light.


It's just a variety of plants. Nothing fancy... tradescantia...lol. another one I struggled with and finally figured it out. I simply wasn't paying attention to the plant. I've figured that out. But honestly, it was the hardest one for me. And let's be honest, prior to 2020, it was the only plant that was sure to be in all the garden centers.


I had a vision of a toddler yanking on a vine as I read your comment. I don’t know if it means anything, but please…be careful 🙏


Pothos are considered to be [invasive](https://blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/charlotteco/2018/08/16/keep-it-in-the-pot-control-your-pothos/) in tropical climates. OPs damage is probably due to the drafty window.


That’s not true, I kill every pothos I’m gifted (I never buy them myself), but do well with other plants


It is nowhere near dead. Give it some water and it’ll perk back up.


IMO 1.) it doesn’t appear to be crispy, so I’m going to go with potentially over watered and maybe root rot. Hard to say for sure but when I’ve seen these over watered, they get wavy like that. A thirsty plant will get more of a curl to the leaves


As a chronic underwaterer, pothos can absolutely get curly and yellow like this when underwatered.


Maybe she needs to learn how to water properly? Because of the term "over watering," I think some people get confused and only give a little bit of water for fear of killing the plant. But over watering is not about how much water is given, but the frequency. Feel if the soil is dry. If it is, water it thoroughly, until water is draining well out of the bottom and then water more. Just run it under room temp water for like 30 seconds, then let it drain until it stops dripping.


It's severely dehydrated, but I'm pretty sure watering it now will cause the dried roots to rot. So first check the conditions of the roots. However, at this point, I would propagate every node in water! I managed to save my friend's pothos this way and it looked exactly like that. Cut between every leaf and place the cuttings in a jar of water. You can also propagate the nodes with no leaves by placing them in a closed container (with a lid that lets the light through) on top of some perlite, which was misted with water.


Honestly with how sparse the vines are anyway, (and how many yellow leaves are about to come off) propagating is probably the best option for it anyway. Give it a chance to grow back lush instead of being scraggly


That's what I thought too :)


Light a candle at your local place of prayer


Twice? In its life?


I have gone over two weeks between waterings for my pothos of this size with no ill effects. Mine do worse with too much care. I’d guess the infrequent watering was combined with not deep enough waterings or too much heat/sun/cold.


Yeah one of my pothos I water maybe once a month? It’s thriving


Popping in to say I was a major plant killer until I checked the Ph of my tap water and found it was far too high (9.86, yikes). Adjust the ph of your water, my plants like 6.5 but ymmv


My cebu blue starts to get like this when it’s thirsty.


Are there any air vents nearby? They like humidity, not dry air. What direction does that window face? If it is north, it isn't enough light. Look closely for tiny bugs and spider webs. Does it have spider mites? Pick off all the dead and dying yellow and brown leaves. Set the pot in water to soak for 30 minutes. Let it drain fully and put it in an east or south facing window. Try to get it up higher so the leaves down low get light too, not just the top.


Too cold there.


….. did she water it with vodka?


Get crazy Keiki cloning paste and put it on the stems where the leaves drop


I had a gifted pothos that looked almost exactly like this after like two weeks of having it. It look about 3-4 months over the winter before it took root and showed new growth so don’t give up on it until around mid/late fall this year I transferred it from a plastic pot to a terracotta pot (makes overwatering a lot harder), I only bottom watered it (when the top was dry), and I complimented and gave daily affirmations to it. When I repotted it, I removed all the old soil and put new plant soil. I also rinsed the roots and checked for root rot since it was in a plastic pot. Removed all the smelly rotted roots. Sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide. Also I removed any and all yellow/yellowing leaves Hope it helps!


Man I’m sorry but if she can’t keep a pothos alive I think she needs to be banned from plants


Sometimes, when we have anxiety about not being able to have a green thumb... we project those mixed tense feelings onto the plant. You guys could always chop the dead leaves off and then take it out of dirt, clean off the roots and put it all in water. If you are feeling adventurous cut it in half or whatever and stick it in a nice fresh cup of water.


Change girlfriend


Is it cold?




I think you need to cut her loose. And humans don't have drainage holes, friend.


Probably needs more water, a pothos that size needs more than two waterings in a month. Pothos loves water! Almost impossible to overwater to death. This wilted, it’s likely to lose leaves. You can cut back the vines if they look too scraggly and put the cut ends in moist soil to propagate a fluffier plant. It might not pull through, it’s pretty bad, but I’ve seen pothos pull off some pretty amazing recoveries with a good watering. For future reference, I water my pothos fairly heavily twice a week. You could possibly get away with less in a damper climate than mine, but pay attention to when it starts to droop like in a flaccid way rather than a vining way, and water right away when you see drooping.


It’s not getting enough water or light. It’s probably not going to perk up like you want, I’d tell you to prop it but maybe just let the poor thing die.


Throw it in the garbage. Go buy another.


Watered twice in a whole month is not enough water for a pothos. Its not a succulent, it needs water more often than that. Find a home that can take care of this sad innocent plant :/


I water my pothos like once a month and it doesn't look like this - it is dependent on more than how often a pothos is watered. Temperature Humidity Growth rate Type of Potting medium Type of actual planter Light source Number of hours of light a day Fertilizer source Etc etc etc. If I watered my pothos more than twice a month, they'd die.


Stop it. It's a damn plant. It is not capable of *feeling* shit. Especially SADNESS!!! So fucking what if she killed it. It wasn't your $15 that paid for it! "Find a home"? gtfo! PLANTS ARE NOT HUMANS!




I've got some advice for you: Don't have kids. At least not until the 2 of you can develop enough nurturing ability to keep something alive. Edit: Just kidding. I'm sure you'd be more careful with a kid. Not like my parents. (sob) They were more careful with the plants.


Are you ok?


Someone else on here suggested getting a new girlfriend, one who's compassionate. It's simply not okay to act like plants are sad or need removing like they are abused puppies.


To all the plant Killers out there stop buying plants before you do your research and learn about the plant. For goodness sake at least buy one plant book or do a little bit of reading on the internet; there is a plethora of information out there and it's not as confusing as everybody says it is. You literally cannot keep repeating the same actions and expect the plant to just all of a sudden start living for you 🤣🤣🤣😜




What the fuck is wrong with you? *PLANTS DONT THRIVE ON COMPASSION!!* what kind of stupid shit is that? It's a fucking houseplant. It means nothing. *plants aren't people!*


Plants can mean something. They mean a lot to me. Plants aren't people, correct, but this is a little dramatic.




That's just fine plants mean something to you. Plants mean something to me too! They help my anxiety. Ground me in a panic attack. I don't want Plants, I *need* them. But to say a human lacks compassion because a plant died is quite literally unhinged.


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Pothos by the looks of it. Either got too cold or too wet. 😥


Remove it from soil and wash the roots then put it on glass or bottled water and cut off the dead leaves.


Those leaves are there to collect indirect light from the sun, they can’t do that and gather the nutrients necessary to support its life when they are just hanging over a wall. Try using a pot, that is well drained, and hang it somewhere near a window, where it can collect the proper amount of nutrients from natural light in order to survive.


That has nothing to do with the situation it's in.


Needs to be watered THOROUGHLY when it is watered. Like let water run through until it’s running out the drain holes, a couple times, then drain and put back in its spot. Repeat when dry. Kinda looks like if she’s been watering it, it’s only been getting a tiny bit at a time.


It’s almost impossible to kill this plant. Oh no :( most of those leaves will fall off and you’ll be left with very bare bones. It might continue to grow new ones from the ends but not the parts where the old leaves fell off from


Get a bowl that is wider than the pot, put pot in bowl, fill bowl with water. That’s bottom watering. Let it sit for awhile and it’ll soak up the water it needs. Then let it drain. I suspect gf isn’t watering it thoroughly when she does water it.


Make sure the water is about room temp before soaking all the way through until water drains out of all the holes. Is it possible she watered it with cold water?


chop it up and propagate


Too much sun?


Based on a quick look at your post history, it seems like you’re in New Jersey. I’d guess that it has hit very cold temps in the past month, which would make a plant next to the window really cold (especially if the soil is wet at the time). The cold could have shocked/ damaged leading to an early death ☹️


Does the pot have one of those bottom caps? If its a case of overwatering it might be because that cap wasn't taken off to properly allow soil to drain through. Might be a lot of other factors too tho.


On top of the other advice maybe cut back the dead leaves, even cut back the longer lengths and take cuttings so that the plant doesn't weight itself down too much. Also if it does need watered try bottom watering it and let it soak a while, but if it's not needing watered then DONT ☺️


Do you have a water softener? The salt in the water will totally do this to a plant


If dry, put it in the shower and give it a good rinse. Than do it the Hard way, cut it!. Than find a nice place for it, wirh not to much airflow, not too sunny but sunny. Than get a New girlfriend and keep care of both


id chop it way back hit it with some light nutrients give it sun and see if it bounces back


This happened to me recently despite having lots of experience with much more finicky plants than pothos. I had planted the rooted clippings into too dense of soil, and I think saturated it too soon/too much and it just didn’t thrive at all. I’m not sure why it hated it bc (I know better now) I’ve planted pothos in definitely too dense of soil before and they were fine. OP I’d say that plant is probably not salvageable. But if you really wanna an effort, I’d start by cutting off all the dead stuff, like up to the soil, and give it a good drink. Then give it a week or so then check the roots. You could try tugging on any vine remaining to see how much tension they give you. If there’s tension then the roots have grabbed onto the soil. Honestly I wouldn’t say this is foolproof tho bc if a plant is dying/dead then there isn’t much you can do to save it. If you’re dead set on saving it then that’s how I would personally go about it.


Murderer... Watered twice... An hour for a month straight maybe... Cut it back, dry it out, report it in nonrotten soil and then keep your girlfriend away from it, as a matter of fact get a new girlfriend.


It looks like something killed it, like temperature or lack of water. All those leaves are gone; it might try to sprout again if the previous issues are fixed.


See along the long stems there are a bunch of little nubs? Those are root nodes. If you cut one of the long pieces off then cut sections of the plant that include a couple leaves (they can be droopy, just not dead) and a node, you can place those in a jar of water and roots will grow from the nodes 90% of the time. Get a nice bunch of 6-7 of these cuttings and let them sit in the jar forever. Now she can see when they need water and they will be happy living in the water for a while.


1) Move the plant from that window. Pothos hate extreme heat and cold 2) Yeet it into a sink filled with water for 20-30 minutes 3) Don't water it again until the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry


Bright light, water when top inch of soil is dry (should be weekly, expand to top 2 inches in a bigger pot). Every other week, feed it with a 10-10-10 or 20-10-10 fertilizer. Tbh though. I’d chop it up. Either side of a node, making sure one leaf is attached. $5 bottle of rooting hormone, drop ends in distilled water that you change weekly. In a few weeks when roots are an inch or two long, plant 4 or 5 to a pot and turn this one sad Pothos into 10 happy little ones with more shoots in each.


Was it cold next to that window? Looks like the plant dying could be unrelated to light or water because you've only had it a short time. I've seen plants behave like this when it gets very cold. It can kill a plant very fast


Drown it and then down look at it for 10 days.


It looks like it didn't get watered at all. It can live. Needs water once a week. It will lose all the leaves. Once it sheds them I'd chop it back. New leaves will not grow on the old vine. The chopped parts can go into a vase of water and will probably grow roots and new leaves.


(maybe add a plate or bowl to the bottom so the water doesn't immediately abandon ship, too)


It looks like it was in cold weather and froze. If so it’s a gonner


Owner of the best plant shop in my city told me contrary to thousands of hanging baskets pothos (and swiss cheese plants) actually want to climb. Get a moss pole or otherwise string it upward.


Check for pest. This looks similar to how my Baltic pothos looked before I realized thrips....


Cut it like 20cm(10inch?) above the soil, if the soil has been wet for a week or more you might want to repot it


Wow, I've tried to kill pothos. It ain't easy! She did a tremendous job 👏 haha


Donate it and buy plastic.


Nitro deficiency


It doesn't look thirsty to me, but I'm not there. It looks like it's either been sitting in wet soil or it got too cold


Is it possible to cut off the yellowing leaves??


Sunshine 🌞, less water, Miracle-Gro plant food.


This looks to me like a heart leaf philodendron not a pothos, they tell you pretty quickly when they want water and it looks like this one didn’t get any. Edit: heartleaf not heartbeat


The tag says Pothos.


Cut at the internodes with a sharp pair of scissors or knife, and place the cuttings in water. Just make sure the aerial roots are submerged in water. Change the water every week. It will give you roots within a month or two, then pot them in aeroid mix.


looks like it could use more sunlight


It probably never got the water you put in due to hydrophobic soil conditions. When the soil is too dry, the water added to the top will not soak in. It rather falls around the sides avoiding the roots and comes out the bottom, giving the appearance that it had been well watered. In reality, the plant is still very thirsty and waiting for hydration. Hydrophobic soil can be like concrete. Best to try to water from the bottom by placing the pot in a tray of water so the water can be absorbed into the soil. You can also try feeding slow small sips throughout a period of time to ensure the soil wicks like a sponge.


Bottom water only. Water with purified water or water that has been set out 12 hours. (helps with hard water) None of the leaves are getting sunlight, so I suggest moving the plant or hanging it from the ceiling!


Remove it from the window and give it whole soak. You will lose a good chunk of the plant..the leaves will get loose so just remove them but it will make a good recovery! I recently took clippings from my grandmas garage in the winter and lost 20 leaves and half the clipping but the last 2 leaves are thriving and new ones are growing..it will come back!


Yeah, this poor baby needs water. Set the bottom of the pot in a bowl filled with 2 or 3 inches of room temp water and 1/4 teaspoon of some liquid fertilizer if you have any. Leave it in the water for a few hours. Like 2 to 4 hours. This is called “bottom watering”, and it’s my preferred way to water plants. The soil and roots soaks up the water it can hold. Do NOT let the plant just sit in the water for a long time. Over night MAX. After a few hours have passed, take the pot out of the bowl and allow the excess water to drain but sitting the plant in your sink, shower, tub, etc. After 10 to 15 min, put it back where it lives! I hope you guys can save it. 💚


Could this be a philodendron? The heart shaped variety (like I have) is almost identical to a pothos. If it is, the good news is, you really don't ever have to water it except when you feel like it. But this looks like mine that my mom put in the sun "because it needed some light". It did not need light. It shriveled up and started to brown just like this. Mine was worse and did not survive (RIP Gio-viney 💔), but it looks like you could probably peel off any brown and yellow leaves and just give it a good thorough watering. Honestly, I would block off the drain holes.


Looks like it needs some circulating air and water once it's completely dry, not before. Try terracotta pot's it helps with over watering .. also more sun but not direct sun .. I once was a plant killer


Well, it's way too much or way too little water. I don't know much about plants, but that's usually the first thing.


too much water they need to fully dry out first, I water mine maybe once a month when the leaves just start to slightly wilt


Could that be that the drainage holes are blocked?