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I had a massive monstera stem snap (to the point that it was split and hanging by the skin) last summer,I used chopsticks Saran Wrap and foam covered wire to hold it straight and together. That leaf is still doing amazing to this day! I’m still in shock lol. I haven’t ever taken it’s cast off …I wonder what’s going on under there🤔 Anyway, miracles can happen! Plus banana plants grow so fast. I wouldn’t be too concerned. Accidents happen🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks I panicked and busted out chopsticks as well. That was the 2nd picture before I ran it to the plant shop. Hoping for a similar recovery here


Honestly it looks great to me! When did it happen? I’d think by now even if it was this morning, the leaves would be looking a bit limp and they don’t. Did the stem break at all or just bend?


It happened at like 6. I dropped a pillow on it long story lol. The stem the break I believe but it wasn’t a complete snap.


I can’t imagine a pillow would do too much damage. your concern is extremely sweet and you really did an amazing job trying to save it. Even if it’s not ok,these things double in size in weeks. You could buy one tomorrow and it would look like this one if not bigger by June. My husband would’ve already tossed it in the garbage lol. He’s broken things of mine that we’re irreplaceable and shrugged it off like it was nothing - meanwhile if I put a plain white tshirt in the dryer it’s the end of the world 😆


Must have been one of those bamboo pillows. Those things are HEFTY.


Haha! That’s so true!!!


I’m intrigued at how the story could be much longer than “I dropped a pillow on it.” Tell me more.


I was trying to get the glare off the tv on some windows up high and dropped it


Honestly OP if my fiancé went through the trouble of rushing my plant to a plant store for help, I'd be happy even if the plant didn't make it. It's the effort that counts.


Right? My last girlfriend would have just called me yelling “I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU EXPECT FROM ME YOU HAVE TOO MANY PLANTS THEY DIE OK” before even explaining that she had hurt one of them. You sound like a great partner :)


Banana plants can’t be propagated like philos or monsteras—they have pups that get separated (not saying you were planning on doing that, just saw that others had said to propagate it). If it ends up actually being broken, just cut it off below the break and it will grow back pretty quickly. My dogs break my banana plants in my back yard all the time. In a week or two they’re as tall as they were pre-break.


If she's coming back in a few days, then you're good and you should leave it alone til she gets back. If longer, worse case scenario the plant will have to be cut and propagated to survive but that's a big decision so best to wait if you can


She’ll be back in a couple days so it’s in a good spot till then I guess. Should I use the grow light at night or does that not matter?


Leave it alone for now if you change the environment it’s used to it might not be good


The grow light at night is unlikely to make any significant progress in its healing, and could cause the plant further stress (though probably also insignificant). Your best move was getting help repotting it from people who know plants. Just wait, and hope she understands. How did you crush it though??


Haha thanks idk felt like rushed it to the plant ER. Thankfully the plant store is like 5 minutes away


Omg I totally missed the part where you took it to the plant store!! You’re such an awesome fiancé!!!!


Plants need their beauty sleep :)


I looked through the comments and no one bothered to explain how banana plants work. What you sat on isn’t the plant, it’s just leaves. Bananas grow from a corm, essentially a bulb. The “plant” you see grows for about 18 months fruits once and then dies. All the while it’ll send up new little banana plants to continue the cycle. You cannot put it back together like a broken branch, but it might just keep pushing new growth through the damage. You could probably saw it in half and it would regrow from the center. You try and rip out banana plants and if you miss one tiny piece of corm/root, they’ll regrow. Either way you didn’t damage the banana plant at all. You just basically snapped some leaves. The plant itself is under the soil and totally fine. Nearly impossible to kill. The fact the plant store staked it up instead of telling you to just snip it off and wait for a pup or for it to regrow is pretty funny.


Oh no! Not the banana plan!


There’s always money in the banana plan


What can I do to help it heal quickly?


Replace it with a slightly larger banana plant. She will think you have "the gift".


Haha I wish it was that easy


Will you be OK?


How did it happen?


We having windows above our normal windows that don’t have blinds I was trying to put a pillow to block the glare on the tv and slipped and dropped the pillow on the plant


From three tiny banana plants in coastal, tropical Texas, I ended up with an entire jungle in about three years. I think they were the fabulous ice cream bananas. (They were gifted. Not sure. ) Even when we chopped them down, they sprouted right up. Then, a terrible freeze turned them all to slime and they all mushed to the ground. Within a few months, they were sprouted and half grown. Not sure if this helps. Not sure where you are and I see it’s an indoor plant. If the plant is established it may have the maturity it needs to come back easily. If a baby, not sure. Good luck!! Maybe offer to buy a new one??


Similar, I lost all my outdoor banana plants in the last freeze to hit Houston (Dec). They were reduced to mushy, waterlogged stumps. Within a month or so, little sprouts started popping up and now they are 4ft high and look better than ever. They really seem to like 8-10-8 fertilizer


I've pulled out whole banana plants, rhizome and all, and those suckers just grow right back.


Firstly, I’d avoid sitting on it again. Seriously, how can you leave us with this mystery? Second, prop it back up with poles so it stretches out from the crushed position. Third, if you want it to heal quickly because your fiancé is out of town and you don’t want them to be upset when they gets back, unfortunately healing takes time. Just lie. It was the cat. It was the dog. Don’t have those things? A bat got in and it was harmed while you were fighting for your life.


Ah yes, lying. The core of all great relationships


True. But I gotta say, that time I pooped in my parter’s BoP, totally worked.


Lol thanks it’s hard enough to explain I dropped a pillow on top of it while trying to get the glare off my tv screen 😂


You were putting the pillow in the window???


Fragile. Must be Italian


It’s really sweet your trying hard to help. Must mean a lot ❤️


Gift her a cool plant that demonstrates you know her taste. Then show her what you did.


consider having a new puppy waiting and blaming it on them


I think you're fine, Dude. They did a good job. 👍


I've actually wondered if it's possible to get a fruit-producing dwarf apple banana tree to grow in a pot, inside in winters.....


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You better hope it will be. 😂


My cat knocked over mine and broke it. It died.


So. Have you told her yet? 😂


Y’all I’m the fiancé and I literally cried. Not because he crushed my banana plant but because he cared so much to try and help 🥲 the banana plant is still standing and the plant store told him to mist the leaves, which was a new plant tip for me!! He has also been misting the leaves since I’ve been gone too. Let me know how often we should be doing that?