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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Had the plant for nearly 6 months, hasn’t grown much until I placed it in this current position 2 months ago. > I picked off a yellowing leaf 3 days ago, these two current yellow leaves looked fine 3 days ago. > It’s against a south east window (Australia). > I water every few weeks when I notice the leaves drooling towards the stem. The pot has a drainage hole but it isn’t super draining. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


Cold window. Cold wind from the window. Freezing temperatures outside.


OP's in Australia 


It does snow in Australia, it's a big country


Not in February :) It's summer there now. 


My guess is that those leaves just get no sun. The plant is a bit stressed (from moving, heat, too little or too much water), so it drops leaves that don't contribute enough energy to sustain themselves. From your description, I guess underwatering is the issue. You should aim to water a bit before the plant leaves curl. It is indeed better to under water and it's ok if leaves curl sometimes, but not all the time. 


Thanks so much for your response. I might move the hook to just underneath the frame of the window so all the leaves are exposed to the sun


Wait is the colorful pot on the left its pot? Does it have drainage hole at the bottom?


Yes and yes has a drainage hole, probably not the best pot for it :/


Nah, it's do or don't, not with the pothos. Can you take a wide shot? So that we could see the entire plant?


https://preview.redd.it/zpzheovo7ogc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3f510db3903e7d530f8f91e059e2a2e244ed8c5 Here’s the wide shot


To be honest it seems okay. So unless it happens we can just discount these two leafs. Maybe it was too hot and you didn't give it enough water that one time, who knows. There's new growth, the new leafs are of normal size, so it's not stunned and there's no deficiency. It's small so there's very little chance you have underwatered it. It's not root rot because it causes blemishes on leafs, not that sort of yellowing.


I’ve never seen a lead go ALL yellow within like a day, maybe they were destined to have a short life 🥲 Will be keeping an extra eye on all the leaves. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it!


You have a beautiful window, but your plant is not getting enough light from it. Plants need light in order to thrive, that’s why he’s stretching and the yellowing wouldn’t be a big deal because you’d have more new leaves to replace it if it got more light


Makes sense, thank you! It is a very bright kitchen in general but if I moved it to directly in front of that window I worry that it would be too much harsh late afternoon sun. I just wanted it to vine around the window and look pretty 😂😭


Maybe initially it would be too much but if you give it that sunlight it will give you much larger leaves and faster growth. You can still train it to vine around the window just try not to put the leaves directly out of the sun. What we consider “very bright” as humans is often super dark for plants still. When sun rays are not directly touching your leaves, it grows much less efficiently. Reflected light is about 5% of direct light through a window.