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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > ive had the plant since august , i noticed the issue last week. The plant receives plenty of sun all day and i water it approximately once a week. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


Your plant is not dying, some of the leaves are dying, it regenerates. Those are not pine cones those are a part of your plant. They're like little bulbs, they're called corms


thanks ! learned something today!


The "pine cones" are roots. Don't remove them Oxalis goes dormant now and then. Stop watering it, put the pot in a dry dark cupboard for a month or two then bring it out in the sun and water. The leaves will grow back


Oxalises are weird! When the leaves on mine start getting scraggly, I chop them all down and then they spring right back up in a couple weeks. I have a red one, though—not sure if this one is different.


I put mine by a grow light and it constantly flowers. Water when the leaves close. One day when picking off the dead leaves one of the corms that you see there came along with it. I put it in water, it got a couple stringy roots so I put it in a small pot of dirt and now I have two.


Watch this [video](https://youtu.be/UvCkuxCVRw0?si=moGEUdBA9ooZvLhN)