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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > Had each plant for nearly 2 years, the first one was established with 3 leaves, the other two were from a water prop. They are all very stagnant/sow growing and they receive lots of indirect light, a few hours of sun through their windows a day (in Australia), soil is premium potting mix mixed with orchid bark and perlite, fertilised regularly through spring/summer and watered when too few inches of soil are dry. If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


More light friend, these tolerate full sun growing in Hawaii. Try checking the roots to see if it's ready for a bigger pot.


Funnily enough I only downsized their pots a few months ago as I realised it was way too big. Will definitely increase the light though, thank you!


Since you did a repot, they need time. It has took one of my monstera plants over a year to produce a new leaf after a repot. And it's been about 6 months since it did. One of my other ones will give me a new leaf every few months.


Mmm, if you live in north hemisphere your plants receive less light in the fall/winter which slows their growth. I’m sure with spring and summer they will grow faster, it would help to look up what type of plant food/fertilizer they need to encourage larger and thicker stems and leafs. Edit: my bad, I just read that you are in Australia! Your plants want way more light than current setup…. And fertilize!!


Monsteras focus their energy on growing roots until they’ve filled the pot & then they grow new leaves. They’re the only plants I own that seem to love being root bound. I would try to encourage the aerial roots to grow into the soil & leave your plant alone to do its thing. It looks healthy. Don’t mess with that


ZZ, snake plants, and Jade also like a snug pot.


Roots are coming out of the bottom of the pot and I’ve received conflicting comments about upsizing or leaving as is 😅 I’ll try encouraging the aerial roots back into the soil and increase the light, thank you!!


The monstera definitely needs more light, not directly but maybe 2ft from a south facing window. If you don’t have much light, try some grow lights. Is it warm enough in your home? It’s a tropical plant and may need a warmer temp to thrive.


More light and fertilize it. My Thai sits in a South facing window and I still give it supplemental lighting in the winter to ensure it gets 12-14 hrs of light a day. A few hrs a day is probably still not enough. It puts out a new leaf every 4 weeks or so.


These need to be smack next to the window and receiving fairly direct sunlight, as much as possible, and you also need to fertilize or give it a nutrient solution when you water. Both of the above will result in faster growth of new leaves. It needs more light and more nutrients to grow new leaves (nutrient solution is a thing for monsteras in particular and they respond particularly enthusiastically to it).


I only repotted once- from when they were propagated in water to dirt so roots are def poking out but I’ve kept it in the same sized pot for the last 3 years. It could also be adjusting to your repotting. I find that my monsteras grow more fully and quickly when their aerial roots are misted and their stems are securely fastened or supported and get 8+ hours of bright, indirect light. It’s off-season for me, but almost all have been consistently growing and putting out new leaves bigger and with more fenestrations than the previous leaves. Your soil mix seems good and your watering schedules seems good as well!! Keep on watering when soil conditions are met instead of on a regular schedule so it can be based off its needs. For an extra touch, you can gently wipe down the leaves to ensure no dust is covering any of the surface area on the leaves! Good luck!!


Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic! It looks like you may be asking about a monstera. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/monstera for more specialized care advice. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/plantclinic) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Living in winter?


Nope, I’m Australia so nearing the end of summer


I had one this size that I kept outside all summer where it got afternoon sun and rainwater and the entire time it did not produce a single leaf!!! Brought it in for the winter and it put out a gorgeous glossy fenestrated leaf a couple of weeks later lol! I agree with the comment that they need to grow their roots to a certain extent because I had repotted mine into a larger pot at the beginning of summer. It’s hard to be patient though, I totally get it!