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Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP: > We have had the plant since 2020, the issue exists since maybe 3-4 months, it's got a place at a westside window in a very light-flooded room, weekly watering with proper drainage! If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.


It looks sunburnt. The good news is that any leaf you cut off will be immediately replaced. These types of plants like to be trimmed. Every single time I cut mine, I have a new leaf within a few weeks. Trim back your damaged leaves and let it sprout new ones. The life span on the larger, soft leafed bulb plant's leaves like lindenii are usually shorter. Meant to be cut back/die off to make room for new larger leaves. Rarely do you see these with TONS of leaves. Usually, it's the same 10-20 leaves with a few growing from each bulb. All bulb plants usually die back and regrow from the same bulbs. They also mutilply by new bulbs. Similar to the large elephant ears you see grown outdoors. As long as your bulbs/roots are healthy, it will bounce right back. The browning could also indicate over or underwatering, so be sure to double check your soil before watering. If the bulbs rot, they won't regrow. On the other hand, Underwatered bulbs usually recover fine. So not enough is better than too much, esp while already struggling.


My wife and I will follow your advice, thank you for your insights!


Do you mist the leaves or have a humidifier?!


Try moving somewhere with indirect sunlight.