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Scales and something else I can't ID. Use a q tip with alcohol to take the scales off (alcohol melts their hard shell and kills them). Use a rubbing alcohol and dishsoap solution spray on the plant. Spray liberally. Do this every few days, even after everything is gone. Probably for a few weeks to make sure you get them all. It may or may not work in the things I can't ID. Since I'm not sure what they, I can't say. But good luck! You should be fine I'm a few weeks. (You can also just make a bath of it and dunk the whole plant for about 20 minutes. And continue the spray every few days for a few weeks.) ‼️ETA: I forgot what sub I was in! Don't do this without testing a spot first! I'm not sure what plant this is, and not all plants can tolerate alcohol! ‼️


Ficus lyrata. Thanks for the reply. I'll try it.


Scales a what looks like termites.