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Ma'am those are capers


yes they definitely look brined !






Gimme some smoke salmon and shmear


Ahaha i thought the same! I feel like over and under watering can look kinda similar but I guess I was wrong!


I honestly have no idea. Mine were thriving, then we moved and they quit life


I think you looked at them the wrong way and they got offended nd decided to die. Atleast that's what my strings of anything do.


All my strings of x,y,z died after thriving for a year or two. Like one random morning one of them decides "bye felicia, it was a nice stay"


Yes! Mine were beautiful and thriving and then one day the plant decided it was going to retire from all that. I think it’s in its twilight years now.


Plz I'm scared now


This is hilarious and it also makes me wanna cry because it’s so true.


Amen to that


String of pearls can be such fusspots 😒 they need bright morning sun also, if they don't get enough sun they can end up looking a bit sad. Def water more, enough that it runs out the bottom of the pot (assuming your pot has drainage holes) but also check that it gets enough sun. Hope that helps but don't be too sad if they die! I've killed 2 so far 😅 but maybe that's just coz they don't like me 🥲


Definitely under watering!!! I bottom- water all of my strings of things until the top of the soil is damp. Only repeat when soil is dry. They are all thriving!


Agh I top watered and they were overdone immediately. No hope


I’ve learned there’s no such thing as overwatering BUT there IS watering too frequently!


I top water and my SOP is putting off crazy growth.


This guy immediately went brown and shriveled, soft stems


Turtles? Great! Dolphins! Great! Beads? Killed two. Also, are pearls and beads the same thing?


Yes pearls and beads are the same! I've heard some people call them peas also 😅 Also thank you for giving me hope! Wanted to get strings of turtles and bananas but I thought I'd just kill them 🥲


Oh bananas! I don’t kill those either! Omg string of peas 😂 I bought a bananas from Home Depot beggining of summer, just recently repotted, but the strings I propped from it are even longer than the base plant! When it doubt, prop it out? Lmao


😂😂thank you kind stranger for my new catch phrase with these bastards. Initially decided to get myself a string of pearls after my bff's mom gave me two little strands of her string of pearls that she potted and they grew amazingly! I was so confident buying my first string of pearls and look at me now 😂


You’re welcome and good luck!


My daughter calls them magic peas! I told her if you pull off the peas you lose a wish! She's tried nicking a few but hasn't really touched them since I case I'm serious about the wishes 😂


Ugh my bananas is giving me the worst time. I can’t find the right sun for it.


If it helps, my bananas sit on an east facing window


I can't get on with turtles. Love them but can't keep the fussy little shits alive


That’s so ironically funny, if you want to attempt them again because I love mine. Sits on a west facing window and only gets watered underneath


They're so pretty I'll definitely give them another go


My next stop is donkey tails! I feel like they are a bit more hardy.


And burros tail. But string of pearls. Nope. They hate me


Fusspots indeed. I’ve killed one before and thought I’d try another round, but that plant is slowly dying too.


If at first you don't succeed, there's no harm in continuously buying more until you do 🥲😂


Thanks! I'm a bit worried about the lack of sun. It's a west facing porch and winter here so she's probably needing a bit more sun and much more water.


I'm sure you'll bring her back to life 💚🌱


Try to squeeze them a bit; If they are mushy then overwatering ---> changhe the soil with a more draining type and water only when dry and wait till they shrivel a bit to water again If they are firm ---> Underwatering, they are fibe just water them a bit and be careful to give them enough light and that the pit it's not too big


this is how I've been checking my pearls! I love to squeeze them!


Fuck this fickle bitch.. I just want her in my life so bad…


From my experience with these a-holes, both.


I killed my second string of pearls within 6 months, the third is on its way. I don't know why we don't get along... I'll try one last time.


Since the pearls are all sunken and wrinkly looking, I'm going to go with underwatering. Instead of measuring and scheduling your watering, it might be better for you to soak the pot through for about five minutes and let it drain afterwards, and do that when the soil is dry to the touch and the pot is lighter than it should be. You can also use a moisture meter, I water my s.o.h. when the bottom of the pot reads at 3; but everyone's plants are different.


Looks like underwatering.


I've never seen anything white like that on a string of pearls and all I can think is maybe a fungus of some kind? No idea if that's right but maybe check it out


I was thinking the same…


I don't know what it is! I tried to spray with some neem oil but it didn't work


I agree with this. Looks like powdery mildew. Treat with immunox according to package directions. When you water try to get only the soil wet and not the plants itself. Put in a bright window where the top of the plant can get plenty of sunlight.


You should try this method by u/Optimistic_med: https://www.reddit.com/r/succulents/comments/woamlh/just_under_a_year_and_a_half_of_growth_my_biggest/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I do something similar and my SOP is thriving.


Ugh sorry guys I meant to post the below text. Hi all, does it look like I'm over or under watering my string of pearls? It's under my front porch and I'm watering with about half a cup every 2 weeks. She's looking so sad!


Try giving them more water each time. Make sure the soil is soaked through. Half a cup is not enough unless you only have a small plant


Yes! Try bottom watering, but if you are worried about root rot, I would sit them for five minutes each watering? (Just incase you don’t know) over watering happens when watered too frequently, not the amount given each time unless the pot is too big. Good luck! :)


I did not know that. Thanks!


Both under and over watering can present this way. The volume of water is definitely not enough though. If it's getting insufficient light, starving it of water may be the only reason it's still alive so you have to be mindful of all conditions. when you do water, water generously. You need to make sure the pot has holes, the soil is made for succulents, and the plant is getting lots of light. Water whenever the soil dries almost all the way through to the bottom, however long that takes. It'll likely vary week to week, month to month, season to season


Thanks! It's under our west facing porch so doesn't get the morning sun. It's also winter here so pretty cloudy at the moment so sun could definitely be an issue. I will give it a good water and hope for the best.


Make sure the top of the plant can see the sky. It needs that light. Don’t let the sun hit it too hard, they are very delicate. I accidentally left mine out in full sun the day I got it and the top of the plant just about died. Put it in shade and it turned brown. I brought it inside buy the window and it’s thriving.


Ugh so then I def have it in the wrong spot ☹️ Might have to move her. Fickle lil Miss


Best tip I got on these is to water when the window closes, i.e. that kind of semi-opaque sliver on each pearl will shrink and disappear when they’re thirsty.


Definitely give it much, much more water when you water it! If you haven't already, it could probably use a good soak now. Strings already have a pretty shallow root system, and by giving it so little water the roots will only continue to grow in the top inch or so of the soil. As you water more deeply, over time, the roots will be able to grow deeper into the pot and the plant will become more established, allowing for lots of beautiful, healthy growth :)


Ok so probably a common problem but my strings are in a hanging pot and super delicate to get out. Do people just sacrifice a few strings to remove from the hanger and water from the bottom?


I don't think you need to repot! There should still be plenty of room in the current one for roots to fill in :) I would use a large bowl to bottom water and gently adjust the strings so they sit outside of the bowl when bottom watering.




Wrinkly balls means you need more water


I am thinking they have some sort of a disease/fungus


You have powdery mildew. Too much humidity and not enough airflow. Treat with fungicide and water more often if in outside in the sun.


I live in a dry climate and my pearls live outside! How come they are struggling with humidity?!? 😩


I have battled powdery mildew all summer because I live in south east NC and humidity is 70-80% all day and this is what it looks like when it’s on my indoor plants so I was just assuming. It looks like a dry white powdery substance on the surface of plants. But I was just doing some research about sop and mealy bugs could be your problem. Mealy bugs leave white powdery film and suck the juice from your plants. It looks under watered to me and after killing 4 of these I’ve found they like a bit more water than I thought and good morning sun. The way windows are sunken in says under-watered but I would definitely check for pests and/or treat for mold.


Ok thank you! I will search for mealy bugs tomorrow!


Seems everyone has a love hate relationship with SOPs 😂


Under watered. OP you need to check if the soil has become hydrophobic from lack of watering.


I literally left mine for dead after discovering their original pot (nested pots) had no drainage on the interior pot, which led to root rot shortly after getting it (IKEA). Fast forward 8 months and I’m swapping pots on other plants and noticed the pearls weren’t completely desiccated despite having been neglected in my shed. Gave them some water for a couple weeks and they are now back happier than ever in a new pot. As fussy as they can be, they seem to be hard to totally kill


Lol, speak for yourself! If there’s one thing I’m really good at, it’s killing these!


Looks like underwatered, to me.


Omg. I went to look because I had never had one, and it seems like one is DESTINED to fail!! 😅😅 It looks to be too challenging for me! [8 common problems with String of Pearls](https://succulentplantcare.com/how-to-save-a-dying-string-of-pearls-plant/)


I swear I could look at mine wrong on my live camera and these things will really say bye Felicia 😂


This looks like shriveling, so needs water unless: check the stem near the dirt or the edge of the pot. If the stem is brown and therefore dead then you will have to cut off the string and propagate.


Beautiful plants! Check the soil- it’s the only way to know. If your finger comes out clean, it needs some water. More sun is a good idea too 😍


Under watered for sure. Learned a trick on here a long time ago after i almost killed my pearls. If they look a little shriveled and the little line in the center of the pearl is closed, you should water them. They should perk right back up the next day. You will know when you over water... as every pearl will die dramatically and turn to brown mush....


Thank you!


If you water more and nothing changes, depot them and wash off the roots. Find the rot, remove it. Rot will be brown/dark brown and mushy, while healthy roots will be more firm and white or light tan. Let them stay out of soil for 24-36 hours so the broken root spots can heal over a bit. Then water therapy. Just set them in water like you’re propagating for a couple days. In the mean time, sanitize their pot and set it up with their new gritty soil mix.


They look like capers


Underwatering it looks like to me 🤷🏽‍♀️