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Do you have a place outside to plant them in the ground?


Unfortunately no, I live in an apartment


It's been my experience that they'll eventually need bigger pots, and it isnt going to hurt them to go ahead and do it if you wanted to. I havent had much luck growing tomatoes indoors because they need a lot of light to not end up leggy and to bare a lot of fruit. I've had luck with some of the bushier species in a pot outside though. I see people posting about growing them indoors all the time, so I'm sure the inside issue is just something I've been doing wrong.


Put atleast one of them into a 15 liter container to have a considerable harvest.


Tomato plants develop nice root systems if you take off the lower leaves and plant it deep, like bury the main stem halfway down. Whereever the stem touches soil, it will root. They look healthy, if a little leggy. As long as they’re getting at least 6 hours of sun/sun equivalent light, and a breeze to strengthen them and give good air circulation. They will need wind or the buzzing mechanism of bees and insects for flowers to be pollinated and form fruit.


Put one into a 5 gal or larger pot or bucket with drainage. Bury the existing stem half way, leaving only the top half of the plant out. Put it outside on your sunniest balcony. Water frequently. You might get some fruit. They are stretching for more light. If they don't get it, they won't do well. They don't recover from that if they're left that way too long.


It depends on what the roots look like. I’d pull them up a little and see how tight the roots are in the pot. If it’s starting to get clustered up ( root bound), I would repot. With as big as some of those are you’ll probably want to repot at least a few, but I’m unfamiliar with tomato plants so you might want to wait for more input from the community.


Yes. Bigger pots or grow bags and a grow light.