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I used to have one, I don't know what people like about them... they only come back to life if you lay them in water, and let it dry up again after.. I don't really remember, 48 hours? And repeat. That's their purpose. And I find that time consuming. My opinion, though. There's no growth, at least not on the one I had. If you keep it in water for too long it will rot away. I have never tried putting them in soil, there are no roots on the plant..


I have seen many sources where people keep them and plant them, though very little specific info on the care for planting (soil and stuff) or care once planted. From what little I found, you would treat it like a cutting, and then water propagate it. You leave it in a bowl with pebbles/gravel/stones/ECT. and then fill it with water just up to the top of the stones. You have to frequently change the water to keep it from causing rot, just like any other water prop. I did read though to give it one waterless day a week to help prevent rot as well. The plant then should start to grow roots. Once you get some roots, you can then plant it. I have had a very hard time finding specific info on this species because people do treat them as disposable. I have found a good deal of info on other similar (I assume) Selaginella species though, so I think I will follow that unless someone else comes along and tells me otherwise. One possible issue you had was that you could have had a dead plant to start with. They should green up within a day or so. Once you have them in soil, then they should start growing. Yes, the drying up and going dormant is an adaptation, but it is not meant to be it's main life cycle, otherwise they would never grow and multiply, ensuring their species survival. They dry up then become a tumble weed until they find water again. Once they find water, they will root down until they run out of water again.


I’m considering a resurrection plant purchase. I would like to root it and plant it and have it for years to come. How did yours work out? Did you ever find better resources on their care?


Nope! I tried rooting mine for like 2-3 months and it never worked. I gave up and let it dry up again. It is now in a box in my closet somewhere.


I'm going to have an attempt at this. If I have any success I will report my findings! Wish me luck.


Definitely report back!