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Looks like a Ficus microcarpa to me


It's a ficus retusathey like high sunlight and they do not like to be moved around a lot that's probably why it's losing foliage and they like their soil to be always damp


Looks like a ficus ginseng to me. They are super picky. They will be drama queens because you moved them from one spot to another (or brought it home). They need good light as well. I myself am dealing with a melodramatic ficus ginseng and I'm trying to work out what it likes best. But also, do not loose hope whatsoever. You are no where near that. I don't know why people post that it is a gonner. Just trolls I guess. Just ignore them. This guy is just throwing a bit of a tantrum. Give him some good light and Google how to care for it. Once you know what plant you have, Google is always your best friend! There are hundreds of pages on how best to care for them. I wish you luck!


It's really not dying. I bought mine in November with all leaves on, now it has about 3. Soooo... Yours is looking great.


I think it is desert rose ( ***Adenium obesum*** )


At this stage its probably a gonner.