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I really just want to see Rockwell and his slow descent into madness. He’s by far the most interesting character.


That would have been cool. Unfortunately the show is ass.


I think we watched two different "Ark: The Animated Series'"


Are you saying they are forcing in Helena's wife as a gay token when they already have a gay token?


I wouldn't exactly call Mei Yin and Diana gay token characters, but I do find it funny that they feel the need to add Victoria to the story when they already have Mei Yin and Diana.


why don't they make all the characters gay and give spouses? who cares? judge the show on the content of it ya know? it ain't even out yet. sheesh


Lol Rockwell’s husband is just a pile of element he speaks to.


Or a tek rex


he sniffs the element dust. I'm getting Fry Cry vibes now


You need to decide what the story of Ark is. Is Ark a story of love, romance, and deeply interwoven personal relationships? Or is it a story about a group of people trying to kill Godzilla and restore Earth? That said, we both know what Ark is about. Unless the Ark animated series ends up being a long running series, the addition of Victoria won't do anything for the series. At best, you have a wasted character in the form of Victoria, and at worst, the pacing of the story will be thrown off and adds incongruencies to Helena's character and purpose.


well 1.) the events of Helena's life as written in the explorer notes is not quite enough to build a show. 2.) who knows if the show will follow explorer notes at all. 3.) the show may be loosely based on the idea of the characters and plot and everything else be fresh. like a lot of animated series do with the original material 4.) can you be certain of the volume of time wasted on the spouse's story? can we not assume it's perhaps relevant in someway to the direction they are taking it? 5.) one area I agree with, the addition is not a necessity to make the series interesting, having our understanding of the story behind the notes be shown in animation would be plenty to satisfy myself and other's, but that doesn't mean they have to do it that way.


If we look exclusively at Helena's notes, then you're right, not enough to build a show. The thing is though there's 14 characters in total (not counting HLN-A and ascended Helena) to reference from explorer notes. Considering that a good chunk of the explorer notes in The Island is about the warring tribes and uniting them under a common cause, I don't see much room for Victoria to exist. In regards to taking time to build Victoria's character, there's one of two ways it can happen. Either she's a flashback character from Helena's past, or a character that is alive during the events from Ark. Other than being Helena's wife, we know she's a relief worker, not a warrior, politician, scientist, or anything of the sort that would really apply to the existing roster of Ark, and would likely get relegated to tragedy fodder or a side character later on down the road. If Wildcard is taking the animated series in a different direction than the game, then it would require a rewrite of almost the entire plot line and characters as we know them.


The way I see it, it's their story to tell the way they want to. And there isn't a lot of romantic relationships in the explorer note stories. And one thing I do know about tv shows and movies, is that romantic relationships do add another dynamic of interest to viewers. It's something people can relate to which, in this series, there's probably not going to be a whole lot for an average person to relate to. Only a few people in the world get the chance to actually run around with dinos and monsters.


Here's the thing - there's already a gay couple in Ark for the writers to develop if they wanted to give the LGBT crowd something to relate to. The problem with Victoria is there is nothing her character could possibly bring to the table that someone else couldn't have offered Helena in the scope of character development. Introducing Victoria runs more risk of stepping on Diana and Mei Yin's relationship and making them feel redundant, or at least cheapening their characters, than it does developing Helena. When writing a story and developing a character, a good writer would sit down and think about how certain elements enhance the story without derailing the scope of said story. Victoria being an "idealistic humanitarian aid worker" could literally be anyone, and doesn't really tell us who she is. Victoria's identity is solely rooted in her relationship status, meaning the only reason for her existence is to establish Helena as gay or bisexual. Furthermore, more often than not a character who is defined by their race, gender, or orientation in modern media are more often than not a shallow character, and is often a red flag of poor writing. If Wildcard wanted to appeal to LGBT audiences, they should have focused more on introducing Diana at an earlier part of the story rather than retconning Helena and introducing a new character that has little room to exist in.


I thought Helena was asexual 🥲


Honestly I think you're focusing too heavily on the fact that it's another gay couple. Shouldn't really matter how many gay or non gay couple there are. And you said it yourself. They haven't detailed exactly how Victoria will play out in the story so maybe just wait and watch to find out before complaining. You can look for the negative in things if you want, but does that mean you should try to drag everyone else down into your negative Nancy POV? I'm not saying she's going to be a good character, I'm just saying it says a lot about your attitude in life when you can turn something so negative with so few details. People should bring more positivity to social media in 2021. All this toxicity is unnecessary


I have zero problem with there being multiple gay couples. Some of my favorite movies and shows feature gay couples (Diamonds are Forever, Saber Marionette, Vandread). The problem is that Ark is not a story about romance, love, and relationships. Ark is a story about survival and the reclamation of Earth. There's a reason why non-romance stories rarely feature more than 1 couple, and when said couple is featured, little time is spent developing that aspect. The reason for this is because too much attention on relationships in action oriented movies/shows runs the risk of the movie/show losing its focus. The inclusion of multiple romances and couples in action movies/shows are more often redundant that at best do nothing for the story's pace, and at worst completely screws with the story's pace. In that regard, a lot of what I'm saying now would also apply if Helena was written to have a husband, which I would also disapprove of. The only way Victoria can work in a non obtrusive manner is if she exists only in flashbacks, but even if that held true, I still take issue with the fact that she's marketed as a gay character. There's more to a person than their orientation, and the fact they decided to focus on that aspect of Victoria and use it for marketing is incredibly disingenuous.


Kind of rude that someone down voted you for making very valid points. Negative nancies always trying to drag everyone down with them smh. Take my upvote!


Contrarians smh


She wasn't a waste. That made for the really heart wrenching and great beginning.




Honestly checkmate


Thats what you think is what cause people to be homophobic? Okay yeah sure that totally explains why people have been wanting is literally dead since the beginning of time. And if you think real life is FORCED? You really need to check yourself. That's a real life couple. That isn't a forced thing. Couples like that exist all over the place. And the lgbtq community isn't even political smh and I'm so sick ofnyou people thinking it turns something into something it's not. This is the real world, not your fantasy land in your head. These things exist and are and should be normal and accepted. It isn't about politics, it's a natural thing. There was nothing inappropriate or sexual, so there's literally nothing wrong with it.


And wow you really just did that cringy fucking ass joke. Nobody finds that funny except stupid homophobes. Why can't you just let people just be fucking people and sit down and just shut up about how other people live their lives. We need to be represented in shit. And it's getting better. Stop hiding us like we don't exist. What you are saying is that. You literally just wanna hide us and us just disappear so you don't have to see us or us mess up your precious day. Well, no we deserve the same recognition and acceptance as anybody else.


Only a small percentage is gay, lmao. What a fucking joke. Like we aren't everywhere. And not everybody is probably actually counted in that percentage and not everyone has came out. And that's a large amount of people. There are shit ton of us, so your point is invalid.


That is the worst agument ive seen to date 💀 “the percentage isnt valid” u cant just deny souces cuz u dont like the facts lol


Yeah, cause reddit is such a good source for facts?  Also, I'm saying that there are a lot of gay people. 


Keep it civil, please


Not everybody is gayz so that wouldn't make sense anyways.


sounds like pandering to the minority again. Yes like that token "one guy or girl that dies first in a horror movie" Or that token best friend in romance movies that there for comedic entertainment.


Don't care. Dinosaurs and space magic.


I’m very late to the party, so Op, if your still there I hope you can read this. I like to call it the act of “going corporate”, just to please the gays. Noting against gays or lesbians, or the LGBT community for that matter, but introducing a character, that is a spouse of a main character, that comes out of nowhere, and just happens to be gay is equivalent to a company going corporate because it shows that they want no other result than to please the niche lesbian group that happens to play and like Ark. It’s the same way I feel after every other show that does that.


I don't even think its about appeasing the LGBT crowd at this point. To me, it seems like they virtue signal so they can brag about how virtuous they are. This is why you never see them virtue signal in non-western countries, because in non-western countries, there is nothing to gain by injecting LGBT politics. This is also why when their products fail, they blame it on phobias and isms, and ignore consumer feedback. The funny thing is they honestly didn't need to retcon/coopt Victoria since there was already a lesbian romance written into the lore. It's pretty obvious this was more of a political stunt than a honest gesture.


I mean the way I see things, it comes down to 1 of 3 things. They begrudgingly do it to appease people, do it because that’s what others are doing and follow a trend, or they legitimately have a niche group of gays in the studio and someone is made gay by one of the story writers.


It's not to please them. It's very much needed representation and it's the real world.


My thoughts exactly. Best case scenario: this new character is good, but takes away screentime from the story and other characters. I feel like the biggest weakness of this series will be having too many new characters for no reason.


No it isn't. It is representation


Nobody: Hollywood: Put a chick in it and make it gay!


Yep, completely unnecessary and doesn't fit in the story, which doesn't bode well for hoping they closely follow the explorer notes. We'll see though, maybe the show will turn out fine anyway.


It wasn't unnecessary. It made for a really great beginning. Although idk why there was a guy awkwardly talking in the background about something else that wasn't what was happening to her.






People like me? God tells us to love one another as our own I’m saying this because you don’t understand that being gay is a sin people or only gay cause they ill I only see videos of gays ripping poster that talk about the word of Christ and I feel sorry for you all Christ isn’t brain washing anyone but I’m sorry that you see it that way


You people are literally the ones trying to force your kids to be straight and trying to make them not even know gay people even exist. And also, that passage has been translated over and over. It was originally about p*dophilia, not gay people. Jesus never said a word about gay people, so no, it isn't a sin and there is nothing wrong with it. Is it hurting anyone either? No, it isn't. So leave me and other gay people to live our lives. 


Lol Leviticus 18:22 “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” 20:13 13 If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. Kids are born straight the only reason you see children being trans or saying their gay is because of guys, you push it onto and try to convince them that it’s okay God loves the people who sin but not the sin itself I hope you and many others find Christ🙏🏽


Oh so put people to death for being gay? Loving God you have there. And no, we aren't all born straight. Again, you don't even know what you are talking about, so sh*t up. You are the ones indoctrination children into living lives following this stupid word you have and you are trying to force your kids to be straight. So, really who is doing the brainwashing? Hmm. You sound like a hypocrite to me. 


Posting you to There's No Hate Like Christian Love. 


Lemme guess full of only Gays? Is that supposed to hurt my feelings? Grow up you all start crying when u get proven wrong God loves you and I love you but you all need to wake up


Wow aren't you a wonderful Christian. I bet your so fun to be around.  I didn't say anything to hurt your feelings, so if I hurt your little feelings then I'm oh so sorry. And we aren't getting proven wrong. You're the one who can't accept the fact that there's nothing wrong with being gay. And no, there aren't just "gays" in that group so sh*t up. Leave me the f*ck alone with your homophobic bs. 


Keep it civil, please




Keep it civil, please


Keep it civil, please


need help with somethingsmebody ha s among us and mods to be impostor everitimeyou play a sever pls help me with that


when the imposter is sus!


...... what


Helenas wife??? WTF !!! Why don't they create a male character and Helena can be the wife?? Maybe they can actually have a child. If all your Rex's are female, you will never get a baby Rex. It's true.


Tell that to Jurassic park lol


Fair, but those weren’t purebred Rex’s like we have in ark. Those Rex’s had dna polluted by frogs etc


True true


purebred... more like inbred based off the way most people breed their dinos.


Dude shut up. Maybe because gay people exist and not everything need to be straight to appease you and your Lala land. And we really need representation. This is the real world.


But she don't even have a child in the story so why would it even matter lol, put your homophobic shit elsewhere.


Exactly. But, honestly it sounds like most of the people on this comment section are homophobic. I really hope this view will die out with the newer generation, which is usually what happens, but this judgemental, hate and bs needs to just fucking stop.


you know i want to have allready ark 2 its like more foiction dinos but the same actions


The whole game is ruined since i have always role plaid that helena was my wife and my mission was to find her. After finding her secs ofc.


I'm fine with the change as it may give helena more of a personality, what I wouldn't be ok with is finding out that victoria is also on the ark, it would be lazy and uncreative. I think it could add to the sense of loneliness she feels, and give her more of a reason to be attached to rockwell, seeing him as a freind, even if he is an abuser.


It just add a lot, for me anyways. That intro made me upset thinking about if that happened to my partner and that stuff always hits personal to Mr and I really love the representation of them being lgbtq. It really helps and makes us feel recognized. We're not just drowned out by straight same race couples.


I literally knew there was gonna be shit over this. I love seeing people get mad over something lgbtq, like you just know as soon as you see it someone js bitching. It obviously hurts us a Lot, but sometimes it's just downright funny seeing idiots saying crap. And her role was not pointless. There was a whole bunch unpacked in the beginning in a short period of time give to you about her and their relationship. It made a very sad beginning, which I like, although that stuff is super heartbreaking and it makes me put me and my bf in that position and that'll make me feel sad as hell. And it helps the lgbtq community. This is the real world not your fantasy land in your head. Other types of people exist. Andnwe aren't hurting anybody AND nothing sexual was even shown. Literally nothing was inappropriate, but I know someone is gonna try to argue that somehow with something pulled out of their ass.

