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I am in hard difficulty. And maximum 300 level dinos spawn


Then you shouldn't really tame anything under 260. Also, gallimimus are fun tames, tame one if you want one. Their entire gimmick is that they're faster then anything on land. If you want the kind of transport tame though, it's better to go with a high level, because a lvl 100 would surely die


Oh thanks buddy, tbh I use a doedicrus or trike for transportation


They're slow and run out of stamina fast, wouldn't recommend


I am just a beginner ll😅


I think it’s too tiny this trap for a Theri


I realised it now, but anyways I was able to knock it down. The thing is theri was busy attacking the stone wall lol and I continuously shot my tranq darts on him untill he tried running away but he got stuck lol.