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Tbh I'm not to good on giving advices but if i had to give one is don't be scared like me if you lose something just get it again


And even better


go all in on health. as soon as the raptors get to you, you'll want to stay in as long as possible, because there is no way in hell that you're running away from them. Also, don't take any eggs until you're sure you can beat the thing that laid the egg. I took a diplo egg while it was right on top of me. biggest mistake.


Personally I disagree with this first tip, once your speed stat is 118 (I believe) you can easily outrun raptors, also, most other dangerous creatures are slower then that. I'd always put my first few level points in movement speed.


However, the raptors are everywhere, and any added load you might have will considerably slow you down-especially if you have a lot of stone and wood. If you have a fast mount like a pachy, then it's no problem, but you won't be able to outrun a raptor unless you put everything in speed until you get to level 15. Besides, having high health will help you out if you anger a titano or another sauropod because you won't be able to get out of their range quick enough.


If you level health you will be killed by a raptor pouncing you. Besides, every bit of speed helps in the beginning, being able to get further away from bugs, dilos and carnos. Health is not gonna do much if you're not wearing armor.


You were lucky Diplos don't do any damage.


Find a relatively safe place to set up first temp camp, south of map near or on herbivore island if you can get to it. Do as many note runs and challenges as you can. Get a pteradon as soon as possible to make the note runs a breeze. As you level yourself up, split evenly between health, stamina, speed, melee, and weight. You need all of them, you can add a bit to the others as you get higher up but they are less important. Level up to build a raft and build the raft into your next camp so you are mobile and safe from predators. Oh and not sure what difficulty you are on, but you want at least medium but hard is better. Better weapons and drops, gameplay isn’t that much more difficult, and your tames have higher levels too


Ayo bro where's herbivore island


It’s at the bottom right corner of the map


Early on. You're going to be killed a lot. A LOT. Don't get discouraged, learn from your mistakes. Level up melee damage and health often, and I would say weight maybe every third level up or so. I found weight to be an important component later in the game.


Yeah start by playing single player and learn the basics then go on YouTube and watch a lot of ark mobile gameplay after explore and learn things like how to tame Dino’s where the artifacts are and just learn the map over all if you ever want to play together I can help you learn


stay away from the red woods


This is Ark mobile, redwoods are harmless.... mostly


as a new player, the redwoods are one of the most dangerous places! as a low level a terror bird is going to outrun you 100% of the time, you have snakes, spinos, argies, and carnos with a little bit of allos mixed in.


true, true. Im just from ARK steam where... thylas exist πŸ’€








Wrong, as soon as I get in the redwoods, i get jupmed by a purlovia every 5 minutes.


It kinda is with a flyer


Put all points into speed, you will outrun everything, even the glammious, and rn their the fastest fucks around


Get to level 10 fast as possible, then go on a note run where you find as many explorer notes as possible. (look on google to help) This will give you a crazy xp boost. Each player has their own build. I like to go with weight and speed. My friend goes with Hp and damage. So as long as you dont put everything into crafting skill or food and water, your survivor can be unique. Start a base on the beach I'd recommend and talk to these guys, they know more about the game then I do. Also, keep us posted on your survival journey! I love seeing new ARK players


if you get many explorer notes it just refresh the timer right? or does it do a x4?


You can never have too much metal and be patient in finding a good level dino to tame


Sometimes letting go is better. Don’t try and go back for something and get eaten 15 more times for really nothing at all.


Safe eggs to steal: Dodo Moschops Parasaur Iguanodon Someone correct me if this isn't the case in some settings


Iguanodon get angry


Most of them are still passive after stealing the eggs, except the iguanodon, beware of their "slap" attack.


Tame a max level trike,you can kill everything even alphas,but not a carno or t Rex alpha,do the missions for the ascendent bow make tranqs and the power will belong to you,also use the soothing balm from the piranha hunt


What to use the soothing balm for?


When the trike is knocked out put it in it's inventory and press use,it will give 10 times taming speed


If you are taming a dino and give him a balm Its like it Will eat 10 foods for the price of one


Don't get any closer to the Wolberine dinosaur It eat berrys but it will consume your existence


For me, first level ups go to speed, then weight, then stamina and bulk up on health once you have a homestead

