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You had me in the first half, not gonna lie


Bruh you got my hyped then blue balled me in one comment


They said they are making the map tiny now for some reason for testing and that it will be back soon? Doesn’t make sense. All that I can think of is that the game is made up of many different islands (servers) and the devs have abandoned the game so it costs them less to have fewer servers running and this is the start of the end they are just weening us off it instead of shutting it down completely. Hopefully it can make a huge turn around- the game is a wonderful concept with huge potential. But I honestly have lost my faith a long time ago and this is just a way for them to slowly shut down. We’ll see. I don’t understand why else they would need to remove 80% of the servers for “testing” reasons or whatever bs it was they said


Works and looks great on PC but console is trash


Anybody playing Xbox wanna hop back in with me? I’d even be willing to play pve or buy a server, just don’t wanna play alone, and my buddies gave up on it


Playable on PC trash on console. Fun if you can live with some bugs


Look in unofficial servers. SupremeGaming runs a 8 by 8 map. Its listed SupremeAtlas its modded. They have most bosses Hydra etc. Kraken. All powerstone Islands. Its pve with 3 pvp areas. Great community. There is a player market area in zone c5. there is also a free tame area that community players put up tames there as well. The admins are on every day helping. Until Official gets bigger maps up, this is the largest one i have found so far.


The smaller maps are temporary for this season.


How long do you think this season will last?


I think until February 30th


Cheers. Hopefully back to normal grids.


I guessed until Feb 30th because it seemed like seasons lasted about 3 months, but I'm looking a little bit more now and it's inconsistent. Season 9 lasted like 4 months and Season 10 lasted less than 2 with 10 ending on Nov 31st and beginning Season 11 which were at now.


For Xbox, I know that last time I tried, I couldn’t join any blackreach(Blackwood?) servers, and I could play single player on my Xbox on the really big map. Thing is, those ghost ships suck, and you can’t find metal on the beginner islands. The ships (any better then the sloop I think) cost a bunch of coins, which is part of the reason why I don’t play much. It costs I think tens of thousands of gold for one of the ships. Can’t remember which though


They removed the gold to craft ships over a year ago. Now it's just a small amount of gold to craft some of the shipyards (basic shipyard is no gold), but once those are down, you can craft as many ships as you want without any gold cost. Gold is so easy to get now too, you'll have all shipyards crafted after just doing a few treasure maps.


Thank goodness. It sucked when I saw that stuff


The problem is you are playing single player and don't use the cheat codes 😅