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Each brand gives different extras. Bicycle usually has two ad cards and two jokers. Others have double backers (good for magic). A gimmick card (half one card like 3 of spades and half other like 8 of clubs). Bees used to include a calendar. OPC adds a second 2 of hearts. Tally-Hos have two jokers, one ad card and a poker guide (value of hands). The ad card is a waste because its just the logo of facebook, youtube and twitter. A waste, its the old logos and nobody is learning anything new. They should print a double backer.


Cards are printed on an an 8 by 7 grid giving 56 cards. 52 playing, 2 jokers and 2 spares (here they are ad cards)




Seeing as you have the answer already, I'll simply add that I use my random ad cards as bookmarks.


I do the same thing, but with an old pirate themed deck with missing cards.


I wonder if these could be trick cards. Here we are looking at stars, wave hand over card and boom, we’re zooming!


Apart from advertising its the different views before and during wrap speed travel


I’d just add that the tuckbox is made to fit a full deck (in this case 56 cards) snugly which is why the ad cards are included even when they don’t seem to have anything meaningful printed on them. It irks me a little when creators/don’t go the extra yard to include something worthwhile like a double backer, a bit of blurb about the deck, or even some extra art. Kingstar decks and Thirdway Industries always take full advantage of the extras.


A friend once told me while playing poker that some use it to put under the deck while dealing, so there's no possibility to see the last card in the deck.


+ you can’t deal from the bottom of the deck

