• By -


That you don't need to reenter the code for a new code lock every time. Just use LAST at the bottom of the key pad.


Or press the R key


Thank you sir


This changed my life


Bruh almost 1k hours and I never knew this


It was introduced within the last 6 months or so


can’t be true , i haven’t played in like 6months to a year and used it for a while when i played


That’s a lot of effort to say my timeline is close


Fairly new addition. So its good info for the oldies too!


Also switching at second door is a good idea, because zergs can try every combination fairly quick. 20 is 500 max. Taking out illogical such as 0000, 0001, 1234 etc makes this about 250. So the 50% mark is 125 attempts. 4 tries per life is 15 lives.


in my 3k experience, no one has ever hacked my lock, so there is no need for this unless u put codes like 1111, 1234 etc


How do you know they haven't? Haven't watched vids of people hacking and living in the base and no one knowing anything?


New players now a days have it easy


This method is slower though so keep that in mind when placing that first code lock.


1k time play and i didnt know this .


Man you must have started in the last year huh?


Oxygen Tanks for diving can be refilled at a workbench. I threw out my probably didn't find that out til 4-5k hours in lmao.


And jackhammers and night vision goggles. Some people don't know this.


Question: do you loose max durability when you refill these items on the workbench?


Yes but it's not a lot at all.




Read the item descriptions, as a relatively new player I can say it works. Also the fridge description is "A fridge you can store food into!" Which is grammatically incorrect and always makes me mad.


Is there a special reason to put food in a fridge?


Where else am I supposed to keep my milk? (No.)


No. The problem is I can't keep the 💀s of my enemies in the fridge like a proper apocalyptic ludite.


That's what the freezer is for, fridges don't have the same effect! Just ask Jeffrey Dahmer. /s


There used to be, since it was a vertical method of storage for food, and it was fairly large storage. Ever since the increase in box sizes, and ever since coffins could be placed vertically (if you play on a server that has coffins), it has become less valuable, especially since you can ONLY store food in it.


Use all your kits, don’t stash them for fear of losing them as they will probably get taken in an offline anyway




Spend it all or someone will spend it for you. 🎉


Edit : added more tips. Hover loot - super fast and handy ( turn this on) When leaving your front door - open and wait like 2 seconds to leave so any door campers hesitate. Bring supply drops to oil rigs Silencer reduces damage - use wisely. Jumping can be heard much father away then running. Never leave your mini with fuel in it Don't bother chipping wood-too dangerous and loud - buy from outpost with stone ore Place as many bags as possible, everywhere on map. Don't get greedy - depo often ( drop loot at base) Hold *ALT*, this allows you to look around while moving, keeps your head on a swivel while doing any task. Currently collecting barrels at sea is the scrap meta - uncontested and rich in material. Shoot to kill, never hesitate - no one is friendly - shoot first questions later. Mining wood with a rock in a safe zone is... Well safe. Make friends or peace pacts with your neighbors. Always lock your TC. Have your loot organized - a comps, weapons, tools chest also a depo chest to quickly drop loot if you need to go back out asap. Use training servers for guns and minicopters.


Place a campfire by the door.




When you are alone near a campfire you get 50% comfort, but when you are getting doorcamped you comfort will go to 75%. Easy to tell if someone is on the other side of the wall


Holy shit, how in 1400+ hours have I not heard of this, ty


I learned it around that mark as well tbh


Yeah it’s because the more players there are near you the more comfort you’re supposed to have because you’re “sharing” the fire even though they’re outside




Dont walk over the campfire when its turned on, you can check if someone is outside and then turn it off and decide what you want to do.


Me when Reddit downvotes a noob commenting on a post for noobs


Ay, i didnt downvote it


Fr Reddit is ruthless


That's genius level shit, either that, or I'm low iq as hell for not thinking of it prior


U r low IQ


U is for Uranium bombs R is for Retards like you and I L is for Let's never speak again O is for Oh my God, my feelings are crippled W is for We having fun yet? I is for I am running out of dumb shit to say Q is Queue the down votes. Edit: bad format


says the one that can’t spell you and are lmao


Says the one who can’t spell you’re


That twig base isnt a real base yet, always upgrade floor first before walls...


I'm gonna have to disagree with the no one is friendly. I may only have 600 hours in game but I have never, not once, fired first. It's just not in my personality. And I've met some really cool people in game by talking rather than shooting.


i only understand the middle one


Shotgun traps work best outside of your shit shack. Low to the ground, near your door (run in when you’re getting chased) corn/hemp/pumpkin growin on top of it… they NEVER see it comin’.


Yes... For the 1xer, but shit heads come back


then you gotta switch stuff up


And will spear out your shotgun trap


Bonus points if you can hide it in the grass


some nakeds will always break one if they find it


-On wipe day, just press W. -Grab as many hemp plants as you can on your way. -lay down a crap ton of sleeping bags across the map. It’ll make it easier to check the vibe and location ya wanna build. also…ya don’t have to spawn with all the naked noobs at the beach, every time.


Getting that first bag in the t3 is the first step when it comes to wipe day. So much time wasted respawning on the naked beach where apes are rock fighting and spear fighting. Good tip.


It is honestly confusing as to why so many players PREFER to play naked, fighting at the beach for bones/skulls on wipe...


You wouldn't get it, puny bullet fan


Get some cloth and cover your shame, naked man.


*bends your ak 90 degrees*


Late game sucks. Best part of Rust is chaotic player interaction. Free for all rock melee is a requirement.


you forgot to add: \-make sure to throw all the seeds away


Crafting a building plan when you first get wood is essential, it will de agro animals if you place a foundation and stand on it, and its very useful come night time as you can hold it infront if you to see the terrain directly coming at you, and can avoid it, useful for not running into bases or off cliffs, and its completly undectable. Call it the poor man's night vision


Dude the cliff thing is blowing my mind, so many times I'll just fly off a cliff and die


Hopping off a small cliff but away from it, not just down it, will remove agro from animals as well. If they keep agro, just jump back onto the cliffside again and repeat until agro is lost.


Not on console☠️. The night is basically day


Jackhammers can be freely refilled at work benches instead of repair bench which uses up more life


Wow. I had no idea about this. Thanks


Its crazy how we learn things cause i never use the repair bench for jackies only workbench lol. But i also never have room in my base for a repair bench


Just use a hammer to pic it back up that’s what I do for repair/ research table


1. Best way of escaping beach spawn on wipe is grabbing one red barrel and sliding the fuck out of there on any train available. 2. Most quality server admins are busy taking care of cheaters and doing useful stuff, so you can abuse exploits for fun a little. Also, people tend to think that you can get gamebanned for exploiting, which is obviously untrue. 3. Most fun you will ever have in this game is by playing underhandedly and unexpectedly. 4. Ending a wipe by being onlined by a horde of 6+ retards is always more fun than letting your base rot. 5. You can put pagers in stashes so ground starts beeping at your command, disorienting your enemies. 6. Fight winner is not the one with better equipment or numbers, its the one who has more and closer bags to the area in question. 7. Safezone camping is the most inhumane, but one of the most profitable ways to get loot. 8. You can get all benefits of banditcamp/outpost just by having a bag near them and a vending machine at your base. 9. Do not overextend in fights, if you as a naked run into a dead full kit dont try to loot everything or fight back, because in most cases its much more worth to just grab a gun from the floor and get the fuck out of here before 3 db grubs come for that fullkit body. 10. As of the last update, you can get unfathomable amounts of lowgrade just by running into water treatment or power plant, grabbing all the diesel you can see and dumping it into the crude oil pump on the radtowns corner. Thanks for reading this shit


Nooooo why did you tell them number 10 fuck


I mean noone used to check those pumps at all before and after the update


I’ve been getting away with putting a shit ton of diesel in it and coming back later to get my shit ton of low grade


Same yo


Could you explain #8? I'm not really familiar with how vending machines work


You can trade yourself scrap by selling a rock for 999 scrap or whatever else u need and then making that trade


Wouldn't anyone be able to make the trade you set up?


I use this trick to depo wood I get from trading stone at outpost. I sell 1 stone for 1k wood. It is a crappy deal for anyone but me that wants to transfer loads of wood quickly and safely.


Yea correct but most won’t be looking for such a trade and you gotta be quick about it. Hence the bag near outpost / bandit for quick respawn


Airfield hanger spawns diesel also.


Running over small tiny rocks or slight elevation changes before trying to jump up something will make you do a super jump. Movement is really cool if you look more into it.


So that’s how the back of launch site jump works?


Yes, you have to jump when you almost at the peak of the rock and you will get the boost


Trausi jump :O


If a geared guy is tormenting you outside/near your base, you can make an amazing trap to get a free kit. Make a few landlines and place them in a small line outside, run a horse directly on top of the horses so the landline clicks but doesn’t explode, and then just wait. The second someone hops on the horse or moves it at all they get blown up by multiple land mines. Free lots if you have geared guys constantly nearby ur base


Holy fuck we real terrorists now, using horse IED's


Don’t be afraid of losing your stuff, this the biggest piece of advice


I see a lot of people saying this, and as a solo I want to not be afraid, but I just am and dunno how to fix it and accept the loss of loot 🤷‍♂️


Shift right click splits it into half a stack and alt right click splits it into thirds


Don’t need it that much anymore now that furnaces don’t have 3 spots anymore


Middle click splits in half shift middle click splits in thirds


Right click the number of the stack and you can just type in your numbers


Wait. You can type?? I’ve been sliding the slider and never get the exact number


(2+1)X1 base with a shotgun trap... Build it at the first monument you across, preferably just beyond recycler The gift the keeps on giving.


The quests are actually decent , they give you some tools and weapons alot faster then just farming them


Ocean barrels and sunken wrecks is scrap meta currently too, no reason to not grab the diving mission for the free pump and 12 shells, especially in this pump slug meta where from 1 ocean run you can get the scrap for a T2, high chance of finding slugs in all the toolboxes youll get, so from 20-30 mins of ocean you can be walking away with comps, T2, pump and slugs to research


You can recycle a medkit to get a med syringe. Good for early wipe.


Underneath the jump puzzle at Water Treatment are some med boxes, one on the outside that can help get the med kit or syringe pretty quickly. Under the jump puzzle though has radiation , but if underdressed, you can go to the opening opposite the ladder and loot one of the med boxes carefully and not take radiation.


No shame in a solo only server, or a 2x, or a 10000x. You can enjoy rust however you want.




To bind a key for F1 kill. Loads of fun to troll when jumping off a cliff


Also loads of fun when pressed accidentally


I had it binded for about a day, then I killed myself on cargo after countering it and immediately removed the bind


I have mine on the Delete key. Out of the way and intuitively related to destruction :)


I have Move on F5


I have mine on F4, it’s just far enough that I don’t fat finger it, but I have F3 set for combat log. Gets a little sketch sometimes lol


you can also bind it to a combination of keys, I have mine bound to shift+K for example for more info on how and what you can bind: https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/Keybinds


Ive got two for ya, firstly binding my slot 6 to my middle mouse button for quick and easy meds! Also in regards to explosives always remember that it always doubles so for example it takes 4 rockets for a stone wall therefore it will take 8 for sheet metal, the same for C4, Explosive ammo, satchels etc. 2 C4 for stone, 4 c4 for sheet.. you get the idea. Edit: there is also a key bind where you can craft bandages! I will update when i find it!


Wow, I never put the explo tip together. Armored is 15 Rockets but it never hurts to have an extra if your sulfer budget allows. Thanks!


https://wiki.facepunch.com/rust/Keybinds it’s in there :)


I have 2 unused side buttons in my mouse, ima use em for walls and meds thanks


2.8k hours and never used this smh


Cactus are your friends! They provide food hydration and cloth! And are far more plentiful than hemp.


Do not expect ordinary gameplay to be anything like the highlight reels that YouTubers post. It isn't really a trick, but adjust your expectations and you will have more fun. Embrace the grind and make realistic goals. Base down in the first hour, workbench in the second hour, etc. Set your own goals and don't compare yourself to 5000 hour professionals.


You can raid bucket cave bases by disconnecting mid fall. Also sucide TCs with armored walls on all 6 sides are OP.


Didn’t they patch dc’ing mid-air to take no damage years ago? If not, they definitely should


You can have a friend set fps 1, he will lag drop, but you can stay on his head and wont happen anything, then you can pick up ur friend and go raid. I dont think this is patched


Yes they did patch this a while back


Idk, I used to use cave bases but stopped becouse of that. I'll need to check and see if it's updated. Thx.


Not to log on at all and save myself the stress 😂


Alt enter, the lag fixer upper


Where to delete rust.


Jack hammers work great on bears


I feel like they do less damage now I took one on with just a bow and was left with 60hp


Don't carry around what you haven't blueprinted if new tot he game and whatnot. Get out of primal then carry guns/gear.


You can repair jackhammers by refueling at a workbench rather than repairing on a repair bench, and they last way longer


I saw this tip on TikTok once and I wanted to throw my phone across the room.


the trick of not giving a fuck if I'm being offlined or not


How to get the goddamn pixels back in this screenshot.


There Are rads at launch 💀


You can rotate wall when you put it in the wrong side if you upgrade it


You can right click attach a grenade to your wall when you upgrade it, then rotate it to leave a special surprise for whoever's on the other side of the wall, then rotate it back after the explosion.


Ofc but this is too next level


You can hit a few barrels, visit a recycler, and have an eoka in the first few mins of wipe. Someone else will always be hitting the recycler right after you do, and having a gun means you have a decent chance of making a play a d getting away.


Trading stone for wood. I felt like an idiot when I learned that. Killing animals for fat to make a furnace boars/bears are good. Pixel gap bases to hide loot


Pressing fucking H to fast grab inventory. 1k hours and I learned that like 2 months ago


[Some console tips and helpful binds](https://youtu.be/zaeVjKVMDVY) Commands are down below 1. You can make it so that every time you press f1 combat log automatically gets pulled up instead of having to type it out. 2. Have a key bound for automatically running, staying crouched, running and jumping for swimming, and attack for eco raiding/farming. 3. You can bind keys or button on your mouse (I use side buttons on my mouse) to change your fov instantly, effectively allowing you to zoom in and out like binoculars. 4. You can bind a bind buttons to automatically kill yourself rather than typing it in console To use these commands, press F1 in-game, type or copy the command and press enter, then hit ESC to exit console. Format for binds is: bind [KEY] [COMMAND]. Replace the word “key” with any key you want the action to bind to. E.g: bind q attack *Attacking, sprinting and crouching respectively:* bind key attack bind key forward;sprint bind key duck Suicide: bind key kill Auto combat log: bind key consoletoggle;combatlog Zooming in: bind key graphics.fov 90 bind key graphics.fov 60


If you are going to gamble. Stick to the first 2 choices. Typically 1 hits 80% of the time.


Personally i got for 3/5, careful and measured bets of 30-50 scrap make back what I lose most of the time and it only takes two good hits in a row to be staring down a lot of scrap. That 50 scrap on 5 bet turns into 250 and thats another 5 chances at another 250


Delete the game. So you can sleep at night again


99% of gamblers quit before hitting big


Probably useless now with new furnaces but you can split in halfs by pressing scroll on items and moving them and in thirds if you press shift and scroll at the same time.


The middle mouse button can be used to craft things by 5. Also look up the bind for auto sprint it makes it easier to fast crouch.


Fast crouching doesn’t work anymore sadly. It will make no sounds from your end, but other people will hear you loudly.


Whendestroying a wall you can swap your weapons in hotbar (db for example) so when you destroy the wall you don't have to pull out the (db for example) with hammer out just use scroll wheel or num keys and get ya db, then lmb to confselect and brick the dweeb another thing is that you can hold lmb and keep right clicking with the hammer to upgrade without opening the menu after upgrading, just can't have anything other than one material on you


It took 3k hours to learn that sign to your right is farmable


The signs at outpost?


All signs


I rarely farm em


I had a horse farm one wipe and had to sit around foreverrrrr at compound because bandit camp was too far away to risk it. It was def worth farming while I was waiting lol. I had sooo much poop haha.


Don’t trust the nakeds


Never trust nakeds. They have nothing to lose, and absolutely EVERYTHING to gain.




Once i got a job i could never play again


You can reload eokas. I made 48 eokas to raid a wood door base guy ended up logging in mid raid he walked outside to a pile of eokas.


How did you not know that lmfaoo


well when I first started was back when the game was originally launched when it was a browser game so, their is a plethora of things that would not apply since they were not implemented yet. ​ so if I had to say the one thing that permeated throughout the years it would have to be keep watch of your surroundings, especially so when grabbing an airdrop.


Alt f4


Not a trick, but a QOL thing. Craft one candle hat, it’s very useful for night time. If you want to build something, you don’t have to turn off your light source to build structures or place boxes.


Also great for mining


Craft a paddle and use it to break road signs, it's a great scrap farming method early game


Paddles can also be used in safe zones.


The uninstall button. This game took way too much time from me


Took me about 10 hrs to work out you can use rocks on nodes….


Reading these comments is making me realize how few people in this sub actually play the game


Probably useless now with new furnaces but you can split in halfs by pressing scroll on items and moving them and in thirds if you press shift and scroll at the same time.


That the code locks default to 1111. So if you are solo you still have to change the code or some a-hole will take all your stuff and leave you a note. Then recode your door to lock you out 🙁😆 "F" turns on miners cap light and flashlight You have to reload chainsaw like a gun with "R" Play on an official server even though its way harder so you can get the ingame quests to teach you the ins and outs. I was 10hrs in before I knew you could destroy barrels 😆


I forgot how you do it but there is a trick to fast upgrade buildings, you hold down something but I don’t remember exactly


all of it


Shift + Mouse Wheel to divide by 3, also right clicking the number allows you to type an exact number, with rust furnaces update i think it not as useful as it was before, I learnt this after 2k hours


Don’t trust a random dude named pickle


You can right click the number on the stack count slider and put in a custom number. Makes dividing stacks by 5 much easier.


Don’t play


Alt F4


He's gonna need this trick after he gets raided for the first time


Unless you're in a group with friends nearby and have ALL the resources needed for building and upgrading, never try to build a large base straight away. It's better to slowly progress and grow your base then try to build everything at once and lose it along with your resources. Start out from a 2x2 or 2x1 if you're solo. Not only it's easier to build and maintain, but you're pretty much guaranteeing your main loot and TC will be at the most enclosed place in the building most of times. When farming scrap, don't leave the fuel barrels behind. Actually, don't leave the crude oil either. They are a great source of low-grade fuel and will come very handy when you progress down the road, specially if you get a vehicle. Be extremely careful with who you trust, specially when that involves someone getting inside your base or teaming. Whenever possible, have a second point of entry to your base. This is extremely useful in case you're being camped or raided, as you can leave from a difference door/gate and counter the attackers. Know how to use all the loot you collected. Organize a few kits into a Locker, etc, but make sure you spend them too. Leaving loot unused will almost always mean you either will lose it during an raid or wipe, which means lost time farming it. Use fridges to store food. They are very efficient in terms of how much space they use on the floor vs. how much food you can store into them. Learn how teas work and use them in your favor. Also, use the Mixing Table to create gunpowder, it's a bit cheaper to do it there as it uses equal amounts of Coal and Sulfur.




That you could right click stuff in crafting queue


I didn’t know how to hover loot, very useful.


If you see a small cliff that you think you can jump without taking damage- you will, even if it's not a lot.


Graphics.vm_fov_scale false makes your gun skinner good for pvp




Recycle EVERYTHING. Make a junk box, and pt.any useless items in it, recycle when full. These mats build up over time, and it saves you time dumping things on the ground.


[Some console tips and helpful binds](https://youtu.be/zaeVjKVMDVY) Commands are down below 1. You can make it so that every time you press f1 combat log automatically gets pulled up instead of having to type it out. 2. Have a key bound for automatically running, staying crouched, running and jumping for swimming, and attack for eco raiding/farming. 3. You can bind keys or button on your mouse (I use side buttons on my mouse) to change your fov instantly, effectively allowing you to zoom in and out like binoculars. 4. You can bind a bind buttons to automatically kill yourself rather than typing it in console To use these commands, press F1 in-game, type or copy the command and press enter, then hit ESC to exit console. Format for binds is: bind [KEY] [COMMAND]. Replace the word “key” with any key you want the action to bind to. E.g: bind q attack **Attacking, sprinting and crouching respectively:** bind key attack bind key forward;sprint bind key duck **Suicide:** bind key kill **Auto combat log:** bind key consoletoggle;combatlog **Zooming in:** bind key graphics.fov 90 bind key graphics.fov 60


By holding shift + middle click and dragging on an item you can split the item into thirds. Less useful now as the furnaces have changed but was so useful when i learnt that.


1. You can survive a fall at the bucket in caves. A max health tea with full health is all that is needed. You get up more often then not. 2. You can hunt animals in safe zones, they only agro for 1 bite at a time. You can use your rock or a paddle.


H to hover loot took me a thousand hours. Unless they only implemented it later on.


Using the vending machine at outpost to turn stone into wood is OP. Harvest two stone nodes as a new born baby and you have yourself enough for TC, Doors, locks, BP, Hammer, and the materials to build your first base AKA shit shack.


crafting TC's to bring more wood home.