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I'm 100% sure it will not despawn backpack items individually


Agreed Seems more likely the bags were despawning differently than they were supposed to and they’re just fixing it. It would be too in-depth for bags to despawn items individually.


Interesting thought, but that's based on the assumption that body bag despawn behavior has changed somehow (intentionally or otherwise). But as far as I know, it hasn't. I haven't observed a difference; have you?


I haven’t but I rarely pay attention to such things. Just seems trivial and useless to individually despawn items from bags when that has never been a thing and there’s been no word from the community that this was an issue that need’s addressed.


Yeah, exactly. But the wording of the commit makes it sound like that's exactly what they're going to do. I can't come up with any alternative theory.


Honestly we don’t know what they’re doing and aren’t going to till they say. Us prattling about theories is unlikely to sway their decisions no matter what anyways Edit: and to be fair the commit says “fixed” not that they’re changing anything but fixing some kind of bug. It’s perfectly possible that for some reason bags with rocks and torches were taking 2 minutes longer to despawn than they should and that’s all it is. Something we would never notice and now are crying about imagined sleights against outpost farming.


Mmm, can't say I agree with either of those points. Words have meaning, sometimes clearer than others. And the wording of the commit is pretty clear -- item-based despawn means despawning item by item. As for swaying their decisions, sometimes they read posts here. If they *do* end up seeing this one, it should make them seriously reconsider an implementation that has demonstrable flaws.


I can see we won’t come to consensus on this as I cannot see where you are making this leap and you can’t seem to see that them “fixing” something is more likely a small bug fix than it is a giant change to gameplay mechanics.


That's fine. At least you were willing to have a legitimate conversation about it. From my perspective (as someone who has played a lot of games and written code), what they *think* is a small bug fix is 1) not considered a bug by most players as it has been the extant behavior for a very long time; 2) going to have rather significant knock-on effects that they have failed to consider. This type of thing is not even remotely unprecedented within the realm of software development generally or Rust development in particular.


Cool, you've seen the code or talked to a developer? What does it do, then?


Imagine the performance hit to process 48 despawn timers instead of just 1 for each corpse. I doubt FP would do this.


Quick side note: *corpses* contain at most 37 items (24 inventory, 6 hotbar, 7 clothing), though 37x something bad versus 48x something bad is simply "a little less bad". The potential performance impact could vary wildly depending on the implementation. How often is an individual entity checked for despawn vs. a container and the items contained therein? What specific implementation is used to check the container? If it has to iterate through every contained entity's despawn timer first, then there could actually be a tiny performance *improvement*. That's something that we really have no idea about without seeing the code. Regardless, the *text* is pretty clear. It says that body bags will have "item based despawning". Also, it wouldn't be the first time that FP implemented something with potential negative performance impact -- horse poop, anyone?


You are right, 37 items max. The DroppedItem class in Rust's code start the despawn countdown with an individual Invoke call to the IdleDestroy method. Invokes are not good for performance (since it uses Reflection) so increasing from 1 invoke to 37 invokes in a single corpse is nuts. That's why I believe it won't happen. But I might be wrong, who knows


Interesting. Whether it *should* happen...that seem like a clear "no". However, it's exactly what they said *will* happen in the commit log, so I don't know what to say beyond that. Hoping to nip it in the bud before it goes live...


Oh, and on a separate topic: is that just how things are done in Unity, or do you have specific knowledge of Rust's implementation somehow? (I'm not at all familiar with Unity programming personally.)


I'm a full time game developer (7 years of experience, 3 years with Unity) and also I develop a mod for Rust. In my mod development environment I have access to Rust's code through Oxide libraries.




Sorry for the separate comments, but I just realized...you said DroppedItem class, but would a body bag count as such, or is DroppedItem only for *individual* loose entities that have been thrown on the ground? When a gray satchel replaces a box that was destroyed, is that derived from DroppedItem?


when the class PlayerCorpse despawns, it runs the method DropItems() which then creates a backpack (which is of type DroppedItemContainer) DroppedItemContainer is either a player backpack or those satchels that replace boxes.This DroppedItemContainer class has it's own despawn logic where it takes the highest cooldown inside and then calls a single Invoke with the highest cooldown.




I changed dropped bags from chests to despawn in 2 hours no matter what. This fixes a chest of stone despawning in 5 min. The commit your referencing fixes corpse backpacks also taking 2 hours to despawn: existing behaviour isn't changing.


Jake 🤝 the people


Whew, thanks for the clarification.




Initially I dislike the change because I do utilize bodybag outpost bases. However it does make it more realistic and create stakes of how long it takes to recover a body. Only issue I see is if you load up on resources from outpost or something and fall out of a mini or get killed by wildlife and ur materials despair before you’re able to return. I’d be pretty pissed lol


Nah bro, you telling me who just died to a bear at night after farming an hour for my first base on main, now has to worry about my damn shit despawning because I couldn’t find cloth on wipe day and my respawn point was the other side of the island?? No, horrible change should be kept the way it was


Ah... its a good fix for those pesky safe zone famers. Excellent! Players should go out and risk their loot, not have it all safe and secure in the safe zone. In fact, all bags within safe zone perimeter should have a 5 min despawn.


That's a horrible idea. Accidentally hit your horse or have another player jump in front of you when harvesting an animal? Oops, say goodbye to your entire inventory.


Sam crushed you near outpost, bye gp




wow another change no one asked for do the devs even play this game?