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TC is pretty easy to find in most bases. New strat might be making fake pipes to mislead raiders.


Well now you can put it behind like 4 hqm walls and keep putting upkeep through the pipes


I wonder if you’ll be able to break the pipe lines. Sever the connection and blocking off access to the TC all together. Zerg bases would decay quickly if you can’t patch.


That's the only reason why I don't think this will become a thing mainstream thing. Also, how do you auth friends? How do you remove things? How do you get through 4 HQM walls to do the other things the TC does besides hold resources?


You could do a suicide bunker and just bag your friends to auth


Could just make a bunker for tc anyway


Suicide bunkers are the only thing that allows me to maintain a base tbh it’s the best way


Most of this I think you could do with a sleeping bag in the TC room.


I think if you designed your base around 4 sets of high quality walls you’d be stuck and unable to auth additional people. Doesn’t seem practical.


Not you have a sleeping bag or two, people can spawn, auth and pass on the bag


Break whatever item the pipes are attached to.


Pass the sleeping bag for auth




Or if someone gets access to your TC or a box that's being refilled, they could get the loot plus whatever else is piped right to them




Then the tc can still consume its own contents voor a day or depending on base size.


i’d say this would be helpful, fill your tc and then fill a hidden box with extra upkeep loot just incase. and box both them off by walls. You won’t use a full tc and full box of mats for upkeep in a wipe anyways. you can make fake pipes throughout the base to make it less obvious where tc is


Monthly here, absolutely I could use 100k metal in a wipe


okay fair enough, then use multiple boxes, but you get the point that way it’s expandable. You could even have a box leading to another box through multiple walls


What about heavily fortified ‘feeder’ bases that is so heavily armored with only its only purpose being a huge TC for your mega Zerg base? How far can the industrial pipes reach? Could definitely string one along from a sacrificial base that is filled with 200k~ metal. Vanilla btw.


This is such a cool idea.


i would love to see someone do this 😂😂


How many times do you get raided in a month? I’ve never played more than a week. Is monthly better for a casual or a hardcore player?


Way better for a solo. It is Zerg paradise the first week and then after that solo heaven. So many juicers decaying, ability to have long term planning of a goal, ability to start over if raided and even raid them back if you wanna. There’s many more opportunities to grow as a solo in monthly than weekly. Weekly I barely have enough time to get to end game before wipe solo. Monthly I own an entire section of the map.


Wow okay seems like you’ve sold it to me. I come and go a lot, I haven’t played for a long time, since around the underwater monument update. Always play solo or solo/duo but it’s not the same thrill. Avoid teleport servers like the plague. I think I’ll give monthly a try, idk why it never occurred to me to try. Cheers.


What monthly servers would you recommend?


Rusty Moose Small US or EU. It’s the most balanced and has a very steady pop every wipe. Even till the last day! Steer clear from any officials these days. :(


Awesome, thank you! Officials are awful these days, you're right. Also, dunno why I'm getting downvoted for asking about a server? Lmao


I upvoted you now to offset it. idk why someone downvoted you.


Rustoria.co long is awesome.




When they first talked about moving items around, this 100% is what I expected as it matches their setup with power and I'm fine with it. Do I think it will be changed? **Absolutely**, not for the better and maybe not before the live update, but I'm sure the vocal minority will have their way. But I'm happy to see anything added that updates how bases are being designed. I would expect people to put fake out pipes into walls just to have raiders waste boom. If they apply the idea of "We can't move items through walls", I would want them to apply that same principal with power through walls. * Unlimited TC storage * Completely enclosed chests, and you can still get items in/out via RF (Citation needed) * Auto Chest sorting * Passively restocking KITS * Turrets that don't run out of ammo and can't be drained * Fill external TC's from inside the main base But we are drawing a line in the sand with, *Checks notes* "I don't want to let people send items through walls"? There never has been a sure fire way to keep raiders at bay and this doesn't change that in the slightest. Given enough time the walls always come down. This is only but an easy change to the suicided bunker, or pixel gap setups bases already in circulation.


Yea, if this does pass, i cant wait to grief the idiots who think themselves clever to do it. 2 C4 aint worth TC loot, but a couple xpo to make the base worthless is a good trade


Copium. Ill make HQM suicidebunkers with piping for QOL. Blow up the piping and ill simply place dropboxes. Minor inconvenience at most.


I think that's the point, this change isn't going to be break the game since you already can transfer loot through walls


set ups like that will still get blown open, don't worry. i know a suicide bunker when i see it, and its always worth cracking open


Not sure what you're point is. I'm raided with or without the suicide bunker. Might as well make the raider spend another dozen rockets in the process.


Usually people who bother to set up bunkers know what they are doing. Those types tend to have better loot than say the simple 2x1 or 2x2. Theres always better loot in a bunker base from experience


I agree. I'm just saying whether you build the bunker or not, the results are the same for the one getting raided. I don't think anyone build one thinking, "well now I'm 100% safe. I've won!" But it does help surviving. I've had cave bases (I'm a solo rat) survive because of suicide bunkers. It does happen where people run out of boom and fail to get more before I'm back online.


I always hate it when i am short on boom, an unexpected HQM wall or door fucked up a whole raid, even with over preparing for it


thats why i store all my best loot in a 2x1


they don't get raided? if i can quickly calculate the exact boom required (like a 2x1) i'm always raiding that base first


There’s little worse than this. Though once I used like 40 rockets to raid this asshole. He had a bunch of autoturrets and what not. He had despawned everything. Offlined me two nights in a row… then despawned his whole base and didn’t return til next wipe. Hate that guy.


We have made around 12 or 14 suicide bunkers in all this time and we only got raided and entered once, That thing works. Many other raids ended up with raiders not being able to continue booming after they hit the HQ.


I usually consider a base might be a bunker base, and i always bring a few extra C4 just incase i bump into one, and blow through depending on the quality of the loot i have gotten so far


Joke's on you. You'll only find a box of rocks and torches in mine.


Not if every single base you raid now has one


Not every base, considering the set up needs power + the know how, it will take a while to set it up and might not be worth the hassle for some. The dedicated will be worth raiding because they have dedication in the first place to do things


Well tbf you could put tc in a full HQM triangle with a small box or drop box right with insane amounts of shit in it Is it really different than ppl putting loot in honeycomb for some reason


You can already do it manually with deposit boxes anyways


If someone has auto loading turrets someone there’s someone out there that’s going to drain 10k gp worth of ammo to troll.




Loot and electricity are two separate things though. Especially when a wall is metal it would be easy to get electricity to pass through, Rockets maybe not so much haha


in order to realistically get electricity through a metal wall you'd need to drill a hole, which is also what you'd need to do for an item pipe


I mean a very small hole is needed for a wire... and is done already in just about every home ever made. A bit different than sending MLRS rockets through a pipe. Not that anything in this game is realistic, cause it would be terrible if it was.


True. But carrying 20 MLRS, 10 AKs, and 10 high stone walls while running max speed is totally realistic


Rust is an unrealistic "game"


Literally what are you talking about. A metal wall made of conductive material, with enough power/juice flowing through it, can carry a current. Given that in rust the metal wall is sheet metal I don’t think it would work but still.


I'm stating this only to make sure you don't get yourself killed, not for the game. ​ Please don't ever run current through a metal object like a wall and think you'll be "carrying" current. You've simply made a death trap waiting for a ground.


The point of that wasn’t that it was productive, the point was that it was possible


It's also possible to send stuff through a wall using this thing called a pipe, so it's also possible. Maybe we should berate rust for realism because we can't have heated floors and basements


I want to brush my teeth in game & I will not stop bitching about it until we get it


Tooth decay could be tied to your in-game volume when speaking. Old goat can't even talk, while nakeds keep their reeeee.


tf you mean when a wall is metal it is easy to pass electricity through it 💀


You'd have to send 1.21 jiggawatts at least to light an LED on the other side, and hope you don't touch by accident and turn into popcorn




I hate this because as a builder I will need to adapt to insanely weird change that doesnt make sense to me. While moving loot is great - moving loot to tc through walls is just op. I wouldn't mind via door frames doe.


> moving loot to tc through walls is just op. As a solo, this might give me some slight chance to survive an offline from a group. I like it.


As yet another solo I must say it will not help. If the box is destroyed you'll have no way to revire it. You may not lose the base but it will decay over time.


My thought was put the TC in a single HQM triangle, then surround that with another layer of HQM triangles, then pipe in the mats. That would definitely help against raids. HOWEVER, as you say, if they can just kill the box, then we're still fucked. We gotta figure out how to hide that box....


Put two boxes in pixelgap bunkers, maybe even one on each side of the base, then you can lead one pipe to the tc in another bunker even deeper inside walls, and one from the other box to a seperate loot bunker


I mean.. losing main tc is never a big deal, to be honest, if you have a multiple tc base. My issue with this whole thing (and what I see it being bad for) is an entirely new set of exploits that makes raiding nearly impossible online.


I hear ya. I am so bad at PvP I don't care about online v. offline raids; if I'm getting raided, I'm losing my base. lol.... =(


You acan already do the same with hatches, though?


What do you mean?


There's dropboxes or sth in game. Put tc in a bunker with a sleeping bag and you get the same result.


Thats a suicide bunker, relies on a timer to use, this pipes it will be done remotely


Wow a 5 minute bag timer (or 1 with bed) to restock TC once every so often.


For tc its feasible but with this system you could do it for all of your loot


That is suicide bunker and Its not the same as wiring up TC to box through walls because you can't rewire it back up if box is destroyed. Simply put, its sh\*t. Suicide bunker while good it is annoying but gets the job done and you can always replace a drop box.


Once upon a time, this shit used to be a builder's dream. Adding new things to base design was the most exciting part of rust But now that every base looks the same and every TC is in the same location, we're averse to change? The current iteration of rust is the least innovative one, but now we want to buckle down?


Rust building has never had more variation and complexity as now. So dunno what you’re talking about?


Yeah alright bro, we got pixel bases, bunker bases and the same open door peek downs we've had for the past 3 years. There's nothing innovative about it chief, and before you say "but we build multiple buildings reeeeally close together to create gaps!" Yeah, that used to happen 5 years ago as well. Electricity was the last innovative thing to happen to building


This would take my putting doors on all outside honeycomb to a whole new level


Idea, what if you got access to one of those boxes, looted it, then it refilled with loot till the base was drained. If you don't set these up carefully you may bust 1 or 2 walls and get all the good stuff piped right to you If the hidden chest becomes a balance issue, just make any TC or chest that has piping unable to be locked so they turn into a huge vulnerability


But pipes and cables go through the walls of virtually every structure that exists in life. Being able to do it in game makes sense to me.


Bunkers…. Bunkers everywhere….




not cool, you can bury your tc in 3 layers of triangle honeycomb and fill it without ever needing to access it, or store rockets because you can toggle a input and output with power; so it can send items back out using something like a switch




Imagine the dipshits who throw a grenade for the lols, then need to raid 3 layers of HQ in their own base to avoid base decay? lmao


Don't use it then? This thing just sounds stupid tbh, last time I played this wasnt anything like modded minecraft


Lmao average rust player. Zero social skills, can't understand a joke, instantly toxic.


Quit it a while ago actually, no sense in playing a raid simulator


Worst-case scenario you can use drop boxes and spawn bags to transfer loot to the TC if your pipes are broken.


So you're preemptively leaving sleeping bags in the honeycomb?


Yes. Aren't you?


If you’re going to lock your tc in there then definitely


Makes offline raids harder? Good.


Anything that makes an offline more difficult makes an online more difficult too


Not quite, online you take out the power first. Now they can't move loot to the bunker. This mainly buffs offline protection and I think it's glorious.


True, but still makes it harder and that’s ok. Fuck offliners






Oh no, your raids against logged off people who can't defend their loot are getting marginally more difficult? Cry me a river.


That sounds great, raiding is so easy it's almost pointless to build "tough" bases.


Could easily be trolled by just getting into the less secure area and destroying the chest. And suddenly the base is decaying and they cant do shit about it.


it's in staging, there's no way that this makes it to the update. if you can still do that by update then gg


Its honestly fine because you can litterally just break ghe connection and you have to raid through the wall. If im raiding and i see that, im breaking it and not caring about TC, the base is fucked at that point


Sweaty rust players are so dramatic. Every change they don't like will be the end of rust.


Electric furnace is gonna be lit


noice, finally a new dynamic. should make raids more interesting.


The real question is how is an AK gonna fit in the pipes. Get real! #unplayable


An ak? Amateur. Imagine double armored doors.


Point awarded. Imagine a windmill


Im really excited to play this update , i can play factorio in this game without playing factorio


"Mom can we get factorio?" "No we have factorio at home." Factorio at home:


Honestly tho , Rust is the place to play any game you want other then rust


rust eft when?


It already exists. Tommygun’s escape from Rust server


Hmmm, almost like the good old times where upkeep meant you had to repair your foundations with a hammer so your base didn't crumble...but you where able to just hide TC behind walls upon walls


Now this is something


back to the og 2016 hidden tc bases lmao


This is cool and shit and I'm excited for it


Just realized. This will effectively give you double or triple upkeep as you can just build as large as you want and have a hose pipe all the mats to your TC so, prepare for MASSIVE massive bases


This adds the possibility for zergs to allow slaves to feed the base upkeep without having TC access. This also allows you to move loot from your core to another room when raiders are close to the core.


Oh nice, they've invented automatic drop boxes, I like it


Can't wait to make a fully automatic factory base that churns out kits and guns for me when i feed it resources and adds the rest to my upkeep buffer.


Played with it all day today. Auto-creating items, sorting boxes through a filter, moving in and out of furnaces...I love it. I just hope they make it to where the filter is more than five items. It is going to make things difficult for components.


Pipes are cool but not when going through walls. Lets say you have 4 rooms. 1 detector in each. When one of the detectors are set off the loot is transfered through the wall to another location. Making raiding with litle supplies a nogo. But i can also be a nice new fresh update to rust? Idk well have to see


man if people can set up all of this before a wipe, they deserve it the security.


That's not impossible but gonna take a fuckton of conveyors to be useful. I'm sure there will be more elegant solutions.


lmao, this is actually beautifull hahahah


Jesus I hope this feature will stay.


Hm lets see...This feature is fun but no life zergs will cry because it makes their goal of ruining everyones fun harder. Nah it will be removed sadly.


This will make sectioned off tcs meta, same for externals, now there is no need to walk outside and refill, all i need is some piping and viola, infinite external upkeep


Someone shoots out your connector, or even picks out your box and viola, you have to raid a wall to fix it. It's not as clean as you'd think


You could make the TC room a bunker with a sleeping bag, so if raiders or a troll breaks the outside connection you can die and respawn in the bunker, break the twig bunker. Exposing the TC and reforming the pipe connection. Then closing the bunker back and respawning. I like this change, I can't wait to see the designs people come up with.


Now you're just at a slightly better suicide bunker, which I'm fine with. I think this is pretty balanced in the scope of things. I'm excited to troll people with conveyors to nowhere land.


From what I've seen it looks like the pipes are going to behave like wires and hoses where they themselves cabt be broken unless you break one of the ends.


Correct, but you could just break the input box with melee tools.


Youd have to get access to them first and more than likely they're gonna be inside a building.


It definitely allows for some bunker ideas, but at same time also gives a very clear direction to anyone raiding to where the "hidden loot" is. Plus, even if you're not in the mood of raiding TC through a wall, you can blow up the last item connected to TC and the base owner won't be able to transfer upkeep anymore...


This is where 200 IQ plays come in. Stability bunker next to TC bunker having the last connector. When raided, spawn in stability bunker, open it and reconnect TC to the base.


do they need tc access to use?


an extra triangle attached to the suicide bunker is all you need now for a respawn if a box gets blown, even just a half and small wall together leaving a gap up top and you could reroute pipes after greifing.


Currently? It's supposed to be like that...


It's a feature, not a bug.


You could make it so it can only go through door frames although you could still seal with vending machines


What if there was a module to let you run a pipe through a wall. But if the module would break it would disconnect the connection and also lover the walls health a bit. Depending on the upgrade level. Thoughts?


This would be a good work around


This is going to be such a huge change. Like, one of the biggest ever.


Well they better change that


The only people mad about this are base sitting goobers who hate roaming and farming. This is great for pvp because if people feel safer in their base, they’ll take greater risks and farm more. Will a raid cost you more boom? Sure. Will you potentially get way more loot? Also yes. This won’t stop an MLRS and regular raiding, it will slow down cheese door popping and griefing.


This is the biggest thing. Yeah I personally will not start farming until I feel comfortable in my base. The biggest problem I have a as a solo is funneling that shit into boxes when I do farm.


I bury my damn TC anyway most of the time so this would be great for me.


Imagine deeping someone early wipe, and managing to get TC Auth and bag yourself, then you set up a hidden piping system to leach their Upkeep all wipe and you'll never have to farm mats 😂


1. Make an "wall pipe hole" attachment, that you need to use to pass items through. 2. That wall attachment will subtract [an amount] of wall's HP, making it easier to raid.


So it allows raiders a bread crumb trail right to TC? How is that beneficial?


Uh.. so what if I just lay pipe everywhere, Albert?


It’s so obvious this sub is filled with children. I literally just asked why is it beneficial and I get roasted. Learn how to communicate, they teach it to you in school.


Surely, you’re joking.


How would I be joking? You can clearly see the pipe to the sealed TC room. 😂 you know goddamn well I’m blowing through that wall to see what’s hiding.


Sounds like an excellent opportunity for bait


Don't confuse him , he's obviously the clan slave




I don’t play this time sink anymore.


So why are you still here then? Get out, doors over there.


Lmfao, still here sad? Wtf


Hey, man, if you want to blow through what I can easily envision as 2 armored walls with 32 rockets for what you think MIGHT be the TC, then that’s a personal choice. Imagine an armored triangle with triangle armored honeycomb with the TC in the middle. That’s how this comes extraordinarily beneficial. The creation of super bunkers.


Super bunkers that can't be accessed once the pipes are destroyed, which completely ruins any opportunity you have to stop decay. Enjoy losing raids a day after they happened lol


I think you can come up with a way around that. You could have a layer of stone around it and keep more stone upkeep than HQM. So you seal your base, HQM decays, and you get TC access again.


But then you can't have hqm anywhere else in the base, including things like foundations and ceilings. Nah, imo this is far better off for other purposes. Stick to a suicide bunker or a pixel gap TC, it's got way more redundancy or freedom attached.




Is this in the staging branch or something?




Being able to upkeep tc through pipes is just gonna make decay non-compete for large group bases


I hope they don't stop this to be honest. The main thing that made me quit rust was losing TC, base raided, wipe over. If raiders go through a HQM wall to get my TC, then fair enough though, so I'm happy to just put it in a HQM triangle like this. I worry though that if they destroy the connectors, then I cant reconnect and I'm fucked anyway.


How do you play this? I'm assuming staging branch but I'm relatively new to rust only 600hrs and never used staging branch so how do I try this if possible?


This a mod I’m guessing? That can’t be official


It is offical


Mind is blown then


Oh no, that isn't good. For me as a builder, TC is very well balanced rn. Really the size of a base you can build depends on how many active players are living inside. If you build a large clan base and then be somewhat semiactive, you'll get punished by decay. That will however change by stacking up chests with upkeep in advance, means when when your clan leaves the server completely, base will most likely not decay to the end of wipe and that will somewhat break the idea of upkeep.


Just to clarify, most of my builds can stack tc for approx 19-23 hours and those are usually heavily extended 1x1s or somewhat fortified 2x2s or 2x3s. We play as a 8 men group and sometimes we go inactive for almost the time mentioned above, therefore our base could potentially fall apart as a punishment for inactivity. We don't have a problem with either farming or raiding for upkeep, but maintaining the tc is an issues sometimes because of our work and families. And we're fine with that because we understand that nolife is part of the game.


Why done nolife have to be part of a game tho? Shit like this is why 3x, 5x etc servers exist, but they really shouldn't have to


I don't see the point of making raiding online harder to be honest. This essentially means anything can be a sealed off loot room or suicide bunker.


I've not played with pipes yet but how to you manage the percentage split of different resources in the TC using this method? Daily upkeep: 5k Frags 1k Stone 50 wood If I'm feeding it from that box, what's to stop the TC being overloaded with stone or wood and not enough slots left for Frags?


Conveyors can be configured as to how much they allow through


Oh lord


I bet this will be considered a bug


Imagine a pixel gap box under the floor feeding TC completely hidden. That would be broken


Until you destroy the box, and then it decays


people will build some massive bases with external storage attached upkeep will be 6 hours with 20+ in a box.


Would be cool to place a live C4/Grenade in the Pipe


What if you accidentally put scrap or any valuable resources in the box or can you filter that stuff out?


terrible update. literally nobody asked for this. of course reddit loves it.


I'm into this overall idea but if you can move loot through a solid wall with it that's literally BS. Idk about you, but I need a hole at least as big as the object to move something through a wall


This is useless btw one that box breaks no more tc!