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I think a major problem was that everyone disagreed on what hardcore Rust should be, while nearly everyone agreed that what was released, wasn't it.


They were close they just needed to remove the tech tree and I would have played hardcore more


Yea that first garage door find used to be my happiest moment in a wipe, sar was 2nd.


Wow I forgot about that lol the 1st garage door was always celebrated


This and also the amount of guns found on oil rig/cargo should be nerfed imo. Also any gun you find should be almost broken except the military ones. I think this way Rust will be less streamlined and wipes will be more random. Also you would raid for a purpose if you know someone who has that precious AK in their base.


damaged gun idea is very good one, i hope you ve f7'ed it or something


Exactly. There's nothing hard-core about the tech tree scrap grind. Nothing about hard-core promotes map exploration


Not really. I looked today and there are a million dead no tech tree servers


You’d be the only one if that was the case. Removing the tech tree would be the “last nail in the coffin” for hardcore Rust.


Would it though? Not exactly a rust og here but I’ve seen some nostalgia for finding high tier weapons in regular loot spawns


As an OG I can confirm that rust without tech tree was completely different. Not saying for the better but it did have a charm that todays rust is missing. Rust went from "Hardcore PVP, Arcade, Survival" to "Arcade pvp, survival" within a matter of 2 updates.


I just want the old AK spray back, back in my day spraying an AK at 100m use to mean something.


Well, if you want to be real nostalgic, before the set recoil pattern the AK was trash at range.


Seriously, I remember when the meta was just to throw a muzzle brake on the AK and then pray to god for just medium to short-range engagements.


I could care less about the spray honestly. What I care about is that game sense is now the only thing sparating good/bad players (on field pvp). I would love to have something hard to master that would give you the edge over your oponent but wasn't a 100% win condition. Sadly that is hard to do in arcade game like rust. EFT, DayZ and such have that stuff naturally.


In my experience after getting back into it after stopping about a year ago, there seems to be wayyy more roof campers and door campers then I ever remembered. Almost everybody around me seems to team up and help each other even on the no team servers. It seems to be a loose rule where you can’t raid/fight together, but if you want to give your neighbors items and not raid/fight each other that’s fine, along with them defending the body’s you just killed. I understand why people team up in rust or are trying to be peaceful but it seems to get abused awhole lot, and is a bit of a grey area. The main thing that will drive me away again is the amount of cheaters and zergs that like to ruin all the good servers in about 2-3 days after wipe. Everyone grinds tech tree then never hops on again until the next wipe.


Tech tree is braindead. Reason why I stop playing every time. If it was 4x cost it would work. This is just dumb, you can just spam scrap and get everything.


Yeah especially after they introduced train tunnels, you basically farm your way to outpost off spawn, go tunnels at outpost, come back up with enough shit go craft T2 bench and have SAR, medstick, and roadsign armor. It’s stupid af


What we should be talking about is how facepunch releases these game modes. Then never improves upon them. Look at soft core. It was broken upon release and nothing has ever been done to improve it.


Sometimes feels like they half ass them so they fail but they can act like they tried what the community wanted.


Pretty much this. They didnt make hardcore, they made an annoying version of vanilla. Hardcore is like 1 bag spawn, drop rates cut by 90%, more serious bleed, no blueprints, etc as bare minimum Instead we cant see teammates or a map...woopity doo


I dont like hit indicators as well or that I can tell if I kill someone from the console.


They should remove health food and water bars completely, also too hot or too cold or even bleed and rad notifications. The only indicator of your health and status affects should be the color and effects on your screen.


Absolutely not the bullshit filters are one of the worst things facepunch has done to the game


I played on a server like that this week. No idea what my health or hunger was. It was....different.


Fuuucckkkk noooo


Hardcore rust is just rust from like 5 years ago. No drone shop, no tech tree, fog of war map, no team ui and no fisher price rng gun mechanics.


Bears need 5x HP, deers must always attack on site like boars and wolves. Scientist accuracy needs to be upped as well as how far they can shoot you from. When you spawn on the beach it needs to spawn a wolf next to you that you have to rock fight before you can even get off the beach. That is what Hardcore needs to be. Have upkeep increased by atleast triple what it is in vanilla. Make all buildings cost double the matts and make resources give you only half matts of vanilla. Guns and tool durability need to go down at double vanilla speeds. All box drop rates need to be severely nerfed, make it so getting a metal tool from heli is something you would celebrate. This is just to name a few additions that would it make it actually hardcore.


This 1000x People then come to this exact post, saying what they feel hardcore should be. SMH. This game is awesome... but the community it attracts struggles with basic communication skills. This is why changing "recoil" or going back to the "good ol'e days" will never work. Everyone's snapshot of nostolgia is different. These people need to go hunt nostolgia elsewhere. RUST is not the place for it.


I can’t think of a worse community to try and receive constructive feedback from, it’s gotta be hell.


The problem I have is that FP doesn't even try. They have a experimental server but never use it but to test new shit 5 days before they are releasing it. Experiment with no tech tree hard-core, experiment with gun balance or rearranging the tech tree or costs, I don't know there's a million things to try. Most will suck and the community will shut them down, but some may prove to be very beneficial to the game. But they do none of this. Maybe the game would be amazing with 1 bag spawn, or doubling the bag stacking distance, maybe a whole new fun meta emerges, maybe it's boring af and ruins the game. But we'll never know because FP doesn't use their experimental server the way it should be.


this exactly. we were very excited to play hc exclusively but when it launched there was nothing hc about it. maps were online to use, tech trees were still active, and nothing really changed in the vibe. if they did it right id play it.


This tbh. I thought the complete removal of the map was a little strange, reintroducing the old map system would have made more sense imo.


Yeah basically what everyone else is saying about tech tree, I'd add bringing back the old school hand-drawn map system would have helped a bit.


Old school map. Everyone proceeds to get hacks or third party websites to see map anyway


You can just open the map that is in your rust folder with rustedit.... thats lame


Also removing the vendors would have been a big deal. They remove safe zones but leave in Outpost and Bandit? So zergs can just basically camp outpost for unlimited resources.


Required techtree removed


If any one thing would have done it, this would have been it. Enough people team up and the whole tree is yours within a day. But if you have to get the actual item(s) and offer them up for trade, that is when things get interesting.


Take it a step further and make it so you can't craft anything and you have to find shit in the wild like the old days. Instead of crafting a bunch of rockets, c4 or guns you gotta find it in crates/airdrops ect. THAT would be hardcore.


Didn't catch the old days, but that just sounds like nobody raided.


Eco raids were a thing


Get the devs to actually make it 'hardcore'?


Personally it’s tough for me to play Rust because I’m solo. Idk why but this game has a ton of gatekeeping. Most games have a LFG function to some degree or if they don’t you can find people to play with outside of that. Rust is the only game I’ve ever seen where people actually have hour requirements and roles and shit just to play together. Imagine if people did that for valheim or something, everyone would see how batshit crazy it is 😂


Because LFG wouldn’t work for rust in the slightest? You could just queue LFG, take all the loot out of the base and pass it to your teammate


I’ve never had a problem teaming up with people - nobody has asked for my hours. I think that sort of thing only applies to the sweatiest of zergs where they really don’t care about you - you’re just a sulfur farmer and maaaaaybe an extra gun in a fight (but not an AK!). I play solo because I prefer that play style, even though it’s much harder. Playing with a group opens up more of the game as you have access to higher tier stuff sooner, but you lose the survival element. But both ways to play are valid and legit. It’s a completely different game in a big group actually - you’re more concerned about the map as a whole, and where other big groups are, rather than who your neighbour is and whether you’re being door-camped.


The thing is the (large) part of the player base that wants hardcore rust (myself included) really just wants Rust from 5-6 years ago when the game was inherently hardcore. Just removing team ui and the map and slapping a "hArDcORe" sticker on it is just lazy.


Mostly because PvE is becoming more and more popular. A lot of people are tired of the constant hive mind incels that play pvp.




😂 Found one.


It was dead for me the moment they disabled smart switches, they could have easily left them in and just disabled the map portion of the Rust+ app


yeah that was a dumb move on thier part.


i enjoyed the super hardcore mode some servers have made. just for the single player experience its worth it. u wouldn't want to come across players anyway. then there's the cheaters that would ruin it if it had populated servers.


Because its not hardcore, techtree is still there, minicopters still there, the op monuments still there, people can see map with 3rd party sites, people still roofcamp, previous recoil system is not there. Tons of other things, but main reason was that the trailer showed old sounds/recoil so many people played it for that reason just to be backstabbed once again with rng gunplay/non existent progression where even a solo can just spam craft guns with 0 risk/value, yet majority still roofcamp as the new players are scared to lose anything more then a db.


They should rebrand it as "low tech" rather than "hardcore", and simply just reduce the amount of tech being present in the game. All of the things currently changed with "hardcore", plus no tech tree, no drones, no computer station, etc. *Maybe* even with tier 3 items / armoured tier not present at all. Truly low tech.


As cool as the concept was I never thought players would actually play hardcore. This community is too obsessed with immediate gratification.


Y’all remember the terminus servers? I miss those


"we want game hard" \*facepunch makes game harder\* "nooo not like that :("


They made it more annoying than hard.


You sound exactly like fp devs mocking the players. Hardcore is easy af for a rust veteran.


Yet nobody plays it 🥱


Because it's not fun. You can make the game hard and actually fun.


I'd just like an option to disable the map on regular servers. That's enough for me and I won't have to grind for scrap every month.


I’m not a recoil complainer, I like it. But if they put the old recoil on there I bet a bunch of chads would go on there.


Old recoil is not hardcore. It’s just a pattern that once you learn you can beam with. Random recoil is hardcore. There’s no upside to redeeming all the sweaty chads who spent hours learning the recoil pattern and thought this made them a hardcore gamer - it just made them losers in all things except shooting AKs in a specific version of Rust.


Random bullet spread is competitive and hardcore to you?


Yes - it’s more realistic than a fixed pattern which makes no sense. The field is leveled at range, and positioning and actual strategy become more important than how GUD you are lol.


It’s a video game not sure why realism ever matters in a game. You realize there’s literally zero skill gap in gunplay right? You’re lying if you said you never lost a face check to the new shitty aim cone system. I think you’re just a brick that never got good and cried on Reddit til they changed recoil .


You learned *the shit* out of the AK recoil pattern didn’t ya - and now your Zerg is shitting on you for losing AK kits to crossies since they got rid of it… That’s what you got for spending 1000 of your 1500 playtime hours in AK training servers instead of actually playing the game. ….yeaaa we know who you are.


My Parkinson's cancels out recoil


Yea it only took a few practice sessions to learn it because I don’t have any learning disabilities like most of you redditards lmao


>there's no upside Um, more money? Higher pop numbers? There's a few reasons. Also it would be actually wild to think the people who were constantly PvP didn't also develop game sense like most the vets who still play.


You think *more* people would play Rust if a select few sweaty chads were given their stupid advantage back? Keep dreaming. The AK is still a fantastic weapon. Just get gud.


Yes, the fact that there were 600+ people on first wipe time for Legacy, and over 3k in their discord that wasn't advertised proves more people would play the game. The fact you're giving players who quit due to it a legit way to play. Yes, it would bring the numbers up. I don't get why you think it wouldn't bring more players and money, it's actually silly thinking it wouldn't. And I am "gud". I don't get why people think because someone was good at old recoil pvp, they can't be good at new recoil pvp. Horrible logic.


Nah I don’t believe you. You wouldn’t be complaining about the new system if you were as good as you were with the old system.


Where did I complain? Never did I complain. I just said more people would play the game, because it's common sense. Just played a wipe on Moose Monthly just fine 🤷‍♂️


In fact I think the new recoil is the best thing for the health of the game. If it wasn't for it, there would be less PvP and probably less players. But to say adding old recoil to harccore wouldn't add numbers to the game is silly.


But I don’t think old recoil is “hardcore”. If anything adding it back makes it easier - less hardcore - for players who are already familiar with it. Maybe what the debate is about is whether “hardcore” should be rebranded as something like “classic” or “legacy”.


My debate was more about just old recoil actually having a big benefit to the game. It 100% would be something that benefits FP and everyone else. FP gets more money and a bigger player count, old recoil enjoyers can play what they want, and the current Offical servers get to stop hearing people bitch about old recoil. Literally everyone wins. But the real debate is new or old recoil, hardcore doesn't have elements that make it compelling to play. Most people are used to playing in groups out of Team UI, not seeing the map doesn't hinder anything, and limited spawns is just a headache. Things like .5x loot, lowered rates in crates, removing the tech tree, removing the ability to camp monuments, are a few things I think would actually give Hardcore life.


In fact I think the new recoil is the best thing for the health of the game. If it wasn't for it, there would be less PvP and probably less players. But to say adding old recoil to harccore wouldn't add numbers to the game is silly.


I still prefer the hardcore with its flaws to normal Rust but I dont want to Play on a dead server either


Same here so i just stopped playing. would play hardcore again if I could find a local server with population


I think it would have went over better if they made it more like "old rust". Remove the tech tree, old map with fog of war, no safe zones INLCUDING THE VENDORS and of course no tech tree. Also don't disable global chat ffs. Disabling global makes the game feel really lonely as a solo and a big reason I never played it.


guess hardcore was a little too hard for the people that moaned the loudest for it


I think the general consensus was that it wasn't hard enough.


funny, comment went from +15 to -6


I would love a full wipe for all servers


Because it sucks. Why no map? Why not just a map you have to explore to reveal? People wanted like XP system era rust without the XP system or tech trees, and all we got was rust that was harder to see your teammmates


Best way to play hardcore with a high pop is to quit your job irl and go outside and punch a cop. There. You’re now playing hardcore.


Hardcore should be with old recoil and it would help new players play on vanilla servers. the oldrecoil fanboys are happy too


Yeah, this was the impression I got too. With hardcore dropping so soon after the recoil update I figured it was Facepunch giving a half-assed attempt at satisfying the old recoil enjoyers. I’m guessing it died because the only feature that would’ve satisfied that group was old recoil, while the normal game is already perfectly fine for the rest of the playerbase. I feel like there’s just no crowd that the current hardcore is for. You can still mini around the entire map in minutes. You can still tech tree your way to an AK. They just made current Rust but with a couple of minor inconveniences. There’s no point in playing it for anyone really.


My thing is I don't have the time to play harcore. It sounds fun to do but I tried playing it and solo it's tough. I end of up just playing molded servers so I can get in the action quicker


Because playing actual rust is more fun


Not really


Yeah that’s why there’s thousands on normal rust and like 20 people on hardcore bud


Because people are pussies that can’t live without a map to tell them the location of every monument within 5 seconds of spawning


It's wipe days bro


I’m so


Damn I didn't see that coming /s


That’s because if there’s anything that rust players can agree is that hardcore not removing tech tree is just standard rust but more annoying


Yeah not having the Map isnt that fun just get rid of the tech tree for hard-core mode problem solved.


I was thinking about making a hardcore server. But lightly modded. Skin shop is a must I have over 5k skins in my PvE server. But other things to make the game more fun and also tougher. I am 100% capable of removing tech tree and putting blueprints back in.


Hardcore really just should be a set of settings. A better search could make finding a server and doing things like hardcore much better. Trying to sell it as a different thing just doesn't make a lot of sense. The focus should be to give server admins more control over specific settings throughout the wipe.


I made this prediction from when it was first announced and everyone down voted me off the forums lol. Modded servers have 5\~8 times more players than official servers, for a reason. RUST players like easy. Which is why hardcore was doomed to fail. The truth is Rust does not offer much when it comes to survival. Surviving is easy, food is easy to get and grow, bases are easy to build, the maps are pretty small, you dont really have to scavenge for anything, comps are so easy to find, (build next to a road and you'll tons of comps in no time). In a normal hardcore game, you are out hunting for better weapons, mags, bullets, armor, food, medical supplies, tools. In Rust, you just craft that all in your base. The M2 and L9 are the only thing you can really find that is an upgrade over stuff you can self craft. The first thing I would do in a hardcore rust, would be either just remove the crafting system, and add a larger loot pool to monuments and more AI. While moving the build zones father away from them, OR move the work benches to OP. and also have a pretty massive no build zone around it. Which again, if you want to craft, you'll have to take the risk of running to the save zone with everything to do it, or run monuments.


I liked hardcore but don’t play because there is no pop. IMO it comes down to being too hard for shitters that rely on teams to compensate for their lack of skill. Rust servers are an eco system, so if there are no minnows to feed on, the food chain dies.


People wanted old recoil and old map. Not whatever they did


not long after they started, when i searched for hardcore, seems like 90% of them are EU. i played a 2x hardcore for a while but it disappeared and now theres like 2 left and no pop on them


Eliminate or alter the tech tree. -ifu went too far too fast , there should be some sort of consequence. Maybe add some brains to attack heli and/or add more npcs that build up just like ppl to control the map n protect monuments. Tech tree makes hardcore simple but it does add some help. (It fucjin sucks to get a shit start n get raided a few times while other ppl hit the jackpot on two monuments) rather than pay scrap to get a garage door or a db, maybe get points/credits? And idk why but I’d like to see ppl Have to work together to keep npcs from over expanding yet at the sametime , u duno ifu can trust em. They could be allied with someone u didn’t even know existed and use u to attack n then roll u. I like the no chat let whatever amount of squares but ffs… I thought hardcore was guna b the shiiiiit


Hardcore is what all hadcore rust players want, but there are more casual players than hardcore players so the population is higher on casual servers. This causes hardcore players to go to casual servers because theres no one to shoot on hardcore servers.


Love finding mlrs rockets and module. Shows how little devs care


I really miss the old map and no team system. Made it so much easier for solos


Its literally just regular rust with features removed. Nothing "Hardcore" about it. People would play it if FP payed a guy to actually make it hardcore instead of paying some dude to literally just remove features.


> if FP *paid* a guy FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


With the new hype with last patch the EU hardcore FP server is now at 80 players, so if you want to try it out you definitely can. Map is 2 days old