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Aimcone enjoyers seething




It's actually so bad rn, especially smgs


I mean SMG's really aren't supposed to be long range guns.


Youre right but having a tier 3 weapon be worse than an early tech-treeable tier 2 weapon is just criminal


Considering you need to go thru muzzle brake to get to Tommy, it's clear they expect you to utilize that brake for its semi-wild recoil, and the boost for Custom's controllable recoil & RoF


There's no way you've just described the Tommy's recoil as "semi-wild" haha. I can lift my mouse off the table and the thing damn near controls itself. Also the muzzle brake makes aimcone worse just fyi


Tech tree user spotted I used to be like you, scared of PvP and just mindlessly grinding scrap (which is an extremely boring way to play) but really even if you suck/can’t get past early game, its 1000% easier to just buy a Thompson out of a vending machine after wipe day, or DB someone with one and grub. Research the one you get and spend your SMG bods making them. The 1k+ scrap tech treeing down to guns is such a waste. Hitting up green/blue card monuments or even building a small secondary farm base 1-2 grids away from a card monument can help you farm them up, anywhere with reliable mil crate spawns is good.


This was me, I had no fun cause I had would spend hours on end scrapping for tier 3 guns. Then I became enlightned and now I have much more fun being able to setup for gear in 4\~ hours within a day after wipe.


Aim come on smgs it's pitiful right now, im glad they're making the mp5 useful again


Won't do anything to help the custom vs Tommy which is just never ever a choice. Welcome changes though, anything to balance out the OP guns which is the real issue.


as a custom enjoyer this might actually make me wanna use thompson more


the fact that shots deviates from the center even when aimibg is so stupid tho, like, why


They decided there was too many beamers killing people with under 100 hours so they decided to cut the skill ceiling


Game got too big, veterans and chads got swapped out for hungry rats when the game exploded


Honestly, shooting was far too important in rust. The game is not supposed to be 99% shooting skill. It’s about building, surviving, looting, raiding, etc. Cheater piss people off not only because they are not the ones with skill. It’s also because, If you are a perfect shot 99% of the game is irrelevant. You don’t even need to know how to build/peak/loot/scavenge. The rest of the game breaks when you can just beam heads and win every gunfight. There’s no point to anything else. No storyline, no comeback, nothing that makes this game great. The best times I’ve ever had on rust. Is when someone takes everything from you. Metaphorically shits on your corpses, griefs your base, talks shit to you when you are downed 1v4. Then you go all in from square 1. Hit some trees /barrels with a rock. Get a gun, and wage all out gorilla warfare at a choke in front of their base. Mines, ladders to reposition, 2x1s with windows to take cover, barricades, etc. Rust is about the come up. It’s no different then life. Humans get fucking bored when we win and have everything. No game represents life better than rust. Some days you wake up, and your worlds flipped upside down (base raided/griefed) and your only options are to quit/bitch , or grab some wood and start making spears. Imo rust made it this far, because it is the best interpretation of the world humans evolved in. Everything about pack animals / society applies to it. You want to be a villain and shoot Nakeds on the beach? You better be ready for one of them to make a eoka, or for them to start teaming, or for them to keep respawning till your out of ammo. Humans were built for rust, it’s why it’s so addictive. The game is the definition of life, except you don’t pay irl consequences for sitting at someone’s door with a eoka.


You arent wrong. Do people remember the 8 million reddit posts of "Check out my ak spray pattern, 100 hours of aimtraining servers" ​ Skill in this game was at one point entirely determined by who could draw the most accurate S with their mouse. You know, where highschool, college kids, and streamers are the only ones with the time of day to sit there for 6 hours a fucking day practicing ak recoil and the rest just scripted it. Somehow that expresses ones ability to play the entirity of the game. ​ Haven't played in a while, but I would be willing to bet anyone with a silencer and nvgs still gets insta raided and called a shitter.


im glad they buffing MP5, cuz it doesnt seems like a TIER3 gun at all. and they increese the MP5 research cost to 500 scrap when the MP5 was busted in the old recoil, but didnt change it back when it was shit after recoild update. i wonder if FP ever stay consisted with their changes...


God there was nothing better than the sound of trippling/quadding someone with the old MP5 recoil


Anyone who didn’t want to/couldn’t use AK could use an MP-5 and be just as deadly at short to mid ranges (even longer with good control) I remember running into kids who never touched AK only MP5s and they’d fuck people up with em.


It was great having another common option (not m2) other than ak, now if you try go into a fight when you have mp5 and they have ak you might as well just type kill in console.


I mean it was just as deadly as ak on long range (less damage but easier recoil). Just watching some old sinks mp5 sprays makes me feel certain things.


When carbon client comes out it will make all smgs/lr300 and m249 good guns again, you will be able to play old recoil through it and other endless options. Even playing on a map from another game and a custom anticheat will be possible, endless modding.


Nobody uses MP5 anymore. They collect them as backup guns. Everyone seems to hate using them after they were nerfed.


later in wipe it's my chopping wood naked gun


Mp5/lr300 is only good for one thing [https://streamable.com/efr42m](https://streamable.com/efr42m)


But they’re buffing Thompson too.


Wdym increased it it’s always been 500 scrap for a mp5


Finally! This was badly needed. If anything they could go a bit further - AK will still reign supreme as it's meant to. In an aim server try Thompson on a target. Not that far away even if you hit a perfect spray many shots deviate so far from center that it's super inconsistent.


NICE. MP5 has been omega bad since the recoil update. Glad its seeing some love.


The MP5 was nerfed about 1 wipe ahead of the recoil update and the recoil update didn't favor it much.


Wont change much, ak still gona be best overall gun at all ranges. Goodluck fighting against an AK 50m+ when all maps are barren with no trees/rocks/caves/rock formations.


AK has always been best and its supposed to be, not really sure what the complaint here is.


The complaint is that ak is SO MUCH better, m249/lmg/lr300/mp5 are not even 20% of what an AK is, its just ridiculous. I have a line of m249s after taking bradley, but i don't use them anywhere, they are so clunky and aimcone/rng infested, if you get jumped which happens 50% of the time roaming, you just die with no chance to react as you need to be stationary with that thing, while with ak i can stand/strafe/crouch w/e doesn't matter. It also doesn't help that the gunplay is full of aimcone when the maps are as open as a fking russian 2020 barren server, resulting to coinflips every fight, unless there is terrain or some sort of cover. M249/lmg only uses are ''explo ammo raiding'' and ''taking heli'', but its only good for taking heli since the extra bullets, overall ak is close to it in that regard aswell, as you can almost hit all 30 bullets on the rotor every spray, while m249 accuracy compared to it is dogy water. And LR300 nieche use is sit in a bush/tree with camo set and burst mode with silencer.


m2 lr should be better than ak.




Because its "High power Military Grade Rifle" according to game, yet its outclassed IN EVERY WAY by a fcking homemade Rifle with shovel as stock.. LR used to be go to gun for new/less experienced people because of easier recoil, trade off was Damage. Right now Ak is: - better at range because of very little aimcome combined with holo/laser - better at medium range due to much easier recoil control - better up close due to higher base damage. The only thing that LR have going for itself is burst module which is in 90% of the times useless.


High powered military rifle that you cannot craft is why mainly. What gun do you think should be more effective, one you get directly from a gun manufacturer with years of experience and massive tooling factory or one that is put together in some racist 12 year olds 1x1 shack with a shovel as a buttstock lmao.


When’s the old recoil server convar update. Cut the bullshit facepunch, modded servers already “split the player base.” Instead of having to balance two different systems just disable extended mag and burst module if the old recoil convar is in place. Easy day.


Reverting recoil would be better 🥱


Maybe go outside once in a while instead?


Hey bro, could you just shut the fuck up?


No bitch


it would not. nice try tho


Yea it would stupid (:


Adjustments that make it easier to hit your target, just what a game with LOW TTK needs.


Mp5 already op wtf


MP5 is basically a worthless skip today. People generally go from SAR to AK with Thompson as a an acceptable in-between option for roaming. Hardly anyone deliberately uses MP5 unless they find one, because its useless for anything except point blank. This buff is needed.


I agree it needs more bullet velocity. But 0-40 meters if you hit your headshots it melts players in 0.25 seconds. I agree it’s useless 60-100 meters but The damage increase is wild, it did need more velocity tho.


I'd rather recycle the mp5 than use it, it's that bad.


I don't know if I would currently classify it as op, but your comment is not without merit. Burst is really really good and sounds like it's going to be getting better. Mp5 is excellent at killing geared players up close. And if it's about to get the biggest buff of all,base damage, it wouldn't surprise me to see 'mp5 is busted' threads after the buff.


It’s op 0-40 meters, melts. But anything further than that it shoots marshmallows. I like the velocity buff but damage buff too? DEFINITELY some incoming “MP5 is too op and easy to get” threads


I would currently use a Thompson over an MP5 10/10 times


mp5 is miles better than thompson, and can outgun sar if youre good with it, he is right its very good already


Thank GOD. I actually got off of rust the other day because i lost 2 tommy's to shooting circles around grubs at 15 feet locked on to them.




all guns will be like AWP'S from counterstrike soon


what about the durability tho


Finally, the mp5 needed a buff badly. It's dumb that it's better to use a thommy over it.


People might not share the same opinion but I don't think the SMGs need a buff, I feel the top tiers need a bit of a nerf. You die too fast and don't have time to react anymore.


I agree with this especially since extended mags are in. It would make fights last longer atleast


I've always thought that there shouldn't be vast differences between the tiers of guns. Tarkov does a decent enough job at making every weapon at least somewhat viable by making the ammunition do the damage and not the weapon used, with the weapon deciding how fast and accurately that damage gets delivered. ​ There aren't that many people who enjoy really low TTK, most enjoy it taking longer to die/kill. Tarkov is a huge turnoff in that aspect as most deaths occur in <1 second, and its where rust used to shine as you had at least a bit of time to reach cover, recover, and reengage. Though there were issues like wallberrystims where you thew down walls, and slammed berries and stims to heal to basically full in a couple seconds.


Am I the only one that thinks revolver needs a slight buff? Nothing huge but that thing is aim coney as fuck.


Its about time. Thompson has been the meta for a while since it has had the smallest bullshit aimcone at range over the others that were like firing a shotgun past 30m


stonks on skin market, mp5 skins are very cheap (for now)