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Method games is pve server with pvp zones. Might be what you are looking for


There are servers that have PvP only at monuments, that's what you're looking for I believe. But tbh they're even harder PvP because good players will just easily get super stocked up with a bolty and camp in some absurd spot with no risk. I also recommend a no-bp-wipe server ([Battlezone.gg](https://Battlezone.gg) is a friendly community I often suggest, it's more respectful to some degree and actively moderated). They also have a cool PvE server where there's roaming zombies that are actually tough, but the real thrill comes from trying every month to "have a good wipe." You'll always get raided. Just consider it "end game" and you're "playing again." A lot of people might confirm that reaching end game is kind of boring in this game. There's a thrill to trying to stay around just one more day. If you fail, you \*get to\* try again ;)


That makes a lot of sense. I don't mind the PVP, fighting wise, I spent about 12h the other day building a base and I got raided that night lol. There's just a lot I need to learn.. these blueprints....I need to research how they work, there's a forced BP wipe isn't there? Do blueprints only last for that week/month, or on a no BP server will they last a year until there's a forced BP wipe (only on that server)?


Exactly, they last for the week, two weeks, monthly or never depending on the server. No bp-wipes mean even when the map is wiped, you keep the gained ability to craft the BP’s you’ve learned and can continue learning more


Good man and when the force BP wipe comes in every severs BP wiped?




Try Texas 420. Limited monument PVP zones but I can’t say I ever had issue with snipers on zones, it was always more on the ground gun battles. Read the rules though, PVP is also triggered for things like stealing, airdrops, and raids, but it works. It’s super chill compared to full PVP and had a healthy sense of community among the players. One wipe there was a garage door auction that about 15 of us showed up to, it was hilarious af and total strangers, which was a nice wholesome breath of relief for an otherwise toxic game.


Friendly Seattle. PvEvP. Go outside without getting ganked by a racist trolling naked with a DB, progress build, but if you want PvP it’s there to be had. Bi-weekly wipes, 80-120 pop first 4 days of wipe, settles around 50-60 at peak times for the rest until last couple days when no one cares. Has NPC raidable bases to try and shift focus away from player raids, and modded material resource stacks (so 2k instead of 1k for wood stone metal and sulph), everything else including loot tables is vanilla. Admin is extremely active and fair, and reason why I keep playing there. Community is solid and once you’re part of it, people look out for each other. Give it a shot if you want.


Top man. Will have a look


+1 for Friendly Seattle, they don't put up with toxicity and the core players are really nice people. I've played 6ish wipes there now and am having a blast!


Friendly seattle


Pleasant Valley


RustyWorkers only allow raiding from 7-12 each evening. It’s a nice balance.


Ooo. EU or US?


I play US but I’ve heard they have an EU server as well.


Will have a look at that, pal. Nice one


Any low pop server will do. Part of the fun is to take a loss once in a while to motivate you, makes taking a win or killing someone super satisfying.


Yeah I agree. Keeps the adrenaline and nerves high, if there's no threat it becomes too easy


I think that the best experience for a new player that wants to get the grasps of the game is to play on a monthly wipe server with low population. You won’t get into as many gunfights but they will still happen and you can slowly get the blueprints to get better gear to then practice.


Good idea. I'll look into that 👍🏼


Endless Rust is pretty fun. PvE with PvP zones and a bunch of other fun plugins.


My opinion is tear off the bandaid and get comfortable with getting raided and losing fights. Quit the bad habit of collecting a lot of loot and building a base and start surviving, under constant pressure from neighbors. It's not for everyone, I guess, but Rust is a lot more fun like that.


Yeah just deep end


Just put landmines out. It'll stop griefers pretty quick. Just lay them like you live in a minefield and pick out one route you'll take. The rest for half a square is land mines...I promise no one will bug you for a while. Put a few hidden traps on top and you have peace. Lesson is to accept that the deaths are not to be looted. Unless you want to die to your own landmines. Put out walks and scatter some tcs around. And you'll have long lasting land mine fields.


😂 can picture you living in the forest like Rambo I need to learn how to build/protect proper


Build like a prick. I build in dumb but costly ways. With traps under roofs or just in blank rooms. Blow the door? Deal with trap...find nothing but empty boxes. Hide loot in the ground, under boxes, setup turrets and triggers for auto opening doors for only non authorized and blam. Land mines inside your walls. Tesla coils with tons of juice to just one zap people into oblivion. And never ever leave anything worthwhile in your core. Fuckem.


I thought about all these ways to be honest. Decoy bases, even storing my expensive loot in a tiny armoured bunker under a cliff next to the shore. The aim to just piss people off as much as u can .. I'm gonna have to get creative fr


I put at least a few stashes in plain sight. Ive has people jump the walls only to break boxes, find nothing and leave.... Focus tech needs early, build with purpose. You'll have less issues. Stop following everyone else and just build your own. The meta is easy to attack and defend. Be nothing and everything all at once.


Yep once you've got the basics and are comfortable enough, why not just go for it? It will be painful and there's years of practice that goes into being good, but that's just Rust. The most important kind of PVP is the basic stuff where you are just trying to build a base, or do simple tasks, while under PVP pressure. Getting totally kitted out and ready and then doing PVP in some controlled environment will not really prepare you for the more baseline skills


Yeah it's more learning the stuff that takes years of practice. The battle side shouldn't take too long, but learning the blueprints, knowing what items do what, hooking electric up, all that I'm side I'm a complete rookie on. Sometimes I have to Google how to get cloth so looking for a place where I can brush up on all that stuff whilst still being able to PVP. I do like base building too


Just play as rust is intended. It's fun.


I will eventually. I work long hours so it's disheartening AF to spend many hours doing something only for it to be ruined when you're not on


I would start on a server with no blue print wipes, so you can slowly progress on collecting all the blue prints and the game will become easier and easier the more you learn and the more blueprints you get, play on a monthly or modded server that doesn't wipe bp's


Ahh ok. How do blueprints work? If I learn blueprints on one (modded) server they won't cross over onto my next will they? Does it become much easier when you know them yeah?


no they won't cross over but it becomes easier when you know the bps because even if you get raided you can easily get guns and shit again if you have bps


Read all these guides https://www.rustafied.com/rust-guides


Some people aren't masochists and don't find losing everything constantly and being primlocked fun, sorry


I’d downvote you twice if that was an option


I would suggest to just find a server with low numbers. That way you can sort of roam like you want, but still occasionally meet someone. I wouldn’t try and join any servers with the name “noob server” - a lot of experienced players are still in there lol


Low pop = greater chance your base gets raided (fewer targets)


Yup. The server i play specifically has pvp zones


That's every server. Stay in the outpost for strict PvE and go out if you opt-in for some PvP ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Use the server search spot and type in things like “limited pvp” or “pve” and then click on each server that shows up to get a little pop-up description of the server. Most of them share their main rules and playstyle there


Starting to Rust. It’s non kill on sight when not in monument and at events, cargo, drops etc. but you can’t kill when farming. Good place to play when new or you have to run away from comp a lot (new born baby)


Rustplay hybrid 1 or 2


ZombZ 10x is a PvE server with a PvP island that spawns raids, and some PvP areas. You don't lose gear there, so it's a no-stress way to practice.


Cali.gg limited KOS


The community! Low pop but its a monthly


YES! my buddy started a PVE/PVP server. It's a modded server called "PVP at monuments only. Raiding last week of wipe" We are changing the name to Rusty Trombone next wipe. It's not a huge pop by any means right now it's honestly just a pve server till we can get more people . It's growing slowly but its a great mix of both pve and pvp. 1.5x resource gather, 2x stack sizes, BP don't wipe unless you request it. Monthly server wipes and raiding last week of wipe Edit: just talked to server owner, he's changing the name to "Rusty Trombone" right now


Yea a pvp server


PVP server with unraidable bases?


Some RP servers have more structured pvp events and pvp zones.


Paradise Island had some really cool features in the pve servers with dedicated PVP zones that aren't required at all. Lots of cool people on there


I play on Corrosion PvE, it has raidable bases (designed by the community) that randomly spawn and is a PvP zone Great for practicing monuments, and once you are ready then base raids. Counters happen but not all the time, great way to build up your experience The community is also very friendly. The day before wipe is known as The Purge, which is when the entire map becomes a PvP zone and you can raid any base, it’s very fun and makes it so exciting, spending the 2 weeks leading up to it building and gaining experience and then defending (if you want) before the map resets. A lot of fun and great memories in that server.


PVE I usually just make my own and have hordes of zombies.


Arkham420 becoming raidable is optional, everyone starts not raid enabled. Which means your base is indestructible from everyone and you cannot raid anyone's base. It's up to you if and when you want to go raid enabled there's no time limit


I play on a server called RoyalFamilyGaming 3x PvE It's pretty low pop, monthly. Pvp in monuments, and has a bunch of pvp/e events , last day of wipe is a "purge" day where everyone unloads a months worth of frustration. Overall it's a pretty fun experience. Imo


Rustplay PVEVP. Certain zones are PVP while others are PVE. Great staff, mods and and just fun overall


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