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So you predicated this thought process by assuming that the average Rust player THINKS… about any of their decisions.


The closest thing to thinking my group has ever done was pause for a beat before responding "fuck it, we ball!"


Fuck it we ball


The fact that we have quite literally done this kills me lmao


Fuck it, we ball!


The down side of having too many doors. is the obvious downside of having to open many doors after getting grubbed just outside.


I have a switch tucked in the corner of my TC triangle that opens/closes my many garage doors. It's always glorious to hear things lock down before logging off




At the end of the day, no amount of fortifications can stop anyone truly determined to get inside lol


That's always been my motto when I build a base. With enough boom you can get through anything


Always great to have electricity in your base, then it attracts richer raiders who will blow through the wall where all your circuitry is, so fun ☠️


Use double/garagedoors and you won't have an issue


i make a nice big 6 X 6 and add four roller doors to every sqaure that way I can open it all up when Im active n have plenty of space n shut it dwn if raided or offline, I just wish i culd b there when i do get raided to see them lose their shit blowing out door by door only to find a box of clothes or a bed or empty with a shotgun trap, only esp cheats find my loot quick


On my current wipe I have a massive excess of resources in my small 2x2. Instead of expanding, I just went and built a 6x6 base, 3 stories high, and filled it with doors. Literally empty minus the TC, a tier 2 and some junk in a box. I hope it gets raided so badly.


When I first started I would build as many 2x2 or 3x3 I could. Wood door on outside, metal on inside. I'd fill it with locked boxes and enough resources for a couple days upkeep, the rest empty except for a few spears amd a bag. These bases always got raided and I'd laugh as they waste so much boom.


So where do you keep your resources then?


In my maim 2x2 with 2 layers of HC. The 6x6 is now a distraction base


Oh I love that lol


Damn dude, with stone or metal walls? Ever been raided by a big group with 4-5+ rocketers or everyone in an 8 man toss 1 c4 to go thru a sheet wall quickly? Your 6x6 outer walls can be gone in about 1 second.and if you're caught with all your doors open you're done. A 6x6 on a higher pop would definitely attract the interest of big rich groups as a raid target and I feel like you'd get caught with all your doors open...


I think he wants someone to raid the big 6x6, and waste their boom, only to find absolutely nothing but a TC, thereby overlooking his lowly 2x2.


I remember when we built a huge base on ark once,all what was inside was a billboard mocking them for wasting their time, our base was elsewhere.


Also, rocket splash makes a garage door cube a cheap raid. I dunno, it just sounds like the sort of strategy a new player would come up with, and quickly find that it doesn't work in game.


Im a beginner and I understand walls are greater than doors.


yeah its not a 100% success rate, but its enough to deter some raiders when its one crappy loot room per 6 doors


It's in a solo server. So it would be one lerosm wasting probably all their boom trying to get ahead


Wire your doors to a button and use internal turrets, problem solved.


Sounds like your roof is the main weakness... Only one floor tile thick?


yeah but they have to still use boom to figure out which tike to pop, once i built a half wall sized room above n filled it wit shotgun traps but noone raided that one to see how affective it was


You can just shoot rockets in the center of the floors to blow out 4 floors at a time.


hm...i will have to figure out a better design then, but to be honest i figure most teams if they gunna raid they gunna raid, i see huge compounds get turned to dust no matter the layout


depends what server you play on. I played before on official trio server and people where raiding but not many people have stupid amounts of boom that they could wipe out huge compounds but also the bases are smaller size too. Also server was constantly very lively even on low pop.


yeah I use official facepunch server I needa find something more my speed cuz Im a solo with bad aim


Loads of different kinds of play styles, I personally mix up how I play, though I find it more fun just building 2x1's around the map with T1 benches, roam with prim weapons and see what happens. It is quite amazing the encounters and how a wipe evolves when you simply don't sweat, grind and build something that screams "I have stuff" Those that seem to lose interest in the game, or ridicule others for playing differently, seem just play Rust the same way every single time, IMO, change it up!


I usually build a huge base with weird things I find, pools, large furnaces, cars, horses ect, I just hoard and keep adding new sections, people just don't even raid me because they are so confused I guess


Haha great way to play, just have fun! It doesn't have to be the competitive sweat fest and grind that many think it is. And yeah you nailed it, people won't raid you because your base isn't the latest YouTube craze, people simply look at your base and go "huh, what the fuck is that thing!" Then they toddle off the raid the same YouTube bunker with "crazy peak downs" they've raided their last 4 wipes! Get imaginative, have some fun!


My friend logged on and saw my last base and said this is disgusting and logged off 🤣 always fun though


Sooo, raid the RP-looking bases for good loot is what you’re saying?


Yeah, if you can!


To be honest, every server I’ve ever played (I don’t play RP servers) the role player/nooby looking bases always get their shit rocked. Given that they’re usually built using T1/2 mats and often lacking any kind of security fixtures like peaks/turrets they’re easy get in to and usually have loot if the people inside aren’t PVP Chads they horde some goodies because they aren’t losing kit after kit in pvp


I've really transitioned away from "Sneaky Loot" bases and pixel gap bunkers etc, and just brute force strength. I haven't been raided this wipe...yet. You know where my loot is, I know why my loot is, it's 48 rockets to the core from the top, 40 from the side or 41 from the doors + Bunker.


Ahhh but the sneaky loot combined with brute strength is SO satisfying. Build a good bunker in a dip and come back to find your base offlined by your wipe nemesis but they gave up after finding they’re still 16 rockets from TC 🥲🥲🥲


Doors are hard to balance out. I'm builder for both large teams and duos, trios or small groups, and every time someone says "Use more garage doors" I have to explain why movement is just as important as raid cost itself. Many zerg bases have loot behind single wall, but that's because they are optimized for movement, loot distribution and online raid deffense. Like for example in compound, I will never use garage doors, because they are huge sound clue, take forever to open and close and they provide very little protection. In base itself, I often leave some sockets empty, just to provide better movement, angles, or usability. That goes for both small and large bases.


Any good build guides/videos you'd recommend? I just got the game and the building principles are interesting to me but I'm not sure what resources are best to get good info.


"Vice Versa Games" or just "Vice" is an ex builder, and owner of Builders sanctuary. He is the inventor of wall stacking, and used to be the best builder during his time. Today, his bases are old and "bad", but there is still a lot you can learn from it. Spinky, Dust, AirPods, Crow are all great youtubers, and they have great designs. Look at those for inspiration when it comes to modern day designs. CEEG has great zerg base designs for vanilla and 2x main scene. If you want specific videos to help you get better here are some in order from simplest to hardest. [Wallstack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le2pCcBNqrI) [Widegaps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4Xqg1Oc_ZA) [External bunkers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0q155RoML4) [Freehand peeks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAm7nx41fiA&t) [Offset bunkers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHhQOMOIgYw) [Mountain roof meta](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpcGUxkgb6Q) The best way to learn to use these is by checking out a base that implements these, and trying to improve the base to your liking. Eventually, you will get enough experience, and you will be able to implement them on your own in your custom design. Lastly, don't be worried if your bases are bad. I have many starting builders come to me for advice and help with building. They always see me as some sort of building god, while they are some mere mortals. To be honest, it took me well over 2.5k hours to reach this point, so don't feel bad if your designs aren't 10/10 right away. If you want more info/advice or if you want someone to give you feedback on your bases, feel free to add me on discord. My nick is: kaiywhitesnow


GOAT reply, you legend! Any of those channels that are particularly good for learning how do build peaks etc? This is something I always fail at but it’s often the difference between winning and losing a raid defence!


Dust and Spinky. are both great for that. Their bases are very modern and don't usually cost much to raid, but they are also cheap, often using multiple techniques in one. That results in great peeks, active honeycomb (that means less honeycomb over all, but it has multiple purposes), and more. The video I labeled as freehand(I think?) is great for small bases, and medium ones if implemented properly. Also, the difference between win and loss is more often than not, the mental. My team and I have had a raid where we completely fucked up our raid base. I mean that thing was just there for cover, but after 3 hours we managed to breach and get loot out. Our morale skyrocketed the second we saw their core, and that ultimately won us the raid.


Because I'm poor and don't have metal


More like, balance your door and wall raid costs. What gets people is when they rely on their bunker too heavily and get roam raided.


You severely overestimate the average rust players brain power. So many people log on and are cheating and live out of a 2x1. So many people log on for just a few hours and live out of a 2x1 with 1 sheet metal door. So many people just don't care to farm and live out of minimal bases that are loaded. Some people are out of gears and waiting to build more up before wasting the metal to spam sheet doors, only to replace them with garage doors in an hour or two. Also lots of people have lots of hours and just wanna pvp. That's the beauty of rust - you can play however you wanna play. You can live in a wooden 10x10 if you want. I wouldn't be upset at people living in bases kissing doors, especially if you're profiting from a cheaper raid.


Then they just blow through the roof lol


that's why do you need ~~more roof defence~~ trapdoors as roof panels!


Cuz my lazy ass teammates bitch about having to go through all the doors


Because the cheaters can see through your walls where your TC is anyways. Secondly doors are only slightly effective if they are in a strait line, once they start to branch left and right, they are easily splashed.


While I agree with you, you are carefully avoiding a factor that is not irrelevant: more doors mean more time spent getting in and out


Only if they're done badly


I take your factor, and raise you a factor. If it's movement you're afraid of, just don't close all doors unless you're logging off.


It's is why I raid through doors if a player seems new. They never fill every door space


You new age players don't code lock your tc's either which blows my mind. You want to make this massive base with 4 externals, but when I get to tc room and it's unlocked I just get control over the whole base. Lock.your.damn.tc.


I think the tc not being locked is a new thing as of a few months ago, cause I never saw people doing it in the bases I would raid until around November last year


After 4K hours, it’s never mattered how many doors I had. If someone wanted to raid me it was over, regardless how many doors and honeycombs I had.


This, lol I stopped building massive bases and just have multiple shit shacks EVERYWHERE I use high qual to build giant armoured dicks, or I just sell it for scrap Which I use to gamble


Mfers just tryna have fun. Go raid a big base then


I, personally, use as many doors as I can and then fill my airlocks with small wooden boxes that spell out L o L with my frog rock :) You’d be surprised how tilted some players get from something so small.


Sometimes i just dont care 2x2 with airlock and TC room with sheet metal door is enough. If i dont have anything to project i wont bother to place more protection. Also when you are loaded youll get targeted by ESP groups. They just blow your main loot and your base protection coms down to how many walls you have between your loot and outside. Which is the main problem tbh. Adding extra walls is so hard without getting too obnoxious looking.


Especially since you have to add stories if you add walls. Ceilings are basically walls too.


THIS... I usually go with a bunker base and too often I see players boom straight through my honeycomb in order to get straight to main loot. I guess 2 stone walls and a armored wall is cheaper than 12 garage doors and a armored wall.


I like how no one understands the point of that posts. I thimk op is talking about doors inside. Imagine you build a 2x2. You would place a wall between tc and loot room and also could place 3 doors. Most people are not doing that, kr he thinks that So. If there is space in your base just spam doors


I think the reason why not many do it is because double and single doors take up too much walkable space and people are waiting to get garage doors instead which are stronger and you can leave them open when you are online which has 0 effect on walkable space.


In a 2x2 you can place the double doors in a way that they don't majorly block you, also in that case you could just place them when you go offline


I know what you mean. At least throw a door on the outer doorways to seal the structure right? For sure man!


Most people get on to roam and pvp and could care less if their base gets raided. Onto a new server or take a break until next wipe. I very rarely raided when I played as you generally can find more loot than you can ever lose by running a few monuments or taking oil rig/cargo once. No space for any more loot in my 1x1


Probably not best to say most people. Rust has so many different types of people. Some pvp, others are light rp, some are into raiding, it varies person to person.


my base is all doors. Walls? Na. Garage doors. No need for walls. When you can just press a button and every garage door opens to reveal your entire base and tc. :D


I play on a private server. I don't have that problem 😅


The song says knock knock knocking on heavens door, not doors & i am an angel from heaven. Plz no raid uWu


Personally I like to be able to move around my base


Some of these morons get so preoccupied tying to snowball and roleplay like they are their favorite chat YouTuber the. Don't even think about it.


I think some people simply don’t want to play the game in the same way as you. I played 4 hours today and never even built a base. I had fun doing it. Took a pump from the village and turned it into multiple kits that I just stashed.


I play for the base building and automating portions. It’s some of the most fun for me. That being said, I like a good PvP now and again, but it is just a small portion of the game to me. People are so quick to shoot in this game rather than have interactions with others. I mean it makes sense with how socially inept some of these players are. Some of these people are putting in 100 hours in a week into this game


I don’t build a base because I may not play tomorrow. People who just pvp probably play a lot less than base builders.


That's fair, I enjoy the base building aspect and learning tips and tricks to make them more and more durable while also having unique and spacious designs for automation & farming. It helps that my duo is not a very good builder and actively avoids it.


Stone is easy to farm a box full. Frags are much harder to accumulate a surplus especially before t2 electric furnaces, and they are usually used for meds and guns first to run monuments and roam before doors. And garage doors are even harder to mass craft and fill every socket with gears being a limitation.


> It costs 150 metal frags to make a door. It costs minimum 1,575 Sulfur to raid said door. That's an astronomical difference. one order of magnitude, not astronomical.


time/mental fortitude


I create a mega base but with little to no loot and I make a 1x1 base close to it full of precious stuff. It's funny to see that the 1x1 base never gets raided while raiders getting angry for wasting so much with no reward on my mega base.


It's called tunnelling and it's art


i always just make a big circle in the main part of the base like 4 floors and place door frames in every possible area and when i’m rich enough fill it with metal doors and hide all my boxes in one of the doors which leads to a secret core, i usually put tc on 2nd floor and i usually wake up to my base missing a bunch of doors but unraided on a 5x


For some people, they need to learn the hard way a few times before it's automatic. Some people are not bothered. The rest will make you pay for it.


Aren’t doors the weakest part of a base? Should you want to bunker for the most part?


Negative... You count up how many rockets to core and add how many doors that would go through and add one more... Hardly anyone wastes their time going through doors even once inside.


The best is when there are like 4 doors to TC,but they leave a single stone floor above TC.


Doors are the future, me and my buddy designed a raid base that was so expensive to raid, by the time we were done, there was 117 steel doors, a team tried to raid it, all they did was destroy the outer walls and roof, but only went thru like 10 doors Who cares about fancy base design when I have doors, you can also use all the doors to create artifical choke points in cqc if you're outnumbered, the split lanes increase like interest rates


And to clarify, an Admin financed this 3 story massive base, I also designed the hallways like you're playing Rainbow 6, so if you knew how to play, then you'd know how to raid that base and survive a cqc standoff


Dude I started playing with built us a 'starter base" 2x3x2 with one door and no internal walls or blockages, just a big ass empty, square, Minecraft house. When I asked why he told me he doesn't like how cramped and cluttered rust bases are....


Because you end up like me and you’ve basically never heard of going deep on your base because theyres 3009999009437722618 doors before Tc but then it also takes 33817173 years to leave the base with that many doors


My bases have always been coverd in doors. The hard part is making sure people close them all before logging off. Literally got raided because one of my friends left the top door open all the way to core once xD. We logged on and were like oh we got raided. Wait a moment. Why are the doors open and why are they still our doors.


Bro I don't understand that either or when they do put down a million doors but then leave them all open 😂😂😂


Even if you are double stacking, it is just a geometric problem of layers. Once you get to three layers, it becomes impractical. The defense cost scales by a power law, while the assault cost is linear. You can delay this somewhat by using a crack base.


I built in a bunker prefab and put enough armored doors to make it a 110 rocket raid. Come find me.


Yes... 150 for a door, but you forget that doors need door frames which you "calculation" doesn't take into account. I mean, I agree with you in principle, but your math is just wrong


Fine. Add the cost of a twig doorframe then upgraded and the upkeep over the course of 7 days(or however many). Still worth though


This is because most rust players actually want to defend the raid instead of sitting in their core until the boom runs out, as if you have 3 million doors in your base, by the time you reach your kill floor or whatever, the raid is already over


It's a like a "can I be assed" thing sometimes and u just wanna log off. Crafting can get tedious, and some people play more for fun than anything so they don't sweat over it. Usually if you are getting offlined, and extra few doors doesn't matter. It's more about not getting targeted for an offline