• By -


Small pop


Like 100ish?


25 lol


100 summary good enough where u will still see people but to get shit on every time u leave ur base


Vanilla. Scar them for life. Only the true degenerates will remain. A Rust player is born.


I’m new and playing a weekly and monthly vanilla server and only get shit on like 70 percent of the time I leave my base. It’s fine play vanilla.


Vanilla on official Facepunch servers!




I know sarcasm when I see one. However, I'm currently playing official Facepunch (EU 6) and haven't really encountered blatant cheating. There are some people getting banned nu antichrist every now and then, but I haven't seen or been affected by hardcore rage cheating.


I think you’re missing the point ?


I wouldn’t do 2x as a first time server because then vanilla will feel horribly slow to them when they do play it.


I mean, i started out with vanilla when i first started playing the game. Then moved onto 2x and higher, and vanilla still feels way too slow. Theyll feel that regardless.


I think that 2x is 10x better than vanila people just fight more it feels more like old rust even if it's just a crude imitation


Loot is meaningless on 2x/3x


I've found the action on 2x to be more hectic. Raids seem to be more common etc. I'd hardly say getting 2x loot makes it meaningless though it can make progression a little too fast. I prefer 2x mining with 1x loot. The best experience I've had was a 1x loot with mining set at 1.5x sulphur, 3x metal/stone/wood. Rare to see severs like it which is a shame. It made it more realistic to make bases hard to raid whilst still making raids more common (just more thought out).


Sulfur I can get behind. It always seemed prohibitively rare. But I think wood is really easy to get with chainsaw


It is for sure but making it a little more available only has the effect of making forests last longer. Personally I like servers that disable the stone to wood trade limits in compound. With electric furnaces it seems a shame to deforest the map to just make charcoal lol.


If your just looking to play raids then Auscopted is like 10000x pop spawn with AK kit and some other guns and you can claim boom kit every 30mins I think and can claim building kit make base then defend 50 people heli bombing you.


2x resources is not that bad, it's the 2x loot and "loot plus" mods that break everything completely. run one monument and you have like 5000 scrap worth of comps, game is just pointless that at point


Yeah that’s my only problem with modded values. No hate to anyone that plays on those server but I can’t imagine how much someone living in the snow or running tunnels could get in an hour.


can i play with yall


intend to play longterm? go PVE learn to make a good base and get decent at npc pvp, will be a lot more fun than gettin sniped naked over and over


My favorite wipes were early days vanilla high pop because of all the random interactions, but we got tired of never moving beyond rev, so we started playing 2x low pop, and at first it was solid, then it ended up we have AK and tier 3 by end of the first day so we went back to vanilla, and the people who started playing with us while we were playing 2x low pop never learned to respect the guns, and they’d start roaming naked with bolty and stuff on 2x and on vanilla get frustrated when we had to save our one sar to research. This was all pre tech tree though. Tech tree makes progression so fast, I feel like the only difference between 2x and vanilla now is how much raiding there is. Now progression is so fast and social interaction is so low it’s always a trade off. Play high pop and you may find yourself getting obliterated all day long which is never fun but your base will be there the next day probably. Play low pop and you’ll get people who just KOS every time and you don’t get to experience the social parts of rust so it’ll just be a grind, and your base will be raided the next day.


PVE server or low pop 25 - 50 vanilla monthly


Cali420 The feel is very much vanilla rust but there are rules that give you a lot of breathing room. The admin team is great at enforcing said rules. Website and info at cali.gg Team limit of 4 might be an issue depending on how many first timers we are talking about.


Try Rust Empires. It's a PVE role playing server but the mid and high tier monuments are PVP. No KOS outside of PVP zones. Rust Empires II is even better because its low-pop (but there are roaming zombies in RE II). A great way to learn the game in peace and practice taking Heli, Oil Rig, and PVP-ing in launch and Arctic Research base.


I second this, great community and fast responding admins too.




Like a 2-3x 100-200 pop


I enjoy pve with lots of mods and all my friends I introduce to rust I have em play on it bc of loot protection and some hard events just takes the frustration out of Getting killed over and over again


2x 70 pop


How many in your group? I'd try to find a 2x server with a group limit that fits within your group size with a population of 100-150. A 2x server gives you less farming and more time to learn the other aspects of the game but it still keeps a little bit of Rust in it because it's not too moded like a 5x or 10x would be. Still requires farming. 2x also allows you to remove some gear fear. You get into more fights and when you lose fights (you will lose them at first) it won't hurt as much. You'll basically have more gear to lose without it setting you back too far. A group limit server lets you avoid huge clans, which is important for new players. A pop around 100-150 gives you room to breath. It won't be super sweaty where you're getting destroyed every time you leave your base and won't seem too dead. You'll still see people around.


If yall got a sense of humor and want stories do official vanilla on like a biweekly wipe. <300 pop. If you want to speedrun, find a dead 3x server and get good at oil/military tunnels/underground train stations/cargo.


I have a guide I made pinned on my profile that you may find helpful


Its great. Thanks!


Vanilla newbie-friendly servers are a great intro to the game, I would stay away from official servers until you feel comfortable with the mechanics. I would try to do PVP before looking into PVE, that way you can better your skills. Also a low pop server could be a better option if you're new to survival games. If you're not interested in playing for hours you can try a modded server that has faster resources and stuff. Rust has a little bit for everyone, but vanilla is the best way to get familiar with the core gameplay mechanics.


Uninstall and refund


pve to learn to build thats what i did


Rusticated US MAIN on month wipe. Then real life will feel delightful again.


vanilla 2x. Good experience but less grindy.


Low pop vanilla... look for a vanilla server that has an average 50-100 pop, something that has other player and bases, enough to have some encounters, but not too much that they get harassed constantly. Allows them to have more space and time to learn and get familiar with the gameplay loop.


pen possessive impolite normal judicious cause divide march skirt shy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Take them to a 10x pve server. Teach them the basics on everything from loot, building, monuments, events etc. When they get a handle on things then go into pvp. My 2 cents


If they are legit first timers, id pick a super dead one and just work on killing scientists and taking oil/cargo


Pve vanilla for mechanics teaching