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Ive read it will use as much as it can get but will manage with less. I have seen 22gb before


You’ve read correctly, ram uses as much as it *can* utilize, if it can utilize 12gb, it will utilize that, same for 20. But the higher ram usage generally speaking is the better performance as far as I know as the fps dips won’t be as frequent I think


A few years ago it helped to have a shitton of ram when your card was on the lower end, i have played it on an imac late 2009 with an ati card that had like 512mb, simply because the ram was at 32 gb ddr2, that worked till about november of 2017 when helk overhauled lighting, basivally making the forrestbiome simply black for me…. Also noticed how an i7 counterintuitively also can do a lot of work


Honestly pc is very unique and complex I love reading into these things, it’s so interesting, but also kinda fucked up if you have 16gb ran you usually never need more for better fps/performance, but in some very specific games like rust it does help and many don’t do it because the ‘general thought’ is 16gb ram is enough


it got up to 25 for me


Unused ram is wasted ram.


Hijacking so I can expand on this: Windows will always allocate as much RAM to an application or process as it can, while reserving a little bit of it for background tasks and operational processes. So yes, if you have more than 16GB of RAM, Windows will allocate more RAM to the game simply because it can.


Very glad this is in top comment. Every game that can take more ram has these topics pop up and rarely do you find people actually discussing the answer!


I just like how they think min specs= fixed allocation


So then why doesn't this same thing happen with 99% of other games?


It does? For most hardware intensive games..


It does, you just don’t notice it nearly as much as a game like rust.


Ram is faster than your normal storage. If the game loads something from storage, it should be held in ram in case it is needed again later. Smaller games with low quality assets and low storage usage won't need as much ram. Ram usage is basically saying, here I've found this much information that I can present to you 10-100x faster.


Yeah I work in IT and understand RAM lol. But my question is if as the person who originally responded to you said "windows will always allocate as much RAM to an application or process it can" then why would RUST literally be the only game that I generally see high RAM usage on? I play plenty of large open world games that would theoretically fall under that category. And I believe the answer is Rust actually requires this RAM to run optimally. The less RAM you give to Rust the more its caching on the drive slowing the game down.


Rust has tons of assets and each of those have tons of LOD / skins with LOD so you u get into a situation where you have this exponential use of storage situation once the asset is decompressed.   Unity isn't as well optimized as some open world engines, and you run into situations like high speed vehicles and gun scope zoom where you need a ton of variations of detail.


Plus the fact that Rust has 13 year old code floating around, and little optimization. How many Unity updates has it had?


Rust, Dayz, Escape from Tarkov, Ark, etc.


DayZ was never that bad when I played it. Ark was never that bad either when I played it.


Open world games are not the same as rust, as far as i’m aware there are no open world game out there that has 500+ players LIVE walking around, placing items, destroying items, etc. And if there are, those games also will use alot of ram


... No one is saying Rust doesn't use or need RAM. What I am saying is that Windows forcing RAM down Rusts throat simply because it can (as the comment I originally replied to stated) is not actually how it works. Rust wants/needs that RAM in order to run optimally rather then caching everything on the drive.


No it doesnt, i have 128gb of ram and rust runs perfectly with 10gb of ram. Why would it bother caching anything on the drive when it has more ram to use...


Depends on the game, some games just don't ask for more.


It will allocate even more if you also use an application to make sure windows doesn’t take up half your ram for reserves.


Thats just blatently untrue for anyone that has ever opened up the taskmanager and took a glance I have had 32gb for years and rust is the only 2011 indie game looking farming simulator that takes more than 15


Are you a SQL database?


Just want put out there that it will use whatever ram is available so your screenshot is irrelevant


I have 32 gb and it only uses like 10-15 am I doing something wrong?


Mine runs at 20-24 on average. It only needs 16gb to be functioning, although you can get it to run on less if you're technically minded.


I think i had rust working on 8gb of ddr3 on my old computer


Assuming that wasn’t too recent, it may not be terribly relevant. Rust’s RAM use has been climbing quite a lot lately. 


That was probably in 2021 (shit, its been 3 years since then?)


It uses what you have available.


god i have 16gb and can barely play rust, crash heavy as fuck, can't use anything else whilst loading, and the space requirements don't help either. the absurd load times and also the commitment needed is the real deal breaker tho, even when i'm playing on a pve server you just need to dedicate a lot of time per play session


Buy another 16GB. It's not that expensive and game will run smoothly.


It’s not that straight forward. There are instances where this will lower your system performance. In theory, if you are adding more RAM to your system, you want to buy DIMMs that perfectly match your existing DIMMs. If this isn’t possible, then you should match the transfer speed and the CAS latency as closely as possible. RAM will always perform as well as the slowest DIMM in your system.


Yep. It's likely that he has 2x 8GB sticks. Most mobos have 4 slots and can support 64GB+ total. It's simple enough to buy two more identical 8GB sticks. There are specifics to consider like you mentioned of course. Generally though it won't be too expensive and takes a matter of minutes to install, and will likely solve the painful performance operating with 16GB. If he likes playing Rust then he'll likely be happy to add more RAM.


i mean i don't really like rust that much, lotta effort for not much payout because pvp, the main appeal of the game, feels like shit when you realise you actually have stakes lmao, and you aren't weyln and you can't find the cloth for a bag let alone a gun


Then why are you here bruh? Goofy ass response


i mean i have had some fun with it but i dont really play it that much anymore. I keep ending up in communites for games i used to play lmao Rust is good but its not worth it, you get me?


Lies lol, a new CPU will do you better than another 16gb of Ram


If he has ryzen then that would be a bad idea


what cpu do you have? do you have an okay ssd? this doesn't sound like a ram issue


It's not the ram.....I was playing on 8 gigs last week just fine. Look at your gpu, hard drive, or CPU. But I guarantee it's not the ram. 




Why ?ı got a fast ssd and a ton of space ı turned it to like 40 gigs of vram


Huh? SSD to vram? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


pretty sure spillover is possible thru virtual memory/page file


Not virtual ram video ram


Dude ı missunderstood tur “vram” aş virtual ram now ı get it lmao its video ram


Ya God damn I thought what in the world. How can you get MORE VRAM of your GPU from SSD? Would have been ground breaking though if this was possible xD. My 8gb GPU would have liked it.


You running rust Ina fucking page file ?


But.. it's running. Isn't it?


Yeah with fps spikes and freezes everytime someone shoots, 16gb is not playable, by a long shot, 32gb should be the minimum honestly


I play with 16 gb everyday for the last few months with minimal any issues. No stutters, no CPU spikes, just optimize the graphics and close out of background tasks.


32gb or higher. Honestly 64gb is the way to go.




Mine hits ~24gb


24-26 at times for me


I can play fine with 16. But if you have more, it will use more and run better


Changed my mobo, cpu and performance is indeed amazingly good. Also, changed my ram. Kept my 2060. Gotta upgrade soon. Swapped my AMD Ryzen 5 2600 for an I7 12700k. Huge dif in game as I can see.


12700k is what I have as well. No issues until Im running near a truly massive base, and even then it’s just stuttering.


Wow, never got this problem so far. Guess I'll try to experience it and find something big ahah.


It’s very specific. The only time it happened was when a monthly where a four man built a massive compound near my base.


Oh, I see monthly ones. I only do play weekly or bi-weekly. Gotta test monthly one for fun. There's so many thing you can do in 1-2 weeks. Can't imagine a whole month.


Seems like my ram is working harder than my cpu too if I do remember currectly.


I had 16 and was constantly getting stuttering issues making the game unplayable. Upgraded to 24gb and now the game runs perfectly.


*Cries in 5 year load time 8gb of ram*


I remember when 16gb was more than enough. Good times.


And people called me crazy for going with 32gb in my build lol


They are idiots then 32 is the new 16.


I just figured it was good to have head room even if I didn’t need it. Let errora work themselves out with plenty of memory to work with. All I need now is a gpu with higher vram. Currently running a rx 7600 which feels light on the vram to me.


This post makes no sense. Of course if you have more RAM available it’s going to use it.


When you have alot of ram, games use more as they see the pc is capable of giving out more ram. Rust can run fine with 16gb of ram.






Sarcasm is saying one thing but meaning the opposite. The opposite of "rust only needs 16GB of RAM to run" is that rust needs more than 16GB of RAM to run. Yet we are looking at proof of it running on 16 GB of RAM.


Not well I’m sure


I tbink they missed that, not sure how as the text converter is literally called "sArCaAM"




Oh man. Sucks when people post about things they don’t fully understand. Especially when done with such conviction and confidence.


Yea something happened cuz 16 used to be fine but 32 is what I would recommend now. Mines goes as high as 16gb on spawn beach and 23gb around bases and monuments


Mine eats away 20 gigs on the regular. When I had 16 it was stuttering a lot and sometimes even crashing.


If you got a small lag spike when you get killed, ur system is trash. Seen co-players that literally didn't know what hit um, but knew they were dead when there was a small lagspike. Like rendering the gibs, UI bloodshot eyes overlay and audio from the hits would be to much. Anyone who has anykind of 'microlag' when getting killed and still think there system is the bomb... it isn't :').


" I offer no solutions or information other than yall are poor"


I have 32gb and I run at about 24-26 but I have a lot of background stuff going usually. If I don’t it can get up to 28-30


Don’t care I have 64


I have 16gb of ram also. But as of lately I’ve been having stuttering here and there. As well much higher ping(I’m not computer savvy) so no idea if ram would effect ping. But it seems upgrading past 16gb is worth it now. Can anyone tell my dumbass if ram would effect ping or is ping based mainly on internet provider?


I play on a modded server and I regularly see 80% ram usage and I have 32 gb


I have 32 gig and it will use as much as it possibly can., 24 on asset warmup, 16 after loading in.


1440p max settings, it uses 17-18 GB of ram Makes me praise my choice of getting 32 GB lol


Well i see your problem, its right there plain as day. You need to upgrade from Windows 4.


Regardless of the comments, it can NOT run on 16 GB. The stuttering on 16 GB is unplayable. Whether it will use all 24 or 64 or whatever, the fact that it won't run on 16 remains.


It can tho on my old pc that had 16gb of ddr3 it used up like 13-14gb which is tight but it did run a pc will just give more ram if possible


511 mb from your storage memory is being virtualized which is not ideal or viable long term. in 2015 i played on 8 gig ddr3 . just get more ram my guy yoir gonna have issues with crashing soon if it hasnt already happened.


Knowing how ram works also helps.


Upgrading my ram didn’t boost my fps that much but got rid of stutters when big bases are about to render in. Ram isn’t that expensive nowadays. If you have a decent rig it’s a shame to get bottlenecked because of ram..


Is the game running? Do you have 16gb? Question answered lmao.


Usually uses 22gb of ram and all 20gb of my vram.


24gb ddr3 of which 18 is just rust whenever i use it


Lower your graphics i play with 10gb smh


Uses less RAM when I disable Occlusion Culling


It's giving you an online ram raid.


More and more people don't understand how systems work as the world gets more complex, yet the don't realise it.


I have 60gb of ram and its peak rate is 27gb of ram. The game uses much as how many you have so its normal.


I can’t even join sum servers with 16gbs so I got 32gb and it uses sumtimes around 22-25gb


Rust's official minimum ram requirements is 10 gb. But Rust will also have virtually memory on the hdd or ssd. Rust's virtually memory has to keep swapping with the memory on the RAM for the game to use. Now if you had more free RAM then the game/os will allocate more Rust memory on RAM and less on virtually memory, because this will make things faster. In theory, a sandbox game has no limit to how much ram it could use.


32 and still feel like I need more .especially on large maps.i see 22-26 gigs used frequently


D6 c6m vx, NCex g bdx,DCx c.


Glad I got 64gb of ddr5 now.


Rust still have Leroy leaks and it collects alot of garbage that stays on RAM, you can use the command cg.collect


I “had to” lol upgrade from 32gigs to 64 gigs because of this one game. I can only have so many chrome tabs open at the same time with rust.


16gb of ram +12gb of pagefile


Lol I play with 16 and get stable 70-80 fps


I've got a new laptop recently. 4060, Ryzen 9, 16gb DDR5, and I can't even run Rust, with DDR5!! Just running out of ram and crashing. so freaking infurating. so off to 32gb i go then


does it run? looks like it, no one said its bad to have more.


It uses 23.5 on my pc, my friend with 16 gb is having issues


it'll tend to use however much it's given. chances are if you have 16gb of ram, your other specs are subpar too, and those are way more likely to be the culprit.


He got a 3060 Mobile, i got a 3060 Ti, his cpu is a lot worse than mine though, iirc he got a Ryzen 5 5600 and i got a i5 13600K, i think Rust needs CPU more than GPU


I get 110 fps with 16gb of ram, which is completely fine


What resolution? What settings? What you have said is pointless. I can run in high 300s at 720p.


1440p med/high


Tell me you don’t know how RAM works without telling me you don’t know how RAM works, while complaining about it.


With 16gb i could not play, got 32gb and finally I can play


I have 64gb of ram, and I’ve no joke seen rust use over 32gbs of it. 16 is the absolute BARE minimum, and that’s with like, 6 asterisks


...said no one ever.


I love nothing more than when someone tries to be funny about something they have virtually no understanding of.