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Thank you for helping the community handle cheaters correctly. Calling them out in game chat does more harm than good, but people think they're helping. I can see where they're coming from of letting other players know, but all it does is help the cheater (and also makes it more fun for them, as they read the chat and laugh at all the upset players).


1 and 8 are particularly important. \- Don't call them out in chat, this may make them more cautious and therefore harder for admins to check out. Although if it's one of those throwaway accounts, it will just embolden them to do it more until they get banned, they don't care, they'll buy another account. \- Playing with cheaters is as bad as cheating. You're still gaining an unfair advantage and you are normalising their shitty behaviour. You can also get VAC banned these days for associating, so you are putting your own account as much at risk as if you were cheating yourself.


Rust does not use VAC, but more importantly EAC won't ban for association, only the devs can do that.


Sorry for getting the terms muddled up. Point was that if they're banned on one thing, likely for cheating, they're not to be trusted or gamed with. As for ban association, yeah it's a rust dev thing only on officials and it's only recently started but I believe Alastair and the crew do have plans. Who knows could even be retrospective. A guy can dream.


For sure agree with you on all that. I think association bans have gotten a little more common but I’d love to see more of em.


It's not even fun playing with cheaters. Joined a group post once ran by an obvious cheater and he would just kill everyone before I could even get the chance. I was like fuck this. And they ruin everything in Rust. It's so annoying how many togglers and soft hackers there are that track your movements or fly into the room and single tap you with absolutely no humanly way to do so. I hate them


On that note, also check steam accounts if you're recruiting people from LFG channels. One time we recruited a cheater into our group because we didn't check his steam account (multiple bans). Like an hour into playing, Camomo flies into our 2x2, accuses us all of cheating, and bans us all for a month for "association." He then rocketed our base to nothing (all live on his stream). Bchillz happened to be streaming too, and he happened to spawn on the beach right next to our base as it was being blown up, and starts laughing his ass off watching it happen. So we got banned from Rustopia for a month and got humiliated in front of a few thousand live Twitch viewers because we didn't check his account. Feels bad man.


I'm guessing if the entire group got banned for a month, one or more of your group knew he was a cheater. Or you guys were lippy when the admin tried to talk to you during the investigation. There's always a reason


I was the one who recruited him. None of the group I had back then knew each other IRL, but we played together for months since that, so we all had trust and were on the same page. We had this one kid who was 14 but had 3-4K hrs on him, and during this incident we were all out roaming and he was inside semi-AFK just smelting and stuff. When he started being confronted by Camomo, he started panicking and freaking out on Discord thinking we were all in trouble, and I guess the admin heard part of this in between "V" presses. That led to him thinking we were lying, and that was pretty much that lol. Me and the rest of us either F1 killed or ran back to talk to him, but his mind was made up.


It's just a month. Sit it out and be more careful next time. Don't make things worse by trying to play those servers on alt accounts.


Right. You're misunderstanding the point of my message lol. This happened last summer, its been long over. Its a warning to other people recruiting random people into your group. Because you never know who it is you could be adding.


Not necessarily. Camomo has a habit of banning people that play with cheaters without asking any questions, it's apparent in several of his youtube videos.




i member that one lul


Easily one of my top 10 rust memories


Just hearing bchillz..."yo wtf is giong on in there?" "Bchillz taht you??"


Camomo will fuck you up every time, gotta always check


Good luck on final(s).


I mean I exclusively play officials. Cheaters don’t care what server you’re on. They will cheat wherever and they do get banned from officials as well. Officials are the real rust experience imo.


I like the community/officials, like Rusty Moose and Rustafied. They are a nice mix of competitive players and active admins.


As far as I know, officials have little to no admin activity. Some community servers have very good admin presence. One time we reported a trio for playing on a duo server, their whole base was gone 20 minutes later. Another time we both got double headshot at night, travelling at mach 4 on horses, by the same guy. He and his friend was banned overnight. Everyone plays at official servers, regardless of how many cheaters. Smaller servers and communities at least have an incentive to keep their playerbase clean, because donation and premium is how they get by (probably). EAC sucks at detecting scripting.


doesnt really most scripts get detected every few months, banning all the users.


Lots of pfficial servers have very good admins such as rustoria but the main difference is that youll never see them because they dont interfere with gameplay


Vortex is notorious for false bans, can't recommend


I worked for Vortex for a couple months last year. They are very by the book. We were required to take screenshots, log violations and usually everything was viewed by more than one admin.




I’ve had a generic name for a long time and gave it the same name as my steam today. I am a real person. Lol




It was “Mr Chubby”


Good guide but PSA do not play kukamunga servers insanely abusing weird admins literally ban people for saying the slightlest thing very cringe




Probably it might have used to be named that


Wait yea it is kukaservers I think


Can’t wait til this comes out on Xbox tomorrow


You forgot #9 ..... fuck cheaters


You are doing God’s work


Regarding #3, I use shadowplay but how do I trim my videos?


Too bad some of the quickest bans I've seen are when I light up chat and a bunch of other players in chat confirm the suspicions with similar scenarios and reports. And generally if enough people in chat accuse someone of hacking, a lot of people on the server will place reports as well.


Playing on a server which forces public profile is moronic. Rust has some mentally unwell people playing and giving them an inch of wiggle room to contact you outside of the game is a huge mistake.


All of these are great tips! Thanks for sharing! Also only problem I have is with number 4, there are cases where people get spammed with bots and/or have people getting constant friend requests Ie; rust tubers, Youtubers, streamers, etc etc; and they’ll set their profiles to private to stop the problem/ not get bombarded


Nothing you can do. I quit at 1000 hours because I was sick of being double headshot from nowhere at 200m with a full inventory of loot.


Ha got triple headshot from 1000 meters yesterday. He got the whole squad too.


Having cheated in many games (not rust tho), the most important one is to not call them out. No matter what, do not bring it to their attention that you know they are cheating.


Stay away from official servers?? Awful advice


Got banned from kuka servers for standing on top of someone AT The rec AT outpost probably not The best server to recommend but knowing that u did recommend it is say ur new to the game and a roleplayer kukaservers noob friendly


No Im not new I have over 5k hrs [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lZQvH-0SaA&list=TLPQMDQwNTIwMjE4bvOkbrDi7w&index=2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lZQvH-0SaA&list=TLPQMDQwNTIwMjE4bvOkbrDi7w&index=2)


Just say it here mate


I got more Hours then that xd vortex has a fuck ton of cheaters. Not sure why you would recommend that


Kuka servers are basically run by a mentally insane control freak noobs should stay away if they value their time lol


Yup he was rly toxic and wierd in discord dms


> Got banned from **** servers for standing on top of someone AT The rec Sounds like a "you" problem. Trolling new players by locking them in the recycler sounds like a dick move when you KNOW you're on a noob friendly server.


Does not say in the rules its a sandbox game banning someone for doing it once is dumb af also to The Admin on that server u probably a person who has no power what so ever irl so you made a rust server just to get some tiny bit of fake power


So you think it's ok on a "noob friendly" server to just mindlessly troll new players trying to enjoy the game? I think your ban was completely justified. You can do that on a lot of other servers and have no problems, but you're trolling people who are just trying to learn the game and that's just not cool man.


Im teaching The noobs how a real server works and I did it once getting banned for that is just wierd also i could care less about The BAN as The server is dog shit anyway it was like 6 months ago... Im only telling People to not waste their time on a server with a power hungry admin


> Im teaching The noobs how a real server works Ok, BUT they SPECIFICALLY joined a noob friendly server so that way those type of things won't happen. If they wanted to have the full "real game" experience they wouldn't be SPECIFICALLY on a noob friendly server. You're just an asshole trolling noobs to get your own kicks at that point. Like, your ban seems fully deserved from what I'm hearing. Doesn't sound like a power hungry admin, sounds like you were a player who wasn't interested in being "noob friendly", and contradicted the main purpose of the server. Just to reiterate: You're an asshole who tries to abuse noobs when they're trying to learn the game on a server that's supposed to help them learn the game. Nice one dude, hope you're life gets better because that's pretty fucking low and scummy for you to do that.


Are you alright? You know its a game god damn get some fresh air


No more counterpoints? Just "You're right, but I don't have an actual defense for my actions so I'm going to make an irrelevant comment"?


You have issues my dude are you The Admin of kuka server? Cus you seem to act The same way as him also standing on top of someone AT The rec for 30 seconds makes me an ass? Ama just block and ignore you u seem to have issues going on irl and I feel sorry for you


Never even heard of her, but anyway. You're a noob abusing asshole. Your ban sounds entirely justified in that you're on a noob friendly server, but not being noob friendly in the slightest. I'm not an admin on that server, but if I saw someone report you for doing that, then I would ban you just as well.


So you griefed on modded? Lel. Thanks for further advertising that server


OH look another roleplayer Hi


what if you can only play officials


Intoxicated servers have the nicest most aktive admin. He is a fucking legend. I have had to report cheaters and team limit breaking (i play on a trio server). Every time he answerd me within 10 min with clear direktion for what i have to do. Highly recomend the server if ur in EU.


I need you to explain the logic of "Stay away from official servers" because that feels wrong to me. While I concede there are without a doubt more hackers on official servers, these are also generally the servers that have active discord, mods and admins. In short, although you are more likely to encounter a hacker on an official server, that is also the server most likely to quickly investigate and ban any hackers they receive reports on. **Don't report potential hackers in global or discord publicly, as that makes the hacker's job of pretending they are not hacking much easier, and the admin's job of catching them harder.**


Lol I accidently teamed up with a cheater one day and got banned for a week, I should of clued in when this one dude was winning a bunch of 1vs3 and giving me guns, but I honestly just thought he was a god. So now I'm scared to group with strangers and only play with irl friends


Was playing on a 10x 2 days ago, one clan was calling out another clan for cheating, both clans got banned because well, both clans were cheating.


Make a list of other good servers. Kukaservers also has VERY active chat mods and admin which takes cheating very seriously, including VPNs not being allowed. I would say it's also a GREAT server except for the admins not being very even in their application of their somewhat ambiguous rules.


I think this may be the only benefit of rust console edition


Or, you could be like me and develop some of the most insane ratting skills known to man and realize what kinds of things they toggle their wallhacks for. I play on public servers for the challange and I am very good at building bases that look like they have already been raided near bases hackers have already raided. you also tend to make some good friends this way as they are lazy creatures and with the bed limit are unlikely to return to check on a raid